def linear_regression_on_globe_for_teleconnection(pc, model_timeseries, stdv_pc, RmDomainMean, EofScaling, debug=False): """ - Reconstruct EOF fist mode including teleconnection purpose as well - Have confirmed that "eof_lr" is identical to "eof" over EOF domain (i.e., "subdomain") - Note that eof_lr has global field """ if debug: print('pc.shape, timeseries.shape:', pc.shape, model_timeseries.shape) # Linear regression to have extended global map; teleconnection purpose slope, intercept = linear_regression(pc, model_timeseries) if RmDomainMean: eof_lr = MV2.add(MV2.multiply(slope, stdv_pc), intercept) else: if not EofScaling: eof_lr = MV2.add(MV2.multiply(slope, stdv_pc), intercept) else: eof_lr = MV2.add(slope, intercept) debug_print('linear regression done', debug) return eof_lr, slope, intercept
def Get_SegmentAveraged_PowerSpectrum_and_RedNoise(d, SegmentLength, TaperingRatio, SegmentOverlapping=False): seg_starting_i = [] segments = [] freqs_segs = 0 psd_segs = 0 rn_segs = 0 num_segs = 0 r1_segs = [] # Lag-1 autocorrelation if SegmentOverlapping: jump = SegmentLength / 2 else: jump = SegmentLength for i in range(0, len(d), jump): ie = i + SegmentLength if ie <= len(d): seg_starting_i.append(i) seg_starting_i.append(ie) d_i = d[i:ie].copy() # Tapering d_i = taper(d_i, TaperingRatio) segments.append([range(i, ie), d_i]) # Power spectrum freqs_i, psd_i = signal.welch(np.array(d_i), nperseg=len(d_i), noverlap=0, window='boxcar') # Red noise r1_i = lag1_autocorrelation(d_i) rn_i = rednoise(psd_i, len(freqs_i), r1_i) r1_segs.append(float(r1_i)) # Collect power spectrum and red noise of each segment to average later freqs_segs = MV2.add(freqs_i, freqs_segs) psd_segs = MV2.add(psd_i, psd_segs) rn_segs = MV2.add(rn_i, rn_segs) # Count number of segments to be used for averaging num_segs += 1 print 'segment (num)', i, ie, '(', num_segs, ')' freqs_avg = MV2.divide(freqs_segs, num_segs) psd_avg = MV2.divide(psd_segs, num_segs) rn_avg = MV2.divide(rn_segs, num_segs) r1_avg = sum(r1_segs) / float(len(r1_segs)) return segments, np.array(freqs_avg), np.array(psd_avg), np.array( rn_avg), r1_avg
def main(): # Prepare dummy data -- create random array for testing random_array = np.random.rand(10, 30) X = cdms2.createAxis(['model_ ' + str(r) for r in list(range(0, 30))]) Y = cdms2.createAxis(['metric_ ' + str(r) for r in list(range(0, 10))]) stat_xy = MV2.array(random_array, axes=(Y, X), id='statistics') # Plant missing value stat_xy[5][5] = -1.e20 stat_xy = MV2.masked_where(MV2.equal(stat_xy, -1.e20), stat_xy) # Annotate test stat_xy_annotate = MV2.multiply(stat_xy, 2) # User options imgName = 'test_pp_random' plotTitle = 'test_pp_random' Normalize = True # Normalize rows by its median if Normalize: # Normalize by median value stat_xy = normalize_by_median(stat_xy) # Revise image file name imgName = imgName + '_normalized' # Colormap to be used colormap = "default" clevels = [-1.e20, -.5, -.4, -.3, -.2, -.1, 0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, 1.e20] ccolors = vcs.getcolors(clevels, split=0, colors=range(16, 240)) # Dummy data for additional triangles stat_xy_2 = normalize_by_median(MV2.add(stat_xy, 2)) stat_xy_3 = normalize_by_median(MV2.add(stat_xy, 3)) stat_xy_4 = normalize_by_median(MV2.add(stat_xy, 4)) axes = stat_xy.getAxisList() stat_xy_2.setAxisList(axes) stat_xy_3.setAxisList(axes) stat_xy_4.setAxisList(axes) # # Portrait plot # plot_portrait(stat_xy, imgName=imgName, colormap=colormap, clevels=clevels, ccolors=ccolors, num_box_partitioning=4, stat_xy_2=stat_xy_2, stat_xy_3=stat_xy_3, stat_xy_4=stat_xy_4, GridMeshLine=False)
inputVarName = ['t2m', 'sst', 'netflux', 'lhf', 'shf', 'taux', 'tauy'] outputVarName = ['tas', 'ts', 'hfns', 'hfls', 'hfss', 'tauu', 'tauv'] outputUnits = ['K', 'K', 'W m-2', 'W m-2', 'W m-2', 'Pa', 'Pa'] outpos = ['', '', 'up', 'up', 'up', 'down', 'down'] #,'','up','down','down','up','','','','down','down',''] ####['W m-2',"W m-2","Pa",'kg m-2 s-1','W m-2','W m-2','W m-2','W m-2',"m s-1",'m s-1','m s-1','Pa','Pa','K]] ### BETTER IF THE USER DOES NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE... for fi in range(len(inputVarName)): print(fi, inputVarName[fi]) inputFilePath = inputFilePathbgn + inputFilePathend #%% Process variable (with time axis) # Open and read input netcdf file f = + inputFileName[fi]) d = f(inputVarName[fi]) if inputVarName[fi] in ['t2m', 'sst']: d = MV2.add(d, 273.15) # cdutil.times.setTimeBoundsMonthly(d) lat = d.getLatitude() lon = d.getLongitude() print(d.shape) #time = d.getTime() ; # Assumes variable is named 'time', for the demo file this is named 'months' time = d.getAxis(0) # Rather use a file dimension-based load statement # Deal with problematic "months since" calendar/time axis time_bounds = time.getBounds() d.positive = outpos[fi] # time_bounds[:,0] = time[:] # time_bounds[:-1,1] = time[1:] # time_bounds[-1,1] = time_bounds[-1,0]+1
def mjo_metric_ewr_calculation(mip, model, exp, run, debug, plot, nc_out, cmmGrid, degX, UnitsAdjust, inputfile, var, startYear, endYear, segmentLength, outdir): # Open file to read daily dataset if debug: print('debug: open file') f = d = f[var] tim = d.getTime() comTim = tim.asComponentTime() # Get starting and ending year and month if debug: print('debug: check time') first_time = comTim[0] last_time = comTim[-1] # Adjust years to consider only when continous NDJFMA is available if first_time > cdtime.comptime(startYear, 11, 1): startYear += 1 if last_time < cdtime.comptime(endYear, 4, 30): endYear -= 1 # Number of grids for 2d fft input NL = len(d.getLongitude()) # number of grid in x-axis (longitude) if cmmGrid: NL = int(360 / degX) NT = segmentLength # number of time step for each segment (need to be an even number) if debug: endYear = startYear + 2 print('debug: startYear, endYear:', startYear, endYear) print('debug: NL, NT:', NL, NT) # # Get daily climatology on each grid, then remove it to get anomaly # numYear = endYear - startYear mon = 11 day = 1 # Store each year's segment in a dictionary: segment[year] segment = {} segment_ano = {} daSeaCyc = MV2.zeros((NT, d.shape[1], d.shape[2]), MV2.float) for year in range(startYear, endYear): print(year) segment[year] = subSliceSegment(d, year, mon, day, NT) # units conversion segment[year] = unit_conversion(segment[year], UnitsAdjust) # Get climatology of daily seasonal cycle daSeaCyc = MV2.add(MV2.divide(segment[year], float(numYear)), daSeaCyc) # Remove daily seasonal cycle from each segment if numYear > 1: for year in range(startYear, endYear): segment_ano[year] = Remove_dailySeasonalCycle( segment[year], daSeaCyc) # # Space-time power spectra # """ Handle each segment (i.e. each year) separately. 1. Get daily time series (3D: time and spatial 2D) 2. Meridionally average (2D: time and spatial, i.e., longitude) 3. Get anomaly by removing time mean of the segment 4. Proceed 2-D FFT to get power. Then get multi-year averaged power after the year loop. """ # Define array for archiving power from each year segment Power = np.zeros((numYear, NT + 1, NL + 1), np.float) # Year loop for space-time spectrum calculation if debug: print('debug: year loop start') for n, year in enumerate(range(startYear, endYear)): print('chk: year:', year) d_seg = segment_ano[year] # Regrid: interpolation to common grid if cmmGrid: d_seg = interp2commonGrid(d_seg, degX, debug=debug) # Subregion, meridional average, and remove segment time mean d_seg_x_ano = get_daily_ano_segment(d_seg) # Compute space-time spectrum if debug: print('debug: compute space-time spectrum') Power[n, :, :] = space_time_spectrum(d_seg_x_ano) # Multi-year averaged power Power = np.average(Power, axis=0) # Generates axes for the decoration Power, ff, ss = generate_axes_and_decorate(Power, NT, NL) # Output for wavenumber-frequency power spectra OEE = output_power_spectra(NL, NT, Power, ff, ss) # E/W ratio ewr, eastPower, westPower = calculate_ewr(OEE) print('ewr: ', ewr) print('east power: ', eastPower) print('west power: ', westPower) # Output output_filename = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}-{}".format(mip, model, exp, run, 'mjo', startYear, endYear) if cmmGrid: output_filename += '_cmmGrid' # NetCDF output if nc_out: if not os.path.exists(outdir(output_type='diagnostic_results')): os.makedirs(outdir(output_type='diagnostic_results')) fout = os.path.join(outdir(output_type='diagnostic_results'), output_filename) write_netcdf_output(OEE, fout) # Plot if plot: if not os.path.exists(outdir(output_type='graphics')): os.makedirs(outdir(output_type='graphics')) fout = os.path.join(outdir(output_type='graphics'), output_filename) title = mip.upper( ) + ': ' + model + ' (' + run + ') \n' + var.capitalize( ) + ', NDJFMA ' + str(startYear) + '-' + str(endYear) if cmmGrid: title += ', common grid (2.5x2.5deg)' plot_power(OEE, title, fout, ewr) # Output to JSON metrics_result = {} metrics_result['east_power'] = eastPower metrics_result['west_power'] = westPower metrics_result['east_west_power_ratio'] = ewr metrics_result['analysis_time_window_start_year'] = startYear metrics_result['analysis_time_window_end_year'] = endYear # Debug checking plot if debug and plot: debug_chk_plot(d_seg_x_ano, Power, OEE, segment[year], daSeaCyc, segment_ano[year]) f.close() return metrics_result
# Plant missing value stat_xy[5][5] = -1.e20 stat_xy = MV2.masked_where(MV2.equal(stat_xy, -1.e20), stat_xy) # Normalize rows by its median Normalize = True if Normalize: # Normalize by median value stat_xy = normalize_by_median(stat_xy) # Additional dummy data for annotate test stat_xy_annotate = MV2.multiply(stat_xy, 2) # Additional dummy data for additional triangles stat_xy_2 = normalize_by_median(MV2.add(stat_xy, 2)) stat_xy_3 = normalize_by_median(MV2.add(stat_xy, 3)) stat_xy_4 = normalize_by_median(MV2.add(stat_xy, 4)) axes = stat_xy.getAxisList() stat_xy_2.setAxisList(axes) stat_xy_3.setAxisList(axes) stat_xy_4.setAxisList(axes) # ## Portrait plot generation # ### Exampe 1 # In[7]: # Colormap to be used