Exemplo n.º 1
def move_job_log(move_logger, source_workspace, target_workspace, state_of_interest):
    fc = "NISOURCE.GPSFMEJobLog"
    source_fc = os.path.join(source_workspace, fc)
    target_fc = os.path.join(target_workspace, fc)

    arcpy.env.workspace = target_workspace

    dsc = arcpy.Describe(source_fc)
    fields = dsc.fields
    fieldnames = [field.name for field in fields if
                  field.name != dsc.OIDFieldName and field.name != 'GLOBALID' and field.name != 'SHAPE']
    fieldnames_oid = fieldnames + ["OID@"]

    state_index = fieldnames.index("TCCORGNAME")

    sql_clause = (None, 'ORDER BY "OBJECTID"')

    running_total = 0

    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(source_fc, fieldnames_oid, "", None, False, sql_clause) as sCur:
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(target_fc, fieldnames) as iCur:
            for row in sCur:
                insert_row = mc.tuple_without(row, -1)
                if (state_of_interest == 'OH' and sCur[state_index].lower() == 'nisourcecoh') or (
                                state_of_interest == 'PA' and sCur[state_index].lower() == 'nisourcefre') or (
                                state_of_interest == 'VA' and sCur[state_index].lower() == 'nisourcecgv'):
                    inserted_oid = iCur.insertRow(insert_row)
                    # print 'Match:', state_of_interest, sCur[-1]
                    running_total += 1

    move_logger.info("Total|" + str(running_total))
Exemplo n.º 2
def move_workarea(move_logger, source_workspace, target_workspace, state_of_interest):
    fc = "NISOURCE.GPSWorkAreaPolygon"
    source_fc = os.path.join(source_workspace, fc)
    target_fc = os.path.join(target_workspace, fc)

    # MC.disable_editor_tracking(target_workspace, fc)

    arcpy.env.workspace = target_workspace

    dsc = arcpy.Describe(source_fc)
    fields = dsc.fields
    fieldnames = [field.name for field in fields if
                  field.name != dsc.OIDFieldName and field.name != 'GLOBALID' and field.name != 'SHAPE']
    fieldnames = fieldnames + ["SHAPE@"]
    fieldnames_oid = fieldnames + ["OID@"]
    fieldnames_insert = fieldnames + ["GISID"]

    state_index = fieldnames.index("WORKAREASTATE")

    sql_clause = (None, 'ORDER BY "OBJECTID"')

    running_total = 0
    gisid = mc.read_gisid_seed()

    edit = arcpy.da.Editor(target_workspace)
    edit.startEditing(False, True)

    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(source_fc, fieldnames_oid, "", None, False, sql_clause) as sCur:
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(target_fc, fieldnames_insert) as iCur:
            for row in sCur:
                insert_row = mc.tuple_without(row, -1)
                if state_of_interest == sCur[state_index]:
                    insert_row += [gisid]
                    inserted_oid = iCur.insertRow(insert_row)
                    # print 'Match:', state_of_interest, sCur[-1]
                    running_total += 1
                    gisid += 1
    move_logger.info("Total|" + str(running_total))

    del sCur, iCur

Exemplo n.º 3
def copy_fc(logger_local_fc, target_workspace, source_fc, target_fc, fc_gps_state):
    dsc = arcpy.Describe(source_fc)
    fields = dsc.fields
    fieldnames = [field.name for field in fields if
                  field.name != dsc.OIDFieldName and field.name != 'GLOBALID' and field.name != 'SHAPE']
    fieldnames = fieldnames + ["SHAPE@"]
    fieldnames_oid = fieldnames + [dsc.OIDFieldName]

    where = """"GPS_STATE" ='{0}'""".format(fc_gps_state)
    where += """ AND "OBJECTID" >= {0}"""
    sql_clause = (None, 'ORDER BY "OBJECTID"')

    running_total = 0
    cursor_counter = 0
    batch_size = 100000
    run_again = True
    start_oid = 0
    # get the object id, query and sort by order id asc, keep the latest object id, then query ObjectID > that
    while run_again:
        edit = arcpy.da.Editor(target_workspace)
        edit.startEditing(False, True)
        run_again = False
        where_now = where.format(start_oid)

        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(source_fc, fieldnames_oid, where_now, None, False, sql_clause) as sCur:
            with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(target_fc, fieldnames) as iCur:
                for row in sCur:
                    if cursor_counter > batch_size:
                        cursor_counter = 0
                        run_again = True
                        start_oid = row[-1]
                    insert_row = MC.tuple_without(row, -1)
                    inserted_oid = iCur.insertRow(insert_row)
                    cursor_counter += 1
                    running_total += 1
                    if cursor_counter > 0 and cursor_counter % (batch_size / 10) == 0:
                        print running_total

    logger_local_fc.info(source_fc + " | " + str(running_total))
Exemplo n.º 4
def copy_line(copy_logger, target_workspace, source_fc, target_fc, fc_gps_state):
    dsc = arcpy.Describe(source_fc)
    fields = dsc.fields
    fieldnames = [
        for field in fields
        if field.name != dsc.OIDFieldName and field.name != "GLOBALID" and field.name != "SHAPE"
    fieldnames = fieldnames + ["SHAPE@"]
    fieldnames_oid = fieldnames + ["OID@"]

    # where = """"OBJECTID" >= {0}"""
    sql_clause = (None, 'ORDER BY "OBJECTID"')

    running_total = 0

    edit = arcpy.da.Editor(target_workspace)
    edit.startEditing(False, True)

    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(source_fc, fieldnames_oid, "", None, False, sql_clause) as sCur:
        with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(target_fc, fieldnames) as iCur:
            for row in sCur:
                # insert_row = MC.tuple_without(MC.tuple_without(row, -1), -1)
                insert_row = mc.tuple_without(row, -1)
                if row[-2] is None:
                    copy_logger.info(str(row[-1]) + " has None for Shape. Not copied.")
                if fc_gps_state == "OH" and row[-2].firstPoint.X < 4200000:
                    inserted_oid = iCur.insertRow(insert_row)
                    # print 'OH Match:', sCur[-1], sCur[-2].firstPoint.X, sCur[-2].firstPoint.Y
                    running_total += 1
                elif fc_gps_state == "VA" and row[-2].firstPoint.X >= 4200000 and row[-2].firstPoint.Y < 6440000:
                    inserted_oid = iCur.insertRow(insert_row)
                    # print 'VA Match:', sCur[-1], sCur[-2].firstPoint.X, sCur[-2].firstPoint.Y
                    running_total += 1
                elif fc_gps_state == "PA" and row[-2].firstPoint.X >= 4200000 and row[-2].firstPoint.Y >= 6440000:
                    inserted_oid = iCur.insertRow(insert_row)
                    # print 'PA Match:', sCur[-1], sCur[-2].firstPoint.X, sCur[-2].firstPoint.Y
                    running_total += 1
    copy_logger.info("Total|" + str(running_total))