Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_linearized_cns(self, cns_list = None, lin_point=None):

        if cns_list is None:
            cns_list = list(range(self.cns['exp'].numel()))

        if lin_point is None:
            lin_point = self.var['val']

        tmp_cns = {}
        tmp_cns['exp'] = self.cns['exp'][cns_list]
        tmp_cns['lob'] = self.cns['lob'][cns_list]
        tmp_cns['upb'] = self.cns['upb'][cns_list]

        if not self.cns['lam'] is None:
            tmp_cns['lam'] = self.cns['lam'][cns_list]
            tmp_cns['lam'] = oc.DM.zeros(len(cns_list))

        if not self.cns['lbl'] is None: tmp_cns['lbl'] = [self.cns['lbl'][i] for i in cns_list]

        nlc_i_full = self.get_non_linear_cns()
        nlc_i = [i for i in range(len(cns_list)) if cns_list[i] in nlc_i_full]

        if len(nlc_i):
            cns_f = oc.Function('cns',[self.var['sym']],[tmp_cns['exp'][nlc_i]])
            cns_J = oc.Function('Jcns',[self.var['sym']],[oc.jacobian(tmp_cns['exp'][nlc_i],self.var['sym'])])

        tmp_cns['exp'][nlc_i] = cns_f(lin_point) + cns_J(lin_point)@(self.var['sym']-lin_point)

        return tmp_cns
Exemplo n.º 2
    def linear_bound_propagation(self,options=None):

        if not self.var['dsc'] is None:
            if options is None:
                options = {}
            if not 'dsc' in options:
                options['dsc'] = self.get_dsc_vars()

        lin_i = self.get_linear_cns()

        cns = self.cns['exp'][lin_i]
        F = oc.Function('j',[self.var['sym']],[cns])(oc.DM.zeros(self.var['sym'].numel()))
        J = oc.Function('j',[self.var['sym']],[oc.jacobian(cns,self.var['sym'])])(oc.DM.zeros(self.var['sym'].numel()))

        self.var['lob'], self.var['upb'] = oc.linear_bound_propagation(
                                                       self.cns['lob'][lin_i] - F,\
                                                       self.cns['upb'][lin_i] - F,\
Exemplo n.º 3
    def append_cns_end(self,exp,lob,upb,lam=0,lbl=''):
        self.cns['exp'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['exp'],exp)
        self.cns['lob'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['lob'],lob)
        self.cns['upb'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['upb'],upb)
        if not self.cns['lam'] is None:
            self.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['lam'],lam)
            self.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(oc.DM.zeros(self.cns['exp'].numel()-1),lam)

        if not self.cns['lbl'] is None : self.cns['lbl'] = self.cns['lbl'] + [lbl]
Exemplo n.º 4
    def append_cns_beg(self,exp,lob,upb,lam=0,lbl=''):
        self.cns['exp'] = oc.vertcat(exp,self.cns['exp'])
        self.cns['lob'] = oc.vertcat(lob,self.cns['lob'])
        self.cns['upb'] = oc.vertcat(upb,self.cns['upb'])
        if not self.cns['lam'] is None:
            self.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(lam,self.cns['lam'])
            self.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(lam,oc.DM.zeros(self.cns['exp'].numel()-1))

        if not self.cns['lbl'] is None : self.cns['lbl'] = [lbl]+self.cns['lbl']
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_linearized_obj(self,linpoint=None):

        if linpoint is None:
            linpoint = self.var['val']

        f = oc.substitute(self.obj['exp'],self.var['sym'],linpoint)
        J = oc.substitute(oc.jacobian(self.obj['exp'],self.var['sym']),self.var['sym'],linpoint)

        return f+J@(self.var['sym']-linpoint)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def classify(self,variable_list = []):

        if self.lob != self.upb:
             self.typ = 'inequality'
            self.typ = 'equality'

        if variable_list == []: variable_list = oc.symvar(self._exp)
        self.ord = oc.amax(oc.get_order(self._exp,variable_list))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_wsos1(self):

         # sos1 constraints are linear
        cns_list = self.get_linear_cns()

        # sos1 constraints are equality constraints
        cns_list = [i for i in cns_list if self.cns['lob'][i] == self.cns['upb'][i]]

        # sos1 constraints depends only on binary variables
        bin_i = self.get_bin_vars()
        non_bin_i = [i for i in range(self.var['sym'].numel()) if not i in bin_i]

        tmp =  oc.which_depends(self.cns['exp'][cns_list],self.var['sym'][non_bin_i],1,True)
        cns_list = [cns_list[i] for i in range(len(cns_list)) if tmp[i] is False]

        # sos1 constraints evaluated in zero give -1
        tmp_f = oc.Function('f',[self.var['sym'][bin_i]],[self.cns['exp'][cns_list]-self.cns['lob'][cns_list]])
        tmp = tmp_f(oc.zeros(self.var['sym'][bin_i].numel()))
        cns_list = [cns_list[i] for i in range(len(cns_list)) if tmp[i] == -1]

        # the jacobian of sos1 constraints is [1, 1, 1, ...
        tmp_f = oc.Function('j',[self.var['sym'][bin_i]],[oc.jacobian(self.cns['exp'][cns_list],self.var['sym'][bin_i])])
        tmp = tmp_f(oc.zeros(self.var['sym'][bin_i].numel()))
        sp = tmp != oc.zeros(tmp.shape)
        sp = [[j for j in range(sp.shape[1]) if sp[i,j] != 0 ] for i in range(sp.shape[0])]
        good = [i for i in range(len(cns_list)) if oc.amax(tmp[i,sp[i]]) == 1 and oc.amin(tmp[i,sp[i]]) == 1]

        sp = [sp[i] for i in good]

        groups = [[bin_i[sp[i][j]] for j in range(len(sp[i]))] for i in range(len(sp))]
Exemplo n.º 8
	def pack_for_julia(self,param_values,extra_info={}):
		if self.lib_path is None:
			raise NameError("CvxFuncForJulia : missing compilation step")

		param_vector = []
		for name in self.param_names:
			if type(param_values[name]) == list:
			elif type(param_values[name]) in [type(cs.DM()),type(cs.MX()),type(cs.SX())]:

		# construct hessian and jacobian
		jacobian = self.eval_jac(self.main_sym,param_vector)
		jcb_nnz = jacobian.nnz()
		jcb_sparsity = jacobian.sparsity().get_triplet()

		hessian = [self.eval_hes[i](self.main_sym,param_vector) for i in range(self.sizes[1])]
		hes_nnz = [hessian[i].nnz() for i in range(self.sizes[1])]
		hes_sparsity = [hessian[i].sparsity().get_triplet() for i in range(self.sizes[1])]

		if self.sizes[1] > 1:
			pack = {'param_vector':param_vector,
			pack = {'param_vector':param_vector,

		# add possible extra information

		return pack
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_dependency_maps(self,which='all'):

        if which == 'all' or which == 'cns':
            dmap_cns = oc.sparsify(oc.DM())
            for i in range(self.var['sym'].numel()):
                dmap_cns = oc.horzcat(dmap_cns,oc.sparsify(oc.which_depends(self.cns['exp'],self.var['sym'][i],1,True)))

        if which == 'all' or which == 'obj':
            dmap_obj = oc.sparsify(oc.DM())
            for i in range(self.var['sym'].numel()):
                dmap_obj = oc.horzcat(dmap_obj,oc.sparsify(oc.which_depends(self.obj['exp'],self.var['sym'][i],1,True)))

        if which == 'all':
            return {'cns':dmap_cns,'obj':dmap_obj}
        elif which == 'cns':
            return dmap_cns
        elif which == 'obj':
            return dmap_obj
            raise NameError('Option unknown')
Exemplo n.º 10
 def get_max_violation(self):
     out = {}
     if self.cns['exp'] is None or self.cns['exp'].numel() == 0:
         out['bounds'] =  oc.dm_max(oc.vertcat(self.var['lob']-self.var['val'],self.var['val']-self.var['upb'],0))
         out['constraints'] = 0
         out['bounds'] = oc.dm_max(oc.vertcat(self.var['lob']-self.var['val'],self.var['val']-self.var['upb'],0))
         cnsval = oc.Function('F',[self.var['sym']],[self.cns['exp']])(self.var['val'])
         out['constraints'] = oc.dm_max(oc.vertcat(self.cns['lob']-cnsval,cnsval-self.cns['upb'],0))
     return out
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __str__(self):

        stat = self.classify()
        max_ord_cns = oc.dm_max(stat['ord_cns'])
        max_ord_obj = oc.dm_max(stat['ord_obj'])

        space = '       '

        out = 'Name: ' + self.name + '\n'

        if max_ord_cns <= 1:
            out += ' Linearly Constrained '
        elif max_ord_cns <= 2:
            out += ' Quadratically Constrained '
            out += ' Nonlinearly Constrained '

        if max_ord_obj <= 1:
            out += ' Linear Problem\n'
        elif max_ord_obj <= 2:
            out += ' Quadratic Problem\n'
            out += ' Nonlinear Problem\n'

        out += ' - ' + str(self.var['sym'].numel())+ ' variables:\n'
        out += space + str(stat['n_dsc'])+' discrete ('+ str(stat['n_bin']) +' binary)\n'
        out += space + str(stat['n_cnt'])+' continuous\n\n'

        out+= '- ' + str(self.cns['exp'].numel()) + ' constraints:\n'

        out += space + str(stat['n_ccns']) + ' constant\n'
        out += space + str(stat['n_lcns']) + ' linear\n'
        out += space + str(stat['n_qcns']) + ' quadratic\n'
        out += space + str(stat['n_nlcns']) + ' general non-linear\n'

        return out
Exemplo n.º 12
    def deepcopy(self):

        newp = Problem()
        newp.name = self.name

        newp.var['sym'] = oc.MX.sym('v',self.var['sym'].shape)
        newp.var['lob'] = oc.DM(self.var['lob'])
        newp.var['upb'] = oc.DM(self.var['upb'])
        if not self.var['val'] is None: newp.var['val'] = oc.DM(self.var['val'])
        if not self.var['nme'] is None: newp.var['nme'] = copy.deepcopy(self.var['nme'])
        if not self.var['dsc'] is None: newp.var['dsc'] = copy.deepcopy(self.var['dsc'])
        if not self.var['lam'] is None: newp.var['lam'] = oc.DM(self.var['lam'])
        if not self.var['lbl'] is None: newp.var['lbl'] = copy.deepcopy(self.var['lbl'])

        if not self.cns['exp'] is None: newp.cns['exp'] = oc.Function('cns',[self.var['sym']],[self.cns['exp']])(newp.var['sym'])
        if not self.cns['lob'] is None: newp.cns['lob'] = oc.DM(self.cns['lob'])
        if not self.cns['upb'] is None: newp.cns['upb'] = oc.DM(self.cns['upb'])
        if not self.cns['lam'] is None: newp.cns['lam'] = oc.DM(self.cns['lam'])
        if not self.cns['lbl'] is None: newp.cns['lbl'] = copy.deepcopy(self.cns['lbl'])

        if not self.obj['exp'] is None: newp.obj['exp'] = oc.Function('obj',[self.var['sym']],[self.obj['exp']])(newp.var['sym'])

        if not self.sos1 is None:
            newp.sos1 = []
            for s in range(len(self.sos1)):
                w_tmp = []
                for W in self.sos1[s]['w']:
                    if W is None:
                        wf_tmp = oc.Function('tmp',[self.var['sym']],[W])


        return newp
Exemplo n.º 13
    def eliminate_fixed_vars(self,tolerance=0,verbose = False):

        nvar = self.var['sym'].numel()

        to_keep = []
        to_subs = []
        values = []

        for k in range(nvar):
            if self.var['upb'][k] - self.var['lob'][k] <= tolerance:
                values.append(.5*(self.var['upb'][k] + self.var['upb'][k]))

        new_vars = oc.MX.sym('V',len(to_keep))
        tmp = oc.MX(nvar,1)
        tmp[to_keep] = new_vars
        tmp[to_subs] = oc.DM(values)

        self.cns['exp'] = oc.substitute(self.cns['exp'],self.var['sym'],tmp)
        self.obj['exp'] = oc.substitute(self.obj['exp'],self.var['sym'],tmp)

        self.var['sym'] = new_vars
        self.var['lob'] = self.var['lob'][to_keep]
        self.var['upb'] = self.var['upb'][to_keep]

        if not self.var['nme'] is None: self.var['nme'] = [self.var['nme'][k] for k in to_keep]
        if not self.var['dsc'] is None: self.var['dsc'] = [self.var['dsc'][k] for k in to_keep]
        if not self.var['lbl'] is None: self.var['lbl'] = [self.var['lbl'][k] for k in to_keep]

        if not self.var['val'] is None: self.var['val'] = self.var['val'][to_keep]
        if not self.var['lam'] is None: self.var['lam'] = self.var['lam'][to_keep]

Exemplo n.º 14
    def pack_for_julia(self,param_values,extra_info={}):

        num_in = self.sizes[0]
        num_out = self.sizes[1]

        input = [oc.DM.zeros(num_in),oc.vertcat(*[param_values[name]  for name in self.param_names])]

        pack = {'type':self.type}

        # compute residuals
        if num_out == 1:

            # compute linear part
            jacobian_ = self.eval_jac(*input)
            indsL = jacobian_.sparsity().get_triplet()[1]
            valsL = jacobian_.nonzeros()
            pack.update({'L':{'inds':[i+1 for i in indsL],'vals':valsL,'n':num_in}})

            # compute quadratic part
            if self.type == 'Quadratic':
                hessian_ = self.eval_hes[0](*input)
                (colsQ,rowsQ) = hessian_.sparsity().get_triplet()
                valsQ = hessian_.nonzeros()
                pack.update({'Q':{'cols':[i+1 for i in colsQ],'rows':[i+1 for i in rowsQ],'vals':valsQ,'n':num_in,'m':num_in}})


            # compute linear part
            jacobian_ = self.eval_jac(*input)
            (colsA,rowsA) = jacobian_.sparsity().get_triplet()
            valsA = jacobian_.nonzeros()
            pack.update({'A':{'cols':[i+1 for i in colsA],'rows':[i+1 for i in rowsA],'vals':valsA,'n':num_out,'m':num_in}})

            # compute quadratic part
            if self.type == 'Quadratic':
                data = [{}]*num_out
                for k in range(num_out):
                    hessian_ = self.eval_hes[k](*input)
                    (colsH,rowsH) = hessian_.sparsity().get_triplet()
                    valsH = hessian_.nonzeros()
                    data[k] = {'cols':[i+1 for i in colsH],'rows':[i+1 for i in rowsH],'vals':valsH,'n':num_in,'m':num_in}

        # finally return the pack
        return pack
Exemplo n.º 15
    def get_quadratic_cns(self):

        # get non linear constraints
        nl = self.get_non_linear_cns()

        # quadratic constraints have linear jacobian entries
        if len(nl):
            J = oc.jacobian(self.cns['exp'][nl],self.var['sym'])
            (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],J)
            dep = oc.which_depends(f,x,2,True)
            dep = oc.nz_indices(oc.sparsify(oc.sum2(oc.DM(J.sparsity(),dep))<1))[0]

            return [nl[k] for k in dep]
            return []
Exemplo n.º 16
    def linearize(self, lin_point=None):

        nlc_i = self.get_non_linear_cns()

        if lin_point is None:
            lin_point = self.var['val']

        obj_f = oc.Function('obj',[self.var['sym']],[self.obj['exp']])
        obj_J = oc.Function('Jobj',[self.var['sym']],[oc.jacobian(self.obj['exp'],self.var['sym'])])
        self.obj['exp'] = obj_f(lin_point) + obj_J(lin_point)@(self.var['sym']-lin_point)

        cns_f = oc.Function('obj',[self.var['sym']],[self.cns['exp'][nlc_i]])
        cns_J = oc.Function('Jobj',[self.var['sym']],[oc.jacobian(self.cns['exp'][nlc_i],self.var['sym'])])
        self.cns['exp'][nlc_i] = cns_f(lin_point) + cns_J(lin_point)@(self.var['sym']-lin_point)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def append_var_end(self,sym,lob,upb,val,dsc=False,lam=0,lbl=''):

        if not self.var['nme'] is None: self.var['nme'].append(sym.name())
        self.var['sym'] = oc.vertcat(self.var['sym'],sym)
        self.var['lob'] = oc.vertcat(self.var['lob'],lob)
        self.var['upb'] = oc.vertcat(self.var['upb'],upb)
        self.var['val'] = oc.vertcat(self.var['val'],val)

        if not self.var['dsc'] is None:
            self.var['dsc'] = [False]*(self.var['sym'].numel()-1) + [dsc]

        if not self.var['lam'] is None:
            self.var['lam'] = oc.vertcat(self.var['lam'],lam)
            self.var['lam'] = oc.vertcat(oc.DM.zeros(self.var['sym'].numel()-1),lam)

        if not self.var['lbl'] is None: self.var['lbl'].append(lbl)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def append_var_beg(self,sym,lob,upb,val,dsc=False,lam=0,lbl=''):

        if not self.var['nme'] is None: [sym.name()] + self.var['nme']
        self.var['sym'] = oc.vertcat(sym,self.var['sym'])
        self.var['lob'] = oc.vertcat(lob,self.var['lob'])
        self.var['upb'] = oc.vertcat(upb,self.var['upb'])
        self.var['val'] = oc.vertcat(val,self.var['val'])

        if not self.var['dsc'] is None:
            self.var['dsc'] = [dsc] + self.var['dsc']
            self.var['dsc'] = [dsc] + [False]*(self.var['sym'].numel()-1)

        if not self.var['lam'] is None:
            self.var['lam'] = oc.vertcat(lam,self.var['lam'])
            self.var['lam'] = oc.vertcat(lam,oc.DM.zeros(self.var['sym'].numel()-1))

        if not self.var['lbl'] is None: self.var['lbl'] = [lbl] + self.var['lbl']
Exemplo n.º 19
    def epigraph_reformulation(self,
                               max_orders=[1, 1, 1],

        # initialize info
        reformulation_needed = False
        stage_info = oc.MX(0)
        terminal_info = oc.MX(0)

        # create list of variables to detect order with
        var_list = []
        if self.p != []: var_list += [v.sym for v in self.p]
        if self.x != []: var_list += [v.sym for v in self.x]
        if self.y != []: var_list += [v.sym for v in self.y]
        if self.a != []: var_list += [v.sym for v in self.a]
        if self.u + self.v != []: var_list += [v.sym for v in self.u + self.v]

        # reformulate each type of objective separately
        if not self.lag is None and oc.get_order(self.lag,
                                                 var_list) > max_orders[0]:

            reformulation_needed = True

            # define integrator initial time
            x0 = oc.MX.sym('x0')

            # collect the symbols
            isyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.i]) if self.i != [] else oc.MX()
            psyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.p]) if self.p != [] else oc.MX()
            xsyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.x]) if self.x != [] else oc.MX()
            ysyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.y]) if self.y != [] else oc.MX()
            zsyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.a]) if self.a != [] else oc.MX()
            usyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.u]) if self.u != [] else oc.MX()
            vsyms = oc.vertcat(
                *[v.sym for v in self.v]) if self.v != [] else oc.MX()

            # evaluate integration (symbolically)
            intg = oc.integrate_ode(
                oc.vertcat(psyms, xsyms, ysyms, zsyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms,
                           self.t.sym), [self.lag], self.dt.sym,
            tmp_exp = intg.call({
                oc.vertcat(psyms, xsyms, ysyms, zsyms, isyms, usyms, vsyms,
                           self.t.sym, self.dt.sym)

            # collect results
            stage_info += tmp_exp

            # remove the lagrangian objective
            self.lag = None

        if not self.ipn is None and oc.get_order(self.ipn,
                                                 var_list) > max_orders[1]:

            reformulation_needed = True

            # collect results
            stage_info += self.ipn

            # remove the discrete penalties
            self.ipn = oc.MX(0.0)

        if not self.may is None and oc.get_order(self.may,
                                                 var_list) > max_orders[2]:

            reformulation_needed = True

            # collect results
            terminal_info += self.may

            # remove the mayer term
            self.may = oc.MX(0.0)

        if reformulation_needed:

            slack_var = oc.variable('obj_slack', -oc.DM.inf(), oc.DM.inf())

            # handle the slack in the intermediate steps
            if len(cs.symvar(stage_info)) > 0:
                self.ipn += slack_var.sym
                    oc.leq(stage_info, slack_var.sym, '<epigraph_cns>'))
                self.pcns.append(oc.eq(slack_var.sym, 0.0, '<epigraph_cns>'))

            # handle the slack in the terminal step
            if self.may is None: self.may = cs.MX(0.0)
            if len(cs.symvar(terminal_info)) > 0:
                self.may += slack_var.sym
                    oc.leq(terminal_info, slack_var.sym, '<epigraph_cns>'))
                self.fcns.append(oc.geq(slack_var.sym, 0.0, '<epigraph_cns>'))
Exemplo n.º 20
def butcher_integrator(name,table,data,options=None):
    opts = {}
    opts['tf'] = 1
    opts['n_steps'] = 1
    opts['code_gen'] = False
    if not options is None:
        for k in options.keys():
            if k in opts:
                opts[k] = options[k]
                oc.warn('butcher_integrator, option not recognized ' + k)
    table = oc.sparsify(table)

    A = table[:-1,1:]
    B = table[-1,1:]
    C = table[:-1,0]
    N = A.shape[0]
    nx = data['x'].numel()
    ns = opts['n_steps'] 

    x = oc.reshape(data['x'],-1,1)
    p = oc.reshape(data['p'],-1,1)

    Fode = oc.Function('ode',[x,p],[data['ode']])

    x0 = oc.MX.sym('x0',x.shape)
    xf = x0.T

    h = opts['tf']/ns

    # if the matrix is lower triangular: direct calculation
    if A.is_tril():
        K = oc.MX(N,nx)
        for s in range(ns):
            for i in range(N):
                K[i,:] = Fode(xf + A[i,:i]@K[:i,:]*h,p).T
            xf += B@K*h
        Fode_map = Fode.map(N)
        v = oc.MX.sym('v',N*nx*ns,1)
        K = oc.reshape(v,N,nx*ns)
        cnss = oc.MX(nx*N*ns,1)
        xf = oc.horzcat(oc.repmat(x0.T,N,1),oc.MX(N,nx*ns))


        for s in range(ns):
            xf[:,(s+1)*nx:(s+2)*nx] = xf[:,s*nx:(s+1)*nx] + oc.repmat(B@K[:,s*nx:(s+1)*nx]*h,N,1)
            cnss[s*nx*N:(s+1)*nx*N] = oc.reshape(K[:,s*nx:(s+1)*nx] - Fode_map((xf[:,s*nx:(s+1)*nx] + A@K[:,s*nx:(s+1)*nx]*h).T,oc.repmat(p,1,N)).T,-1,1)

        # use a root finder
        f = oc.Function('f',[v,x0,p],[cnss,1])
        RF = oc.rootfinder('RF','newton',f)        
        v0 = oc.reshape(oc.repmat(Fode(x0,p).T,N,ns),-1,1)  # initial guess for the rootfinder
        vstar = RF(v0,x0,p)[0]
        xf = oc.substitute(xf[-1,-nx:],v,vstar) 
    if opts['code_gen']:
        return 0
        return oc.Function(name,[x0,p],[xf.T],['x0','p'],['xf'])
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_objective_value(self):
     return oc.Function('F',[self.var['sym']],[self.obj['exp']])(self.var['val'])
Exemplo n.º 22
    def append(self,problem):

        if problem.var['sym'] is None:

        if self.var['sym'] is None:

            self.var  = problem.var
            self.cns  = problem.cns
            self.sos1 = problem.sos1
            self.obj  = problem.obj


            import re
            numV1 = self.var['sym'].numel()
            numV2 = problem.var['sym'].numel()

            # collect parameters, dynamic states and discrete transition states
            PXZ_nme = []

            flag = False
            PXZ_i1 = []
            for k in reversed(range(numV1)):

                if '<ocp_p>' in self.var['lbl'][k] or\
                   '<ocp_x>' in self.var['lbl'][k] or\
                   '<ocp_z>' in self.var['lbl'][k] :

                    flag = True

                elif flag:

            flag = False
            PXZ_i2 = [-1]*len(PXZ_i1)
            for k in range(numV2):
                if '<ocp_p>' in problem.var['lbl'][k] or\
                   '<ocp_x>' in problem.var['lbl'][k] or\
                   '<ocp_z>' in problem.var['lbl'][k] :
                    flag = True
                    if problem.var['nme'][k] in PXZ_nme:
                        PXZ_i2[PXZ_nme.index(problem.var['nme'][k])] = k

                elif flag:

            # keep the common variables only
            k = 0
            while k < len(PXZ_nme):
                if PXZ_i1[k] == -1 or PXZ_i2[k] == -1:
                    k += 1

            numVc = len(PXZ_nme)
            PXZ_i2_compl = [k for k in range(numV2) if not k in PXZ_i2]

            # create a new array of variablesol
            new_sym = oc.MX.sym('v',numV1 + numV2 - numVc)

            # map the new variables on the old variables they replace
            old_sym = oc.vertcat(self.var['sym'],problem.var['sym'])

            sym_map = oc.MX(old_sym.shape)
            sym_map[:numV1] = new_sym[:numV1]
            sym_map[[numV1+k for k in PXZ_i2_compl]] = new_sym[numV1:]
            sym_map[[numV1+k for k in PXZ_i2]] = sym_map[PXZ_i1]

            # collect data for the new variables
            new_lob = oc.DM(new_sym.shape)
            new_upb = oc.DM(new_sym.shape)
            new_val = oc.DM(new_sym.shape)
            new_lam = oc.DM(new_sym.shape) # to do in a later moment
            new_nme = ['']*(numV1 + numV2 - numVc)
            new_lbl = ['']*(numV1 + numV2 - numVc)
            new_dsc = [False]*(numV1 + numV2 - numVc)

            # update variables data
            self.var['sym'] = new_sym
            self.var['lob'] = new_lob
            self.var['upb'] = new_upb
            self.var['val'] = new_val
            self.var['lam'] = new_lam
            self.var['nme'] = new_nme
            self.var['lbl'] = new_lbl
            self.var['dsc'] = new_dsc

            for k in range(new_sym.numel()):
                if k < numV1:
                    if k in PXZ_i1:

                        i = PXZ_i1.index(k)

                        new_nme[k] = self.var['nme'][PXZ_i1[i]]
                        new_lob[k] = max([self.var['lob'][PXZ_i1[i]],problem.var['lob'][PXZ_i2[i]]])
                        new_upb[k] = min([self.var['upb'][PXZ_i1[i]],problem.var['upb'][PXZ_i2[i]]])
                        new_val[k] = min([new_upb[k],max([new_lob[k],.5*(self.var['val'][PXZ_i1[i]]+problem.var['val'][PXZ_i2[i]])])])
                        new_lam[k] = 0
                        new_dsc[k] = self.var['dsc'][PXZ_i1[i]] or problem.var['dsc'][PXZ_i2[i]]
                        new_lbl[k] = ''.join(set(re.findall('<.+?>',self.var['lbl'][PXZ_i1[k]])).union(re.findall('<.+?>',problem.var['lbl'][PXZ_i2[k]])))


                        new_nme[k] = self.var['nme'][k]
                        new_lob[k] = self.var['lob'][k]
                        new_upb[k] = self.var['upb'][k]
                        new_val[k] = self.var['val'][k]
                        new_lam[k] = 0
                        new_dsc[k] = self.var['dsc'][k]
                        new_lbl[k] = self.var['lbl'][k]


                    new_nme[k] = problem.var['nme'][PXZ_i2_compl[k-numV1]]
                    new_lob[k] = problem.var['lob'][PXZ_i2_compl[k-numV1]]
                    new_upb[k] = problem.var['upb'][PXZ_i2_compl[k-numV1]]
                    new_val[k] = problem.var['val'][PXZ_i2_compl[k-numV1]]
                    new_lam[k] = 0
                    new_dsc[k] = problem.var['dsc'][PXZ_i2_compl[k-numV1]]
                    new_lbl[k] = problem.var['lbl'][PXZ_i2_compl[k-numV1]]

            # concatenate the vector of constraints
            if self.cns['exp'] is None:
                self.cns = problem.cns

            elif not problem.cns['exp'] is None:

                self.cns['exp'] = oc.substitute(oc.vertcat(self.cns['exp'],problem.cns['exp']),old_sym,new_sym)
                self.cns['lob'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['lob'],problem.cns['lob'])
                self.cns['upb'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['upb'],problem.cns['upb'])

                # ensure coherence of the lagrangian multipliers
                if not self.cns['lam'] is None and not problem.cns['lam'] is None:
                    self.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['lam'],problem.cns['lam'])

                elif self.cns['lam'] is None and not problem.cns['lam'] is None:
                    self.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(oc.zeros(self.cns['exp'].numel()),problem.cns['lam'])

                elif not self.cns['lam'] is None and problem.cns['lam'] is None:
                    problem.cns['lam'] = oc.vertcat(self.cns['lam'],oc.zeros(problem.cns['exp'].numel()))

                    problem.cns['lam'] = None

                # ensure coherence of the labels
                if not self.cns['lbl'] is None and not problem.cns['lbl'] is None:
                    self.cns['lbl'] = self.cns['lbl'] + problem.cns['lbl']

                elif self.cns['lbl'] is None and not problem.cns['lbl'] is None:
                    self.cns['lbl'] = ['']*self.cns['exp'].numel() + problem.cns['lbl']

                elif not self.cns['lbl'] is None and problem.cns['lbl'] is None:
                    problem.cns['lbl'] = self.cns['lbl'] + ['']*problem.cns['exp'].numel()

                    problem.cns['lbl'] = None

            # concatenate the objective
            self.obj['exp'] = oc.vertcat(oc.substitute(self.obj['exp'],old_sym,new_sym),oc.substitute(problem.obj['exp'],old_sym,new_sym))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_violated_cns(self,tol):
     return oc.nz_indices(oc.Function('F',[self.var['sym']],[((self.cns['exp']<self.cns['lob']-tol)+(self.cns['exp']>self.cns['upb']+tol))>0])(self.var['val']))[0]
Exemplo n.º 24
 def get_active_cns(self):
     return oc.find_nz(oc.Function('F',[self.var['sym']],[((self.cns['exp']<=self.cns['lob'])+(self.cns['exp']>=self.cns['upb']))>0])(self.var['val']))[0]
Exemplo n.º 25
 def get_out_of_bound_vars(self,tol):
     return oc.find_nz((self.var['val']<self.var['lob']-tol) + (self.var['val']>self.var['upb']+tol)>0)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def get_active_bounds(self):
     return oc.find_nz((self.var['val']<=self.var['lob']) + (self.var['val']>=self.var['upb'])>0)[0]
Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_constant_cns(self):

        (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],self.cns['exp'])
        dep = oc.which_depends(f,x,1,True)
        return [k for k in range(len(dep)) if dep[k] == False]
Exemplo n.º 28
    def get_orders(self,which='all'):

        if which == 'all' or which == 'cns':

            order_cns = oc.DM.zeros(self.cns['exp'].numel())

            # get non constant constraints
            (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],self.cns['exp'])
            dep1 = oc.which_depends(f,x,1,True)
            dep1 = [k for k in range(self.cns['exp'].numel()) if dep1[k]]
            order_cns[dep1] = 1

            # get non-linear constraints
            dep3 = oc.which_depends(f[dep1],x,2,True)
            dep3 = [dep1[k] for k in range(len(dep1)) if dep3[k]]
            order_cns[dep3] = 3

            # get quadratic constraints
            if len(dep3):
                J = oc.jacobian(self.cns['exp'][dep3],self.var['sym'])
                (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],J)
                dep2 = oc.which_depends(f,x,2,True)
                dep2 = oc.nz_indices(oc.sparsify(oc.sum2(oc.DM(J.sparsity(),dep2))<1))[0]
                dep2 = [dep3[k] for k in dep2]
                order_cns[dep2] = 2

        if which == 'all' or which == 'obj':

            order_obj = oc.DM.zeros(self.obj['exp'].numel())

            # get non constant constraints
            (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],self.obj['exp'])
            dep1 = oc.which_depends(f,x,1,True)
            dep1 = [k for k in range(self.obj['exp'].numel()) if dep1[k]]
            order_obj[dep1] = 1

            # get non-linear constraints
            dep3 = oc.which_depends(f[dep1],x,2,True)
            dep3 = [dep1[k] for k in range(len(dep1)) if dep3[k]]
            order_obj[dep3] = 3

            # get quadratic constraints
            if len(dep3):
                J = oc.jacobian(self.obj['exp'][dep3],self.var['sym'])
                (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],J)
                dep2 = oc.which_depends(f,x,2,True)
                dep2 = oc.nz_indices(oc.sparsify(oc.sum2(oc.DM(J.sparsity(),dep2))<1))[0]
                dep2 = [dep3[k] for k in dep2]
                order_obj[dep2] = 2

        if which == 'all':
            return {'cns':order_cns,'obj':order_obj}
        elif which == 'cns':
            return order_cns
        elif which == 'obj':
            return order_obj
            raise NameError('Option unknown')
Exemplo n.º 29
    def get_non_linear_cns(self):

        (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],self.cns['exp'])
        dep = oc.which_depends(f,x,2,True)

        return [k for k in range(len(dep)) if dep[k] == True]
Exemplo n.º 30
    def get_linear_cns(self):

        (x,f) = oc.MX2SX(self.var['sym'],self.cns['exp'])
        dep1 = oc.which_depends(f,x,1,True)
        dep2 = oc.which_depends(f,x,2,True)
        return [k for k in range(self.cns['exp'].numel()) if dep1[k] == True and dep2[k] == False]