def constructGraph( conn, p, song_features_table_name, artist_similarities_table_name, graph_table_name, debug_print=False ):
    cur = conn.cursor()

    MX_common.resetTable( conn, graph_table_name, ['targeto text', 'similaro text, dist real'] )

    # read songs_list
    q = "SELECT \
            song_id \
        FROM "\
            +song_features_table_name +";"
    songs_list = cur.fetchall()
    node_stats = dict()
    node_stats['neighbors_cur_artist'] = list()
    node_stats['neighbors_topo'] = list()
    node_stats['neighbors_metric'] = list()
    node_stats['mean_dist'] = list()
    node_stats['similar_artists'] = list()
    edge_stats = dict()
    edge_stats['dist'] = list()
    edge_stats['vdist'] = list()
    # for each song (the focal song), find its neighbors
    for focal_song_id in songs_list[::1]:        
        focal_song_id = focal_song_id[0]
        if debug_print:
            print "focal_song: " + focal_song_id        
        # fetch all focal song's features
        q = "SELECT \
                * \
            FROM "\
                +song_features_table_name+" "\
            "WHERE \
                song_id='" + focal_song_id + "';"
        focal_song_f = cur.fetchall()
        # find all songs that are TOPOLOGICALLY close (based on artist similarity):
        # find all song of current artist
        q = "SELECT "\
                +"song_id "\
            +"FROM "\
                +song_features_table_name+" "\
            +"WHERE "\
                +"artist_id='" + focal_song_f[0][p['invkey']['artist_id']] + "';"
        song_ids_cur_artist = cur.fetchall()

        if debug_print:
            for song_id in song_ids_cur_artist:
                print "same artist songs: " + song_id[0]  
        # find all artists similar to current artist
        q = "SELECT "\
                +"similaro "\
            +"FROM "\
                +artist_similarities_table_name+" "\
            +"WHERE "\
                +"targeto='" + focal_song_f[0][p['invkey']['artist_id']] + "';"
        artist_ids_topo = cur.fetchall()
        song_ids_topo = list()
        # add all song IDs of the similar artists
        for artist_id in artist_ids_topo:
            # fetch all songs of this artist
            q = "SELECT "\
                    +"song_id "\
                +"FROM "\
                    +song_features_table_name+" "\
                +"WHERE "\
                    +"artist_id='" + artist_id[0] + "';"
            cur_song_ids = cur.fetchall()
#            if len(cur_song_ids)>0:
#                cur_song_ids = cur_song_ids[0]
            for song_id in cur_song_ids:
            # stage 2 - goo deeper into the tree of artist_similarities. This requires holding a fifo of nodes / some sort of recursion                

        if debug_print:
            for song_id in song_ids_topo:
                print "similar artists songs: " + song_id[0]        
        # find all songs that are METRICALLY close (based on song features)
        song_ids_metric = list()
        for key in p['relevant_features']:
            key_range = ( focal_song_f[key] - p['unit_vec'][key]*p['construct_neighborhood_metric_diameter'] , focal_song_f[key] +  )
            q = "SELECT "\
                    +"song_id "\
                +"FROM "\
                    +song_features_table_name+" "\
                +"WHERE "\
                    +key+ ">="+ str(key_range[0]) + " AND "+ key+ "<="+ str(key_range[1])+";"
            cur_song_ids = cur.fetchall()
            for id in cur_song_ids[0]:
        # combine all potential neighbors song IDs
        song_ids_combined = list(set(song_ids_cur_artist) | set(song_ids_topo) | set(song_ids_metric))   
        # for each potential neighbor, measure its distance from the focal point
        potential_neighbors = list()
        for neighbor_song_id in song_ids_combined:    
 #           print "song id: "+neighbor_song_id
            # fetch features for each potential neighbor
            q = "SELECT \
                FROM "\
                    +song_features_table_name+" "\
                +"WHERE "\
                    +"song_id='" + neighbor_song_id[0] + "';"
            neighbor_song_f = cur.fetchall()
            # calculate distance to current song    
            sdist = MX_traverse.calcDistance(focal_song_f[0], neighbor_song_f[0], p['distance_type_construct'])
            # filter songs that are too distant    
            if sdist[0] < p['maximal_overall_distance']:
                potential_neighbors.append((neighbor_song_id[0],sdist[0], sdist[1]))
        # sort potential neighbors by distance    
    #    potential_neighbors = sorted(potential_neighbors, key=lambda x: x[1])
        if len(potential_neighbors)>0:
            node_stats['mean_dist'].append( np.mean([x[1] for x in potential_neighbors]) )
        # add potential neighbors and truncate, if there are too many, based on distance
        for neighborhood_type in neighboorhoodtypes:
            for neighbor in potential_neighbors[neighborhood_type][0:min(max_MXG_neighbors[neighborhood_type], len(potential_neighbors[neighborhood_type]))]:
    #            print "n0 " + neighbor[0]
    #            print "n1 " + str(neighbor[1])
                q = "INSERT INTO "\
                        +graph_table_name+" \
                        (targeto, similaro, dist) \
                    VALUES \
                        ('"+ focal_song_id +"', '"+ neighbor[0] +"', '"+ str(neighbor[1]) +"');"
                q = "INSERT INTO "\
                        +graph_table_name+" \
                        (targeto, similaro, dist) \
                    VALUES \
                        ('"+ neighbor[0] +"', '"+ focal_song_id +"', '"+ str(neighbor[1]) +"');"
                edge_stats['dist'].append( neighbor[1] )
                edge_stats['vdist'].append( neighbor[2] )
    #            MXG_target.append( song_id[0] )
    #            MXG_source.append( potential_neighbors[0] )
    return node_stats, edge_stats
Exemplo n.º 2
def constructGraph( song_features_table_name, artist_similarities_table_name, graph_table_name, debug_print=False ): #graph_song_list_table_name, 

    global p

    SFstats = MX_common.initUnitVec( song_features_table_name )

    g_conn = psy.connect( MX_common.g_db_conn_command )
    g_conn.autocommit = True
    g_cur = g_conn.cursor()

    # read song_id list
    q = "SELECT \
            song_id \
        FROM "\
            +song_features_table_name +";"
    songs_list = g_cur.fetchall()
    node_stats = dict()
    node_stats['neighbors_cur_artist'] = list()
    node_stats['neighbors_topo'] = list()
    node_stats['neighbors_metric'] = list()
    node_stats['mean_dist'] = list()
    node_stats['similar_artists'] = list()
    edge_stats = dict()
    edge_stats['dist'] = list()
    edge_stats['vdist'] = list()
    MX_common.resetTable( g_cur, graph_table_name, ['targeto text', 'similaro text'] )
    # for each song (the focal song), find its neighbors
    for focal_song_id in songs_list[::1]: #::100        
        focal_song_id = focal_song_id[0]
        if debug_print:
            print "focal_song: " + focal_song_id        
        # fetch all focal song's features
        q = "SELECT \
                * \
            FROM "\
                +song_features_table_name+" "\
            "WHERE \
                song_id='" + focal_song_id + "';"
        focal_song_f = g_cur.fetchall()
        # find all songs that are TOPOLOGICALLY close (based on artist similarity):
        potential_neighbors = dict()
        potential_neighbors_dist = dict()

        nbkey = 'topo'
        if nbkey in p['neighborhood_types']:
            potential_neighbors[nbkey] = list()            
            #   find all songs of current artist
            q = "SELECT "\
                    +"song_id "\
                +"FROM "\
                    +song_features_table_name+" "\
                +"WHERE "\
                    +"artist_id='" + focal_song_f[0][p['invkey']['artist_id']] + "';"
            song_ids_cur_artist = g_cur.fetchall()
            song_ids_cur_artist = [x[0] for x in song_ids_cur_artist]
            if debug_print:
                for song_id in song_ids_cur_artist:
                    print "same artist songs: " + song_id[0]  
            #   find all artists similar to current artist
            q = "SELECT "\
                    +"similaro "\
                +"FROM "\
                    +artist_similarities_table_name+" "\
                +"WHERE "\
                    +"targeto='" + focal_song_f[0][p['invkey']['artist_id']] + "';"
            artist_ids_topo = g_cur.fetchall()
            song_ids_topo = list()
            #   add all songs of similar artists
            for artist_id in artist_ids_topo:
                # fetch all songs of this artist
                q = "SELECT "\
                        +"song_id "\
                    +"FROM "\
                        +song_features_table_name+" "\
                    +"WHERE "\
                        +"artist_id='" + artist_id[0] + "';"
                cur_song_ids = g_cur.fetchall()
                for song_id in cur_song_ids:
                # TBD - goo deeper into the tree of artist_similarities. This requires holding a fifo of nodes / some sort of recursion                
            if debug_print:
                for song_id in song_ids_topo:
                    print "similar artists songs: " + song_id[0]        
            # combine all potential TOPOLOGICAL neighbors
            potential_neighbors[nbkey] = list(set(song_ids_cur_artist) | set(song_ids_topo))
        # find all songs that are METRICALLY close (based on song features)
        nbkey = 'features'
        if nbkey in p['neighborhood_types']:
            potential_neighbors[nbkey] = list()  

            for key in p['relevant_features']:
                radius = abs(p['unit_vec_inv'][p['invkey'][key]]) * p['construct_neighborhood_metric_diameter']
                key_range = ( focal_song_f[0][p['invkey'][key]] - radius , focal_song_f[0][p['invkey'][key]] + radius )
                q = "SELECT "\
                        +"song_id "\
                    +"FROM "\
                        +song_features_table_name+" "\
                    +"WHERE "\
                        +key+ ">="+ str(key_range[0]) + " AND "+ key+ "<="+ str(key_range[1]) + " "\
                    +"ORDER BY \
                        RANDOM() \
                    LIMIT "\
                        + str(p['max_feature_neighborhood_size']) +";"
                cur_song_ids = g_cur.fetchall()
                for id in cur_song_ids:
        # for each potential neighbor, measure its distance from the focal point
        for nbkey in p['neighborhood_types']:
            potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey] = list()
            for neighbor_song_id in potential_neighbors[nbkey]:
                # fetch features for each potential neighbor
                q = "SELECT \
                    FROM "\
                        +song_features_table_name+" "\
                    +"WHERE "\
                        +"song_id='" + neighbor_song_id + "';"
                neighbor_song_f = g_cur.fetchall()
                # calculate distance to current song  
                sdist = MX_common.calcDistance(focal_song_f[0], neighbor_song_f[0], p['distance_type_construct'])
                potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey].append((neighbor_song_id,sdist[0], sdist[1]))
            # sort potential neighbors by distance    
            potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey] = sorted(potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey], key=lambda x: x[1])
            if len(potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey])>0:
                node_stats['mean_dist'].append( np.mean([x[1] for x in potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey]]) )
        print "#Feature NBs = " + str(len(potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey])) + ", Topo same artist NBs = " + str(len(song_ids_cur_artist)) + ", Topo similar artists NBs = " + str(len(song_ids_topo))
        # add potential neighbors and truncate, if there are too many, based on distance
        for nbkey in p['neighborhood_types']:
            for neighbor in potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey][0:min(p['max_MXG_neighbors'][nbkey], len(potential_neighbors_dist[nbkey]))]:
                # add both direction of the edge (later on we call a function that filters duplicate edges)
                q = "INSERT INTO "\
                        +graph_table_name+" \
                        (targeto, similaro) \
                    VALUES \
                        ('"+ focal_song_id +"', '"+ neighbor[0] +"');"
                q = "INSERT INTO "\
                        +graph_table_name+" \
                        (targeto, similaro) \
                    VALUES \
                        ('"+ neighbor[0] +"', '"+ focal_song_id +"');"
                edge_stats['dist'].append( neighbor[1] )
                edge_stats['vdist'].append( neighbor[2] )
    return SFstats, node_stats, edge_stats