Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):
        """start the process of control, it capsulates the following process:
            1. Start DataFetcherThread to get data from DB.
            2. Get the initial values in controlaccess from subcontrol
            3. Invoke guiaccess to create window and assign the data to guiaccess instance.
            4. Fill data in GUI
        # First, call gobject.threads_init
        # this MUST prior to any GUI operation code.

        factory = FetcherFactory();
        self.fecher = factory.getFetcher(self.fetcherCls);
        if(isinstance(self.fecher, str)):
            self.showDialog("Error", self.fecher);
            raise Exception(self.fecher);

        # !!! the self.fecher is SubContrl for RFS
        #                     but LTEStatusDataFetch for SD
        if(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "SubControl"):
            # we are launched for RF Sharing
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_RFS);
        elif(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "LTEStatusSubControl"):
            # we are launched for LTE Status Display
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_LTE);
        elif(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "LTEStatusDataFetch"):
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_LTE);
        elif(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "NewWCDMAStatusSubControl"):
            # we are launched for WCDMA Status Display
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_WCDMA);
            raise Exception("SubControl class unknown!");
        #this hash just use to simple the code construct ,here definetion a function hash
        #in the following "for" loop,to call every function
        func_hash = {'columnDef':DataControl.getInstance().setColumnDef,
        for attr in func_hash:
            if (not hasattr(self.fecher,attr)):
                raise Exception("SubControl should has attribute:", attr);
        # set LTEStatusData static variables

        data = LTEStatusData();  # construct an empty data for GUI to use
        #Added below 2 line to bind cpRawvalue function with datacontrol
        col_list = ColumnDef.getInstance().getVisibleColumns();

        self._gui = LTEStatusGUI(self, data); 
            # at here we will set the ViewHandlerBase.colIndexMap
            # but subcontrol is constructed early that LTEStatusGUI constructed!
            # ==>
            # must call sub-control's setColumnsInfo after LTEStatusGUI constructed
        if ( hasattr(self.fecher, "setGUIObj") ):
        if ( hasattr(self.fecher, "setColumnsInfo") ):
#            print "setColumnsInfo for sub-control";

        # 2) start the worker thread
#        print "[LTEStatusControle] start DataFetchThread, time=" , time.time()
        self._guard = ThreadGuard(self);
        fetchType = self.action;
        #  --------------------- only for status report
        if(cmp(self.action, "showme") == 0 or cmp(self.action, "showcluster") == 0):
            fetchType = "mr";
            if(cmp(self.action, "showme") == 0):
                fetchType = "lnbts";
        #  end --------------------- only for status report
        self._worker = DataFetcherThread(self._guard, self.fecher, fetchType, self.gids);
        # worker can start fetch data now.
        self.notifyDataUpdated = None;

        filters = {"DN":{"MRBTS":False,"FTM":False, "LNBTS":True,"LNCEL":True},
                   "COSTATE":{"Non operational":False,"Operational":True}};
        sub_filters = DataControl.getInstance().getDataFilters();
        if(sub_filters != None):
           filters = sub_filters;

        ## for lazy-loading
        if( hasattr(self.fecher, "guiActionsObj") ):
            #print "subcontrol has guiActionsObj, re-init basic actions";
            self._gui.action_invoker = self.fecher.guiActionsObj;
            self._gui.reg_actions = {};

        # for disable table right-click-menu
        if(hasattr(self.fecher, "onInitTableRightMenu")):
            self._gui.fp_onInitTableRightMenu = self.fecher.onInitTableRightMenu;
        # for default-view.
        # Every subcontrol MUST set it's own default-view.
        if(hasattr(self.fecher, "setDefaultView")):
            self.fecher.setDefaultView(self._gui, data);
            # TODO:
            # each application must has a default view
            # raise Exception("sub-control does not has setDefaultView method!");
            # currently hardcoded for Status Display!!!
            #ViewHandlerBase.currentActivatedView = ViewHandlerBase.viewType_DN;
            self._gui.action_invoker.refreshOnce(None, self._gui);

        # at last, (after GUI destroy) notify DataFetchThread to exit
Exemplo n.º 2
class LTEStatusControl:
    """Status report control module
         (bobyan)2011.4.11 add a factory to create fetcher to support RFS subcontrol
                           add a controlaccess to enable subcontrol transfering settings to guiaccess
    def __init__(self, paras):
        """Control construct:
           1. Set the values to instance variable ( gid, action, fetcherCls);
           2. Construct the dataControl and hand it in subcontrol.
           3. initiate the subcontrol.
        @param:paras an object including information inputed from out module.e.g. action/fetcherCls/gid etc.
        @exception:It raise an exception if no fetcher found.
        self.gids = paras.get_property('gid');
#        print "param gids=", self.gids;
        self.action = paras.get_property('action');
#        print "param action=", self.action;
        self.fetcherCls = paras.get_property('fetcherCls');
#        print "param fetcherCls=", self.fetcherCls;

    def setAction(self, action):
        """set special action for out module
        @param:action specify the special actionname
        self.action = action;

    def getAutoRefreshInterval(self):
        return self._settings.getConfigItem(AppConfig.SI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL);

    def saveAutorefreshInterval(self, new_interval):
        return self._settings.setConfigItem(AppConfig.SI_AUTOREFRESH_INTERVAL, new_interval);

    def run(self):
        """start the process of control, it capsulates the following process:
            1. Start DataFetcherThread to get data from DB.
            2. Get the initial values in controlaccess from subcontrol
            3. Invoke guiaccess to create window and assign the data to guiaccess instance.
            4. Fill data in GUI
        # First, call gobject.threads_init
        # this MUST prior to any GUI operation code.

        factory = FetcherFactory();
        self.fecher = factory.getFetcher(self.fetcherCls);
        if(isinstance(self.fecher, str)):
            self.showDialog("Error", self.fecher);
            raise Exception(self.fecher);

        # !!! the self.fecher is SubContrl for RFS
        #                     but LTEStatusDataFetch for SD
        if(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "SubControl"):
            # we are launched for RF Sharing
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_RFS);
        elif(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "LTEStatusSubControl"):
            # we are launched for LTE Status Display
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_LTE);
        elif(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "LTEStatusDataFetch"):
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_LTE);
        elif(self.fecher.__class__.__name__ == "NewWCDMAStatusSubControl"):
            # we are launched for WCDMA Status Display
            self._settings = AppConfig(AppConfig.SETTING_WCDMA);
            raise Exception("SubControl class unknown!");
        #this hash just use to simple the code construct ,here definetion a function hash
        #in the following "for" loop,to call every function
        func_hash = {'columnDef':DataControl.getInstance().setColumnDef,
        for attr in func_hash:
            if (not hasattr(self.fecher,attr)):
                raise Exception("SubControl should has attribute:", attr);
        # set LTEStatusData static variables

        data = LTEStatusData();  # construct an empty data for GUI to use
        #Added below 2 line to bind cpRawvalue function with datacontrol
        col_list = ColumnDef.getInstance().getVisibleColumns();

        self._gui = LTEStatusGUI(self, data); 
            # at here we will set the ViewHandlerBase.colIndexMap
            # but subcontrol is constructed early that LTEStatusGUI constructed!
            # ==>
            # must call sub-control's setColumnsInfo after LTEStatusGUI constructed
        if ( hasattr(self.fecher, "setGUIObj") ):
        if ( hasattr(self.fecher, "setColumnsInfo") ):
#            print "setColumnsInfo for sub-control";

        # 2) start the worker thread
#        print "[LTEStatusControle] start DataFetchThread, time=" , time.time()
        self._guard = ThreadGuard(self);
        fetchType = self.action;
        #  --------------------- only for status report
        if(cmp(self.action, "showme") == 0 or cmp(self.action, "showcluster") == 0):
            fetchType = "mr";
            if(cmp(self.action, "showme") == 0):
                fetchType = "lnbts";
        #  end --------------------- only for status report
        self._worker = DataFetcherThread(self._guard, self.fecher, fetchType, self.gids);
        # worker can start fetch data now.
        self.notifyDataUpdated = None;

        filters = {"DN":{"MRBTS":False,"FTM":False, "LNBTS":True,"LNCEL":True},
                   "COSTATE":{"Non operational":False,"Operational":True}};
        sub_filters = DataControl.getInstance().getDataFilters();
        if(sub_filters != None):
           filters = sub_filters;

        ## for lazy-loading
        if( hasattr(self.fecher, "guiActionsObj") ):
            #print "subcontrol has guiActionsObj, re-init basic actions";
            self._gui.action_invoker = self.fecher.guiActionsObj;
            self._gui.reg_actions = {};

        # for disable table right-click-menu
        if(hasattr(self.fecher, "onInitTableRightMenu")):
            self._gui.fp_onInitTableRightMenu = self.fecher.onInitTableRightMenu;
        # for default-view.
        # Every subcontrol MUST set it's own default-view.
        if(hasattr(self.fecher, "setDefaultView")):
            self.fecher.setDefaultView(self._gui, data);
            # TODO:
            # each application must has a default view
            # raise Exception("sub-control does not has setDefaultView method!");
            # currently hardcoded for Status Display!!!
            #ViewHandlerBase.currentActivatedView = ViewHandlerBase.viewType_DN;
            self._gui.action_invoker.refreshOnce(None, self._gui);

        # at last, (after GUI destroy) notify DataFetchThread to exit

    def exitWorker(self):
        self._worker.ShouldQuit = True;

    def setDataNotifyMethod(self, method):
        self.notifyDataUpdated = method;

    def fetchDataFromDB(self):
        if (self._guard.canStartFetchData()):
#            print "[in thread:", threading.currentThread().getName(), "] DataFetch is ongoing, do nothing.";
#            print "[in thread:", threading.currentThread().getName(), "] tell DataFetcherThread thread to fetch data from DB.";
            status_text = "Loading data, please wait...";
            self._gui.showStatus(self._gui.STATUS_DYNAMIC, status_text);

    def copyDataFromWorkerThread(self, worker_data):
#        print "[in thread:", threading.currentThread().getName(), "] now copy data from worker.";
        self._gui.data = worker_data;
#        print "data row=", len(self._gui.data.getRealNodes());
            self._gui.data = self._gui.data.replace("ErRor", "Error");
            self.showDialog("Error", self._gui.data);
            #self._gui.data = None;
            #self._gui.delete_event(None, None);  # in such case, exit. 
            # we can not direct call doActions here
            # otherwise, we will got error like:
            #  (LTEStatusControle.py:3659): Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkdraw.c: line 370 (gdk_draw_line): assertion `gc != NULL' failed
            # instead, call it from timer(in error_quit)
            # copyed from old getTopologyData
            # TODO: it's very strange that we need to change the mainmenu, toolbar, etc
            #       each time when we fetched data from DB!
            data = self._gui.data;
            # copyed from old getTopologyData

#            print "[in thread:", threading.currentThread().getName(), "] Done(copy data from worker).";
            if ( None != self.notifyDataUpdated ):
#		a = time.time()
#                print "[in thread:", threading.currentThread().getName(), "] now update view. start time = ",a;
#                print "[in thread:", threading.currentThread().getName(), "]  Done(update view). end time = ",time.time()," cost = ",time.time()-a;
                raise Exception("Fatal: setDataNotifyMethod should be called before call fetchDataFromDB");

    def mergeActionToGUI(self, gui):
        """Merge actions from controlaccess into guiaccess
        @param:dataControl the control instance from subcontrol
        @param:gui guiaccess instance , it can access all components in GUI
        actions = DataControl.getInstance().getWindowActions();

    def getCurTitle(self):
        """Get window title, the old value is set in the method, but if there is subcontrol,
        it just get the value according to getWindowTitle in subcontrol class.
        @param:widget the component which trigger the action.
        @param:guiacces LTEStatusGUI instance
        @return:the window title name.
        title = "";
        if(cmp(self.action,'showme') == 0):
            self.title_name = "Status Report";
            title = self.title_name;
            curtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()));
            title += "_" + str(curtime);
        elif(cmp(self.action,'showcluster') == 0):
            mrname = self.getMRName();
            self.title_name = "Status of " + mrname + " Report";
            title = self.title_name;
            curtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()));
            title += "_" + str(curtime);
               title = self.fecher.getWindowTitle(self.action,self.gids);
        return title;

    def getUname(self):
        """Expired method (not in use)
        pid = os.getpid();
    def getMRName(self):
        """Especially for LTE subsystem.
        mrName_list = self.fecher.getMrname(self.gids);
            self.showDialog("Error", mrName_list);
            mrName_list = [];
        mrname = "";
        for MR_Name in mrName_list:
            mrname += " " + MR_Name;
        return mrname;
    def showDialog(self,title,information):
        """To show the dialog including some error information before show status window.
        @param:title the window title of message dialog
        @param:information the content in the window.
        window = gtk.Dialog(title,
                   gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
                   ("OK", gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT))

        label = gtk.Label("\n" + information+"\n");

        window.vbox.pack_start(label,False, False,0)