Exemplo n.º 1
    def alarmdAlarms(self):
        # First check if the alarmd is terminated
        alarmdStatus = Nodes.present(self.mgmt, '/pm/monitor/process/alarmd/state')
        if alarmdStatus != 'running':
            self.xmlError('', 'the alarm service is not running.')

        # slashes are escaped in this list
        alarmNames = Nodes.getMgmtLocalChildrenNames(self.mgmt,

        # avoid the appliance and group healths
        alarmNames = [name
                      for name in alarmNames
                      if not (name.startswith('app:') or name.startswith('group:'))]

        alarmsRaw = self.mgmt.getPattern(*['/alarm/state/alarm/%s/*' % name
                                           for name in alarmNames])

        # build the alarm table (with unescaped slashes)
        alarms = {}
        for k, v in alarmsRaw.iteritems():
            name, entry = re_alarmSplit.match(k).groups()
            name = name.replace('\\/', '/')
            if name not in alarms:
                alarms[name] = {}
            alarms[name][entry] = v

        # Insert an item into a CSV string.
        # The CSV string is returned alphabetically sorted.
        def csvInsert(csv, item):
            if csv:
                csvList = csv.split(',')
                csv = ','.join(csvList)
                csv = item
            return csv

        # Add in any synthetic alarms.
        root = alarms['health']
        synths = self.getSyntheticAlarms()
        for k, v in synths.iteritems():
            root['aggregates'] = csvInsert(root['aggregates'], k)

        # Add in any custom trigger notes.
        notesMap = self._alarmNotesMap.copy()

        # get children for this alarm id
        def getChildren(alarmId):
            aggs = alarms[alarmId]['aggregates']
            if aggs:
                return aggs.split(',')
                return []

        # does this alarm have any non-hidden children?
        def hasVisibleChildren(alarmId):
            for ch in getChildren(alarmId):
                if 'true' != alarms[ch].get('hidden'):
                    return True
            return False

        # sort this alarm id's chilren, plop them in
        def xmlizeChildren(parentEl, alarmId):
            children = getChildren(alarmId)
                          key=lambda a: alarms[a]['display_name'])
            for ch in children:
                xmlizeAlarm(parentEl, ch)

        # xmlize an alarm, and place it in the parent el
        def xmlizeAlarm(parentEl, alarmId):
            alarm = alarms[alarmId]

            # skip it if "hidden"
            if 'true' == alarm.get('hidden'):

            status = 'OK'
            statusStyle = 'statusSuccess'
            collapse = alarm['aggregates']
            note = False

            # 'suppressed' == true overrides 'enabled' != true
            if 'true' == alarm.get('suppressed'):
                # suppressed:
                status = 'Suppressed'
                statusStyle = 'statusDisabled'
            elif 'true' != alarm.get('enabled'):
                # not enabled:
                status = 'Disabled'
                statusStyle = 'statusDisabled'

            if 'true' == alarm.get('triggered'):
                # triggered:
                status = alarm['severity_str']
                if status.lower() == 'status':
                    status = alarm.get('health_note', 'Needs Attention')
                statusStyle = 'statusFailure'
                collapse = False
                note = alarm.get('trigger_reason', '')
                if alarmId in notesMap:
                    special = notesMap[alarmId]
                    if type(special) is MethodType:
                        note = special(alarm)
                    elif type(special) is FunctionType:
                        note = special(self.mgmt, alarm)
                    elif type(special) is StringType:
                        note = note + special

            el = self.doc.createElement('alarm')
            el.setAttribute('id', alarmId)
            el.setAttribute('prettyName', alarm['display_name'])
            el.setAttribute('status', status)
            el.setAttribute('description', alarm['description'])
            el.setAttribute('statusStyle', statusStyle)
            el.setAttribute('collapse', collapse and 'true' or 'false')
            if note:
                noteEl = self.doc.createElement('triggerMessage')
                noteEl.setAttribute('hasChildAlarms', hasVisibleChildren(alarmId) and 'true' or 'false')
            xmlizeChildren(el, alarmId)

        # the 'health' alarm is a top-level container of all the others
        # (this may need to be tweaked in the future)
        alarmsEl = self.doc.createElement('alarms')
        xmlizeChildren(alarmsEl, 'health')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def tcpDumps(self):
        # dump capture files table on top
        if 'removeFiles' in self.fields:

        # running tcp dumps table below:
        elif 'addTcpDump' in self.fields:
            ifaces = FormUtils.getPrefixedFieldNames('iface_', self.fields)

            # We need to handle RiOS interfaces and host interfaces (BOB boxes).
            riosIfaces = []
            hostIfaces = []
            for iface in ifaces:
                if iface == 'All':
                elif iface.startswith('host_'):

            name = self.fields.get('addDump_captureName', '').strip()
            bufferSize = self.fields.get('addDump_bufferSize')
            snapLength = self.fields.get('addDump_snapLength')
            rotateCount = self.fields.get('addDump_rotation', '0')
            fileSize = self.fields.get('addDump_captureMax', '0')
            duration = self.fields.get('addDump_captureDuration', '0')
            flags = self.fields.get('addDump_flags', '')
            vlan = self.fields.get('addDump_vlanEnable')

            # for the ip and port fields, parse the comma-delimited list
            # return an empty list for the default cases
            def listOrEmpty(name):
                val = self.fields.get(name, '').strip().lower()
                if val in ('', 'all', '', '0'):
                    return []
                return map(str.strip, val.split(','))

            sched = self.fields.get('addDump_schedule')

            args = [('rotate_count', 'uint32', rotateCount),
                    ('custom', 'string', flags)] + \
                   [('sip', 'ipv4addr', si) for si in listOrEmpty('addDump_srcIps')] + \
                   [('sport', 'uint16', sp) for sp in listOrEmpty('addDump_srcPorts')] + \
                   [('dip', 'ipv4addr', di) for di in listOrEmpty('addDump_dstIps')] + \
                   [('dport', 'uint16', dp) for dp in listOrEmpty('addDump_dstPorts')]

            if '0' != duration:
                args.append(('duration', 'duration_sec', duration))

            if '0' != fileSize:
                args.append(('file_size', 'uint32', fileSize))

            if bufferSize:
                args.append(('buffer_size', 'uint32', bufferSize))

            if snapLength:
                args.append(('snap_len', 'uint32', snapLength))

            if name:
                args.append(('cap_name', 'string', name))

            if 'true' == vlan:
                args.append(('dot1q', 'bool', 'true'))

            if 'true' == sched:
                schedDate = self.fields.get('addDump_scheduleDate', '')
                schedTime = self.fields.get('addDump_scheduleTime', '')
                args.append(('sched_date', 'date', schedDate))
                args.append(('sched_time', 'time_sec', schedTime))

            if riosIfaces:
                riosArgs = list(args)
                riosArgs += [('interface', 'string', iface) for iface in riosIfaces]
                self.sendAction('/rbt/tcpdump/action/start', *riosArgs)

            if hostIfaces:
                hostArgs = list(args)
                hostArgs += [('interface', 'string', iface) for iface in hostIfaces]
                self.sendAction('/host/tcpdump/action/start', *hostArgs)

            if not riosIfaces and not hostIfaces:
                self.setFormError('An interface must be selected.')

        elif 'removeTcpCaptures':
            captures = FormUtils.getPrefixedFieldNames('select_', self.fields)
            riosCaptures = Nodes.getMgmtLocalChildrenNames(self.mgmt, '/rbt/tcpdump/state/capture')
            if RVBDUtils.isBOB():
                hostCaptures = Nodes.getMgmtLocalChildrenNames(self.mgmt, '/host/tcpdump/state/capture')

            for capture in captures:
                name, runningOn = capture.split('/')

                # it could have finished while the user was admiring the page
                if runningOn == 'RiOS' and name in riosCaptures:
                                    ('cap_name', 'string', name))
                elif runningOn == 'Hypervisor' and name in hostCaptures:
                                    ('cap_name', 'string', name))