Exemplo n.º 1
def ArcReduce(files, band, aptops=None, apbottoms=None, debug=False):
    Reduce the arc file: dark-correct, flat-correct, extract,
    and fit the wavelength solution

    :param files: The files structure
    :param band: Either H or K
    :param aptops: The coefficients for the tops of the apertures
    :param apbottoms: The coefficients for the bottoms of the apertures
    :param debug:

    # Read in the arc files
    imgsA, hdrsA = utilities.readechellogram(files.Arcs["ON"])
    imgsB, hdrsB = utilities.readechellogram(files.Arcs["OFF"])

    #Bad pixel corrections
    imgsA, hdrsA = utilities.barebadpixcor(imgsA, band, headers=hdrsA)
    imgsB, hdrsB = utilities.barebadpixcor(imgsB, band, headers=hdrsB)

    on, hdr_on = utilities.barecombine(imgsA, method="median", hdr=hdrsA[0])
    off, hdr_off = utilities.barecombine(imgsB, method="median", hdr=hdrsB[0])

    #Subtract on from off
    arc, hdr = utilities.baresubtract(on, off, hdr=hdr_on)

    #Divide by the flat
    flat, fhdr = PL_Display.readfits("%s/FLAT.fits" %files.WorkingDirectory)
    arc, hdr = utilities.flatcorrect([arc], flat, headers=[hdr])
    arc = arc[0]
    hdr = hdr[0]

    #Save the file
    print "Saving master arc to %s/ARC.fits" %files.WorkingDirectory
    PL_Display.savefits("%s/ARC.fits" %files.WorkingDirectory, arc, hdr)

    #Extract the apertures using the apertures defined by the flat
    if aptops is None or apbottoms is None:
        aptops, apbottoms = TraceApertures(flat,
                                           target_path="%s/aperture_mapping/" %files.WorkingDirectory,
    spectra, ypos = ExtractFromApertures(arc, hdr, aptops, apbottoms)

    #Fit the Arc spectrum to determine the 2d wavelength calibration
    wave_coeffs = FitDispersion(spectra,
                                outpath="%s/aperture_mapping/" %files.WorkingDirectory)

    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def FlatReduce(files, band, debug=False):
    Function to reduce the flat frames.
    #Read in the file
    imgsA, hdrsA = utilities.readechellogram(files.Flats["ON"])
    imgsB, hdrsB = utilities.readechellogram(files.Flats["OFF"])

    #Bad pixel corrections
    imgsA, hdrsA = utilities.barebadpixcor(imgsA, band, headers=hdrsA)
    imgsB, hdrsB = utilities.barebadpixcor(imgsB, band, headers=hdrsB)

    on, hdr_on = utilities.barecombine(imgsA, method="median", hdr=hdrsA[0])
    off, hdr_off = utilities.barecombine(imgsB, method="median", hdr=hdrsB[0])

    #Subtract on from off
    flat, hdr = utilities.baresubtract(on, off, hdr=hdr_on)

    # Do cosmic ray correction
    flat = PL_Display.ip.cosmicrays(flat, threshold=2000, flux_ratio=0.2, wbox=3)

    # Normalize
    flat, hdr = utilities.barenormalize(flat, hdr, band=band)

    #Save the file
    print "Saving master flat to %s/FLAT.fits" %files.WorkingDirectory
    PL_Display.savefits("%s/FLAT.fits" %files.WorkingDirectory, flat, hdr)

    flat, hdr = PL_Display.readfits("%s/FLAT.fits" %files.WorkingDirectory)

    #Find the apertures
    startcol = 1024
    medsize = 20
    icol = np.median(flat[:,(startcol-medsize/2):(startcol+medsize/2)], axis=1)
    apertures, tops, bottoms = FindApertures(icol)

    #Trace the apertures
    ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2 = TraceApertures(flat,
                                            target_path="%s/aperture_mapping/" %files.WorkingDirectory,

    return ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2
Exemplo n.º 3
def TraceApertures(image, header, band, startcol=1024, stepsize=40, medsize=20, ap_thresh=10, degree=3, target_path="./", debug=False):
    Trace the apertures in the given image

    :param image:
    :param header:
    :param startcol: The column to start at (default is the middle)
    :param stepsize: The stepsize to take in finding the apertures
    :param medsize:  The number of pixels to median-flatten to find the aperture
    :param ap_thresh: Threshold for the allowed change in the aperture position in each step
    :param degree: The polynomial degree to fit each aperture to

    nx, ny = image.shape

    #Start at startcol
    icol = np.median(image[:,(startcol-medsize/2):(startcol+medsize/2)], axis=1)
    peaks, mtops, mbottoms = FindApertures(icol,medsize=medsize)
    n_ap = len(peaks)

    # make set of (x, y) positions for each aperture
    # add the (x, y) positions at default column
    apx1, apx2 = [], []
    apy1, apy2 = [], []
    for top, bottom in zip(mtops, mbottoms):

    # define the tracing direction (left, right)
    xsteps = np.arange(medsize,nx-medsize,stepsize)
    xlefts = xsteps[(xsteps < startcol)]
    xrights = xsteps[(xsteps > startcol)]

    # the left side columns
    ptops, pbottoms = np.copy(mtops), np.copy(mbottoms)  #Previous tops and bottoms
    for xpos in reversed(xlefts):
        icol = np.mean(image[:,(xpos-medsize/2):(xpos+medsize/2)],axis=1)
        peaks, tops, bottoms = np.array(FindApertures(icol, medsize=medsize))

        # check the aperture number based on original positions
        for i, ptop, pbottom in zip(range(n_ap), ptops, pbottoms):
            top = tops[(tops < ptop+ap_thresh) & ( tops > ptop-ap_thresh)]
            if len(top) == 1:
                # save this position to the (x, y) position list
                # save this position for the next tracing loop
                ptops[i] = top[0]
            elif len(top) == 0:
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \
                   % (i, xpos)
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \
                   % (i, xpos, len(top))

            bottom = bottoms[(bottoms < pbottom+ap_thresh) & ( bottoms > pbottom-ap_thresh)]
            if len(bottom) == 1:
                # save this position to the (x, y) position list
                # save this position for the next tracing loop
                pbottoms[i] = bottom[0]
            elif len(bottom) == 0:
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \
                   % (i, xpos)
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \
                   % (i, xpos, len(bottom))

    # the right side columns
    ptops, pbottoms = np.copy(mtops), np.copy(mbottoms)  #Previous tops and bottoms
    for xpos in xrights:
        icol = np.mean(image[:,(xpos-medsize/2):(xpos+medsize/2)],axis=1)
        peaks, tops, bottoms = np.array(FindApertures(icol, medsize=medsize))

        # check the aperture number based on original positions
        for i, ptop, pbottom in zip(range(n_ap), ptops, pbottoms):
            top = tops[(tops < ptop+ap_thresh) & ( tops > ptop-ap_thresh)]
            if len(top) == 1:
                # save this position to the (x, y) position list
                # save this position for the next tracing loop
                ptops[i] = top[0]
            elif len(top) == 0:
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \
                   % (i, xpos)
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \
                   % (i, xpos, len(top))

            bottom = bottoms[(bottoms < pbottom+ap_thresh) & ( bottoms > pbottom-ap_thresh)]
            if len(bottom) == 1:
                # save this position to the (x, y) position list
                # save this position for the next tracing loop
                pbottoms[i] = bottom[0]
            elif len(bottom) == 0:
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was not found' \
                   % (i, xpos)
                print 'ap[%d](x=%d) : The matching aperture position was too many(%d)' \
                   % (i, xpos, len(bottom))

    # sorting the (x, y) positions along x-direction for each aperture
    # polynomial fitting with degree
    ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2 = [], []
    if debug:
      z1, z2 = PL_Display.zscale(image)
      plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray', vmin=z1, vmax=z2)
    for k in range(len(apx1)): #n_ap):
        tapx1 = np.array(apx1[k],dtype=np.float)
        tapx2 = np.array(apx2[k],dtype=np.float)
        tapy1 = np.array(apy1[k],dtype=np.float)
        tapy2 = np.array(apy2[k],dtype=np.float)

        tsort1 = np.argsort(tapx1)
        tsort2 = np.argsort(tapx2)
        coeff1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx1[tsort1],tapy1[tsort1],degree)
        coeff2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(tapx2[tsort2],tapy2[tsort2],degree)

        # save the fitting coefficients
        ap_coeff = np.zeros([2,degree+1])
        ap_coeff[0,:] = coeff1
        ap_coeff[1,:] = coeff2
        np.savetxt(target_path+'apmap_%s_%02d.%03d.dat' % (band, degree, k), ap_coeff)


        yfit1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx1[tsort1],coeff1)
        yfit2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(tapx2[tsort2],coeff2)

        if debug:
          plt.plot(tapx1[tsort1],tapy1[tsort1], 'go')
          plt.plot(tapx2[tsort2],tapy2[tsort2], 'ro')

        print 'ap[%d]: delta_y1 = %12.8f %12.8f ' \
          % (k, np.mean(tapy1[tsort1]-yfit1), np.std(tapy1[tsort1]-yfit1))
        print 'ap[%d]: delta_y2 = %12.8f %12.8f ' \
          % (k, np.mean(tapy2[tsort2]-yfit2), np.std(tapy2[tsort2]-yfit2))

        xx = np.arange(nx)
        yfit1 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xx,coeff1)
        yfit2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(xx,coeff2)

        if debug:
          plt.plot(xx,yfit1,'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.6)
          plt.plot(xx,yfit2,'r-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.6)

    if debug:
      plt.savefig("%sFLAT_aptracing.pdf" %target_path)

    return ap_coeffs1, ap_coeffs2