Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.LVL = 1  # Starting level is 1
     self.MAX_LVL = 25
     self.spells = []  # List of spell objects which Warrior can cast
     self.armor = Items.Armor('Coat', 2, 10, 'coat')  # Armor item
     self.weapon = Items.Weapon('Knife', 2, 8, 'knife')  # Weapon item
     self.KO = False  # Knocked out
     self.EXP = 0  # Starting experience
     self.UP_EXP = 0
     self.INT = 0
     self.STR = 0
     self.DEX = 0
     self.DUR = 0
     self.INT_INC = 0
     self.STR_INC = 0
     self.DEX_INC = 0
     self.DUR_INC = 0
     self.hp_multiplier = 0
     self.mp_multiplier = 0
     self.dmg_multiplier = 0
     self.exp_multiplier = 0
     self.base_evs = 0.05  # Base chance of attack evasion
     self._res_name = None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def theTrickster(self, player, pInventory):
        inventory = pInventory
        thePlayer = player
        necklace = Items.Armor("Amulet", 5, 0)
            "The tent looks dark from the outside, but not one to be easily scared you step through. Inside it looks like a magical faerie forest. On a log to the right you see a creature with the legs of a goat and body of a human. It's curled horns sit atop it's head right next to it's fawn-like ears."
        choice = input("Do you approach? y/n: ")
        if choice == "n":
            print("well, that was just too much, you back right out of there.")
        elif choice == "y":
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   .  \\@\\   .@ .    @          .              .     #     *****     
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                "The fawn-like creature looks up at you and smiles. \"My name is Puck, do you like riddles? If you can answer correctly I have a prize for you! If you answer incorrectly, well, we'll see what happens."
            riddles = ["candle", "shadow", "wind"]
            pick = random.choice(riddles)
            if pick == "candle":
                riddle1 = input('''
║What is the sister of the sun, though made for the night?     ║
║The fire causes her tears to fall, and when she is near dying ║
║they cut off her head.                                        ║
║1 - Moon                                                      ║
║2 - Mirror                                                    ║
║3 - Candle                                                    ║
║4 - Telescope                                                 ║
                if riddle1 == "1":
                    print("that is incorrect")
                if riddle1 == "2":
                    print("not even close")
                if riddle1 == "3":
                        "wow! you're a genious. have a cool necklace that makes you healthier!"
                    inventory["Accessory"] = necklace
                    #player.setHP()  = player.getHP() + 5
                    inventory["Hit Points"] = inventory.get("Hit Points") + 5
                if riddle1 == "4":
                        "I don't even know what that is...are you even trying?"
                input("Press any key to continue")
            elif pick == "shadow":
                riddle2 = input('''
║I have one and you have one. So do the woods, fields, streams ║
║and seas, fish, beasts and crops and everything else in this  ║
║revolving world.                                              ║
║1 - Sleep                                                     ║
║2 - Hunger                                                    ║
║3 - Soul                                                      ║
║4 - Shadow                                                    ║
                if riddle2 == "1":
                    print("the stream never sleeps")
                if riddle2 == "2":
                    print("I could go for some mutton....")
                if riddle2 == "3":
                    print("I certainly doubt that")
                if riddle2 == "4":
                    print("why yes!")
                    inventory["Accessory"] = necklace
                    #player.setHP()  = player.getHP() + 5
                    inventory["Hit Points"] = inventory.get("Hit Points") + 5
                input("Press any key to continue")
            elif pick == "wind":
                riddle3 = input('''
║Tell me, what is it that fills the sky and the whole earth    ║
║and tears up new shoots, and shakes all foundations, but      ║
║cannot be seen by eyes or touched by hands?                   ║
║1 - Trees                                                     ║
║2 - Lightning                                                 ║
║3 - Fire                                                      ║
║4 - Wind                                                      ║
                if riddle3 == "1":
                    print("whoever heard of an invisible tree?")
                if riddle3 == "2":
                    print("that's just silly")
                if riddle3 == "3":
                    print("are you even trying?")
                if riddle3 == "4":
                    print("I can't trick you!")
                    inventory["Accessory"] = necklace
                    #player.setHP()  = player.getHP() + 5
                    inventory["Hit Points"] = inventory.get("Hit Points") + 5
                input("Press any key to continue")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def sell(self, playerClass, pInventory):
        player = playerClass
        inventory = pInventory
        if self.vendorType == "weapon":
            if player == "Child":
                    "You stare in awe at the wide assortment of weapons before you, but your eye keeps landing on that perfect, shiny sword that looks just your size...there is a price tag that says $10"
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "I see that this fine sword fits perfectly in your hands. Since you are so charming, I'll only ask $5."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        childWeapon = Items.Weapon("Sword", 2, 6, 5)
                        return childWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "I see that this fine sword fits perfectly in your hands. It can be yours for a mere $10"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        childWeapon = Items.Weapon("Sword", 2, 6, 10)
                        return childWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "Adult":
                    "As you down some mead from your drinking horn, you glance quickly at the wares inside the tent. There! It's size and shininess immediately attract your semi-drunken eyes. You know you need that giant foam sword. The price tag says $20."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "Ahh, for such a fighter as you, this two-handed sword would be a fine fit. Your words are as honeyed as your mead, so for a mere $10 and this can be yours."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        adultWeapon = Items.Weapon("Two-Handed Sword", 3, 12,
                        return adultWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "Ahh, for such a fighter as you, this two-handed sword would be a fine fit. It can be yours for $20"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        adultWeapon = Items.Weapon("Two-Handed Sword", 3, 12,
                        return adultWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "Anime Fan":
                    "You came because your friends told you it was a costume friendly event, and you stayed because there's food and alcohol. But wait, what is this? A ridiculously large blade with a barrel attached to the top, and a trigger fixed in the handle! You must have it! The price tag on it says $20"
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "I honestly don't know why I brought this gunblade, but it seems you can't take your eyes off it. I can appreciate some good anime as much as the next guy, so how about just $10 for it?"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        animeWeapon = Items.Weapon("Gunblade", 4, 8, 10)
                        return animeWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "I honestly don't know why I brought this gunblade, but it seems you can't take your eyes off it. It matches your costume quite well, how about $20"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        animeWeapon = Items.Weapon("Gunblade", 4, 8, 20)
                        return animeWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "LARPer":
                    "You live for these events, and the chance to show off your gear. You also never turn down the chance for more gear, and that battle hammer would be a nice addition to your collection, and it says it's only $10."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "You look like you could bash a few heads in with just your bare hands, but this battle hammer would work even better! This can be yours for the discounted price of $5"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        larperWeapon = Items.Weapon("Battle Hammer", 5, 10, 5)
                        return larperWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "You look like you could bash a few heads in with just your bare hands, but this battle hammer would work even better! This can be yours for only $10."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        larperWeapon = Items.Weapon("Battle Hammer", 5, 10, 10)
                        return larperWeapon
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last.")
            elif player == "King Arthur":
                    "As a King you must always be prepared, and that means a sword. Approaching the tent, you see a familiar rock on display."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "A fine day to you, my King. I have this special sword over here. Some damp tart chucked it at me from out of a lake as I was walking by"
                    kingWeapon = Items.Weapon("Excalibur", 20, 1000000, 0)
                        "A fine day to you, my King. I have this special sword over here. Some damp tart chucked it at me from out of a lake as I was walking by"
                    kingWeapon = Items.Weapon("Excalibur", 20, 1000000, 0)
                return kingWeapon

        if self.vendorType == "armor":
            if player == "Child":
                    "As you step through the flaps, your eyes behold an assortment of protective gear. Most of it looks much too big for you, but then you see a shield that looks just your size! As you grab hold of it, you faintly hear the words 'Hey! Listen!' ringing in your ears... The tag on the shield says it's $10."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "Your knowledge of this shield has made my day! How about you take it for just $5, today. It goes with that green costume really well!"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        childArmor = Items.Armor("Shield", 5, 5)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + childArmor.get_ac()
                            "You have an incredible urge to start smashing clay pots..."
                        return childArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "This shield has been used to save many princesses! Or actually, just one... many times. It goes for $10."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        childArmor = Items.Armor("Shield", 5, 10)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + childArmor.get_ac()
                        return childArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "Adult":
                print("The breastplate is $30.")
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "You seem quite the talker. I'll give you this breastplate for $15 if you'll just go away."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        adultArmor = Items.Armor("Breastplate", 2, 15)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + adultArmor.get_ac()
                        return adultArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "That's a great piece of armor there; it got me through some tough battles. How about $30 and it's yours?"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        adultArmor = Items.Armor("Breastplate", 2, 30)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + adultArmor.get_ac()
                        return adultArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "Anime Fan":
                    "You're not sure why you are bothering to come here; none of the stuff on display matches your costume. Oh, what's this? You just happen to catch a glimpse of the end of a dangling belt, one of many(almost 100 it seems!), attached to a long coat with an enormous hood. You search frantically for the price tag, there...it says $30."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "You actually want to buy this? I didn't think I'd ever get rid of it. I'll let you have it for just $15"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        animeArmor = Items.Armor("Trenchcoat", 1, 15)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + animeArmor.get_ac()
                        return animeArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "I didn't actually mean to pack that for today, but now I'm glad I did. It suits you! Let's call it $30"
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        animeArmor = Items.Armor("Trenchcoat", 1, 30)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + animeArmor.get_ac()
                        return animeArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "LARPer":
                    "From across the walkway you are blinded by the shining metal reflecting off of a chainmail shirt. As you look closer, you realize it's actually just soda can tabs strung together. But hey, people don't get that close to you anyway. With a price of $20 on the tag, you might need to add this to your collection."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "This set of chainmail seems it was made just for you. It's a perfect fit! It also matches the rest of your gear. I'll take $10 and it's yours."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        larperArmor = Items.Armor("Chainmail", 3, 10)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + larperArmor.get_ac()
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
                        "Each tab was carefully collected from the leftover cans of long hours at the keyboard, grinding and completing raids with my guild. It's only $20."
                    buy = input(
                        "Would you like to complete this purchase? y/n")
                    if buy == "y":
                        larperArmor = Items.Armor("Chainmail", 3, 20)
                        inventory["Dexterity"] = inventory.get(
                            "Dexterity") + larperArmor.get_ac()
                        return larperArmor
                    if buy == "n":
                        print("Deals like this don't last!")
            elif player == "King Arthur":
                    "Even a magnificent king such as yourself needs some fantastic armor. Hold on I have just the thing. The man walks away and comes back with a set of full plate mail."
                if self.charmed == True:
                        "A fitting set of plate mail for a fitting king! Hurrah!"
                    kingArmor = Items.Armor("Excalibur", 20, 0)
                        "You're used to people fawning over you but this guy seems less than impressed as he tells you the armor will be $100"
                    kingArmor = Items.Armor("Excalibur", 20, 100)
                return kingArmor

        if self.vendorType == "consumable":
            water = Items.Consumable("water", 5, 2)
            mutton = Items.Consumable("mutton", 4, 6)
            mead = Items.Consumable("mead", 3, 4)
            liquor = Items.Consumable("liquor", 4, 5)
            turkey = Items.Consumable("turkey leg", 3, 5)
            shopping = True
            consumable = inventory.get("Consumables")
            while shopping:
                choice = input('''
║What food or drink would you like?║
║1 - Buy water for $2              ║
║2 - Buy mead for $4               ║
║3 - Buy liquor for $5             ║
║4 - Buy mutton for $6             ║
║5 - Buy turkey leg for $5         ║
║6 - Leave this area               ║
                if choice == "1":
                elif choice == "2":
                    if player == "Child":
                            "I don't believe you're old enough to purchase that."
                elif choice == "3":
                    if player == "Child":
                            "I don't believe you're old enough to purchase that."
                elif choice == "4":
                elif choice == "5":
                elif choice == "6":
                    inventory["Consumables"] = consumable
                    shopping = False
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():

    #create map
    mapList = MapFile.makeMap()
    faireMap = Map.TheMap(mapList)
    theGame, loaded = renquestIntro.intro()
    playerStats = renquestIntro.chooseChar()
    #create player character
    if loaded != True:
        inventory = {
            "Name": "",
            "Attack": 0,
            "Dexterity": 0,
            "Charisma": 0,
            "Hit Points": 0,
            "Weapon": "",
            "Player Class": "",
            "Money": 0,
            "Consumables": [],
            "Spaces": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
        consumable = inventory.get("Consumables")
        spaces = inventory.get("Spaces")
        dagger = Items.Weapon("Dagger", 0, 4, 0)
        armor = Items.Armor("", 0, 0)
        necklace = Items.Armor("", 0, 0)
        inventory["Weapon"] = dagger
        inventory["Armor"] = armor
        inventory["Accessory"] = necklace
        inventory["Name"] = playerStats.get("name")
        inventory["Player Class"] = playerStats.get("playerClass")
        inventory["Attack"] = playerStats.get("ATK")
        inventory["Dexterity"] = playerStats.get("DEX")
        inventory["Charisma"] = playerStats.get("CHA")
        inventory["Hit Points"] = playerStats.get("HP")
        inventory["Money"] = playerStats.get("money")
        player = character.Player(inventory.get("Name"),
                                  inventory.get("Hit Points"),
                                  inventory.get("Money"), inventory,
                                  consumable, spaces,
                                  inventory.get("Player Class"))
        playerClass = inventory.get("Player Class")
        maxHP = player.getHP()

        #create the knight
        knightWeapon = Items.Weapon("Two-Handed Sword", 3, 6, 0)
        knight = character.Character("The Knight", 7, 7, 8, 50, knightWeapon)
        #create the game
        theGame = TheGame(inventory.get("Name"), knight, player)

#set fill character
    oldPos = "·"
    #create display
    print("Use arrow keys to move around the map")
    gameMapUI = faireMap.mapUI()
    gameStatsUI = player.statsUI(player.inventory)
    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
    #set current player variables
    curPosX = 2
    curPosY = 10
    newPos = "·"

    #loop to allow movement to continue
    #    curPosX = 6
    #    curPosY = 18
    newPos = "§"
    if newPos == "§":
    while True:
        uIn = ord(msvcrt.getch())
        playerChar = "☻"
        if uIn == 224:  #special character
            uIn = ord(msvcrt.getch())
            message, dead, level = player.healthValidation(inventory)
            if level != 1:
                if dead == True:
                    print("\nYou lose the game")
            if uIn == 72:  #UP
                newPosX = (curPosX - 1)
                newPos = faireMap.getFillChar(newPosX, curPosY)
                print("Your current position: " + newPos)
                if newPos == "▲":
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                        "The trees are too dense to go through. Choose another direction."
                    faireMap.setFillChar(curPosX, curPosY, oldPos)
                    faireMap.setFillChar(newPosX, curPosY, playerChar)
                    oldPos = newPos
                    curPosX = newPosX
                    gameMapUI = faireMap.mapUI()
                    gameStatsUI = player.statsUI(player.inventory)
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                    if newPos == "█":
                        theGame.vendors(curPosX, curPosY, playerClass,
                                        player.inventory, faireMap, player)
                    elif newPos == "♥":
                        theGame.waterTent(player, faireMap, inventory, maxHP)
                    elif newPos == "╔" or newPos == "╗" or newPos == "╚" or newPos == "╝":
                        theGame.battle(player, inventory, knight, knightWeapon)
                    elif newPos == "§":
            if uIn == 80:  #DOWN
                newPosX = (curPosX + 1)
                newPos = faireMap.getFillChar(newPosX, curPosY)
                print("Your current position: " + newPos)
                if newPos == "▲":
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                        "The trees are too dense to go through. Choose another direction."
                    faireMap.setFillChar(curPosX, curPosY, oldPos)
                    faireMap.setFillChar(newPosX, curPosY, playerChar)
                    oldPos = newPos
                    curPosX = newPosX
                    gameMapUI = faireMap.mapUI()
                    gameStatsUI = player.statsUI(player.inventory)
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                    if newPos == "█":
                        theGame.vendors(curPosX, curPosY, playerClass,
                                        player.inventory, faireMap, player)
                    elif newPos == "♥":
                        theGame.waterTent(player, faireMap, inventory, maxHP)
                    elif newPos == "╔" or newPos == "╗" or newPos == "╚" or newPos == "╝":
                        theGame.battle(player, inventory, knight, knightWeapon)
                    elif newPos == "§":
            if uIn == 75:  #LEFT
                newPosY = (curPosY - 1)
                newPos = faireMap.getFillChar(curPosX, newPosY)
                print("Your current position: " + newPos)
                if newPos == "▲":
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                        "The trees are too dense to go through. Choose another direction."
                    faireMap.setFillChar(curPosX, curPosY, oldPos)
                    faireMap.setFillChar(curPosX, newPosY, playerChar)
                    oldPos = newPos
                    curPosY = newPosY
                    gameMapUI = faireMap.mapUI()
                    gameStatsUI = player.statsUI(player.inventory)
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                    if newPos == "█":
                        theGame.vendors(curPosX, curPosY, playerClass,
                                        player.inventory, faireMap, player)
                    elif newPos == "♥":
                        theGame.waterTent(player, faireMap, inventory, maxHP)
                    elif newPos == "╔" or newPos == "╗" or newPos == "╚" or newPos == "╝":
                        theGame.battle(player, inventory, knight, knightWeapon)
                    elif newPos == "§":
            if uIn == 77:  #RIGHT
                newPosY = (curPosY + 1)
                newPos = faireMap.getFillChar(curPosX, newPosY)
                print("Your current position: " + newPos)
                if newPos == "▲":
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                        "The trees are too dense to go through. Choose another direction."
                    faireMap.setFillChar(curPosX, curPosY, oldPos)
                    faireMap.setFillChar(curPosX, newPosY, playerChar)
                    oldPos = newPos
                    curPosY = newPosY
                    gameMapUI = faireMap.mapUI()
                    gameStatsUI = player.statsUI(player.inventory)
                    theGame.display(gameMapUI, gameStatsUI)
                    if newPos == "█":
                        theGame.vendors(curPosX, curPosY, playerClass,
                                        player.inventory, faireMap, player)
                    elif newPos == "♥":
                        theGame.waterTent(player, faireMap, inventory, maxHP)
                    elif newPos == "╔" or newPos == "╗" or newPos == "╚" or newPos == "╝":
                        theGame.battle(player, inventory, knight, knightWeapon)
                    elif newPos == "§":