Exemplo n.º 1
    def send(self, cmd_type, addr, data_tags = None, cb = None):
        """Send the msg to the mote
        oap_msg = OAPMessage.build_oap(

        # TODO: adjust send_data to match connector
        # send_data expects msg as list of integers
        oap_payload = [ord(b) for b in oap_msg]
        #print ' '.join(['TX: ']+["%.2x"%c for c in oap_payload])
        # append the callback for the response to the message queue
        if cb:
            self.message_queue.append((self.seq_num, cmd_type, cb))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def dispatch_pkt(self, notif_type, data_notif):
        """Parse and dispatch an OAP packet to the correct handler based on its type"""
        if data_notif.dstPort != OAPMessage.OAP_PORT:

        payload = array('B', data_notif.data)
        # first two bytes are transport header
        trans = OAPMessage.extract_oap_header(payload)
        # third byte is OAP command type
        cmd_type = payload[2]

        #print trans
        #print int(cmd_type)

        if trans['response']:
            oap_resp = OAPMessage.parse_oap_response(payload, 2)
            self._response_callbacks(data_notif.macAddress, oap_resp, trans)
            self.last_response = oap_resp

        elif cmd_type == OAPMessage.CmdType.NOTIF:
            oap_notif = OAPNotif.parse_oap_notif(payload, 3)
            self._notif_callbacks(data_notif.macAddress, oap_notif)
            self.last_notif = oap_notif
Exemplo n.º 3
    def send(self, cmd_type, addr, data_tags=None, cb=None):
        """Send the msg to the mote
        oap_msg = OAPMessage.build_oap(self.seq_num,

        # TODO: adjust send_data to match connector
        # send_data expects msg as list of integers
        oap_payload = [ord(b) for b in oap_msg]

        #print ' '.join(['TX: ']+["%.2x"%c for c in oap_payload])

        self.send_data(self.mac, 0, OAPMessage.OAP_PORT, OAPMessage.OAP_PORT,
                       0, oap_payload)

        # append the callback for the response to the message queue
        if cb:
            self.message_queue.append((self.seq_num, cmd_type, cb))
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_oap_notif(data, index=0):
    Parse the OAP notification data and return a OAPNotif object.
    data: array of bytes from the OAP notification payload.
        OAP transport header and OAP command type should be stripped

    # TODO: validate length
    result = None

    # notif type
    notif_type = data[index]
    index += 1

    # payload
    if notif_type == NOTIFTYPE_SAMPLE:

        #===== parse

        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel) = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag != TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index += 2 + l

        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs) = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index + 1)
        index += 12

        # rate
        rate = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index += 4

        # numSamples
        num_samples = int(data[index])
        index += 1

        # sampleSize
        sample_size = int(data[index])
        index += 1

        #===== create and populate result structure

        if channel == TEMP_ADDRESS:
            result = OAPTempSample()
            result.packet_timestamp = (secs, usecs)
            result.rate = rate
            result.num_samples = num_samples
            result.sample_size = sample_size
            for i in range(num_samples):
                temp = struct.unpack('!h', data[index:index + 2])[0]
                index += 2
            result = OAPSample()
            result.packet_timestamp = (secs, usecs)
            result.rate = rate
            result.num_samples = num_samples
            result.sample_size = sample_size
            result.samples = []
            bit_index = 0
            for i in range(num_samples):
                sample_data = OAPMessage.read_bits(data[index:], bit_index,

    elif notif_type == NOTIFTYPE_STATS:

        #===== parse

        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel) = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag != TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index += 2 + l

        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs) = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index + 1)
        index += 12

        # rate
        rate = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index += 4

        # numSamples
        num_samples = int(data[index])
        index += 1

        # sampleSize
        sample_size = int(data[index])
        index += 1

        #===== create and populate result structure

        # TODO populate
        result = OAPAnalogStats()
        result.packet_timestamp = (secs, usecs)

    elif notif_type == NOTIFTYPE_DIG:

        #===== parse

        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel) = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag != TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index += 2 + l

        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs) = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index + 1)
        index += 12

        # new value
        new_val = int(data[index])
        index += 1

        #===== create and populate result structure

        result = OAPDigitalIn()
        result.channel = channel
        result.packet_timestamp = (secs, usecs)
        result.new_val = new_val

    elif notif_type == NOTIFTYPE_LOCATEME:

        #===== parse

        raise NotImplementedError("parsing locateMe OAP notification")

        #===== create and populate result structure

        raise NotImplementedError("filling locateMe OAP result structure")

    elif notif_type == 4:  # pkgen

        #===== parse

        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel) = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag != 0xFF:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index += 2 + l

        # pid
        pid = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index += 4

        # startPid
        startPid = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index += 4

        # numPackets
        numPackets = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index += 4

        # payload
        payload = data[index:]

        #===== create and populate result structure

        result = OAPpkGenPacket()
        result.pid = pid
        result.startPid = startPid
        result.numPackets = numPackets
        result.payload = payload

    # set common notification attributes
    if result:
        result.raw_data = data
        result.channel = channel
        result.received_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()

    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_oap_notif(data, index = 0):
    Parse the OAP notification data and return a OAPNotif object.
    data: array of bytes from the OAP notification payload.
        OAP transport header and OAP command type should be stripped
    # TODO: validate length
    result = None
    # notif type
    notif_type                              = data[index]
    index                                  += 1
    # payload
    if   notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_SAMPLE:
        #===== parse
        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag!=TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs)                       = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index + 1)
        index                              += 12
        # rate
        rate                                = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # numSamples
        num_samples                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        # sampleSize
        sample_size                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        #===== create and populate result structure
        if channel == TEMP_ADDRESS:
            result                          = OAPTempSample()
            result.packet_timestamp         = (secs, usecs)
            result.rate                     = rate
            result.num_samples              = num_samples
            result.sample_size              = sample_size
            for i in range(num_samples):
                temp                        = struct.unpack('!h', data[index:index+2])[0]
                index                      += 2
            result                          = OAPSample()
            result.packet_timestamp         = (secs, usecs)
            result.rate                     = rate
            result.num_samples              = num_samples
            result.sample_size              = sample_size
            result.samples                  = []
            bit_index                       = 0
            for i in range(num_samples):
                sample_data                 = OAPMessage.read_bits(data[index:], bit_index, sample_size)
    elif notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_STATS:
        #===== parse
        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag!=TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs)                       = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index + 1)
        index                              += 12
        # rate
        rate                                = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # numSamples
        num_samples                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        # sampleSize
        sample_size                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        #===== create and populate result structure
        # TODO populate
        result                              = OAPAnalogStats()
        result.packet_timestamp             = (secs, usecs)
    elif notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_DIG:
        #===== parse
        raise NotImplementedError("parsing digital OAP notification")
        #===== create and populate result structure
        raise NotImplementedError("filling digital OAP result structure")
    elif notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_LOCATEME:
        #===== parse
        raise NotImplementedError("parsing locateMe OAP notification")
        #===== create and populate result structure
        raise NotImplementedError("filling locateMe OAP result structure")
    elif notif_type == 4:  # pkgen
        #===== parse
        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag != 0xFF:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # pid
        pid                                 = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # startPid
        startPid                            = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # numPackets
        numPackets                          = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # payload
        payload                             = data[index:]
        #===== create and populate result structure
        result                              = OAPpkGenPacket()
        result.pid                          = pid
        result.startPid                     = startPid
        result.numPackets                   = numPackets
        result.payload                      = payload
    # set common notification attributes
    if result:
        result.raw_data                     = data
        result.channel                      = channel
        result.received_timestamp           = datetime.datetime.now()
    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
def parse_oap_notif(data, index = 0):
    Parse the OAP notification data and return a OAPNotif object.
    data: array of bytes from the OAP notification payload.
        OAP transport header and OAP command type should be stripped
    # TODO: validate length
    result = None
    # notif type
    notif_type                              = data[index]
    index                                  += 1
    # payload
    if   notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_SAMPLE:
        #===== parse
        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag!=TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs)                       = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index)
        index                              += 12
        # rate
        rate                                = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # numSamples
        num_samples                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        # sampleSize
        sample_size                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        #===== create result structure
        if len(channel)==2 and channel[0]==DIGITAL_IN_ADDRESS:
            result                          = OAPDigitalInSample()
        elif channel == TEMP_ADDRESS:
            result                          = OAPTempSample()
        elif len(channel)==2 and channel[0]==ANALOG_ADDRESS:
            result                          = OAPAnalogSample()
            raise SystemError("unknown OAP sample with channel={0}").format(channel)
        #===== populate result structure
        if channel[0]==ANALOG_ADDRESS or channel[0]==DIGITAL_IN_ADDRESS:
            result.input                    = channel[1] 
        result.packet_timestamp             = (secs, usecs)
        result.rate                         = rate
        result.num_samples                  = num_samples
        result.sample_size                  = sample_size
        for i in range(num_samples):
            if   sample_size==8:
                temp                            = struct.unpack('!B', data[index:index+1])[0]
                index                          += 1
            elif sample_size==16:
                temp                            = struct.unpack('!h', data[index:index+2])[0]
                index                          += 2
                raise SystemError("unexpected sample_size of {0}".format(sample_size))
    elif notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_STATS:
        #===== parse
        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag!=TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs)                       = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index)
        index                              += 12
        # rate
        rate                                = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # numSamples
        num_samples                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        # sampleSize
        sample_size                         = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        #===== create and populate result structure
        # TODO populate
        result                              = OAPAnalogStats()
        result.packet_timestamp             = (secs, usecs)
    elif notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_DIG:
        #===== parse

        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag!=TAG_ADDRESS:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # timestamp
        (secs, usecs)                       = struct.unpack_from('!ql', data, index)
        index                              += 12
        # new value
        new_val                             = int(data[index])
        index                              += 1
        #===== create and populate result structure
        result                          = OAPDigitalIn()
        result.channel                  = channel
        result.packet_timestamp         = (secs, usecs)
        result.new_val                  = new_val
    elif notif_type==NOTIFTYPE_LOCATEME:
        #===== parse
        raise NotImplementedError("parsing locateMe OAP notification")
        #===== create and populate result structure
        raise NotImplementedError("filling locateMe OAP result structure")
    elif notif_type == 4:  # pkgen
        #===== parse
        # channel (TLV)
        (tag, l, channel)                   = OAPMessage.parse_tlv(data[index:])
        if tag != 0xFF:
            raise ValueError('invalid notification data: expected address tag')
        index                              += 2 + l
        # pid
        pid                                 = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # startPid
        startPid                            = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # numPackets
        numPackets                          = struct.unpack_from('!l', data, index)[0]
        index                              += 4
        # payload
        payload                             = data[index:]
        #===== create and populate result structure
        result                              = OAPpkGenPacket()
        result.pid                          = pid
        result.startPid                     = startPid
        result.numPackets                   = numPackets
        result.payload                      = payload
    # set common notification attributes
    if result:
        result.raw_data                     = data
        result.channel                      = channel
        result.received_timestamp           = datetime.datetime.now()
    return result