def bulid_Net(image, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): image = tf.reshape(image, [-1, 28, 28, 1]) with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope='LeNet', reuse=reuse): arg_scope = LeNet.lenet_arg_scope() with slim.arg_scope(arg_scope): logits, end_point = LeNet.lenet(image, 10, is_training=True, dropout_keep_prob=keep_prop) probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits) # probabilities return logits, probs, end_point
def train(self): strides = self.spinBox.value() kernal_size = self.spinBox_2.value() filters = self.spinBox_3.value() print("%d %d %d" % (strides, kernal_size, filters)) self.model2 = LeNet.LeNetBuild(kernal_size, strides, filters) self.dialog() self.openWin()
def set_data(self): self.initialized = False mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data", reshape=False) self.x_train, self.y_train = mnist.train.images, mnist.train.labels self.x_validation, self.y_validation = mnist.validation.images, mnist.validation.labels self.x_test, self.y_test = mnist.test.images, mnist.test.labels assert len(self.x_train) == len(self.y_train) assert len(self.x_validation) == len(self.y_validation) assert len(self.x_test) == len(self.y_test) self.image_batch.append(None) self.image_batch += self.x_train[0].shape with tf.variable_scope(self.variable_scope_base): self.x_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, self.image_batch) self.y_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.int32) self.keep_prob_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.y_one_hot_tensor = tf.one_hot(indices=tf.cast(self.y_tensor, tf.int32), depth=10) self.lenet = LeNet.build_lenet(x=self.x_tensor, keep_prob=self.keep_prob_tensor) self.initialized = True
def train(mnist): x_train, y_train = mnist.train.images, mnist.train.labels x_validation, y_validation = mnist.validation.images, mnist.validation.labels # print(x_train[0].shape) x_train = np.pad(x_train, ((0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 2), (0, 0)),'constant') x_validation = np.pad(x_validation, ((0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 2), (0, 0)),'constant') # print(x_train[0].shape) x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 32, 32, 1]) y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, ]) one_hot_y = tf.one_hot(y, 10) y_ = LeNet.LeNet(x) cross_entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(labels=one_hot_y, logits=y_) cross_entropy_mean = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy) train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(RATE).minimize(cross_entropy_mean) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_, 1), tf.argmax(one_hot_y, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) with tf.Session() as session: for i in range(EPOCHS): x_train, y_train = shuffle(x_train, y_train) for offset in range(0, len(x_train),BATCH_SIZE): end = offset + BATCH_SIZE batch_x, batch_y = x_train[offset:end], y_train[offset:end], feed_dict={x:batch_x, y:batch_y}) print("EPOCHS:", i+1) accuracy_score =, feed_dict={x:x_validation, y:y_validation}) print('Validation Accuracy', accuracy_score) # test x_test, y_test = mnist.test.images, mnist.test.labels x_test = np.pad(x_test, ((0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 2), (0, 0)),'constant') test_accuracy =, feed_dict={x:x_test, y:y_test}) print('Test Accuracy', test_accuracy) # test_accuracy = 0.9876
from LeNet import * from dataset import * import torch.optim as optim import torchvision import torchvision.transforms as transforms import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np classes = ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9') net = LeNet() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # create your optimizer optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9) for epoch in range(2): # loop over the dataset multiple times running_loss = 0.0 for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0): # get the inputs inputs, labels = data # wrap them in Variable inputs, labels = Variable(inputs), Variable(labels) # in your training loop: optimizer.zero_grad() # zero the gradient buffers output = net(inputs) loss = criterion(output, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Does the update
#torch.cuda.set_device(device_id) # use gpu if args.enable_lat: real_model_path = args.model_path + "lat_param.pkl" print('loading the LAT model') else: real_model_path = args.model_path + "naive_param.pkl" print('loading the naive model') ''' if args.test_flag: args.enable_lat = False ''' # switch models if args.model == 'lenet': cnn = LeNet(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, epsilon=args.epsilon, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, batch_norm=args.batchnorm, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'resnet': cnn = ResNet50(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, epsilon=args.epsilon, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) #cnn.apply(conv_init) elif args.model == 'vgg': cnn = VGG16(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, epsilon=args.epsilon, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout)
def CPdecompose_and_retrain_lenet(learning_rate=0.001, checkpoints_path="checkpoints_prune_conv"): tl.set_backend('pytorch') device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print('using: ', end='') print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())) '''加载模型''' net = LeNet.lenet5().to(device) # 相当于调用vgg16_bn()函数 # highest_accuracy=get_highestAccuracy_From_File(fileName="accuracy_prune.txt") # global_step,net=get_globalStep_From_File(net,fileName="globalStep_prune.txt",check_point_path=checkpoints_path,h_accuracy="_98") global_step, net = get_globalStep_From_File( net, check_point_path=checkpoints_path, stateDict="stateDict_39113_90.pth") '''-----------------------------------CP分解-----------------------------------''' N = len(net.features._modules.keys()) for i, key in enumerate(net.features._modules.keys()): if i >= N - 2: break if isinstance(net.features._modules[key], torch.nn.modules.conv.Conv2d): # 如果是Conv层 conv_layer = net.features._modules[key] # 获取Conv层 rank = max( // 3 # 计算rank decomposed = cp_decomposition_conv_layer(conv_layer, rank) # CP分解 net.features._modules[key] = decomposed for param in net.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True net.cuda() optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) # CP分解,使用较小的学习率 '''-----------------------------------测试CP分解后的模型在test_set上的准确率-----------------------------------''' with torch.no_grad(): correct = 0 total = 0 for data in testloader: net.eval() images, labels = data images, labels =, outputs = net(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) # 取得分最高的那个类 total += labels.size(0) correct += (predicted == labels).sum() correct = float(correct.cpu().numpy().tolist()) accuracy = float(correct) / total print("首次测试 Accuracy :", accuracy) '''-----------------------------------重训练,每次迭代完测试准确率-----------------------------------''' for epoch in range(100): print("Epoch: ", epoch + 1) sum_loss = 0.0 for i, data in enumerate(trainloader): net.train() net.zero_grad() optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零 inputs, labels = data inputs, labels =, criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() loss = criterion(net(inputs), Variable(labels)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() sum_loss += loss.item() if i % 100 == 99: # 每训练100个batch就打印loss print('[%d, %d] loss: %.03f' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, sum_loss / 100)) sum_loss = 0.0 with torch.no_grad(): correct = 0 total = 0 for data in testloader: net.eval() images, labels = data images, labels =, outputs = net(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) # 取得分最高的那个类 total += labels.size(0) correct += (predicted == labels).sum() correct = float(correct.cpu().numpy().tolist()) accuracy = float(correct) / total print("Accuracy :", accuracy), 'decomposed_finetuned_model.pth')
train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y = load_data.split_data(train_x, train_y) train_x, train_y = load_data.shared_data(train_x, train_y) valid_x, valid_y = load_data.shared_data(valid_x, valid_y) X = T.matrix('input', dtype=theano.config.floatX) y = T.ivector('labels') index = T.lscalar('index') batch_size = 20 learning_rate = 0.01 train_batches = train_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] // batch_size valid_batches = valid_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] // batch_size rng = np.random.RandomState(1234) # create model layer0_input = X.reshape((batch_size, 1, 28, 28)) conv_net = LeNet.LeNet(input=layer0_input, batch_size=batch_size, rng=rng, n_kernels=[4, 6]) [cost, acc, updates] = conv_net.cost_updates(y, learning_rate=learning_rate) # gererate model givens_train = { X: train_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], y: train_y[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size] } givens_valid = { X: valid_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], y: valid_y[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size] } givens = [givens_train, givens_valid] function = generate_function.function([index], [cost, acc], updates, givens) [train_model, valid_model] = function.model
graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): #1) First we put the input data in a tensorflow friendly form. tf_train_dataset = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, image_width, image_height, image_depth)) tf_train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, num_labels)) tf_test_dataset = tf.constant(test_dataset, tf.float32) tf_inference_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, image_width, image_height, image_depth)) #2) Then, the weight matrices and bias vectors are initialized variables = LeNet.variables_lenet5(image_depth=image_depth, num_labels=num_labels) #3. The model used to calculate the logits (predicted labels) model = LeNet.model_lenet5 logits = model(tf_train_dataset, variables) logits = logits["logits"] #4. then we compute the softmax cross entropy between the logits and the (actual) labels # 先求出样本的取平均值 Computes softmax cross entropy between `logits` and `labels` # 第一步 先对网络最后一层的输出做一个softmax,这一步通常是求取输出属于某一类的概率 # 第二步 第二步是softmax的输出向量和样本的实际标签做一个交叉熵 loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=tf_train_labels)) #5. The optimizer is used to calculate the gradients of the loss function # 梯度下降优化器
temp = old_weights * mask new_weights[:] = temp[:] # 获得一个剪枝后的矩阵 if torch.cuda.is_available(): new_conv.cuda() model.features = torch.nn.Sequential( *(replace_layers(mod, [old_conv], [new_conv]) for mod in model.features)) return model, mask if __name__ == "__main__": # model= vgg.vgg16_bn(pretrained=False) model = LeNet.lenet5().to("cuda") # print(model) model, mask_dict = select_and_prune_conv(model, layer_list=[1, 2], sparsity=50) # helper.print_net_weights(model,conv_layer_index=[1,2],fc_layer_index=[]) for i in mask_dict: print(mask_dict[i]) # helper.print_net_weights(model,conv_layer_index=[],fc_layer_index=[1,2]) # select_and_prune_filter(model,layer_index=3,num_to_prune=2,ord=2) # prune_conv_layer(model,layer_index=1,filter_index=[0,1,2]) # model,_=prune_fc_layer(model,fc_layer_index=2,sparsity=50) # print(model.classifier[0] # model,mask_dict=select_and_prune_fc(model, layer_list=[1,2], sparsity=50) # helper.print_net_weights(model,fc_layer_index=[1,2],conv_layer_index=[]) # select_and_prune_filter(model,layer_index=1,num_to_prune=2,ord=2)
print(inference_acc[0]) max = 0.3 # 设置概率达到80以上才认为 index = 0 for value in inference_acc[0]: if value > max: max = value maxat = index index = index + 1 return maxat session = tf.Session() #2) Then, the weight matrices and bias vectors are initialized data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, image_width, image_height, image_depth)) variables = LeNet.variables_lenet5(image_depth=image_depth, num_labels=num_labels) model = LeNet.model_lenet5(data, variables) inference = LeNet.inference(model["logits"]) # 单个预测 saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(session, "./lenet5.ckpt") def inference_click(): img = canvas1.image1 #print(img) img = img.convert('L') img = img.resize([image_width, image_height], Image.ANTIALIAS) # plt.imshow(np.array(img,dtype=np.uint8)) #
def CNN_main(train_data,test_data,result_path,train_labels,test_labels,num_classes,epoch,batch_size_factor,optimizer,CNN_model,train_CNN,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters): ''' Function Description: This function is the main function for the CNN modules and it controls them all, it decides which method to be used , CNN as a classifer or as a feature extractor and for each one of them which CNN model and architetcture to be used and also the paramteres for each one of the case is defined by the variables as described later. Function Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------- Train_data_file_name:The name of the train data file , this will be differ depeneding on the CNN model used,For the following models 'ResNet50','inception_model,'DenseNet121','VGG_pretrained' a resized data to diminssion 224*224*3 will be used , this one was resized from the original data and was saved after, as this conversion takes alot of time so as to decrease the computation time. Test_file_name:The name of the test data file and there are manily two files as mentioned in the previous variable. results_directory:the directory name where you would like the output files to be generated train_data_file_name:This is used to load the training data labels , also you should choose the right file as there are different training data files due to differnet augmentation methods used and they differ in their number so the lables will differ also test_data_file_name: the name of the test labels file , this will also be the same as long as the test data is not changable. num_classes:the number of the classes the our data will be classifed to. epoch:the number of iter through all the training dataset that the CNN model will go through batch_size_factor:this will take the batch as a factor of the training data size and since the trainig data in our case is small , then it will be alawys =1 optimizer:this will be the optimizer used for training the CNN model, the variable should have the name of one of the optimizer in the code , else error will occur. CNN_model:this define which CNN model to be trained on the training dataset or it will be None if a saved model will be used as feature extractor train_CNN: This selects one of the two modes ,=0 means to train a CNN_model or =1 to use a pretrained model or a saved model to extrat features from the training data directly. feature_extraction:This is variable wil be used only if train_CNN =0 and it will select between two options; =0 to trian the CNN model only without using it for feature extraction and if it is =1 the model after being trained it will be saved and used for feature extraction. feature_extractor_parameters: This is a dict of four variables and they are used as an input parameters for the feature extraction functionan they are as the following : 'CNN_model': this will be the CNN model used for feature extraction, it may takes different type , it may be string , in the case of pretrained model so the string will be equal to the name of the selected model or it may take 'all' in this case all the pretrained models will be used , in case of saved model this can take two forms, the first to be string if the feature_extraction=1 , this mean that a saved model will be used directly without being trained and if feature_extraction=1 it will be th model that have just been trained and saved. 'model_type':to choose between the pretrained models on imagenet dataset or the saved trained models on the training set. 'classifer_name': this is the classifer name you would like to use , it can be 'all', or one of them. 'hyperprametres': this is another dict in which the classifer hyperparmaters is defined, it contain four main parameters , the value of the neigbors to look to for the KNN classifer and the for SVC classifer thera are two hyperparamters 'penalty' and 'C' and for the fully conncted classifer there are four hyperparamters 'dropouts','activation_functions','opt','epoch'.If any of this classifers is not used then it's hyperparmater should be =None. ''' opt=optimizers.choosing(optimizer) if train_CNN==1: if CNN_model=='simple_model': simple_model.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='LeNet': LeNet.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='AlexNet': AlexNet.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='ZFNet': ZFNet.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='VGG': VGG.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='VGG_pretrained': VGG_pretrained.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='ResNet50': ResNet50.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model=='inception_model': InceptionResNetV2.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) elif CNN_model== 'DenseNet121': DenseNet121.model(train_data,train_labels,test_data,test_labels,opt,epoch,batch_size_factor,num_classes,result_path,feature_extraction,feature_extractor_parameters) else: print('Value Error: CNN_model took unexpected value') sys.exit() elif train_CNN==0: CNN_feature_extractor.CNN_feature_extraction_classsification(feature_extractor_parameters,result_path) else: print('Value Error: train_CNN took unexpected value') sys.exit()
def get_cloest_char(img): dtext = r'/|\=-' pixs = np.sum(img > 0) return dtext[LeNet.demo(net, [Image.fromarray(img)])] if pixs > 5 else ' '
import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import LeNet imgpath = r'./fbk.jpg' net = LeNet.load_build_net('./weights/LeNet_epoch49.pth') def get_cloest_char(img): dtext = r'/|\=-' pixs = np.sum(img > 0) return dtext[LeNet.demo(net, [Image.fromarray(img)])] if pixs > 5 else ' ' def close_demo(image, size=(5, 5)): kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, size) binary = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel, anchor=(-1, -1), iterations=3) return binary image = cv2.imread(imgpath) #image = cv2.resize(image, (600,400), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) canny = cv2.Canny(image, 100, 230) #canny = close_demo(canny,(3,3)) #canny = cv2.resize(canny, (400,600), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) cv2.imshow('canny', canny)
def choose_model(): # switch models print(args.model) print(args.layerlist) if args.model == 'lenet': cnn = LeNet(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, batch_norm=args.batchnorm, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'resnet': cnn = ResNet50(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'resnet18': cnn = ResNet18(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'vgg16': cnn = VGG16(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'vgg11': cnn = VGG11(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'vgg13': cnn = VGG13(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'vgg19': cnn = VGG19(enable_lat=args.enable_lat, layerlist=args.layerlist, epsilon=args.epsilon, alpha=args.alpha, pro_num=args.pro_num, batch_size=args.batchsize, if_dropout=args.dropout) elif args.model == 'densenet': cnn = DenseNet() cnn.cuda() if args.enable_lat: cnn.choose_layer() return cnn
aw_bits = 8 acc_bits = 32 #network network_name = "lenet" report_fname = "data_{}_CIFAR10_postTrainMasking_new.txt".format(network_name) config_fname = "{}.mc".format(network_name) if (network_name == "vgg11bn"): import models.cifar10.vgg_cifar as vgg network = vgg.vgg11_bn_cifar("./data/ref_model") checkpoint_name = "{}".format(network_name) elif (network_name == "lenet"): import LeNet checkpoint_name = "{}".format(network_name) network = LeNet.LeNet() elif (network_name == "resnet32"): import distiller.models.cifar10 as models checkpoint_name = "{}".format(network_name) network = models.resnet_cifar.resnet32_cifar() else: errorString = "No checkpoint for {} network. Provide training".format( network_name) raise ValueError(network_name) #load dataset dataset = "CIFAR10" batch_size = 100 if dataset == "CIFAR10": #load test set transform_test = transforms.Compose([
def prune_lenet_and_train(learning_rate=conf.learning_rate, fc_layer_list=[1, 2], conv_layer_list=[1, 2], sparsity=90): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print('using: ', end='') print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())) '''定义模型''' net = LeNet.lenet5().to(device) # 相当于调用vgg16_bn()函数 highest_accuracy = get_highestAccuracy_From_File() global_step, net = get_globalStep_From_File(net, fileName="global_step.txt") # '''剪枝Conv层,生成新的模型''' # num_conv=0 # 用于计算卷积层的数目(LeNet中有2个卷积层) # for mod in net.features: # if isinstance(mod, torch.nn.modules.conv.Conv2d): # num_conv+=1 # for i in range(1,num_conv+1): # net = select_and_prune_filter(net, # layer_index=i, # 对第i个卷积层进行剪枝 # percent_of_pruning=percent_of_pruning, # 剪枝率 # ord=ord)# 范数 '''稀疏化Conv层,生成新的模型''' net, conv_mask_dict = select_and_prune_conv(net, layer_list=conv_layer_list, sparsity=sparsity) '''稀疏化FC层,生成新的模型''' # net,fc_mask_dict=select_and_prune_fc(net,layer_list=fc_layer_list,sparsity=sparsity) # LeNet5有3个FC层,只能对前两个剪枝 '''定义损失函数''' criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # 交叉熵 '''定义优化器''' optimizer = optim.SGD( net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) # 优化方式为mini-batch momentum-SGD,并采用L2正则化(权重衰减) '''准备数据(将所有输入都统一为224*224)''' transform = transforms.ToTensor() trainset = datasets.MNIST(root='./data/', train=True, download=True, transform=transform) # 定义训练数据集 train_loader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True) # 定义训练批处理数据 testset = datasets.MNIST(root='./data/', train=False, download=True, transform=transform) # 定义测试数据集 validation_loader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False) # 定义测试批处理数据 print('{} 剪枝完毕,测试准确率 '.format( # 无之前保存的模型 highest_accuracy, global_step = evaluate_model( net, validation_loader, highest_accuracy=highest_accuracy, global_step=global_step) # 评估模型 # 注意,highest_accuracy为剪枝后当前的最高准确率,不是全局(不包含剪枝前) save_prune_result(net, global_step=global_step, sparsity=sparsity, accuracy=highest_accuracy) print("{} Start Retraining LeNet5...".format( for epoch in range(0, NUM_EPOCH): sum_loss = 0 print("{} Epoch number: {}".format(, epoch + 1)) net.train() # 设为训练模式 for step, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0): net.train() images, labels = data images, labels =, optimizer.zero_grad() '''这里是retrain,因此需要对Conv层和FC层做一些改动''' net = replace_conv_weights(net, conv_mask_dict=conv_mask_dict) # net=replace_fc_weights(net, fc_mask_dict=fc_mask_dict) # helper.print_net_weights(net,conv_layer_index=[1,2],fc_layer_index=[]) outputs = net(images) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() global_step += 1 sum_loss += loss.item() if step % 100 == 99: # 每训练100个batch就打印loss print('[%d, %d] loss: %.03f' % (epoch + 1, step + 1, sum_loss / 100)) sum_loss = 0.0 print("{} Start validation, global step = {}".format(, global_step)) with torch.no_grad(): # 每运行完一个epoch就进行验证(Validation) correct = 0 total = 0 for data in validation_loader: net.eval() images, labels = data images, labels =, outputs = net(images) _, predicted = torch.max(, 1) # 取得分最高的那个类 total += labels.size(0) correct += (predicted == labels).sum() correct = float(correct.cpu().numpy().tolist()) accuracy = correct / total print("{} 验证集准确率 Accuracy = {:.6f}".format(, accuracy)) if accuracy > highest_accuracy: # 如果有更高的准确率,则保存模型 highest_accuracy = accuracy save_prune_result(net, global_step=global_step, sparsity=sparsity, accuracy=highest_accuracy)
if __name__ == '__main__': #Train or not is_train = False show = ToPILImage() #Set Parameters num_class = 10 batch_size = 64 lr = 0.02 num_epochs = 5 #Data preprocessing [loader_train, loader_test] = DataUtils.DataPreprocess1(batch_size=batch_size) #Chose Model model = LeNet.LeNet() model = model.cuda(device=0) #Chose Criterion and Optimizer criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr) #Train Stage if is_train: epoch_count = 0 model.train(mode=True) while epoch_count < num_epochs: for data in loader_train: img, label = data #Convert label to one_hot format
#importing the libraries like keras, sklearn and matplotlib from keras.optimizers import SGD from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import LeNet from sklearn.metrics import classification_report # Loading images from the directory in batches of 64 traingen=ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255,rotation_range=30,horizontal_flip=True,fill_mode='nearest') testgen=ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) train_generator=traingen.flow_from_directory(r'C:\Users\91945\Downloads\Analysis\\Internship\T2\data\train set',class_mode='categorical',batch_size=64,target_size=(128,128),shuffle=True) test_generator=testgen.flow_from_directory(r'C:\Users\91945\Downloads\Analysis\\Internship\T2\data\val set',class_mode='categorical',batch_size=64,target_size=(128,128),shuffle=True) # Building my CNN model lenet=LeNet.LeNet(128,128,3,2) model1.summary() # Fine tuning the optimizer opt=SGD(lr=0.01,decay=1e-5,momentum=0.9) # Compiling my CNN model according to my data model1.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy",optimizer=opt,metrics=["accuracy"]) H1=model1.fit_generator(train_generator,epochs=30,validation_data=test_generator) pred=model1.predict(test_generator)"model1.hdf5") # Plotting the accuracy loss graph with respect to epochs"ggplot") hist=H1.history