Exemplo n.º 1
 def createPopulations(self):
     self.populationDict = {}
     for population in self.network.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}population"):
         cellname = population.attrib["cell_type"]
         populationname = population.attrib["name"]
         print "loading", populationname
         ## if channel does not exist in library load it from xml file
         if not self.context.exists('/library/'+cellname):
             mmlR = MorphML(self.nml_params)
             cellDict = mmlR.readMorphMLFromFile(cellname+'.morph.xml')
         libcell = moose.Cell('/library/'+cellname)
         self.populationDict[populationname] = (cellname,{})
         for instance in population.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}instance"):
             instanceid = instance.attrib['id']
             location = instance.find('./{'+nml_ns+'}location')
             rotationnote = instance.find('./{'+meta_ns+'}notes')
             if rotationnote is not None:
                 ## the text in rotationnote is zrotation=xxxxxxx
                 zrotation = float(string.split(rotationnote.text,'=')[1])
                 zrotation = 0
             ## deep copies the library cell to an instance
             cell = moose.Cell(libcell,"/"+populationname+"_"+instanceid)
             x = float(location.attrib['x'])*self.length_factor
             y = float(location.attrib['y'])*self.length_factor
             z = float(location.attrib['z'])*self.length_factor
Exemplo n.º 2
 def createPopulations(self):
     self.populationDict = {}
     for population in self.network.findall(".//{" + nml_ns +
         cellname = population.attrib["cell_type"]
         populationname = population.attrib["name"]
         print "loading", populationname
         ## if channel does not exist in library load it from xml file
         if not self.context.exists('/library/' + cellname):
             mmlR = MorphML(self.nml_params)
             cellDict = mmlR.readMorphMLFromFile(cellname + '.morph.xml')
         libcell = moose.Cell('/library/' + cellname)
         self.populationDict[populationname] = (cellname, {})
         for instance in population.findall(".//{" + nml_ns + "}instance"):
             instanceid = instance.attrib['id']
             location = instance.find('./{' + nml_ns + '}location')
             rotationnote = instance.find('./{' + meta_ns + '}notes')
             if rotationnote is not None:
                 ## the text in rotationnote is zrotation=xxxxxxx
                 zrotation = float(string.split(rotationnote.text, '=')[1])
                 zrotation = 0
             ## deep copies the library cell to an instance
             cell = moose.Cell(libcell,
                               "/" + populationname + "_" + instanceid)
             self.populationDict[populationname][1][int(instanceid)] = cell
             x = float(location.attrib['x']) * self.length_factor
             y = float(location.attrib['y']) * self.length_factor
             z = float(location.attrib['z']) * self.length_factor
             self.translate_rotate(cell, x, y, z, zrotation)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def readNeuroMLFromFile(self,filename,params={}):
        For the format of params required to tweak what cells are loaded,
        refer to the doc string of NetworkML.readNetworkMLFromFile().
        print "Loading neuroml file ... ", filename
        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        root_element = tree.getroot()
        self.lengthUnits = root_element.attrib['lengthUnits']
        self.temperature = CELSIUS_default # gets replaced below if tag for temperature is present
        self.temperature_default = True
        for meta_property in root_element.findall('.//{'+meta_ns+'}property'):
            tagname = meta_property.attrib['tag']
            if 'temperature' in tagname:
                self.temperature = float(meta_property.attrib['value'])
                self.temperature_default = False
        if self.temperature_default:
            print "Using default temperature of", self.temperature,"degrees Celsius."
        self.nml_params = {'temperature':self.temperature}

        #print "Loading channels and synapses into MOOSE /library ..."
        cmlR = ChannelML(self.nml_params)
        for channels in root_element.findall('.//{'+neuroml_ns+'}channels'):
            self.channelUnits = channels.attrib['units']
            for channel in channels.findall('.//{'+cml_ns+'}channel_type'):
                ## ideally I should read in extra params
                ## from within the channel_type element and put those in also.
                ## Global params should override local ones.
            for synapse in channels.findall('.//{'+cml_ns+'}synapse_type'):
            for ionConc in channels.findall('.//{'+cml_ns+'}ion_concentration'):

        #print "Loading cell definitions into MOOSE /library ..."
        mmlR = MorphML(self.nml_params)
        self.cellsDict = {}
        for cells in root_element.findall('.//{'+neuroml_ns+'}cells'):
            for cell in cells.findall('.//{'+neuroml_ns+'}cell'):
                cellDict = mmlR.readMorphML(cell,params={},lengthUnits=self.lengthUnits)

        #print "Loading individual cells into MOOSE root ... "
        nmlR = NetworkML(self.nml_params)
        self.populationDict, self.projectionDict = \
Exemplo n.º 4
    def readNeuroMLFromFile(self,filename,params={}):
        For the format of params required to tweak what cells are loaded,
        refer to the doc string of NetworkML.readNetworkMLFromFile().
        tree = ET.parse(filename)
        root_element = tree.getroot()
        self.length_units = root_element.attrib['length_units']
        print filename
        mmlR = MorphML()
        self.cellsList = []
        for cells in root_element.findall('.//{'+self.neuroml_ns+'}cells'):
            print 'found a cell'
            for cell in cells.findall('.//{'+self.neuroml_ns+'}cell'):
                cellList = mmlR.readMorphML(cell,params={},length_units=self.length_units)
        return self.cellsList
Exemplo n.º 5
    def createPopulations(self):
        Create population dictionary.
        populations = self.network.findall(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns + "}population")
        if not populations:
            utils.dump("WARN", [
                "No population find in model",
                "Searching in namespace {}".format(nmu.nml_ns)

        for population in populations:
            cellname = population.attrib["cell_type"]
            populationName = population.attrib["name"]
                       "Loading population `{0}`".format(populationName))
            # if cell does not exist in library load it from xml file
            if not moose.exists(self.libraryPath + '/' + cellname):
                    "DEBUG", "Searching in subdirectories for cell types" +
                    " in `{0}.xml` and `{0}.morph.xml` ".format(cellname))
                mmlR = MorphML.MorphML(self.nml_params)
                model_filenames = (cellname + '.xml', cellname + '.morph.xml')
                success = False
                for modelFile in model_filenames:
                    model_path = nmu.find_first_file(modelFile, self.modelDir)
                    if model_path is not None:
                        cellDict = mmlR.readMorphMLFromFile(model_path)
                        success = True
                if not success:
                    raise IOError(
                        'For cell {0}: files {1} not found under {2}.'.format(
                            cellname, model_filenames, self.modelDir))
            if cellname == 'LIF':
                cellid = moose.LeakyIaF(self.libraryPath + '/' + cellname)
                # added cells as a Neuron class.
                cellid = moose.Neuron(self.libraryPath + '/' + cellname)

            self.populationDict[populationName] = (cellname, {})

            for instance in population.findall(".//{" + nmu.nml_ns +
                instanceid = instance.attrib['id']
                location = instance.find('./{' + nmu.nml_ns + '}location')
                rotationnote = instance.find('./{' + nmu.meta_ns + '}notes')
                if rotationnote is not None:
                    # the text in rotationnote is zrotation=xxxxxxx
                    zrotation = float(rotationnote.text.split('=')[1])
                    zrotation = 0
                if cellname == 'LIF':
                    cell = moose.LeakyIaF(cellid)
                        instanceid)] = cell
                    # No Cell class in MOOSE anymore! :( addded Neuron class -
                    # Chaitanya
                    cell = moose.Neuron(cellid)
                        instanceid)] = cell
                    x = float(location.attrib['x']) * self.length_factor
                    y = float(location.attrib['y']) * self.length_factor
                    z = float(location.attrib['z']) * self.length_factor
                    self.translate_rotate(cell, x, y, z, zrotation)