Exemplo n.º 1
def color_tiles(img):
	size = img.size
	small_img = img.resize((size[0]/2, size[1]/2), BILINEAR)
	bw_img = small_img.convert('1', dither=False)
	gray_img = bw_img.convert('L')
	result = Image.new('RGB', size)
	tile1 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'green', 'red') 
	tile2 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'purple', 'yellow')
	tile3 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'yellow', 'brown')
	tile4 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'red', 'cyan')
	result.paste(tile1, (0, 0))
	result.paste(tile2, (size[0]/2, 0))
	result.paste(tile3, (0, size[1]/2))
	result.paste(tile4, (size[0]/2, size[1]/2))
	return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def color_tiles(img):
    size = img.size
    small_img = img.resize((size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2), BILINEAR)
    bw_img = small_img.convert('1', dither=False)
    gray_img = bw_img.convert('L')
    result = Image.new('RGB', size)
    tile1 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'green', 'red')
    tile2 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'purple', 'yellow')
    tile3 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'yellow', 'brown')
    tile4 = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'red', 'cyan')
    result.paste(tile1, (0, 0))
    result.paste(tile2, (size[0] / 2, 0))
    result.paste(tile3, (0, size[1] / 2))
    result.paste(tile4, (size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def tats(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 9)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)

    bg = random.choice(colours[:3])
    light = random.choice(colours[3:6])
    dark = random.choice(colours[6:])

    dist = math.sqrt(sum(map(lambda (a, b): math.pow(a - b, 2), zip(light, dark))))
    if dist < 100:
        light = util.modify_hls(light, l=lambda l: l + 100)

    light = util.modify_hls(light, s=lambda s: s + 100)
    dark = util.modify_hls(dark, s=lambda s: s + 100)

    layer = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, tuple(dark), tuple(light))
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size, tuple(bg))
    im.paste(layer, mask=layer)
    return im
Exemplo n.º 4
def put_contour(image,
    if not has_transparency(image):
        return put_border(image, size, offset, contour_color, fill_color,
                          opacity, include_image)
    image = image.convert('RGBA')
    mask = imtools.get_alpha(image)

    w, h = image.size
    outer_mask = mask.resize(
        (w + 2 * (size + offset), h + 2 * (size + offset)), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    inner_mask = mask.resize((w + 2 * offset, h + 2 * offset), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    inner_mask = ImageOps.expand(inner_mask, border=size, fill=0)
    paste(outer_mask, (255 * opacity) / 100, mask=inner_mask)
    if include_image:
        image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=size + offset, fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
        mask = ImageOps.expand(mask, border=size + offset, fill=0)
        paste(outer_mask, 255, mask=mask)

    contour = ImageOps.colorize(outer_mask, (255, 255, 255), contour_color)
    paste(contour, fill_color, mask=inner_mask)
    if include_image:
        paste(contour, image, mask=image)
    return contour
Exemplo n.º 5
def put_contour(image, size=1, offset=0, contour_color=0, fill_color=0,
        opacity=100, include_image=True):
    if not has_transparency(image):
        return put_border(
                    image, size, offset, contour_color, fill_color,
                    opacity, include_image)
    image = image.convert('RGBA')
    mask = imtools.get_alpha(image)

    w, h = image.size
    outer_mask = mask.resize(
        (w + 2 * (size + offset), h + 2 * (size + offset)),

    inner_mask = mask.resize(
        (w + 2 * offset, h + 2 * offset),
    inner_mask = ImageOps.expand(inner_mask, border=size, fill=0)
    paste(outer_mask, (255 * opacity) / 100, mask=inner_mask)
    if include_image:
        image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=size + offset, fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
        mask = ImageOps.expand(mask, border=size + offset, fill=0)
        paste(outer_mask, 255, mask=mask)

    contour = ImageOps.colorize(outer_mask, (255, 255, 255), contour_color)
    paste(contour, fill_color, mask=inner_mask)
    if include_image:
        paste(contour, image, mask=image)
    return contour
def rotate_and_draw_date(img, x_position, row_y, current_day, color):
    font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 14)
    txt = Image.new('L', (100, 25))
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
    d.text((0, 0), current_day.__str__(), font=font, fill=255)
    w = txt.rotate(-90, expand=1)
    img.paste(ImageOps.colorize(w, (0, 0, 0), color), (x_position, row_y), w)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def run(self):
        Limpia las imagenes empleando PIL
        # notificar el inicio de operaciones

        import Image, ImageChops, ImageOps, ImageEnhance

        for i in range(len(self.imagenesIn)):
            im = Image.open(self.imagenesIn[i])
            if im:
                im1 = ImageChops.invert(im)
                im = ImageChops.subtract(im1, im)
                im = im.convert('L')
                im = ImageChops.invert(im)
                im = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im).enhance(2.0)
                im = ImageOps.colorize(im, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
                self.notificador.error.emit('Error al procesar la imagen: ' +

        # notificar a la aplicacion el resultado de la operacion
        # notificar el fin de operaciones

Exemplo n.º 8
def tats(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 9)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)

    bg = random.choice(colours[:3])
    light = random.choice(colours[3:6])
    dark = random.choice(colours[6:])

    dist = math.sqrt(
        sum(map(lambda (a, b): math.pow(a - b, 2), zip(light, dark))))
    if dist < 100:
        light = util.modify_hls(light, l=lambda l: l + 100)

    light = util.modify_hls(light, s=lambda s: s + 100)
    dark = util.modify_hls(dark, s=lambda s: s + 100)

    layer = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + 'assets/tats.png')
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, tuple(dark), tuple(light))
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size, tuple(bg))
    im.paste(layer, mask=layer)
    return im
Exemplo n.º 9
def cf_image(cfs, coords, width=None, height=None, pos=(0,0), 
             size=26, border=5, bg=(0,0,0), colmap=None):
    Returns a PIL image showing the selected connection fields (CFS)
    as supplied by extract_CFs. Does not support non-square CF

    'cfs' is an ndarray of N dstacked cfs, each of shape (X,X): (X,X,N)
    'coords' is an ndarray of N coordinates: (N,2)
    'width' and 'height' are either None (full) of integer grid sizes
    'pos' is the starting position of the block, (x,y)
    'size' and 'border' are the cf image size and the border size in pixels.
    'colmap' is an RGB array shape (N,M,3) with values between 0.0 and 1.0.
    normalize = lambda arr: (arr - arr.min()) / (arr.max() - arr.min())
    cf_im = lambda cf, size: greyscale(normalize(cf)).resize((size,size), 
    (posx, posy) = pos
    (d1,d2) = zip(*coords)
    density = len(set(d1))
    assert density == len(set(d2)), "Not implemented for non-square sets"
    height = density if height is None else height
    width = density if width is None else width
    assert height>0 and width>0, "Height and width must be None or greater than zero"
    assert posx+width <= density, "X position and width greater than density"
    assert posy+height <= density, "Y position and width greater than density"
    # Functions mapping original coordinates onto consecutive grid indices
    fst_map =  dict(((ind,i) for (i,ind) in enumerate(sorted(set(d1)))))
    snd_map =  dict(((ind,i) for (i,ind) in enumerate(sorted(set(d2)))))
    # Generating a dictionary from the grid coordinates to the CF index
    mapped_coords = [(fst_map[fst],snd_map[snd]) for [fst,snd] in coords]
    indexed_coords = dict((coord,i) for (i, coord) in enumerate(mapped_coords))
    # Initialising the image
    imwidth = width*size+(width-1)*border
    imheight = height*size+(height-1)*border
    cf_block = Image.new('RGB', (imwidth, imheight), bg)

    # Building image row by row, top to bottom.
    for yind in range(height):
        for xind in range(width):
            # Swapped coordinate system
            cf_ind = indexed_coords[(yind+posy, xind+posx)]
            # Get color from the color map if available
            if colmap is not None:
                crd1, crd2 = coords[cf_ind]
                r,g,b = colmap[crd1, crd2, :]
                color = (r*255,g*255,b*255)
                color = (255, 255, 255)
            cf = cfs[:,:,cf_ind]
            (cf_dim1, cf_dim2) = cf.shape
            assert cf_dim1 == cf_dim2, "Only supports square CFs."
            cf_image = ImageOps.colorize(cf_im(cf, size), (0, 0, 0, 0), color)

            xoffset = xind*border
            yoffset = yind*border
            paste_coord = (xoffset+xind*size, yoffset+yind*size)
            cf_block.paste(cf_image, paste_coord)
    return cf_block
Exemplo n.º 10
def triangles(original, n=30, size=150, width=700,
              height=700, min_distance=70, opacity=220):
    original = original.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(original, 8)
    colours_ordered = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    brightest_colour = list(random.choice(colours_ordered[:3]))

    new = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))

    draw = aggdraw.Draw(new)

    centres = []

    def is_too_close(x, y):
        for centre in centres:
            if math.sqrt(math.pow(centre[0] - x, 2) + 
                         math.pow(centre[1] - y, 2)) < min_distance:
                return True
        return False

    for i in xrange(n):

        colour = tuple(colours[int(random.randint(0, len(colours) - 1))])
        x = random.randint(size / 2, width - 1 - size / 2)
        y = random.randint(size / 2, height - 1 - size / 2)

        if is_too_close(x, y):

        centres.append((x, y))

        brush = aggdraw.Brush(colour, opacity)
        points = get_triangle_path(x, y, size / 2, size / 2)
        draw.polygon(points, None, brush)

    brightest_colour = brightest_colour[0:3]

    texture = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')
    r, g, b, a = texture.split()
    texture = ImageOps.grayscale(texture)
    texture = ImageOps.colorize(texture, (0, 0, 0), tuple(brightest_colour))
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')

    r, g, b, a = new.split()

    texture = texture.crop((0, 0, width, height))
    texture_layer = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    texture_layer.paste(texture, mask=new)
    new.paste(texture_layer, mask=texture_layer)

    im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))
    im.paste(new, mask=a)

    return im
Exemplo n.º 11
 def changeColor(self, image, mask, color1, color2=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
     """Take an image and change its color, color is a tuple (R,G,B)"""
     print 'changing color of image to (%i, %i, %i, %i)' % color1
     image = ImageOps.colorize(image, color1, color2)
     xsize, ysize = image.size
     blank = Image.open('%s%i.png' % (self.templatePath, xsize))
     mask = Image.open(mask)
     image = Image.composite(image, blank, mask)
     return image
Exemplo n.º 12
def colorize_pixbuf (pixbuf, black, white):
    i = pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf)
    irgb = Image.open('/tmp/test_pb.png')
    ig = irgb.convert('L')
    icol = ImageOps.colorize(ig,black,white)
    return pil_to_pixbuf(icol)
Exemplo n.º 13
def colorize(image, black, white, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    if image.mode != 'L':
        im = image.convert('L')
        im = image
    colorized = ImageOps.colorize(im, black, white)
    if image.mode == 'RGBA':
        colorized = colorized.convert('RGBA')
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, colorized, amount / 100.0)
    return colorized
Exemplo n.º 14
def colorize(image, black, white, amount=100):
    """Apply a filter
    - amount: 0-1"""
    if image.mode != 'L':
        im = image.convert('L')
        im = image
    colorized = ImageOps.colorize(im, black, white)
    if image.mode == 'RGBA':
        colorized = colorized.convert('RGBA')
    if amount < 100:
        return imtools.blend(image, colorized, amount / 100.0)
    return colorized
Exemplo n.º 15
def ombre(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 12)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    light = random.choice(colours[:3])
    dark = random.choice(colours[-3:])

    layer = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + 'assets/ombre.jpg')
    layer = util.random_crop(layer, util.WIDTH, util.HEIGHT)

    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, dark, light)
    return layer
Exemplo n.º 16
def ombre(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 12)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    light = random.choice(colours[:3])
    dark = random.choice(colours[-3:])

    layer = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    layer = util.random_crop(layer, util.WIDTH, util.HEIGHT)
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, dark, light)
    return layer
Exemplo n.º 17
def mkImage (f, s, r):
	img = Image.new("RGB", (28,28), "#FFFFFF");
	#draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image);

	font = ImageFont.truetype(f, 32);
	t = Image.new('L', (100,100));
	d = ImageDraw.Draw(t);
	size = d.textsize(s, font=font);

	d.text((50,55), " "+s+" ", font=font, fill=255);

	t = t.rotate(r, expand=1);

	xsum = 0;
	ysum = 0;
	minx = 100;
	miny = 100;
	maxx = 0;
	maxy = 0;
	pixcount = 0;
	for i in range (0,t.size[0]):
		for j in range (0, t.size[1]):
			if (t.getpixel((i,j)) > 200):
				if ( minx > i ): minx = i;
				if ( miny > j ): miny = j;
				if ( maxx < i ): maxx = i;
				if ( maxy < j ): maxy = j;

				t.putpixel((i,j), 255);

				xsum += i;
				ysum += j;
				pixcount += 1;
#	xavr = xsum / (pixcount);
#	yavr = ysum / (pixcount);

	midx = (minx + maxx)/2;
	midy = (miny + maxy)/2;

#	if ( pixcount == 0 ):
#		print "pixcount == 0 at ", f, s;

	#d.text((14-size[0]/2,14-size[1]/2), s, font=font, fill=255);
	#img.paste(t, (0,0,t.size[0],t.size[1]));
	img.paste(ImageOps.colorize(t,(0,0,0),(0,0,0)), (14-midx,14-midy),t);

	return img;
Exemplo n.º 18
    def render(self,im):
        im2 = im.copy()
        if self.grayscale:
            im2 = ImageOps.grayscale(im2)        
            im2 = ImageOps.colorize(im2,"black","white")    
        if self.posterized:
            im2 = ImageOps.autocontrast(im2)                
            im2 = ImageOps.posterize(im2,self.posterize_bits)
            im2 = ImageOps.autocontrast(im2)
        if self.gridlines > 0:
            im2 = draw_grid(im2,self.gridlines)

        data = im2.tostring()
        surface = pygame.image.fromstring(data, im2.size, im2.mode)
Exemplo n.º 19
def process_bmp ( Data):
    Size = [0,0]    
    Size[0] = ord(Data[0]) | (ord(Data[1]) << 8)
    Size[1] = ord(Data[2]) | (ord(Data[3]) << 8)
    Im = Image.fromstring( "1",  (Size[1], Size[0]), Data[4:], "raw", "1;IR", 0, 1)

    Im = Im.rotate(90).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).convert('L')
    Im = ImageOps.colorize( Im, LCD_CHAR_COLOR, LCD_BACKLIGHT_COLOR)
    Size = (Im.size[0] + BORD_W*2, Im.size[1] + BORD_W*2)             # Add space for border
    newIm = Image.new( 'RGBA', Size)
    newIm.paste( Im, (1,1))
    del Im
    Draw = ImageDraw.Draw(newIm)
    Draw.rectangle([(0,0), (Size[0] - 1, Size[1] - 1)], outline = BORD_COLOR)
    del Draw    
    return newIm
Exemplo n.º 20
 def load_images(self):
     self.puff_images = {}
     for color in self.colors:
         p_color = ui.parse_color(color)
         self.puff_images[p_color] = []
         for i in range(25):
             with io.BytesIO(
                     ui.Image(self.puff_image_name +
                              str(i).zfill(2)).to_png()) as fp:
                 orig_puff = pilImage.open(fp)
                 gray_img = orig_puff.convert('L')
                 color_puff = ImageOps.colorize(gray_img, 'black', color)
                 with io.BytesIO() as fp2:
                     color_puff.save(fp2, 'PNG')
Exemplo n.º 21
def bokeh(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 8)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)[2:7]
    colour = random.choice(colours)
    colour = util.modify_hsv(colour, s=lambda s: 255, v=lambda v: 255)
    light = (255, 244, 180)

    layer = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    layer = util.random_crop(layer, util.WIDTH, util.HEIGHT)
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, colour, light)
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size)
    im.paste(layer, (0, 0), layer)
    return im
Exemplo n.º 22
def plaid(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 12)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    indices = sorted(random.sample(range(len(colours)), 3))
    colours = [colours[i] for i in indices]
    light, bg, dark = map(tuple, colours)

    layer = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + 'assets/plaid.png')
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, dark, light)
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size, bg)
    im.paste(layer, mask=layer)
    return im
Exemplo n.º 23
def bokeh(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 8)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)[2:7]
    colour = random.choice(colours)
    colour = util.modify_hsv(colour, s=lambda s: 255, v=lambda v: 255)
    light = (255, 244, 180)

    layer = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + 'assets/bokeh.png')
    layer = util.random_crop(layer, util.WIDTH, util.HEIGHT)
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, colour, light)
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size)
    im.paste(layer, (0, 0), layer)
    return im
Exemplo n.º 24
def draw(**kw):
    shape_size = 50, 90
    space = shape_size[0]//3
    margin = 10
    card = Image.new( 'RGB', ((shape_size[0]*3)+((margin+space)*2),
                               shape_size[1]   + (margin * 2)    ), 'white' )    
    if not os.path.isfile('shapes.png') \
       or Image.open('shapes.png').size != (shape_size[0]*3, shape_size[1]*3):
        #print "regenerating shapes.png... please stand by"
        create('shapes.png', shape_size)
        number = Card.numbers.index(kw['number']) + 1
        x1 = Card.shades.index(kw['shade']) * shape_size[0]
        x2 = x1 + shape_size[0]
        y1 = Card.shapes.index(kw['shape']) * shape_size[1]
        y2 = y1 + shape_size[1]

        shapes = Image.open('shapes.png')
        shape = shapes.crop( (x1,y1,x2,y2) )
        im = Image.new( 'L', (number*(shape_size[0]+space)-space, shape_size[1]), 'white' )
        for n in xrange(number):
            a = (shape_size[0]+space) * n
            b = a + shape_size[0]
            box = (a, 0, b, shape_size[1])
            im.paste(shape, box)
        im = ImageOps.colorize(im, kw['color'], 'white')

        card.paste(im, center(im, card.size))
    except Exception as e:
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(card)
        error = traceback.format_exc()
        attributes = ' '.join(kw.values())
        for n, errLine in enumerate([attributes] + error.split('\n')):
            draw.text((0,15*n), errLine, fill='black')
    ret = cStringIO.StringIO()
    card.save(ret, 'PNG')
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 25
def plaid(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 12)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    indices = sorted(random.sample(range(len(colours)), 3))
    colours = [colours[i] for i in indices]
    light, bg, dark = map(tuple, colours)

    layer = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, dark, light)
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size, bg)
    im.paste(layer, mask=layer)
    return im
Exemplo n.º 26
def topics2image2(ar, zoom = 1):
    square_size = int(math.sqrt(len(ar[0])))
    topics = Image.new("L", ((square_size*zoom+5)* len(ar), square_size*zoom+10),200)
    imzoom = numpy.ones((zoom,zoom), numpy.uint8)
    maxval = numpy.ones(square_size)

    for topic in range(len(ar)):
        pixels = numpy.zeros((square_size,square_size), numpy.uint8)
        for i in range(square_size):
            pixels[i,:]  =  map(lambda x:255*x, ar[topic][i*square_size:(i+1)*square_size ])
        #print pixels
        pixels = numpy.kron(pixels, imzoom)
        pixels = (255 - pixels)
        img = Image.fromarray(pixels,"L")#.convert("RGB")
#        img = ImageOps.convert(img)                
        img = ImageOps.autocontrast(img)        
        img = ImageOps.colorize(img, (0,0,0), (255,255,255))
        topics.paste(img, (1+(square_size*zoom+5)*topic, 5))
    return topics
Exemplo n.º 27
def leaves(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 8)
    light, dark = [colours[i] for i in random.sample(range(len(colours)), 2)]

    layer = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + 'assets/leaves.png')

    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, dark, light)

    width, height = layer.size

    # shift half of the image horizontally
    left = layer.crop((0, 0, width / 2, height))
    right = layer.crop((width / 2, 0, width, height))
    new = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
    new.paste(left, (width / 2, 0))
    new.paste(right, (0, 0))

    return new
Exemplo n.º 28
def leaves(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 8)
    light, dark = [colours[i] for i in random.sample(range(len(colours)), 2)]

    layer = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +

    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, dark, light)

    width, height = layer.size

    # shift half of the image horizontally
    left = layer.crop((0, 0, width / 2, height))
    right = layer.crop((width / 2, 0, width, height))
    new = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
    new.paste(left, (width / 2, 0))
    new.paste(right, (0, 0))

    return new
Exemplo n.º 29
def topics2image2(ar, zoom=1):
    square_size = int(math.sqrt(len(ar[0])))
    topics = Image.new(
        "L", ((square_size * zoom + 5) * len(ar), square_size * zoom + 10),
    imzoom = numpy.ones((zoom, zoom), numpy.uint8)
    maxval = numpy.ones(square_size)

    for topic in range(len(ar)):
        pixels = numpy.zeros((square_size, square_size), numpy.uint8)
        for i in range(square_size):
            pixels[i, :] = map(
                lambda x: 255 * x,
                ar[topic][i * square_size:(i + 1) * square_size])
        #print pixels
        pixels = numpy.kron(pixels, imzoom)
        pixels = (255 - pixels)
        img = Image.fromarray(pixels, "L")  #.convert("RGB")

        #        img = ImageOps.convert(img)
        img = ImageOps.autocontrast(img)
        img = ImageOps.colorize(img, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
        topics.paste(img, (1 + (square_size * zoom + 5) * topic, 5))
    return topics
Exemplo n.º 30
def makecolourediconset(shape, icon_colours, bg):
  coloured_images = []
  for col in icon_colours:
    coloured_images.append(ImageOps.colorize(shape, col, bg))
  coloured_images.append(ImageOps.colorize(shape, bg, bg))
  return coloured_images
Exemplo n.º 31
def mkImage (f, s, r):
	img = Image.new("RGB", (28,28), "#FFFFFF");
	#draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image);

	minx = 100;
	miny = 100;
	maxx = 0;
	maxy = 0;
	t = Image.new('L', (100,100));
	for fontsize in range(1,9):
		font = ImageFont.truetype(f, 16+fontsize*5);
		t = Image.new('L', (500,500));
		d = ImageDraw.Draw(t);
		size = d.textsize(s, font=font);

		d.text((50,50), " "+s+" ", font=font, fill=255);

		t = t.rotate(r, expand=1);

		#xsum = 0;
		#ysum = 0;
		minx = 100000;
		miny = 100000;
		maxx = 0;
		maxy = 0;
		#pixcount = 0;
		for i in range (0,t.size[0]):
			for j in range (0, t.size[1]):
				if (t.getpixel((i,j)) > 100):
					if ( minx > i ): minx = i;
					if ( miny > j ): miny = j;
					if ( maxx < i ): maxx = i;
					if ( maxy < j ): maxy = j;

					t.putpixel((i,j), 255);

					#xsum += i;
					#ysum += j;
					#pixcount += 1;
		xwidth = maxx-minx;
		ywidth = maxy-miny;
#		print minx, maxx, miny, maxy
		if ( xwidth > 18 and xwidth < 28): break;
		if ( ywidth > 18 and ywidth < 28): break;
#	xavr = xsum / (pixcount);
#	yavr = ysum / (pixcount);

	midx = (minx + maxx)/2;
	midy = (miny + maxy)/2;

	print minx, maxx, miny, maxy, midx, midy

#	if ( pixcount == 0 ):
#		print "pixcount == 0 at ", f, s;

	#d.text((14-size[0]/2,14-size[1]/2), s, font=font, fill=255);
	#img.paste(t, (0,0,t.size[0],t.size[1]));
	img.paste(ImageOps.colorize(t,(0,0,0),(0,0,0)), (14-midx,14-midy),t);

	return img;
Exemplo n.º 32
def vdiff(im0, im1):
    im0 = ImageOps.colorize( im0.convert('L'), (255, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
    im1 = ImageOps.colorize( im1.convert('L'), (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 255))            
    ImageChops.multiply(im0, im1).show()
Exemplo n.º 33
def counting(c_std, a_std, imageFile):
    image_list = [imageFile]
    c_std = float(c_std)
    if image_list[0][-3:] == 'tif':
        for f, filename in enumerate(image_list):
            subprocess.call(["convert", filename, filename + '.png'])
            image_list[f] = filename + '.png'
    output_filename_hash = (datetime.datetime.now().minute * 60 +

    images = [
        for filename in image_list
    #correlation_matrix = np.array([[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, 24, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]])
    correlation_matrix = np.array([[-5935, -5935, -5935, -5935, -5935],
                                   [-5935, 8027, 8027, 8027, -5935],
                                   [-5935, 8027, 30742, 8027, -5935],
                                   [-5935, 8027, 8027, 8027, -5935],
                                   [-5935, -5935, -5935, -5935, -5935]])
    median_diameter = 5
    local_max = 3
    #c_std = 1
    processed_images = [np.copy(image).astype(np.int64) for image in images]
    processed_images = \
 [np.subtract(image, np.minimum(spf.median_filter(image, median_diameter),
    for image in images]
    processed_images  = \
 [np.maximum(scipy.signal.correlate(image, correlation_matrix, mode='same'),
    for image in processed_images]
    thresholded_images = [
        image > np.mean(image) + c_std * np.std(image)
        #images[i] > np.mean(images[i]) + a_std * np.std(images[i])
        #images[i] > a_std
        for i, image in enumerate(processed_images)
    for i, mask in enumerate(thresholded_images):
        for (h, w), valid in np.ndenumerate(mask):
            if valid:
                local_slice = \
                    np.copy(processed_images[i][h - local_max:h + local_max + 1,
                    w - local_max:w + local_max + 1])
                if (h + local_max >= mask.shape[0]
                        or w + local_max >= mask.shape[1] or h - local_max < 0
                        or w - local_max < 0):
                    mask[h, w] = False
                local_slice[local_max, local_max] = 0
                if np.amax(local_slice) >= processed_images[i][h, w]:
                    mask[h, w] = False
    size = 4
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        i_std = np.std(image)
        i_median = np.median(image) - i_std
        i_max = np.amax(image)
        for (h, w), value in np.ndenumerate(image):
            if image[h, w] > i_median:
                image[h, w] = int(
                        math.sqrt(image[h, w] - i_median) /
                        math.sqrt(i_max - i_median) * float(2**8 - 1)))
                image[h, w] = 0
    output_images = [
            Image.fromstring('L', image.shape, image.astype(np.uint8)),
            (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) for image in images
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        for (h, w), value in np.ndenumerate(image):
            if thresholded_images[i][h, w]:
                box = ((w - size, h - size), (w + size, h + size))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(output_images[i])
                draw.rectangle(box, fill=None, outline='blue')
    # Editing the output file name; Will have the same as the filename + png
            str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(math.log(len(output_images), 10)))) +
            ' SIMPLE ' + str(output_filename_hash) + '.png')
        for i, image in enumerate(output_images)
    for i, image in enumerate(thresholded_images):
            str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(math.log(len(thresholded_images), 10)))) +
            ' ' + str(np.sum(np.sum(image))))
Exemplo n.º 34
    return 5 + ulpaste[1] + im.size[1] - slotwidth * (i + 1)

for i in xrange(slots):
    draw.text((ulpaste[0] - 6 * slotwidth, getrow(i)),
              "0x%08x" % (i * 0x02000000),

for row in xrange(32):
    txt = Image.new("L", (600, 60))
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
    d.text((0, 0), "0x%08x" % (row * 0x00100000), fill=255, font=dpf)
    del d
    rtxt = txt.rotate(17.5, expand=1)
    fim.paste(ImageOps.colorize(rtxt, "#ffffff", "#444444"),
              (ulpaste[0] +
               (row * (p_per_col / 32) * pheight), ulpaste[1] - 4 * slotwidth),
    del txt
    del rtxt

#draw.text ((ulpaste[0] + 0x00011000 * p_per_col*pheight / (32*1024*1024), ulpaste[1] + 65*slotwidth),
#           "Code/Data", fill="#000000", font=dpf)
#draw.text ((ulpaste[0] + 0x018C0000 * p_per_col*pheight / (32*1024*1024), ulpaste[1] + 65*slotwidth),
#           "Stack/Heap", fill="#000000", font=dpf)

def writerow(i, str):
    draw.text((10 * slotwidth, getrow(i)), str, fill="#000000", font=dpf)
Exemplo n.º 35
# figure out layout such that there are more columns than rows
while n_cols < n_rowsAdj:
	n_cols = n_cols + 1
	n_rowsAdj = n_rows/n_cols

if n_rows % n_cols*n_rowsAdj > 0:
	#n_rowsAdj = n_rowsAdj+1
	n_cols = n_cols + 1

#fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(n_clusters):
	iout = im.new('L',(m_frameBinned,n_frameBinned),"black")
	g0 = code==i
	g0 = g0.astype(np.uint8)*255
	iout = iops.colorize(iout,(0,0,0),(255,0,0))
	# blend mean of stack with this cluster's regions. flip image top to bottom
	ioutBlend = (im.blend(imean,iout,0.5)).transpose(im.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
	#ioutBlend.save("cluster_" + str(i) + ".tif")
	#ax = fig.add_subplot(n_rowsAdj,n_cols,i+1,frame_on=False)
	ax = plt.subplot(n_rowsAdj,n_cols,i+1)
	plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
	plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.savefig(sz_fbase + "_clusters.pdf",dpi=300,format="pdf")

# save traces out to text file
fout = open(sz_fbase + "_signals.txt",'w')
Exemplo n.º 36

details = get_data("details.xls")

for customer_detail in details["Sheet1"]:

	f = ImageFont.truetype("avantgarde.otf",14)

	name_txt=Image.new('L', (500,500))
	name_block = ImageDraw.Draw(name_txt)
	name_block.text( (15, 38), customer_detail[0],  font=f, fill=255)
	w=name_txt.rotate(0,  expand=3)
	im.paste( ImageOps.colorize(w, (0,0,0), (255,203,4)), (242,60),  w)

	phone_txt = Image.new('L',(500,500))
	phone_block = ImageDraw.Draw(phone_txt)
	phone_block.text( (15,70), str(customer_detail[1]), font=f, fill=255)
	w=phone_txt.rotate(0,  expand=3)
	im.paste( ImageOps.colorize(w, (0,0,0), (0,0,0)), (242,60),  w)

	comp_txt= Image.new('L',(500,500))
	comp_block = ImageDraw.Draw(comp_txt)
	comp_block.text( (30,98), customer_detail[2], font=f, fill=255)
	w=comp_txt.rotate(0,  expand=3)
	im.paste( ImageOps.colorize(w, (0,0,0), (0,0,0)), (242,60),  w)

	route_txt= Image.new('L',(500,500))
	route_block = ImageDraw.Draw(route_txt)
Exemplo n.º 37
def WeatherScreenshot():
    debug("\n ### WeatherScreenshot [%s] ### " % time.ctime())
    debug("Threading image acquisition")
    #th = threading.Thread(target=GetPhoto)
    #twd = threading.Thread(target=TheWalkingDead, args=(th,))
    #twd.walker = "Testing"
    #if not twd.is_alive():
    #    sys.exit(1)


    debug("Autenticating in Twitter")
    # App python-tweeter
    # https://dev.twitter.com/apps/815176
    tw = twitter.Api(
        consumer_key = cons_key,
        consumer_secret = cons_sec,
        access_token_key = acc_key,
        access_token_secret = acc_sec
    #debug("Retrieving info...")
    #msg = get_content()

    #if FAILCOUNTER < 0:
    #    print "Failed to acquire image.  Quitting..."
    #    sys.exit(1)
    #if not msg:
    msg = "Just another reboot at %s" % \
            time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime())
    tw.PostUpdate(status = msg)
    if False:
        msg_body = "\n".join(msg[1:])
        im = Image.open(filename)
        # just get truetype fonts on package ttf-mscorefonts-installer
            f_top = ImageFont.truetype(font="Arial", size=60)
        except TypeError:
            # older versions hasn't font and require full path
            arialpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf"
            f_top = ImageFont.truetype(arialpath, size=60)
            f_body = ImageFont.truetype(font="Arial", size=20)
        except TypeError:
            # older versions hasn't font and require full path
            arialpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf"
            f_body = ImageFont.truetype(arialpath, size=20)

        # SHADOW
        step = 1
        for c in [ WHITE, BLACK ]:
            txt = Image.new('L', IMGSIZE)
            d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
            d.text( (10 + step, 10 + step), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)
            position = 80
            for m in msg[1:]:
                d.text( (10 + step, position + step), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
                position += 20
            w = txt.rotate(0, expand=1)
            step = 0
            im.paste(ImageOps.colorize(w, c, c), (0,0), w)

        # adding the credit to the right guys (awesome guys btw)
        msg = u"%s \nvia http://forecast.io/#/f/59.4029,17.9436" % "\n".join(msg)
            print u"%s" % msg
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            # I just hate this...
        if sys.argv[-1] == "dry-run":
            debug("Just dry-run mode.  Done!")
            #tw.PostMedia(status = msg,media = filename)
            tw.Post(status = msg)
            print "Failed for some reason..."
            # it failed so... deal w/ it.
        print "no message available"
Exemplo n.º 38
def sphereToPicture(sphere):
    picture = normalize(sphere)
    picture = ImageOps.colorize(picture, (10, 0, 100), (0, 256, 0))
    picture = imageToPygame(picture)
    return picture
Exemplo n.º 39
def draw_and_compare():
    #global save_im, remaining, fail_count, last_saved_count
    global colors
    save_im_copy = whistler.save_im.copy()

    #poly_rect_area = get_rand_rect()

    rx1, ry1 = randint(0, whistler.width), randint(0, whistler.height)
    rim = choice(imgs)
    canvasOffset = 0
    rx1 = (rx1 - ((rx1 - canvasOffset) % rim.size[0]));
    ry1 = (ry1 - ((ry1 - canvasOffset) % rim.size[1]));

    offset = choice([1,2,3,4,5,6])
    if offset==1:
        rx1 = rx1 - rim.size[0]/2
        ry1 = ry1 - rim.size[1]/2
    if offset==2:
        rx1 = rx1 - rim.size[0]/2
        ry1 = ry1 + rim.size[1]/2
    if offset==3:
        rx1 = rx1 + rim.size[0]/2
        ry1 = ry1 - rim.size[1]/2
    if offset==4:
        rx1 = rx1 + rim.size[0]/2
        ry1 = ry1 + rim.size[1]/2
    rangle = randint(0,359)
    rim = rim.rotate(rangle, Image.NEAREST, expand=True)
    if choice([1,2]) == 2:
        rim = rim.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
    if choice([1,2]) == 2:
        rim = rim.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
    rx2 = rx1 + rim.size[0]
    ry2 = ry1 + rim.size[1]

    #save_im_crop = whistler.save_im.crop((rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))

    im_crop = whistler.im.crop((rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))
    save_im_copy_crop = save_im_copy.crop((rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))    
    im_crop.load(), save_im_copy_crop.load()

    r,g,b = varyb(vary(choice(colors)))
    rc, bc, bc, ralpha = rim.split()
    blob = ImageOps.colorize(ImageOps.grayscale(rim.convert('RGB')),(r,g,b,0), (255,255,255,0))
    #blob = rim.convert('RGB')
                 (rx1, ry1), mask=ralpha)
    painted_crop = whistler.save_im.crop((rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2))

    old_diff = whistler.abs_diff(save_im_copy_crop,im_crop)
    new_diff = whistler.abs_diff(painted_crop,im_crop)
    if new_diff < old_diff:
        whistler.remaining -= old_diff-new_diff
        #print ':\timproved\t' + str(old_diff-new_diff)\
        #             + '\tremaining:\t' + str(remaining)
        whistler.last_saved_count = 0
        whistler.save_im = save_im_copy
        whistler.fail_count +=1
Exemplo n.º 40
def triangles(original,
    original = original.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(original, 8)
    colours_ordered = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    brightest_colour = list(random.choice(colours_ordered[:3]))

    new = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))

    draw = aggdraw.Draw(new)

    centres = []

    def is_too_close(x, y):
        for centre in centres:
            if math.sqrt(
                    math.pow(centre[0] - x, 2) +
                    math.pow(centre[1] - y, 2)) < min_distance:
                return True
        return False

    for i in xrange(n):

        colour = tuple(colours[int(random.randint(0, len(colours) - 1))])
        x = random.randint(size / 2, width - 1 - size / 2)
        y = random.randint(size / 2, height - 1 - size / 2)

        if is_too_close(x, y):

        centres.append((x, y))

        brush = aggdraw.Brush(colour, opacity)
        points = get_triangle_path(x, y, size / 2, size / 2)
        draw.polygon(points, None, brush)

    brightest_colour = brightest_colour[0:3]

    texture = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')
    r, g, b, a = texture.split()
    texture = ImageOps.grayscale(texture)
    texture = ImageOps.colorize(texture, (0, 0, 0), tuple(brightest_colour))
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')

    r, g, b, a = new.split()

    texture = texture.crop((0, 0, width, height))
    texture_layer = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    texture_layer.paste(texture, mask=new)
    new.paste(texture_layer, mask=texture_layer)

    im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))
    im.paste(new, mask=a)

    return im
Exemplo n.º 41
    dt = t[int(i*len(t)/O)] - t0
    t0 = t[int(i*len(t)/O)]
    #current star color
    color = cols[int(i*len(t)/O)]
    #take next gif image
    image = im[i % N]
    #get image size
    isize = image.size
    bsize = tuple((isize[0]*2,isize[1]))
    size = tuple([int(z * R[int(i*len(t)/O)]) for z in isize])
    #apply color transform to image
    r, g, b, alpha = image.split()
    gray = ImageOps.grayscale(image)
    img = ImageOps.colorize(gray, (0,0,0,0), color)

    #resize transform to image
    img = img.resize(size)

    #apply filter to image
    #omage = omage.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)

    #generate HR plot
    sub.plot(np.log10(Teff)[:int(i*len(t)/O)+1], logL[:int(i*len(t)/O)+1], 'b.', ms=4)
    sub.tick_params(axis='x', colors='white')
    sub.tick_params(axis='y', colors='white')
Exemplo n.º 42
def plot_ld_heatmap(mat_file,
                    missing_color=(255, 255, 255),
                    bg_color=(255, 255, 255),
                    chrm_color=(0, 0, 0),
    Create a triangle heatmap plot from a numpy matrix of pairwise-bin values. Each cel of the
    matrix is a summary statistic (e.g. mean or 95th percentile) of the LD between the two bins.
    The matrix can either be square or upper-right-hand. bins is a three-column matrix:
    chrmosome, start position, summary value.
    TODO: support creating diamond heatmaps from a square matrix.

    import csv

    def load_matrix(x, first):
        with open(abspath(x), "rU") as i:
            r = csv.reader(i, delimiter=",")
            h = r.next()[first:]
            m = np.array(list(
                map(lambda x: float("nan" if x == "NA" else x), row[first:])
                for row in r),
            return (h, m)

    mat = load_matrix(mat_file, 1)[1]
    #mat = mat[0:5063,0:5063]
    bin_cols, bins = load_matrix(bin_file, 0)
    #bins = bins[0:5063,]
    chrm_col = which("chrm", bin_cols)
    stat_col = which(summary_stat, bin_cols)

    chrms = bins[:, chrm_col]
    chrm_idxs = np.unique(chrms, return_index=True)[1]
    chrms = [int(chrms[index]) for index in sorted(chrm_idxs)]

    # TODO: this is a hack. Fix the process_ld_file function to write blank lines for missing windows
    row = 0
    nan = float("nan")
    blank = [nan] * (bins.shape[1] - 3)
    for chrm in chrms:
        pos = 0
        while row < bins.shape[0] and int(bins[row, chrm_col]) == chrm:
            if int(bins[row, 1]) != pos:
                bins = np.insert(bins, row, [chrm, pos, 0] + blank, axis=0)
                mat = np.insert(mat, row, nan, axis=0)
                mat = np.insert(mat, row, nan, axis=1)
            row += 1
            pos += window_size

    mat_size = mat.shape[0]
    assert mat_size == mat.shape[1], "Matrix is not square"
    assert mat_size == len(bins), "Matrix and bins are of different size"

    def convert_chrm(c):
        c = int(c)
        return "X" if c == 23 else str(c)

    chrms = map(convert_chrm, bins[..., chrm_col])

    im = Image.new("RGB", (mat_size + X_OFFSETS[4], mat_size + Y_OFFSETS[0]),
    pixels = im.load()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file, font_size)

    chrm_id = None
    chrm_end = 0
    tic_interval = 10000000 / window_size

    for row, summary in enumerate(bins[..., stat_col]):
        chrm = chrms[row]

        def get_line_coords(start, end):
            x1 = row + X_OFFSETS[start]
            y1 = row + Y_OFFSETS[start]
            x2 = row + X_OFFSETS[end]
            y2 = row + Y_OFFSETS[end]
            return ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))

        # draw summary line
        color = heatmap(summary,
                        cmap) if not np.isnan(summary) and summary > 0 else 0
        draw.line(get_line_coords(2, 3), fill=color)

        for col in xrange(row, mat_size):
            x = col + X_OFFSETS[4]
            val = mat[row, col]
            if np.isnan(val) or val < 0:
                pixels[x, row] = missing_color
                pixels[x, row] = heatmap(val, cmap)

        # Label chromosome boundaries
        if chrm != chrm_id or row == (mat_size - 1):
            draw.line(get_line_coords(0, 2), fill=chrm_color, width=5)

            if chrm_id is not None:
                # first draw text in a blank image, then rotate and paste into the main image
                txt = str(chrm_id)
                txt_size = draw.textsize(txt, font=font)
                txt_img = Image.new("L", txt_size)
                txt_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt_img)
                txt_draw.text((0, 0), txt, font=font, fill=255)
                txt_img = txt_img.rotate(-45, expand=1)
                offset = max(txt_size[0], txt_size[1])
                lft_indent = int(math.floor((txt_img.size[0] - offset) / 2))
                top_indent = int(math.floor((txt_img.size[1] - offset) / 2))
                txt_img = txt_img.crop(
                    (lft_indent, top_indent, txt_img.size[0] - lft_indent,
                     txt_img.size[1] - top_indent))

                text_row = int(chrm_end + ((row - chrm_end) / 2))
                text_x = int(text_row + X_OFFSETS[0] +
                             ((X_OFFSETS[2] - X_OFFSETS[0]) / 2) -
                             (txt_img.size[0] / 2))
                text_y = int(text_row + Y_OFFSETS[0] +
                             ((Y_OFFSETS[2] - Y_OFFSETS[0]) / 2) -
                             (txt_img.size[1] / 2))
                im.paste(ImageOps.colorize(txt_img, bg_color, chrm_color),
                         (text_x, text_y))

            chrm_id = chrm
            chrm_end = row

        # add tics
        if tics and ((row - chrm_end) % tic_interval) == 0:
            draw.line(get_line_coords(1, 2), fill=chrm_color, width=3)

    # convert to RGBA (required for background recoloring)
    im2 = im.convert("RGBA")

    # rotate
    im2 = im2.rotate(45, expand=True)

    # recolor background
    bg = Image.new("RGBA", im2.size, (255, ) * 4)
    im2 = Image.composite(im2, bg, im2)

    # convert back to RGB
    im = im2.convert(im.mode)

    # crop
    final_height = int(math.ceil(
        math.sqrt(2 * math.pow(mat_size, 2)) / 2)) + OFFSETS[-1]
    im = im.crop((0, 0, im.size[0], final_height))

    # save
Exemplo n.º 43
    def add_text_image(self, text_image, offset = (242,60)):
        self.base.paste(ImageOps.colorize(text_image, (0,0,0), self.colour), offset, text_image)

        return self.base
Exemplo n.º 44
def counting(c_std, a_std, imageFile):
    image_list = [imageFile]
    c_std = float(c_std)
    if image_list[0][-3:] == "tif":
        for f, filename in enumerate(image_list):
            subprocess.call(["convert", filename, filename + ".png"])
            image_list[f] = filename + ".png"
    output_filename_hash = datetime.datetime.now().minute * 60 + datetime.datetime.now().second

    images = [scipy.misc.imread(filename).astype(np.uint16) for filename in image_list]
    # correlation_matrix = np.array([[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, 24, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]])
    correlation_matrix = np.array(
            [-5935, -5935, -5935, -5935, -5935],
            [-5935, 8027, 8027, 8027, -5935],
            [-5935, 8027, 30742, 8027, -5935],
            [-5935, 8027, 8027, 8027, -5935],
            [-5935, -5935, -5935, -5935, -5935],
    median_diameter = 5
    local_max = 3
    # c_std = 1
    processed_images = [np.copy(image).astype(np.int64) for image in images]
    processed_images = [
        np.subtract(image, np.minimum(spf.median_filter(image, median_diameter), image)) for image in images
    processed_images = [
        np.maximum(scipy.signal.correlate(image, correlation_matrix, mode="same"), np.zeros_like(image)).astype(
        for image in processed_images
    thresholded_images = [
        image > np.mean(image) + c_std * np.std(image)
        # images[i] > np.mean(images[i]) + a_std * np.std(images[i])
        # images[i] > a_std
        for i, image in enumerate(processed_images)
    for i, mask in enumerate(thresholded_images):
        for (h, w), valid in np.ndenumerate(mask):
            if valid:
                local_slice = np.copy(
                    processed_images[i][h - local_max : h + local_max + 1, w - local_max : w + local_max + 1]
                if (
                    h + local_max >= mask.shape[0]
                    or w + local_max >= mask.shape[1]
                    or h - local_max < 0
                    or w - local_max < 0
                    mask[h, w] = False
                local_slice[local_max, local_max] = 0
                if np.amax(local_slice) >= processed_images[i][h, w]:
                    mask[h, w] = False
    size = 4
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        i_std = np.std(image)
        i_median = np.median(image) - i_std
        i_max = np.amax(image)
        for (h, w), value in np.ndenumerate(image):
            if image[h, w] > i_median:
                image[h, w] = int(
                    np.around(math.sqrt(image[h, w] - i_median) / math.sqrt(i_max - i_median) * float(2 ** 8 - 1))
                image[h, w] = 0
    output_images = [
        ImageOps.colorize(Image.fromstring("L", image.shape, image.astype(np.uint8)), (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
        for image in images
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        for (h, w), value in np.ndenumerate(image):
            if thresholded_images[i][h, w]:
                box = ((w - size, h - size), (w + size, h + size))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(output_images[i])
                draw.rectangle(box, fill=None, outline="blue")
                # Editing the output file name; Will have the same as the filename + png
            str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(math.log(len(output_images), 10))))
            + " SIMPLE "
            + str(output_filename_hash)
            + ".png"
        for i, image in enumerate(output_images)
    for i, image in enumerate(thresholded_images):
        print(str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(math.log(len(thresholded_images), 10)))) + " " + str(np.sum(np.sum(image))))
Exemplo n.º 45
def cf_image(cfs,
             pos=(0, 0),
             bg=(0, 0, 0),
    Returns a PIL image showing the selected connection fields (CFS)
    as supplied by extract_CFs. Does not support non-square CF

    'cfs' is an ndarray of N dstacked cfs, each of shape (X,X): (X,X,N)
    'coords' is an ndarray of N coordinates: (N,2)
    'width' and 'height' are either None (full) of integer grid sizes
    'pos' is the starting position of the block, (x,y)
    'size' and 'border' are the cf image size and the border size in pixels.
    'colmap' is an RGB array shape (N,M,3) with values between 0.0 and 1.0.
    normalize = lambda arr: (arr - arr.min()) / (arr.max() - arr.min())
    cf_im = lambda cf, size: greyscale(normalize(cf)).resize(
        (size, size), Image.NEAREST)
    (posx, posy) = pos
    (d1, d2) = zip(*coords)
    density = len(set(d1))
    assert density == len(set(d2)), "Not implemented for non-square sets"
    height = density if height is None else height
    width = density if width is None else width
    assert height > 0 and width > 0, "Height and width must be None or greater than zero"
    assert posx + width <= density, "X position and width greater than density"
    assert posy + height <= density, "Y position and width greater than density"
    # Functions mapping original coordinates onto consecutive grid indices
    fst_map = dict(((ind, i) for (i, ind) in enumerate(sorted(set(d1)))))
    snd_map = dict(((ind, i) for (i, ind) in enumerate(sorted(set(d2)))))
    # Generating a dictionary from the grid coordinates to the CF index
    mapped_coords = [(fst_map[fst], snd_map[snd]) for [fst, snd] in coords]
    indexed_coords = dict(
        (coord, i) for (i, coord) in enumerate(mapped_coords))
    # Initialising the image
    imwidth = width * size + (width - 1) * border
    imheight = height * size + (height - 1) * border
    cf_block = Image.new('RGB', (imwidth, imheight), bg)

    # Building image row by row, top to bottom.
    for yind in range(height):
        for xind in range(width):
            # Swapped coordinate system
            cf_ind = indexed_coords[(yind + posy, xind + posx)]
            # Get color from the color map if available
            if colmap is not None:
                crd1, crd2 = coords[cf_ind]
                r, g, b = colmap[crd1, crd2, :]
                color = (r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
                color = (255, 255, 255)
            cf = cfs[:, :, cf_ind]
            (cf_dim1, cf_dim2) = cf.shape
            assert cf_dim1 == cf_dim2, "Only supports square CFs."
            cf_image = ImageOps.colorize(cf_im(cf, size), (0, 0, 0, 0), color)

            xoffset = xind * border
            yoffset = yind * border
            paste_coord = (xoffset + xind * size, yoffset + yind * size)
            cf_block.paste(cf_image, paste_coord)
    return cf_block
Exemplo n.º 46
dpf = ImageFont.truetype ("datapro.ttf", fs)

def getrow(i):
    return 5 + ulpaste[1] + im.size[1] - slotwidth * (i + 1)

for i in xrange(slots):
    draw.text ((ulpaste[0] - 6 * slotwidth, getrow(i) ),
               "0x%08x" % (i * 0x02000000), fill="#444444", font=dpf)

for row in xrange(32):
    txt=Image.new("L", (600,60))
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
    d.text ((0,0), "0x%08x" % (row * 0x00100000), fill=255, font=dpf)
    del d
    rtxt = txt.rotate (17.5, expand=1)
    fim.paste (ImageOps.colorize(rtxt, "#ffffff", "#444444"),
               (ulpaste[0] + (row*(p_per_col/32)*pheight), ulpaste[1] - 4*slotwidth), rtxt)
    del txt
    del rtxt

#draw.text ((ulpaste[0] + 0x00011000 * p_per_col*pheight / (32*1024*1024), ulpaste[1] + 65*slotwidth),
#           "Code/Data", fill="#000000", font=dpf)
#draw.text ((ulpaste[0] + 0x018C0000 * p_per_col*pheight / (32*1024*1024), ulpaste[1] + 65*slotwidth),
#           "Stack/Heap", fill="#000000", font=dpf)

def writerow(i, str):
    draw.text ((10 * slotwidth, getrow(i) ), str, fill="#000000", font=dpf)

writerow (0, "Slot  0: Active Process")
writerow (1, "Slot  1: ROM Image")
Exemplo n.º 47
def makecolourediconset(shape, icon_colours, bg):
    coloured_images = []
    for col in icon_colours:
        coloured_images.append(ImageOps.colorize(shape, col, bg))
    coloured_images.append(ImageOps.colorize(shape, bg, bg))
    return coloured_images
Exemplo n.º 48
Arquivo: ld.py Projeto: jdidion/jpd
def plot_ld_heatmap(mat_file, bin_file, outfile, window_size=500000, summary_stat="unlinked_pct", 
        cmap=DEFAULT_CMAP, missing_color=(255, 255, 255), bg_color=(255, 255, 255), chrm_color=(0, 0, 0),
        tics=False, font_file="/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial.ttf", font_size=80):
    Create a triangle heatmap plot from a numpy matrix of pairwise-bin values. Each cel of the
    matrix is a summary statistic (e.g. mean or 95th percentile) of the LD between the two bins.
    The matrix can either be square or upper-right-hand. bins is a three-column matrix:
    chrmosome, start position, summary value.
    TODO: support creating diamond heatmaps from a square matrix.
    import csv
    def load_matrix(x, first):
        with open(abspath(x), "rU") as i:
            r = csv.reader(i, delimiter=",")
            h = r.next()[first:]
            m = np.array(list(map(lambda x: float("nan" if x == "NA" else x), row[first:]) for row in r), dtype=np.float64)
            return (h, m)

    mat = load_matrix(mat_file, 1)[1]
    #mat = mat[0:5063,0:5063]
    bin_cols, bins = load_matrix(bin_file, 0)
    #bins = bins[0:5063,]
    chrm_col = which("chrm", bin_cols)
    stat_col = which(summary_stat, bin_cols)

    chrms = bins[:,chrm_col]
    chrm_idxs = np.unique(chrms, return_index=True)[1]
    chrms = [int(chrms[index]) for index in sorted(chrm_idxs)]

    # TODO: this is a hack. Fix the process_ld_file function to write blank lines for missing windows
    row = 0
    nan = float("nan")
    blank = [nan] * (bins.shape[1]-3)
    for chrm in chrms:
        pos = 0
        while row < bins.shape[0] and int(bins[row, chrm_col]) == chrm:
            if int(bins[row, 1]) != pos:
                bins = np.insert(bins, row, [chrm, pos, 0] + blank, axis=0)
                mat = np.insert(mat, row, nan, axis=0)
                mat = np.insert(mat, row, nan, axis=1)
            row += 1
            pos += window_size

    mat_size = mat.shape[0]
    assert mat_size == mat.shape[1], "Matrix is not square"
    assert mat_size == len(bins), "Matrix and bins are of different size"
    def convert_chrm(c):
        c = int(c)
        return "X" if c == 23 else str(c)
    chrms = map(convert_chrm, bins[...,chrm_col])

    im = Image.new("RGB", (mat_size + X_OFFSETS[4], mat_size + Y_OFFSETS[0]), bg_color)
    pixels = im.load()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file, font_size)

    chrm_id = None
    chrm_end = 0
    tic_interval = 10000000 / window_size
    for row, summary in enumerate(bins[...,stat_col]):
        chrm = chrms[row]

        def get_line_coords(start, end):
            x1 = row + X_OFFSETS[start]
            y1 = row + Y_OFFSETS[start]
            x2 = row + X_OFFSETS[end]
            y2 = row + Y_OFFSETS[end]
            return ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
        # draw summary line
        color = heatmap(summary, cmap) if not np.isnan(summary) and summary > 0 else 0
        draw.line(get_line_coords(2, 3), fill=color)
        for col in xrange(row, mat_size):
            x = col + X_OFFSETS[4]
            val = mat[row,col]
            if np.isnan(val) or val < 0:
                pixels[x, row] = missing_color
                pixels[x, row] = heatmap(val, cmap)
        # Label chromosome boundaries
        if chrm != chrm_id or row == (mat_size - 1):
            draw.line(get_line_coords(0, 2), fill=chrm_color, width=5)
            if chrm_id is not None:
                # first draw text in a blank image, then rotate and paste into the main image
                txt = str(chrm_id)
                txt_size = draw.textsize(txt, font=font)
                txt_img = Image.new("L", txt_size)
                txt_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt_img)
                txt_draw.text((0, 0), txt, font=font, fill=255)
                txt_img = txt_img.rotate(-45, expand=1)
                offset = max(txt_size[0], txt_size[1])
                lft_indent = int(math.floor((txt_img.size[0] - offset) / 2))
                top_indent = int(math.floor((txt_img.size[1] - offset) / 2))
                txt_img = txt_img.crop((lft_indent, top_indent, 
                    txt_img.size[0] - lft_indent, txt_img.size[1] - top_indent))
                text_row = int(chrm_end + ((row - chrm_end) / 2))
                text_x = int(text_row + X_OFFSETS[0] + ((X_OFFSETS[2] - X_OFFSETS[0]) / 2) - (txt_img.size[0] / 2))
                text_y = int(text_row + Y_OFFSETS[0] + ((Y_OFFSETS[2] - Y_OFFSETS[0]) / 2) - (txt_img.size[1] / 2))
                im.paste(ImageOps.colorize(txt_img, bg_color, chrm_color), (text_x, text_y))
            chrm_id = chrm
            chrm_end = row
        # add tics
        if tics and ((row - chrm_end) % tic_interval) == 0:
            draw.line(get_line_coords(1, 2), fill=chrm_color, width=3)
    # convert to RGBA (required for background recoloring)
    im2 = im.convert("RGBA")
    # rotate
    im2 = im2.rotate(45, expand=True)
    # recolor background
    bg = Image.new("RGBA", im2.size, (255,)*4)
    im2 = Image.composite(im2, bg, im2)
    # convert back to RGB
    im = im2.convert(im.mode)
    # crop
    final_height = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(2 * math.pow(mat_size, 2)) / 2)) + OFFSETS[-1]
    im = im.crop((0, 0, im.size[0], final_height))
    # save
Exemplo n.º 49
def sphereToPicture(sphere):
    picture = normalize(sphere)
    picture = ImageOps.colorize(picture, (10,0,100), (0,256,0))
    picture = imageToPygame(picture)
    return picture
Exemplo n.º 50
def WeatherScreenshot():
    global filename

    debug("\n ### WeatherScreenshot [%s] ### " % time.ctime())
    debug("Threading image acquisition")
    th = threading.Thread(target=GetPhoto)
    twd = threading.Thread(target=TheWalkingDead, args=(th, ))
    twd.walker = "Testing"
    if not twd.is_alive():


    debug("Autenticating in Twitter")
    # App python-tweeter
    # https://dev.twitter.com/apps/815176
    tw = twitter.Api(consumer_key=cons_key,
    debug("Retrieving info...")
    msg = get_content()

    if FAILCOUNTER < 0:
        print("Failed to acquire image.  Quitting...")
    if not msg:
        msg = "Just another shot at %s" % \
            time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime())
    if msg:
        im = Image.open(filename)
        # just get truetype fonts on package ttf-mscorefonts-installer
            f_top = ImageFont.truetype(font="Impact", size=60)
        except TypeError:
            # older versions hasn't font and require full path
            arialpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Impact.ttf"
            f_top = ImageFont.truetype(arialpath, size=60)
            f_body = ImageFont.truetype(font="Arial", size=20)
        except TypeError:
            # older versions hasn't font and require full path
            arialpath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf"
            f_body = ImageFont.truetype(arialpath, size=20)
        # SHADOW
        step = 1

        for c in [ WHITE, BLACK ]:
            txt = Image.new('L', IMGSIZE)
            d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
            d.text( (10 + step, 10 + step), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)
            position = 80
            for m in msg[1:]:
                d.text( (10 + step, position + step), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
                position += 20
            w = txt.rotate(0, expand=1)
            step = 0
            im.paste(ImageOps.colorize(w, c, c), (0,0), w)
        step = 0
        debug("Writting in WHITE")
        txt = Image.new('L', IMGSIZE)
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)

        ## Title ##
        # border first
        d.text((10 + step + 1, 10 + step), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)
        d.text((10 + step - 1, 10 + step), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)
        d.text((10 + step, 10 + step + 1), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)
        d.text((10 + step, 10 + step - 1), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)

        ## Body ##
        position = 80
        for m in msg[1:]:
            # border first
            d.text((10 + step + 1, position + step), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
            d.text((10 + step - 1, position + step), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
            d.text((10 + step, position + step + 1), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
            d.text((10 + step, position + step - 1), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
            # content
            d.text((10 + step, position + step), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
            position += 20

        # final touch
        w = txt.rotate(0, expand=1)
        im.paste(ImageOps.colorize(w, WHITE, WHITE), (0, 0), w)

        debug("Writting in BLACK")
        txt = Image.new('L', IMGSIZE)
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
        # content
        d.text((10 + step, 10 + step), msg[0], font=f_top, fill=255)
        position = 80
        for m in msg[1:]:
            # content
            d.text((10 + step, position + step), m, font=f_body, fill=255)
            position += 20

        # final touch
        w = txt.rotate(0, expand=1)
        im.paste(ImageOps.colorize(w, BLACK, BLACK), (0, 0), w)

        # adding the credit to the right guys (awesome guys btw)
        msg = u"%s \nvia http://forecast.io/#/f/59.4029,17.9436" % "\n".join(
            print(u"%s" % msg)
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            # I just hate this...
        if sys.argv[-1] == "dry-run":
            debug("Just dry-run mode.  Done!")
            tw.PostUpdate(status=msg, media=filename)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Failed for some reason:", e)
            # it failed so... deal w/ it.
        print("no message available")