Exemplo n.º 1
def BU(A, B, P):  #radix-2 butterfly unit
    tmp_ay = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=int)  #tmp_array
    tmp_a = Mod.AddMod(A, B, P)
    tmp_b = Mod.SubMod(A, B, P)
    tmp_ay[0][0] = tmp_a  #a+b
    tmp_ay[0][1] = tmp_b  #a-b
    return tmp_ay
Exemplo n.º 2
def main1():

    img = cv2.imread('2.jpg', cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    height, width = img.shape[:2]
    # resized = cv2.resize(img, (3*width,3*height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    (_, thresh) = cv2.threshold(img, 150, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    #cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (10, 10))  #形态学处理,定义矩形结构
    closed = cv2.erode(thresh, None, iterations=5)
    # cv2.imshow('erode',closed)
    height, width = closed.shape[:2]
    v = [0] * width
    z = [0] * height

    a = 0
    emptyImage1 = numpy.zeros((height, width, 3), numpy.uint8)
    for y in range(0, height):
        for x in range(0, width):
            if closed[y, x][0] == 0:
                a = a + 1
        z[y] = a
        a = 0
    l = len(z)

    listY = []
    for y in range(0, height):
        for x in range(0, z[y]):

    listY = mod.Duplicate_removal(listY)
    listY = mod.continuity(listY)
    listY = mod.lxyz(listY, 75)

    cropImg = img[0:45, 1080:87]

    listXY = []

    for i in listY:
        # 画一个绿色边框的矩形,参数2:左上角坐标,参数3:右下角坐标
        cv2.rectangle(img, (0, int(i.split('-')[0])),
                      (width, int(i.split('-')[1])), (0, 255, 0), 3)
        listXY.append([(0, int(i.split('-')[0])),
                       (width, int(i.split('-')[1]))])

    cv2.namedWindow('shuipin', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.imshow('shuipin', img)
    return listXY
Exemplo n.º 3
def NTT(x,ROU,prime,n,inverse): #output is a numpy array
    IN = Mod.InvMod(n,prime)    # calculate inverse multiplication of n
    x = x % prime
    y_list = []
    for i in range(n):
        acm = 0                             #accumlation 
        for j in range(n):
            exp = Mod.MulMod(i,j,n)          #calculates power of i*j
            tmp = Mod.ExpMod(ROU,exp,prime)  #calculates w^(i*j)
            tmp = Mod.MulMod(x[j],tmp,prime) #calculate x[j]w^(ij)
            acm = Mod.AddMod(acm,tmp,prime)  
    y = np.array(y_list)
    if(inverse == 1):
        y = y * IN
        y = y % prime
    return y
Exemplo n.º 4
def PROU(ROU,n,Prime):
    f = open('ROU_table.txt','w')
    if((n%2) == 0):
        for i in range(n):
            tmp = Mod.ExpMod(ROU,i,Prime)
            print(i,"-th: ",tmp)
            ch = str(tmp)
            if tmp == 1 and i != 0:
                print("it is not primitive root of unity")
        for i in range(n):
            tmp = Mod.ExpMod(ROU,i,Prime)
            ch = str(tmp)
            if tmp==1 and i != 0:
                print("it is not primitve root of unity")
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, world, modname, mapname):
        """Load the objects from the map"""

        #store instance variables
        self.world = world

        #Load from the XML file holding the entities
        filename = Mod.MapPath(modname, mapname) + "objects.mb2"
        self.ents = EntLoader.LoadEntsFromFile(filename, world,

        self.staticMeshScene = StaticMeshScene(self.ents)
        self.dynamicEnts = [x for x in self.ents if not x.isStatic]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def readData(self):
     """Read mechanisms and parameters for this cell from its configuration file"""
     ini_path = Islet.env['config'] + 'Values/Islet_' + Islet.env[
         'id'] + '/' + self.type.lower() + '_' + str(self.id) + '.ini'
     config_path = Islet.env['config'] + '/Mechanisms/Islet_' + Islet.env[
         'id'] + '/' + self.type.lower() + '_' + str(self.id) + '.ini'
         str(datetime.datetime.now()) +
         '\tCells.readData Reading from configuration: configuration file',
     # read mechanism configuration
     config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
     config.optionxform = str
     types = {'A': 'Alpha', 'B': 'Beta', 'D': 'Delta'}
     print(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + '\tself type', self.type)
     for i in config[types[self.type]]:
             str(datetime.datetime.now()) +
             '\tCells.readData Writing "INITIAL" blocks of appropriate mod files for mechanisms: mechanism',
             i, 'cell type', self.type, types[self.type])
         if re.split('[0-9]',
                     i)[0] not in ['Glucagon', 'Somatostatin', 'Insulin']:
         # add pointers in config files to self.pointers
         if config[types[self.type]][i] is not None:
             self.pointers[i] = ast.literal_eval(
         # only write mod files when those mod files will be compiled
         if self.compile:
                 str(datetime.datetime.now()) +
                 '\tCells.readData Write mod file: cell', self.cell)
             modname = re.split('1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0', i)[0]
             mod_path = Islet.env['wd'] + types[
                 self.type] + '_' + modname + '.mod'
             Mod.writeMod(ini_path, mod_path)
Exemplo n.º 7
def FFT(Array, P, root, N, inverse):  #radix-2 FFT
    # If inverse = 1, doing IFFT.
    # automatically compute inverse ROU.
    # root : foward root of unity
    # N : array length
    # P :Prime
    S = math.ceil(math.log2(N))  #Stage
    bias = N
    A_t = np.zeros((1, bias), dtype=int)

    #if inverse = 1,compute inverse ROU
    if (inverse == 1):
        root = Mod.InvMod(root, P)

    # DIT
    for i in range(S):
        nc = N // bias  #number of class
        ne = bias  #number of elements (in a class)
        A_t = np.reshape(A_t, (nc, ne))  # reshape array
        bias = bias >> 1  # each stage right shift one bit

        for j in range(nc):
            for jj in range(ne):
                index_tmp = j * ne + jj
                A_t[j][jj] = Array[0][index_tmp]

        if (i == 0):
            factor = root
            factor = Mod.MulMod(factor, factor, P)

        for s in range(nc):
            for ss in range(ne // 2):
                tmp = BU(A_t[s][ss], A_t[s][ss + bias], P)
                factor_t = Mod.ExpMod(factor, ss, P)
                A_t[s][ss] = tmp[0][0]
                A_t[s][ss + bias] = tmp[0][1]
                A_t[s][ss + bias] = Mod.MulMod(A_t[s][ss + bias], factor_t, P)

        for x in range(nc):
            for y in range(ne):
                Array[0][x * ne + y] = A_t[x][y]

    #data relocation
    for i in range(N):
        p_tmp = i
        exchange_position = 0
        for ls in range(S):
            bit = p_tmp % 2
            bit_weight = 1 << ((S - 1) - ls)
            if (bit == 1):
                exchange_position = exchange_position + bit_weight
                exchange_position = exchange_position
            p_tmp = p_tmp >> 1

        if (exchange_position > i):
            tmp = Array[0][i]
            Array[0][i] = Array[0][exchange_position]
            Array[0][exchange_position] = tmp

    #inverse FFT need to multiply each element by 1/n
    if (inverse == 1):
        IN = Mod.InvMod(N, P)
        Array = Array * IN
        Array = Array % P
    return Array
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, modname, mapname ):
     """Initialize the project description"""
     filename = Mod.MapPath( modname, mapname ) + "project.xml"
     tree = ET.parse( filename )
     root = tree.getroot()
     self._parseLevel( root )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, engine):
        self.engine = engine
        applyItem = [(_("Apply New Settings"), self.applySettings)]

        modSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "mods", "mod_" + m)
            for m in Mod.getAvailableMods(engine)
        ] + applyItem

        gameSettings = [
            (_("Mod settings"), modSettings),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "language"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "leftymode", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "tapping", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "uploadscores",
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "compactlist", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "autopreview", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "artistsort", autoApply=True),
        gameSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, gameSettings + applyItem)

        keySettings = [
            (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testKeys(engine)),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_action1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_action2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_3"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_4"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_5"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_up"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_cancel"),
        keySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, keySettings)

        modes = engine.video.getVideoModes()
                      text=_("Video Resolution"),
                      options=["%dx%d" % (m[0], m[1]) for m in modes])
        videoSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "resolution"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fullscreen"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fps"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "multisamples"),
            #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgshaders"),    # shaders broken at the moment
            #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgquality"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fontscale"),
        videoSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, videoSettings + applyItem)

        volumeSettings = [
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "guitarvol"),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "songvol"),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "rhythmvol"),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "screwupvol"),
        volumeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, volumeSettings + applyItem)

        audioSettings = [
            (_("Volume Settings"), volumeSettingsMenu),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "delay"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "frequency"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "bits"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "buffersize"),
        audioSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, audioSettings + applyItem)

        settings = [
            (_("Game Settings"), gameSettingsMenu),
            (_("Key Settings"), keySettingsMenu),
            (_("Video Settings"), videoSettingsMenu),
            (_("Audio Settings"), audioSettingsMenu),

        self.settingsToApply = settings + \
                               videoSettings + \
                               audioSettings + \
                               volumeSettings + \
                               gameSettings + \

        Menu.Menu.__init__(self, engine, settings)
Exemplo n.º 10
rom bl3hotfixmod import Mod, Balance
from bl3data import BL3Data

#Might do auto barrel and material stuff? otherwise fill out later

'Hyperion Weapon Randomizer',
    'One in the set of many randomizer classes.',
    'This one for Hyperion. The reason this is by manufacturer',
    'is due to wanting the ability to keep the weapons on save-quit.',
    'In order to meet that only guns of the same Type and Manufacturer can',
    'be randomized with each other. I might make a runtime randomizer of everything',
    'in the future but we are starting here for now.'



#List the Balances
Exemplo n.º 11
  def __init__(self, engine):
    self.engine = engine
    applyItem = [(_("Apply New Settings"), self.applySettings)]

    modSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "mods",  "mod_" + m) for m in Mod.getAvailableMods(engine)
    ] + applyItem

    gameSettings = [
      (_("Mod settings"), modSettings),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "language"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "leftymode", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "tapping", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "uploadscores", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "compactlist", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "autopreview", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "artistsort", autoApply = True),
    gameSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, gameSettings + applyItem)

    keySettings = [
      (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testKeys(engine)),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player", "key_cancel"),
    keySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, keySettings)

    modes = engine.video.getVideoModes()
    Config.define("video",  "resolution", str,   "640x480", text = _("Video Resolution"), options = ["%dx%d" % (m[0], m[1]) for m in modes])
    videoSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "resolution"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "fullscreen"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "fps"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "multisamples"),
      #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgshaders"),    # shaders broken at the moment
      #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgquality"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fontscale"),
    videoSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, videoSettings + applyItem)

    volumeSettings = [
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "guitarvol"),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "songvol"),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "rhythmvol"),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "screwupvol"),
    volumeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, volumeSettings + applyItem)

    audioSettings = [
      (_("Volume Settings"), volumeSettingsMenu),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "delay"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "frequency"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "bits"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "buffersize"),
    audioSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, audioSettings + applyItem)

    settings = [
      (_("Game Settings"),     gameSettingsMenu),
      (_("Key Settings"),      keySettingsMenu),
      (_("Video Settings"),    videoSettingsMenu),
      (_("Audio Settings"),    audioSettingsMenu),

    self.settingsToApply = settings + \
                           videoSettings + \
                           audioSettings + \
                           volumeSettings + \
                           gameSettings + \

    Menu.Menu.__init__(self, engine, settings)
Exemplo n.º 12
  def __init__(self, engine):
    Log.debug("SettingsMenu class init (Settings.py)...")
    self.engine = engine
    applyItem = [(_("Apply New Settings"), self.applySettings)]

    modSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "mods",  "mod_" + m) for m in Mod.getAvailableMods(engine)
    ] + applyItem
    gameSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "language"),
      ("Reset to English", self.resetLanguageToEnglish),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "uploadscores", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "party_time", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "lyric_mode", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "script_lyric_pos", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rb_midi_lyrics", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rb_midi_sections", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "failingEnabled", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "star_scoring", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "congrats", autoApply = True),#blazingamer
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurgdef", autoApply = True),#Spikehead777
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurgtype", autoApply = True),#Spikehead777
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurglogic", autoApply = True),#MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "bass_groove_enable", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "lphrases", autoApply = True),#blazingamer
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "whammy_saves_starpower", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
    gameSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, gameSettings + applyItem)

    drumKeySettings = [
      (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testDrums(engine)),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "auto_drum_sp", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_bass"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum1a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum1b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum2a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum2b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum3a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum3b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum4a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum4b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_bass"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum1a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum1b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum2a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum2b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum3a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum3b"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum4a"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum4b"),
    drumKeySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, drumKeySettings)

    player0Keys = [
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_cancel"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_star"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_kill"),
    player0KeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player0Keys)

    player0AltKeys = [
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_cancel"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_star"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_kill"),
    player0AltKeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player0AltKeys)

    player1Keys = [
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_cancel"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_star"),#added by ShiekOdaSandz
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_kill"),#added by ShiekOdaSandz
    player1KeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player1Keys)

    player1AltKeys = [
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_cancel"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_star"),#added by ShiekOdaSandz
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_kill"),#added by ShiekOdaSandz
    player1AltKeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player1AltKeys)

    keySettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "key_checker_mode", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      (_("Drum keys" ),            drumKeySettingsMenu),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "alt_keys", autoApply = True),
      (_("Player 1 Keys"), player0KeyMenu),
      (_("Player 2 Keys"), player1KeyMenu),
      (_("Player 1 Alt. Keys"), player0AltKeyMenu),
      (_("Player 2 Alt. Keys"), player1AltKeyMenu),
      (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testKeys(engine)),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "analog_killsw_mode", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player0",  "two_chord_max", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player0",  "leftymode", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "analog_killsw_mode_p2", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player1",  "two_chord_max", autoApply = True), #QQstarS
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player1",  "leftymode", autoApply = True), #QQstarS
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "drum_navigation", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "p2_menu_nav", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
    keySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, keySettings + applyItem)
    modes = engine.video.getVideoModes()
    Config.define("video",  "resolution", str,   "1024x768", text = _("Video Resolution"), options = ["%dx%d" % (m[0], m[1]) for m in modes])
    videoSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "resolution"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "fullscreen"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "fps"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "multisamples"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "disable_fretsfx"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "game_time", autoApply = True),      
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "accuracy_mode", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "accuracy_pos", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "gsolo_accuracy_disp", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "gsolo_acc_pos", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "decimal_places", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "hitglow_color"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgquality"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "gfx_version_tag", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "noterotate", autoApply = True), #blazingamer
    videoSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, videoSettings + applyItem)

    fretSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "phrases", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "notedisappear", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "frets_under_notes", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "pov", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "ignore_open_strums", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_indicator", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_style", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "moreHopo", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_after_chord", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "nstype", autoApply = True),      #blazingamer
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "neckSpeed", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",   "hit_window", autoApply = True), #alarian: defines hit window
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "large_drum_neck", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "bass_groove_neck", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "guitar_solo_neck", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "in_game_font_shadowing", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
    fretSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, fretSettings + applyItem)
    volumeSettings = [
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "guitarvol", autoApply = True),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "songvol", autoApply = True),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "rhythmvol", autoApply = True),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "screwupvol", autoApply = True),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "miss_volume", autoApply = True),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "kill_volume", autoApply = True), #MFH
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "SFX_volume", autoApply = True), #MFH
    volumeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, volumeSettings)

    audioSettings = [
      (_("Volume Settings"),    volumeSettingsMenu),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "delay", autoApply = True),     #myfingershurt: so a/v delay can be set without restarting FoF
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "frequency"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "bits"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "buffersize"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "mute_sustain_releases", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "bass_kick_sound", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "T_sound", autoApply = True), #Faaa Drum sound
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "mute_last_second", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "result_cheer_loop", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "cheer_loop_delay", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "star_claps", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "beat_claps", autoApply = True), #racer
    audioSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, audioSettings + applyItem)

    perfSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "game_priority", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "disable_libcount", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "disable_librotation", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "starspin"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "static_strings", autoApply = True),      #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "killfx", autoApply = True),   #blazingamer
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "star_score_updates", autoApply = True),   #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "in_game_stats", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "preload_glyph_cache", autoApply = True),#evilynux
    perfSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, perfSettings + applyItem)

    listSettings = [
      (_("Select Song Library >"), self.baseLibrarySelect),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "sort_order", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "songdisplay", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "quickplay_career_tiers", autoApply = True),  #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "songfilepath", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "disable_preview", autoApply = True),  #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlist_difficulty", autoApply = True), #evilynux
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlist_extra_stats", autoApply = True), #evilynux
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlist_instrument", autoApply = True), #MFH
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "HSMovement", autoApply = True), #racer
    listSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, listSettings + applyItem)

    themeSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "themename",    autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "stage_mode", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "song_stage", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rotate_stages", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "animated_stage_folder", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "miss_pauses_anim", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "stage_rotate_delay", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt - user defined stage rotate delay
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "stage_animate_delay", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt - user defined stage rotate delay
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rb_sp_neck_glow", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",   "rbmfx", autoApply = True), #blazingamer
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "starfx", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rbnote", autoApply = True), #racer
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "in_game_stars", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "partial_stars", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "sp_notes_while_active", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt - setting for gaining more SP while active
    themeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, themeSettings + applyItem)

    #MFH - new menu
    debugSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "kill_debug", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_debug_disp", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rock_band_events", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "show_unused_text_events", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
    debugSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, debugSettings)

    settings = [
      (_(engine.versionString),   gameSettingsMenu),
      (_("Theme Settings"),      themeSettingsMenu),
      (_("Key Settings"),          keySettingsMenu),
      (_("Visual Settings"),     videoSettingsMenu),
      (_("Fretboard Settings"),   fretSettingsMenu),
      (_("Audio Settings"),      audioSettingsMenu),
      (_("Performance Settings"), perfSettingsMenu),
      (_("Song List Settings"),   listSettingsMenu),
      (_("Mod settings"), modSettings),
      (_("Debug Settings"),   debugSettingsMenu),
      (_("Choose Neck >"), lambda: Dialogs.chooseNeck(engine,prompt=_("Yellow (#3) / Blue (#4) to change:"))),
      (_("Credits"), lambda: Dialogs.showCredits(engine)) # evilynux - Show Credits!
    self.settingsToApply = settings + \
                           videoSettings + \
                           audioSettings + \
                           volumeSettings + \
                           keySettings + \
                           gameSettings + \
                           perfSettings + \
                           listSettings + \


    self.opt_text_x = Theme.opt_text_xPos
    self.opt_text_y = Theme.opt_text_yPos

    if engine.data.theme == 0:
      if self.opt_text_x == None:
        self.opt_text_x = .44
      if self.opt_text_y == None:
        self.opt_text_y = .14
    elif engine.data.theme == 1:
      if self.opt_text_x == None:
        self.opt_text_x = .38
      if self.opt_text_y == None:
        self.opt_text_y = .15
    elif engine.data.theme == 2:
      if self.opt_text_x == None:
        self.opt_text_x = .25
      if self.opt_text_y == None:
        self.opt_text_y = .14

    self.opt_text_color = Theme.hexToColor(Theme.opt_text_colorVar)
    self.opt_selected_color = Theme.hexToColor(Theme.opt_selected_colorVar)

    Log.debug("Option text / selected hex colors: " + Theme.opt_text_colorVar + " / " + Theme.opt_selected_colorVar)

    if self.opt_text_color == None:
      self.opt_text_color = (1,1,1)
    if self.opt_selected_color == None:
      self.opt_selected_color = (1,0.75,0)

    Log.debug("Option text / selected colors: " + str(self.opt_text_color) + " / " + str(self.opt_selected_color))

    Menu.Menu.__init__(self, engine, settings, pos = (self.opt_text_x, self.opt_text_y), textColor = self.opt_text_color, selectedColor = self.opt_selected_color)   #MFH - add position to this so we can move it
Exemplo n.º 13
def n_ROU(Prime,comprime,n):
    if((Prime % n) != 1):
        print("ERROR!!,n is not factor of (Prime-1) ")
    i = (Prime - 1)//n  ##integer quotient
    ROU = Mod.ExpMod(comprime,i,Prime)
    return ROU
Exemplo n.º 14
            exp = Mod.MulMod(i,j,n)          #calculates power of i*j
            tmp = Mod.ExpMod(ROU,exp,prime)  #calculates w^(i*j)
            tmp = Mod.MulMod(x[j],tmp,prime) #calculate x[j]w^(ij)
            acm = Mod.AddMod(acm,tmp,prime)  
    y = np.array(y_list)
    if(inverse == 1):
        y = y * IN
        y = y % prime
    return y

p  =  7  #prime #20231
n =  3
#init parameter
ROU  = init.n_ROU(p,4,n)
IROU = Mod.InvMod(ROU,p)
x = np.zeros(n,dtype = int)
x[0] = 1
x[1] = 1
x[2] = 1
inverse = 0 
y = NTT(x,ROU,p,n,inverse)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__ ( self, modname, mapname, is_server=False, graphics_enabled=True ):
        """Initialize the world from the given map"""
        self.modname = modname
        self.mapname = mapname
        self.playerEnt = None
        self.isServer = is_server
        self.graphicsEnabled = graphics_enabled
        self.idCounter = 0

        self.ninjasKilled   = 0
        self.piratesKilled  = 0
        self.treasuresTaken = 0
        self.deathBlotches = []

        path = Mod.MapPath( modname, mapname)
        hmap = path+"heightmap.bin"
        projectdesc = ProjectDesc ( modname, mapname )
        self.projectDesc = projectdesc
        self.seaLevel = float(projectdesc.SeaLevel)
        self.solver = Physics.Solver()

        #create materials
        self.materialMap = Materials.DefaultMaterialMap(self.solver)

        #setup atmosphere
        self.atmosphere = Atmosphere.Atmosphere(projectdesc)
        self.terrainMaterial = TerrainMaterial.TerrainMaterial( modname, mapname )
        self.terrain = Terrain.TerrainPatch(  None, self, Heightmap.fromFile(hmap), self.terrainMaterial, projectdesc.Spacing )
        #if self.graphicsEnabled:
        #    self.terrain.initGraphics()
        self.ocean = Ocean.Ocean(float(projectdesc.SeaLevel),
                                 self.terrain.getextent() )

        mx = self.terrain.getextent() / 2
        mz = self.terrain.getextent() / 2
        my = self.terrain.getWorldHeightValue( mx, mz ) + 2.0

        #Set the world size (Newton will disable anything that's not
        #within the world box
        extent = float(self.terrain.getextent())
        self.solver.setWorldSize( (-extent, -2000.0, -extent ), (extent, 2000.0, extent) )

        #Create scene. This should load all the entities as well
        self.scene   = SceneManager.SceneManager(self, modname, mapname)
        #set camera
        if not self.graphicsEnabled:
            self.playerEnt = None
            self.camera = None
            if self.playerEnt == None or Settings.RunPhysics == False:
                self.camera = Camera.Freecam()
                self.camera.position = vec3( mx, my, mz)
                self.camera.yaw = 0
                self.camera.pitch = 0
                self.camera = Camera.AttachableCamera( self.playerEnt )
            self.frustrum_camera = self.camera.asFreecam()
        print "World loaded"
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, engine):

        self.engine = engine

        self.logClassInits = self.engine.config.get("game", "log_class_inits")
        if self.logClassInits == 1:
            Log.debug("SettingsMenu class init (Settings.py)...")

        applyItem = [(_("Apply New Settings"), self.applySettings)]

        modSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "mods", "mod_" + m) for m in Mod.getAvailableMods(engine)
        ] + applyItem

        StagesOptions = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "stage_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "animated_stage_folder", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "song_stage", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rotate_stages", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
                engine.config, "game", "stage_rotate_delay", autoApply=True
            ),  # myfingershurt - user defined stage rotate delay
                engine.config, "game", "stage_animate", autoApply=True
            ),  # myfingershurt - user defined stage rotate delay
                engine.config, "game", "stage_animate_delay", autoApply=True
            ),  # myfingershurt - user defined stage rotate delay
        StagesOptionsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, StagesOptions)

        HOPOSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_indicator", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_style", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "moreHopo", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "song_hopo_freq", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_after_chord", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
        HOPOSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, HOPOSettings)

        LyricsSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "lyric_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "script_lyric_pos", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
        LyricsSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, LyricsSettings)

        JurgenSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurgmode", autoApply=True),  # Spikehead777
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurgtype", autoApply=True),  # Spikehead777
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurglogic", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "jurgtext", autoApply=True),  # hman
        JurgenSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, JurgenSettings)

        FoFiXBasicSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "language"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "themename", autoApply=True),
            (_("Stages Options"), StagesOptionsMenu),
            (_("HO/PO Settings"), HOPOSettingsMenu),
            (_("Lyrics Settings"), LyricsSettingsMenu),
                _("Choose P1 Neck >"),
                lambda: Dialogs.chooseNeck(engine, player=0, prompt=_("Yellow (#3) / Blue (#4) to change:")),
                _("Choose P2 Neck >"),
                lambda: Dialogs.chooseNeck(engine, player=1, prompt=_("Yellow (#3) / Blue (#4) to change:")),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "ignore_open_strums", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "star_scoring", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
                engine.config, "audio", "enable_crowd_tracks", autoApply=True
            ),  # akedrou: I don't like this here, but "audio" menu is empty of choices.
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "uploadscores", autoApply=True),
        FoFiXBasicSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, FoFiXBasicSettings)

        FoFiXAdvancedSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "party_time", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rb_midi_lyrics", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "midi_lyric_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rb_midi_sections", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "bass_groove_enable", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "lphrases", autoApply=True),  # blazingamer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "whammy_saves_starpower", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "starpower_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "big_rock_endings", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "big_rock_logic", autoApply=True),  # volshebnyi
        FoFiXAdvancedSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, FoFiXAdvancedSettings)

        drumKeySettings = [
            (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testDrums(engine)),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "auto_drum_sp", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_bass"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum1a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum1b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum2a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum2b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum3a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum3b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum4a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum4b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum_up"),  # shun - directionals
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_drum_cancel"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_bass"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum1a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum1b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum2a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum2b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum3a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum3b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum4a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum4b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum_up"),  # shun - directionals
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_drum_cancel"),
        drumKeySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, drumKeySettings)

        # shun - alternate drum keys
        altDrumKeySettings = [
            (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testDrums(engine)),
            # ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "auto_drum_sp", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt #shun- probably not needed for alt(?)
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_bass"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum1a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum1b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum2a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum2b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum3a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum3b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum4a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum4b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum_up"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum_down"),  # shun - directionals
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_drum_cancel"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_bass"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum1a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum1b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum2a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum2b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum3a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum3b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum4a"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum4b"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum_up"),  # shun -directionals
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_drum_cancel"),
        altDrumKeySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, altDrumKeySettings)

        player0Keys = [
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_action1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_action2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_3"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_4"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_5"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_up"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_cancel"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_star"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_kill"),
        player0KeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player0Keys)

        player0AltKeys = [
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_action1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_action2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_3"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_4"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_5"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_up"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_cancel"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_star"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "akey_kill"),
        player0AltKeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player0AltKeys)

        player1Keys = [
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_action1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_action2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_3"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_4"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_5"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_up"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_cancel"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_star"),  # added by ShiekOdaSandz
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_kill"),  # added by ShiekOdaSandz
        player1KeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player1Keys)

        player1AltKeys = [
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_action1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_action2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_1"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_2"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_3"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_4"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_5"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_left"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_right"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_up"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_down"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_cancel"),
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_star"),  # added by ShiekOdaSandz
            KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "aplayer_2_key_kill"),  # added by ShiekOdaSandz
        player1AltKeyMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, player1AltKeys)

        AdvancedKeySettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "analog_killsw_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player0", "two_chord_max", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player0", "leftymode", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "analog_killsw_mode_p2", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player1", "two_chord_max", autoApply=True),  # QQstarS
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player1", "leftymode", autoApply=True),  # QQstarS
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "drum_navigation", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "p2_menu_nav", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
        AdvancedKeySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, AdvancedKeySettings)

        keySettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "key_checker_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "alt_keys", autoApply=True),
            (_("Player 1 Keys"), player0KeyMenu),
            (_("Player 1 Alt. Keys"), player0AltKeyMenu),
            (_("Player 2 Keys"), player1KeyMenu),
            (_("Player 2 Alt. Keys"), player1AltKeyMenu),
            (_("Drum Keys"), drumKeySettingsMenu),
            (_("Alt. Drum Keys"), altDrumKeySettingsMenu),
            (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testKeys(engine)),
            (_("Advanced Controls"), AdvancedKeySettingsMenu),
        keySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, keySettings)

        AdvancedVideoSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fps"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "game_time", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "accuracy_mode", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "accuracy_pos", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "decimal_places", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "gsolo_accuracy_disp", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "gsolo_acc_pos", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "noterotate", autoApply=True),  # blazingamer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "gfx_version_tag", autoApply=True),  # MFH
        AdvancedVideoSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, AdvancedVideoSettings)

        modes = engine.video.getVideoModes()
            text=_("Video Resolution"),
            options=["%dx%d" % (m[0], m[1]) for m in modes],
        videoSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "resolution"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fullscreen"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "multisamples"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "disable_fretsfx"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "hitglow_color"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "counting", autoApply=True),
            (_("Advanced Video Settings"), AdvancedVideoSettingsMenu),
        videoSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, videoSettings)

        fretSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "fretboard", "point_of_view", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "phrases", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "notedisappear", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "frets_under_notes", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "nstype", autoApply=True),  # blazingamer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "neckSpeed", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hit_window", autoApply=True),  # alarian: defines hit window
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "large_drum_neck", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "bass_groove_neck", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "guitar_solo_neck", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "incoming_neck_mode", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "solo_frame", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "in_game_font_shadowing", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
        fretSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, fretSettings)

        volumeSettings = [
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "guitarvol", autoApply=True),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "songvol", autoApply=True),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "rhythmvol", autoApply=True),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "screwupvol", autoApply=True),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "miss_volume", autoApply=True),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "single_track_miss_volume", autoApply=True),
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "crowd_volume", autoApply=True),  # akedrou
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "kill_volume", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio", "SFX_volume", autoApply=True),  # MFH
        volumeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, volumeSettings)

        AdvancedAudioSettings = [
                engine.config, "audio", "delay", autoApply=True
            ),  # myfingershurt: so a/v delay can be set without restarting FoF
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "whammy_effect", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "frequency"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "bits"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "buffersize"),
            # ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "mute_sustain_releases", autoApply = True),   #myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "sustain_muting", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "mute_last_second", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "bass_kick_sound", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "T_sound", autoApply=True),  # Faaa Drum sound
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "result_cheer_loop", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "cheer_loop_delay", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "star_claps", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "beat_claps", autoApply=True),  # racer
        AdvancedAudioSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, AdvancedAudioSettings)

        audioSettings = [
            (_("Volume Settings"), volumeSettingsMenu),
            (_("Advanced Audio Settings"), AdvancedAudioSettingsMenu),
        audioSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, audioSettings)

        # MFH - new menu
        logfileSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_ini_reads", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_class_inits", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_loadings", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_sections", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_undefined_gets", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_marker_notes", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "log_starpower_misses", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "log", "log_unedited_midis", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
        logfileSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, logfileSettings)

        debugSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "show_fps", autoApply=True),  # evilynux
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "kill_debug", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "hopo_debug_disp", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rock_band_events", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "show_unused_text_events", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "debug", "use_unedited_midis", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            # ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "font_rendering_mode", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "debug", "show_freestyle_active", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            (_("Log Settings"), logfileSettingsMenu),
        debugSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, debugSettings)

        ManualPerfSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "game_priority", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "disable_libcount", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "disable_librotation", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "starspin"),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "static_strings", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "killfx", autoApply=True),  # blazingamer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "star_score_updates", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "in_game_stats", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "preload_glyph_cache", autoApply=True),  # evilynux
        ManualPerfSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, ManualPerfSettings)

        perfSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "performance", "autoset", autoApply=True),
            (_("Manual Settings (Autoset must be off)"), ManualPerfSettingsMenu),
            (_("Debug Settings"), debugSettingsMenu),
        perfSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, perfSettings)

        listSettings = [
            (_("Select Song Library >"), self.baseLibrarySelect),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "songfilepath", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "sort_direction", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "sort_order", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "song_display_mode", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "song_listing_mode", autoApply=True),
            # (_("Select List All Folder >"), self.listAllFolderSelect), #- Not Working Yet - Qstick
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songcovertype", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlistrotation", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "song_icons", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "preload_labels", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "disable_preview", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlist_instrument", autoApply=True),  # MFH
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlist_difficulty", autoApply=True),  # evilynux
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "songlist_extra_stats", autoApply=True),  # evilynux
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "HSMovement", autoApply=True),  # racer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "quickplay_tiers", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
        listSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, listSettings)

        ThemeSettings = [
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "miss_pauses_anim", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rb_sp_neck_glow", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rbmfx", autoApply=True),  # blazingamer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "starfx", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "rbnote", autoApply=True),  # racer
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "in_game_stars", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "partial_stars", autoApply=True),  # myfingershurt
                engine.config, "game", "sp_notes_while_active", autoApply=True
            ),  # myfingershurt - setting for gaining more SP while active
        ThemeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, ThemeSettings)

        AdvancedSettings = [
            (_("FoFix Advanced Settings"), FoFiXAdvancedSettingsMenu),
            (_("Theme Settings"), ThemeSettingsMenu),
            (_("Fretboard Settings"), fretSettingsMenu),
        AdvancedSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, AdvancedSettings)

        Cheats = [
            (_("Jurgen Settings"), JurgenSettingsMenu),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "coffee", "failingEnabled", autoApply=True),
            ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "slow_down_divisor", autoApply=True),  # MFH
        CheatMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, Cheats)

        settings = [
            (_(engine.versionString + _(" Basic Settings")), FoFiXBasicSettingsMenu),
            (_("Controls"), keySettingsMenu),
            (_("Library"), listSettingsMenu),
            (_("Audio"), audioSettingsMenu),
            (_("Video"), videoSettingsMenu),
            (_("Performances/Debug"), perfSettingsMenu),
            (_("Advanced Settings"), AdvancedSettingsMenu),
            (_("Mod settings"), modSettings),
            (_("Cheats"), CheatMenu),
            (_("Credits"), lambda: Dialogs.showCredits(engine)),  # evilynux - Show Credits!
            (_("Apply New Settings"), self.applySettings),

        self.settingsToApply = (
            + AdvancedAudioSettings
            + keySettings
            + AdvancedVideoSettings
            + FoFiXBasicSettings
            + perfSettings
            + modSettings

        # -    self.settingsToApply = settings + \
        # -                           videoSettings + \
        # -                           AdvancedAudioSettings + \
        # -                           volumeSettings + \
        # -                           keySettings + \
        # -			                     AdvancedVideoSettings + \
        # -                           FoFiXBasicSettings + \11/26/2008 11:10:30 PM
        # -                           perfSettings + \
        # -                           listSettings + \
        # -                           modSettings

        self.opt_text_x = Theme.opt_text_xPos
        self.opt_text_y = Theme.opt_text_yPos

        if engine.data.theme == 0:
            if self.opt_text_x == None:
                self.opt_text_x = 0.44
            if self.opt_text_y == None:
                self.opt_text_y = 0.14
        elif engine.data.theme == 1:
            if self.opt_text_x == None:
                self.opt_text_x = 0.38
            if self.opt_text_y == None:
                self.opt_text_y = 0.15
        elif engine.data.theme == 2:
            if self.opt_text_x == None:
                self.opt_text_x = 0.25
            if self.opt_text_y == None:
                self.opt_text_y = 0.14

        self.opt_text_color = Theme.hexToColor(Theme.opt_text_colorVar)
        self.opt_selected_color = Theme.hexToColor(Theme.opt_selected_colorVar)

        Log.debug("Option text / selected hex colors: " + Theme.opt_text_colorVar + " / " + Theme.opt_selected_colorVar)

        if self.opt_text_color == None:
            self.opt_text_color = (1, 1, 1)
        if self.opt_selected_color == None:
            self.opt_selected_color = (1, 0.75, 0)

        Log.debug("Option text / selected colors: " + str(self.opt_text_color) + " / " + str(self.opt_selected_color))

            pos=(self.opt_text_x, self.opt_text_y),
        )  # MFH - add position to this so we can move it
Exemplo n.º 17
def fmod(x):
    return Mod(float(x))
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, config = None):

        Log.debug("GameEngine class init (GameEngine.py)...")
        self.mainMenu = None    #placeholder for main menu object - to prevent reinstantiation

        self.createdGuitarScene = False   #MFH - so we only create ONE guitarscene...!
        self.currentScene = None

        self.versionString = version  #stump: other version stuff moved to allow full version string to be retrieved without instantiating GameEngine
        self.uploadVersion = "%s-4.0" % Version.PROGRAM_NAME #akedrou - the version passed to the upload site.

        self.dataPath = Version.dataPath()
        Log.debug(self.versionString + " starting up...")
        Log.debug("Python version: " + sys.version.split(' ')[0])
        Log.debug("Pygame version: " + str(pygame.version.ver) )
        Log.debug("PyOpenGL version: " + OpenGL.__version__)
        Log.debug("Numpy version: " + np.__version__)
        Log.debug("PIL version: " + Image.VERSION)
        Log.debug("sys.argv: " + repr(sys.argv))
        Log.debug("os.name: " + os.name)
        Log.debug("sys.platform: " + sys.platform)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            import win32api
            Log.debug("win32api.GetVersionEx(1): " + repr(win32api.GetVersionEx(1)))
        elif os.name == 'posix':
            Log.debug("os.uname(): " + repr(os.uname()))

        @param config:  L{Config} instance for settings

        self.tutorialFolder = "tutorials"

        if not config:
            config = Config.load()

        self.config  = config

        fps          = self.config.get("video", "fps")

        self.tasks = []
        self.frameTasks = []
        self.fps = fps
        self.currentTask = None
        self.paused = []
        self.running = True
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.title             = self.versionString
        self.restartRequested  = False

        # evilynux - Check if theme icon exists first, then fallback on FoFiX icon.
        themename = self.config.get("coffee", "themename")
        themeicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", themename, "icon.png")
        fofixicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "fofix_icon.png")
        icon = None
        if os.path.exists(themeicon):
            icon = themeicon
        elif os.path.exists(fofixicon):
            icon = fofixicon

        self.video             = Video(self.title, icon)
        if self.config.get("video", "disable_screensaver"):

        self.audio             = Audio()
        self.frames            = 0
        self.fpsEstimate       = 0
        self.priority          = self.config.get("engine", "highpriority")
        self.show_fps          = self.config.get("video", "show_fps")
        self.advSettings       = self.config.get("game", "adv_settings")
        self.restartRequired   = False
        self.quicksetRestart   = False
        self.quicksetPerf      = self.config.get("quickset", "performance")
        self.scrollRate        = self.config.get("game", "scroll_rate")
        self.scrollDelay       = self.config.get("game", "scroll_delay")

        Log.debug("Initializing audio.")
        frequency    = self.config.get("audio", "frequency")
        bits         = self.config.get("audio", "bits")
        stereo       = self.config.get("audio", "stereo")
        bufferSize   = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize")
        self.audio.open(frequency = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize)

        self.cmdPlay           = 0
        self.cmdMode           = None
        self.cmdDiff           = None
        self.cmdPart           = None

        self.gameStarted       = False
        self.world             = None

        self.audioSpeedFactor  = 1.0

        Log.debug("Initializing video.")
        #myfingershurt: ensuring windowed mode starts up in center of the screen instead of cascading positions:
        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = 'center'

        width, height = [int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")]
        fullscreen    = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen")
        multisamples  = self.config.get("video", "multisamples")
        self.video.setMode((width, height), fullscreen = fullscreen, multisamples = multisamples)
        Log.debug("OpenGL version: " + glGetString(GL_VERSION))
        Log.debug("OpenGL vendor: " + glGetString(GL_VENDOR))
        Log.debug("OpenGL renderer: " + glGetString(GL_RENDERER))
        Log.debug("OpenGL extensions: " + ' '.join(sorted(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).split())))

        if self.video.default:
            self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", False)
            self.config.set("video", "resolution", "800x600")

        if self.config.get("video", "shader_use"):
            shaders.set(os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "shaders"))

        # Enable the high priority timer if configured
        if self.priority:
            Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.")
            self.fps = 0 # High priority

        # evilynux - This was generating an error on the first pass (at least under
        #            GNU/Linux) as the Viewport was not set yet.
            viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
            viewport = [0, 0, width, height]
        h = viewport[3] - viewport[1]
        w = viewport[2] - viewport[0]
        geometry = (0, 0, w, h)
        self.svg = SvgContext(geometry)
        glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]), int(viewport[3]))

        self.startupMessages   = self.video.error
        self.input     = Input()
        self.view      = View(self, geometry)
        self.resizeScreen(w, h)

        self.resource  = Resource(Version.dataPath())
        self.mainloop  = self.loading
        self.menuMusic = False

        self.setlistMsg = None

        # Load game modifications
        self.addTask(self.input, synchronized = False)

        self.addTask(self.view, synchronized = False)

        self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized = False)

        self.data = Data(self.resource, self.svg)

        ##MFH: Animated stage folder selection option
        #<themename>\Stages still contains the backgrounds for when stage rotation is off, and practice.png
        #subfolders under Stages\ will each be treated as a separate animated stage set

        self.stageFolders = []
        currentTheme = themename

        stagespath = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme, "backgrounds")
        themepath  = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme)
        if os.path.exists(stagespath):
            self.stageFolders = []
            allFolders = os.listdir(stagespath)   #this also includes all the stage files - so check to see if there is at least one .png file inside each folder to be sure it's an animated stage folder
            for name in allFolders:
                aniStageFolderListing = []
                thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                    aniStageFolderListing = os.listdir(os.path.join(stagespath,name))
                except Exception:
                    thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                for aniFile in aniStageFolderListing:
                    if os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] == ".png" or os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] ==  ".jpg" or os.path.splitext(aniFile)[1] == ".jpeg":  #we've found at least one .png file here, chances are this is a valid animated stage folder
                        thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = True
                if thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder:

            i = len(self.stageFolders)
            if i > 0: #only set default to first animated subfolder if one exists - otherwise use Normal!
                defaultAniStage = str(self.stageFolders[0])
                defaultAniStage = "Normal"
            Log.debug("Default animated stage for " + currentTheme + " theme = " + defaultAniStage)
            aniStageOptions = dict([(str(self.stageFolders[n]),self.stageFolders[n]) for n in range(0, i)])
            if i > 1:   #only add Random setting if more than one animated stage exists
            Config.define("game", "animated_stage_folder", str, defaultAniStage, text = _("Animated Stage"), options = aniStageOptions )

            #MFH: here, need to track and check a new ini entry for last theme - so when theme changes we can re-default animated stage to first found
            lastTheme = self.config.get("game","last_theme")
            if lastTheme == "" or lastTheme != currentTheme:   #MFH - no last theme, and theme just changed:
                self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder",defaultAniStage)   #force defaultAniStage

            selectedAnimatedStage = self.config.get("game", "animated_stage_folder")
            if selectedAnimatedStage != "Normal" and selectedAnimatedStage != "Random":
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(stagespath,selectedAnimatedStage)):
                    Log.warn("Selected animated stage folder " + selectedAnimatedStage + " does not exist, forcing Normal.")
                    self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder","Normal") #MFH: force "Standard" currently selected animated stage folder is invalid
            Config.define("game", "animated_stage_folder", str, "None", text = _("Animated Stage"), options = ["None",_("None")])
            Log.warn("No stages\ folder found, forcing None setting for Animated Stage.")
            self.config.set("game","animated_stage_folder", "None") #MFH: force "None" when Stages folder can't be found

            fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("CustomTheme",[themepath])
            theme = imp.load_module("CustomTheme", fp, pathname, description)
            self.theme = theme.CustomTheme(themepath, themename)
        except ImportError:
            self.theme = Theme(themepath, themename)


        self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority = True)

        self.debugLayer         = None
        self.startupLayer       = None
        self.loadingScreenShown = False
        self.graphicMenuShown   = False

Exemplo n.º 19
import Mod

Mod.Mod("hi from other mod")
Exemplo n.º 20
  def __init__(self, engine):
    applyItem = [(_("Apply New Settings"), self.applySettings)]

    modSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "mods",  "mod_" + m) for m in Mod.getAvailableMods(engine)
    ] + applyItem
    gameSettings = [
      (_("Mod settings"), modSettings),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "language"),
      #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "leftymode", autoApply = True),
      #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "tapping", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "uploadscores", autoApply = True),
    gameSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, gameSettings + applyItem)

    keySettings = [
      (_("Test Keys"), lambda: Dialogs.testKeys(engine)),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player0", "key_cancel"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_action1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_action2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_1"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_2"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_3"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_4"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_5"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_left"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_right"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_up"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_down"),
      KeyConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "player1", "player_2_key_cancel"),
    keySettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, keySettings)
    modes = engine.video.getVideoModes()
    Config.define("video",  "resolution", str,   "640x480", text = _("Video Resolution"), options = ["%dx%d" % (m[0], m[1]) for m in modes])
    videoSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "resolution"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "fullscreen"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "fps"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video",  "multisamples"),
      #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgshaders"),    # shaders broken at the moment
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "opengl", "svgquality"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "fontscale"),
    videoSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, videoSettings + applyItem)

    volumeSettings = [
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "guitarvol"),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "songvol"),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "rhythmvol"),
      VolumeConfigChoice(engine, engine.config, "audio",  "screwupvol"),
    volumeSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, volumeSettings + applyItem)

    audioSettings = [
      (_("Volume Settings"), volumeSettingsMenu),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "delay"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "frequency"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "bits"),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio",  "buffersize"),
    audioSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, audioSettings + applyItem)

    rfModPlayer0Settings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player0",  "two_chord_max", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player0",  "leftymode", autoApply = True),
    rfModPlayer0SettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, rfModPlayer0Settings)

    rfModPlayer1Settings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player1",  "two_chord_max", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "player1",  "leftymode", autoApply = True),
    rfModPlayer1SettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, rfModPlayer1Settings)    

    rfModHOPOSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "tapping", autoApply = True),
      HopoConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "hopo_mark", autoApply = True),
      HopoConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "hopo_style", autoApply = True),
    rfModHOPOSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, rfModHOPOSettings)    

    rfModGameSettings = [
      (_("Select Song Library >"), self.baseLibrarySelect), 
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "alt_keys", autoApply = True),
      #ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "strum_burst", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "sort_order", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "disable_vbpm", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "pov", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "party_time", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "miss_volume", autoApply = True),
    rfModGameSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, rfModGameSettings)
    rfModPerfSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "engine",  "game_priority", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "audio", "disable_preview", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "disable_stats", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "disable_notesfx", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "disable_fretsfx", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "video", "disable_flamesfx", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "disable_spinny", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "disable_libcount", autoApply = True),
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game", "disable_librotation", autoApply = True),
    rfModPerfSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, rfModPerfSettings)

    rfModSettings = [
      ConfigChoice(engine.config, "game",  "players", autoApply = True),
      (_("Game settings"), rfModGameSettingsMenu),
      (_("HO/PO settings"), rfModHOPOSettingsMenu),
      (_("Performance settings"), rfModPerfSettingsMenu),
      (_("Player 1 settings"), rfModPlayer0SettingsMenu),
      (_("Player 2 settings"), rfModPlayer1SettingsMenu),
    rfModSettingsMenu = Menu.Menu(engine, rfModSettings)

    settings = [
      (_("Game Settings"),     gameSettingsMenu),
      (_("Key Settings"),      keySettingsMenu),
      (_("Video Settings"),    videoSettingsMenu),
      (_("Audio Settings"),    audioSettingsMenu),
      (_("RF-mod Settings"),   rfModSettingsMenu),
    self.settingsToApply = settings + \
                           videoSettings + \
                           audioSettings + \
                           volumeSettings + \
                           gameSettings + \

    Menu.Menu.__init__(self, engine, settings)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, config = None):

        @param config:  L{Config} instance for settings

        if not config:
            config = Config.load()

        self.config  = config

        fps          = self.config.get("video", "fps")
        tickrate     = self.config.get("engine", "tickrate")
        Engine.__init__(self, fps = fps, tickrate = tickrate)


        self.title             = _("Frets on Fire")
        self.restartRequested  = False
        self.handlingException = False
        self.video             = Video(self.title)
        self.audio             = Audio()

        Log.debug("Initializing audio.")
        frequency    = self.config.get("audio", "frequency")
        bits         = self.config.get("audio", "bits")
        stereo       = self.config.get("audio", "stereo")
        bufferSize   = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize")

        self.audio.pre_open(frequency = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize)
        self.audio.open(frequency = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize)

        Log.debug("Initializing video.")
        width, height = [int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")]
        fullscreen    = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen")
        multisamples  = self.config.get("video", "multisamples")
        self.video.setMode((width, height), fullscreen = fullscreen, multisamples = multisamples)

        # Enable the high priority timer if configured
        if self.config.get("engine", "highpriority"):
            Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.")
            self.timer.highPriority = True

        viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
        h = viewport[3] - viewport[1]
        w = viewport[2] - viewport[0]
        geometry = (0, 0, w, h)
        self.img = ImgContext(geometry)
        glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]), int(viewport[3]))

        self.input     = Input()
        self.view      = View(self, geometry)
        self.resizeScreen(w, h)

        self.resource  = Resource(Version.dataPath())
        self.server    = None
        self.sessions  = []
        self.mainloop  = self.loading

        # Load game modifications
        theme = Config.load(self.resource.fileName("theme.ini"))

        # Make sure we are using the new upload URL
        if self.config.get("game", "uploadurl").startswith("http://kempele.fi"):
            self.config.set("game", "uploadurl", "http://fretsonfire.sourceforge.net/play")

        self.addTask(self.audio, synchronized = False)
        self.addTask(self.input, synchronized = False)
        self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized = False)
        self.data = Data(self.resource, self.img)

        self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority = True)

        self.debugLayer         = None
        self.startupLayer       = None
        self.loadingScreenShown = False

Exemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self, modname, mapname ):
     self._shaderProgram = None
     self.layers = TerrainLayer.loadLayers( modname, mapname )
     self._colormapName = Mod.MapPath(modname,mapname) + 'colormap.png'
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, config=None):

    @param config:  L{Config} instance for settings

        if not config:
            config = Config.load()

        self.config = config

        fps = self.config.get("video", "fps")
        tickrate = self.config.get("engine", "tickrate")
        Engine.__init__(self, fps=fps, tickrate=tickrate)


        self.title = _("Frets on Fire")
        self.restartRequested = False
        self.handlingException = False
        self.video = Video(self.title)
        self.audio = Audio()

        Log.debug("Initializing audio.")
        frequency = self.config.get("audio", "frequency")
        bits = self.config.get("audio", "bits")
        stereo = self.config.get("audio", "stereo")
        bufferSize = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize")


        Log.debug("Initializing video.")
        width, height = [
            int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")
        fullscreen = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen")
        multisamples = self.config.get("video", "multisamples")
        self.video.setMode((width, height),

        # Enable the high priority timer if configured
        if self.config.get("engine", "highpriority"):
            Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.")
            self.timer.highPriority = True

        viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
        h = viewport[3] - viewport[1]
        w = viewport[2] - viewport[0]
        geometry = (0, 0, w, h)
        self.svg = SvgContext(geometry)
        self.svg.setRenderingQuality(self.config.get("opengl", "svgquality"))
        glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]),

        self.input = Input()
        self.view = View(self, geometry)
        self.resizeScreen(w, h)

        self.resource = Resource(Version.dataPath())
        self.server = None
        self.sessions = []
        self.mainloop = self.loading

        # Load game modifications
        theme = Config.load(self.resource.fileName("theme.ini"))

        # Make sure we are using the new upload URL
        if self.config.get("game",
            self.config.set("game", "uploadurl",

        self.addTask(self.audio, synchronized=False)
        self.addTask(self.input, synchronized=False)
        self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized=False)
        self.data = Data(self.resource, self.svg)

        self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority=True)

        self.debugLayer = None
        self.startupLayer = None
        self.loadingScreenShown = False

Exemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, config=None):

        Log.debug("GameEngine class init (GameEngine.py)...")
        self.mainMenu = None  #placeholder for main menu object - to prevent reinstantiation

        self.currentScene = None

        self.versionString = version  #stump: other version stuff moved to allow full version string to be retrieved without instantiating GameEngine
        self.uploadVersion = "%s-4.0" % Version.PROGRAM_NAME  #akedrou - the version passed to the upload site.

        self.dataPath = Version.dataPath()
        Log.debug(self.versionString + " starting up...")
        Log.debug("Python version: " + sys.version.split(' ')[0])
        Log.debug("Pygame version: " + str(pygame.version.ver))
        Log.debug("PyOpenGL version: " + OpenGL.__version__)
        Log.debug("Numpy version: " + np.__version__)
        Log.debug("PIL version: " + Image.VERSION)
        Log.debug("sys.argv: " + repr(sys.argv))
        Log.debug("os.name: " + os.name)
        Log.debug("sys.platform: " + sys.platform)
        if os.name == 'nt':
            import win32api
            Log.debug("win32api.GetVersionEx(1): " +
        elif os.name == 'posix':
            Log.debug("os.uname(): " + repr(os.uname()))
        @param config:  L{Config} instance for settings

        self.tutorialFolder = "tutorials"

        if not config:
            config = Config.load()

        self.config = config

        fps = self.config.get("video", "fps")

        self.tasks = []
        self.frameTasks = []
        self.fps = fps
        self.currentTask = None
        self.paused = []
        self.running = True
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.title = self.versionString
        self.restartRequested = False

        # evilynux - Check if theme icon exists first, then fallback on FoFiX icon.
        themename = self.config.get("coffee", "themename")
        themeicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", themename,
        fofixicon = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "fofix_icon.png")
        icon = None
        if os.path.exists(themeicon):
            icon = themeicon
        elif os.path.exists(fofixicon):
            icon = fofixicon

        self.video = Video(self.title, icon)
        if self.config.get("video", "disable_screensaver"):

        self.audio = Audio()
        self.frames = 0
        self.fpsEstimate = 0
        self.priority = self.config.get("engine", "highpriority")
        self.show_fps = self.config.get("video", "show_fps")
        self.advSettings = self.config.get("game", "adv_settings")
        self.restartRequired = False
        self.quicksetRestart = False
        self.quicksetPerf = self.config.get("quickset", "performance")
        self.scrollRate = self.config.get("game", "scroll_rate")
        self.scrollDelay = self.config.get("game", "scroll_delay")

        Log.debug("Initializing audio.")
        frequency = self.config.get("audio", "frequency")
        bits = self.config.get("audio", "bits")
        stereo = self.config.get("audio", "stereo")
        bufferSize = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize")

        self.cmdPlay = 0
        self.cmdMode = None
        self.cmdDiff = None
        self.cmdPart = None

        self.gameStarted = False
        self.world = None

        self.audioSpeedFactor = 1.0

        Log.debug("Initializing video.")
        #myfingershurt: ensuring windowed mode starts up in center of the screen instead of cascading positions:
        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = 'center'

        width, height = [
            int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")
        fullscreen = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen")
        multisamples = self.config.get("video", "multisamples")
        self.video.setMode((width, height),
        Log.debug("OpenGL version: " + glGetString(GL_VERSION))
        Log.debug("OpenGL vendor: " + glGetString(GL_VENDOR))
        Log.debug("OpenGL renderer: " + glGetString(GL_RENDERER))
        Log.debug("OpenGL extensions: " +
                  ' '.join(sorted(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).split())))

        if self.video.default:
            self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", False)
            self.config.set("video", "resolution", "800x600")

        if self.config.get("video", "shader_use"):
            shaders.set(os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "shaders"))

        # Enable the high priority timer if configured
        if self.priority:
            Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.")
            self.fps = 0  # High priority

        # evilynux - This was generating an error on the first pass (at least under
        #            GNU/Linux) as the Viewport was not set yet.
            viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT)
            viewport = [0, 0, width, height]
        h = viewport[3] - viewport[1]
        w = viewport[2] - viewport[0]
        geometry = (0, 0, w, h)
        self.svg = SvgContext(geometry)
        glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]),

        self.startupMessages = self.video.error
        self.input = Input()
        self.view = View(self, geometry)
        self.resizeScreen(w, h)

        self.resource = Resource(Version.dataPath())
        self.mainloop = self.loading
        self.menuMusic = False

        self.setlistMsg = None

        # Load game modifications
        self.addTask(self.input, synchronized=False)

        self.addTask(self.view, synchronized=False)

        self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized=False)

        self.data = Data(self.resource, self.svg)

        ##MFH: Animated stage folder selection option
        #<themename>\Stages still contains the backgrounds for when stage rotation is off, and practice.png
        #subfolders under Stages\ will each be treated as a separate animated stage set

        self.stageFolders = []
        currentTheme = themename

        stagespath = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme,
        themepath = os.path.join(Version.dataPath(), "themes", currentTheme)
        if os.path.exists(stagespath):
            self.stageFolders = []
            allFolders = os.listdir(
            )  #this also includes all the stage files - so check to see if there is at least one .png file inside each folder to be sure it's an animated stage folder
            for name in allFolders:
                aniStageFolderListing = []
                thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                    aniStageFolderListing = os.listdir(
                        os.path.join(stagespath, name))
                except Exception:
                    thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = False
                for aniFile in aniStageFolderListing:
                    if os.path.splitext(
                    )[1] == ".png" or os.path.splitext(
                    )[1] == ".jpg" or os.path.splitext(
                    )[1] == ".jpeg":  #we've found at least one .png file here, chances are this is a valid animated stage folder
                        thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder = True
                if thisIsAnAnimatedStageFolder:

            i = len(self.stageFolders)
            if i > 0:  #only set default to first animated subfolder if one exists - otherwise use Normal!
                defaultAniStage = str(self.stageFolders[0])
                defaultAniStage = "Normal"
            Log.debug("Default animated stage for " + currentTheme +
                      " theme = " + defaultAniStage)
            aniStageOptions = dict([(str(self.stageFolders[n]),
                                    for n in range(0, i)])
            aniStageOptions.update({"Normal": _("Slideshow")})
            if i > 1:  #only add Random setting if more than one animated stage exists
                aniStageOptions.update({"Random": _("Random")})
                          text=_("Animated Stage"),

            #MFH: here, need to track and check a new ini entry for last theme - so when theme changes we can re-default animated stage to first found
            lastTheme = self.config.get("game", "last_theme")
            if lastTheme == "" or lastTheme != currentTheme:  #MFH - no last theme, and theme just changed:
                self.config.set("game", "animated_stage_folder",
                                defaultAniStage)  #force defaultAniStage
            self.config.set("game", "last_theme", currentTheme)

            selectedAnimatedStage = self.config.get("game",
            if selectedAnimatedStage != "Normal" and selectedAnimatedStage != "Random":
                if not os.path.exists(
                        os.path.join(stagespath, selectedAnimatedStage)):
                    Log.warn("Selected animated stage folder " +
                             selectedAnimatedStage +
                             " does not exist, forcing Normal.")
                        "game", "animated_stage_folder", "Normal"
                    )  #MFH: force "Standard" currently selected animated stage folder is invalid
                          text=_("Animated Stage"),
                          options=["None", _("None")])
                "No stages\ folder found, forcing None setting for Animated Stage."
                "game", "animated_stage_folder",
                "None")  #MFH: force "None" when Stages folder can't be found

            fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(
                "CustomTheme", [themepath])
            theme = imp.load_module("CustomTheme", fp, pathname, description)
            self.theme = theme.CustomTheme(themepath, themename)
        except ImportError:
            self.theme = Theme(themepath, themename)


        self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority=True)

        self.debugLayer = None
        self.startupLayer = None
        self.loadingScreenShown = False
        self.graphicMenuShown = False

Exemplo n.º 25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from com.ericsson.xn.commons import test_logger
import Mod

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_logger.init('pm_main', 'pm')
    test_logger.info('This is info testing.')
Exemplo n.º 26
 def fsPath( self ):
     return Mod.MapPath( self.modname, self.mapname)