Exemplo n.º 1
def level4(map: Maze, cur_pos: Point, path: list, dead_node: list):
    vision_map, r1, r2 = Level3.vision(map, cur_pos)
    #print("Vision Map:")
    #print("Treats: ", [item.coordinate() for item in vision_map.treats])
    ghosts_in_vision = Level3.find_ghost_in_vision(vision_map, cur_pos, r1, r2)
    up = cur_pos.up()
    down = cur_pos.down()
    left = cur_pos.left()
    right = cur_pos.right()
    if not vision_map.treats:
        # food not in vision
        if ghosts_in_vision:
            print("Ghost in vision be careful")
            directions = {}
            min_dist = 0
            # get possible direction
            if Level3.can_move(map, up, path, dead_node):
                directions["Up"] = 0
            if Level3.can_move(map, down, path, dead_node):
                directions["Down"] = 0
            if Level3.can_move(map, left, path, dead_node):
                directions["Left"] = 0
            if Level3.can_move(map, right, path, dead_node):
                directions["Right"] = 0

            # being corner reset path to find a way out
            if len(directions) < 2:
                if Level3.can_move(map, up, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Up"] = 0
                if Level3.can_move(map, down, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Down"] = 0
                if Level3.can_move(map, left, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Left"] = 0
                if Level3.can_move(map, right, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Right"] = 0

            for ghost in ghosts_in_vision:
                for dir in directions:
                    if dir == "Up":
                        temp_dist = up.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Up"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Up"] = temp_dist
                    if dir == "Down":
                        temp_dist = down.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Down"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Down"] = temp_dist
                    if dir == "Left":
                        temp_dist = left.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Left"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Left"] = temp_dist
                    if dir == "Right":
                        temp_dist = right.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Right"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Right"] = temp_dist

            #print("--------------------------------CALCULATION:", directions)
            got_stuck = all([min_dist == vl for vl in directions.values()])

            # randomly delete 1 direction if more than 1 direction has value equal to max value in directions
            dup_val = 0
            d_list = []
            temp_step = max(directions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if not got_stuck else "Stuck"
            for dir in directions:
                if directions[dir] == temp_step:
                    #print(dir, directions[dir])
                    dup_val += 1
            if dup_val > 1:
                index = random.randrange(0, len(d_list), 1)
                del directions[d_list[index]]

            next_step = max(directions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if not got_stuck else "Stuck"
            return next_step
            directions = []
            if Level3.can_move(map, cur_pos.up(), path, dead_node):
            if Level3.can_move(map, cur_pos.down(), path, dead_node):
            if Level3.can_move(map, cur_pos.left(), path, dead_node):
            if Level3.can_move(map, cur_pos.right(), path, dead_node):
            return random.choice(directions) if directions else "Stuck"
        # food in vision
        if ghosts_in_vision:
            #print("Ghost in vision be careful")
            directions = {}
            min_dist = 0
            # get possible direction
            if Level3.can_move(map, up, path, dead_node):
                directions["Up"] = 0
            if Level3.can_move(map, down, path, dead_node):
                directions["Down"] = 0
            if Level3.can_move(map, left, path, dead_node):
                directions["Left"] = 0
            if Level3.can_move(map, right, path, dead_node):
                directions["Right"] = 0

            # being corner reset path to find a way out
            if len(directions) < 2:
                if Level3.can_move(map, up, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Up"] = 0
                if Level3.can_move(map, down, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Down"] = 0
                if Level3.can_move(map, left, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Left"] = 0
                if Level3.can_move(map, right, path, dead_node):
                    directions["Right"] = 0

            for ghost in ghosts_in_vision:
                for dir in directions:
                    if dir == "Up":
                        temp_dist = up.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Up"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Up"] = temp_dist
                    if dir == "Down":
                        temp_dist = down.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Down"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Down"] = temp_dist
                    if dir == "Left":
                        temp_dist = left.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Left"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Left"] = temp_dist
                    if dir == "Right":
                        temp_dist = right.manhattan_distance(ghost)
                        if directions["Right"] < temp_dist:
                            directions["Right"] = temp_dist

            #print("--------------------------------CALCULATION:", directions)
            got_stuck = all([min_dist == vl for vl in directions.values()])

            # randomly delete 1 direction if more than 1 direction has value equal to max value in directions
            dup_val = 0
            d_list = []
            temp_step = max(directions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if not got_stuck else "Stuck"
            for dir in directions:
                if directions[dir] == temp_step:
                    #print(dir, directions[dir])
                    dup_val += 1
            if dup_val > 1:
                index = random.randrange(0, len(d_list), 1)
                del directions[d_list[index]]

            next_step = max(directions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] if not got_stuck else "Stuck"
            return next_step
            vision_path = [Level3.evaluate_coordinate(node, r1[0], r2[0]) for node in path if Level3.in_map(r1, r2, node)]
            vision_dead_nodes = [Level3.evaluate_coordinate(node, r1[0], r2[0]) for node in dead_node if Level3.in_map(r1, r2, node)]

            return Level1.level1(vision_map, vision_map.pacman_init_position, vision_path, vision_dead_nodes, True)