Exemplo n.º 1
 def twobodyparticledecay(self,particle,products): # takes a list of two particles and decays them.
     ''' Get Produced hadron masses '''
     Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
     particle4vector = particle.Getvector4D()
     product1code = products[0]
     product2code = products[1]
     mass1 = Decaytables.Getmass(product1code)
     mass2 = Decaytables.Getmass(product2code)
     ''' Get boost class which contains useful boosting functions '''
     #print "boost in two body called"
     boost = Boosts.boost4D(particle4vector)
     ''' CMF mass of the string (mass of decaying object) '''
     cmsvector = boost.GetCMF()
     Mass = cmsvector[0]
     mom3 = Mass/2
     mom3 *= self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,mass1,mass2)
     ''' Do the random angle generation '''
     randomphi = random.random()
     randomtheta = random.uniform(-1,1)
     phi = 2.*numpy.pi*randomphi
     sinphi = numpy.sin(phi)
     cosphi = numpy.cos(phi)
     theta = numpy.pi*randomtheta
     sintheta = numpy.sin(theta)
     costheta = numpy.cos(theta)
     ''' start setting the 4 vectors of the products '''
     mom = Fourvector.vector4D(0.,sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta)
     mom *= mom3
     E1 = numpy.sqrt(mass1*mass1+mom3*mom3)
     E2 = numpy.sqrt(mass2*mass2+mom3*mom3)
     finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D()
     finalvec1[0] = E1
     finalvec1 += mom
     finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D()
     finalvec2[0] = E2
     finalvec2 -= mom
     ''' Boost back into the lab frame '''
     print  "Is the crash here"
     finalvec1 = boost/finalvec1 #hadron
     finalvec2 = boost/finalvec2 #photon
     ''' Create the particles and return them in a list '''
     finalproduct1 = Particle.particle4D(product1code,finalvec1)
     finalproduct2 = Particle.particle4D(product2code,finalvec2)
     return [finalproduct1, finalproduct2]
Exemplo n.º 2
def masslessmomenta(lop):
    noparts = len(lop)
    newlist = []
    for i in range(noparts):
        if lop[i].Checkgluon() == False: # not a gluon is a quark
            ''' do momenta boosting things here '''

            mass = lop[i].Getinvariantmass()
            #print mass, "mass in invariant mass"
            vec = copy.deepcopy(lop[i].Getvector())
            #print vec, "vec  before"
            p_2 = 0
            for j in range(1,4): # just go over the momentum values, try my scaling formula

                p_2 += (vec[j]*vec[j])

            al = numpy.sqrt((mass*mass + p_2) / p_2)
            newvector = Fourvector.vector4D(vec[0], al*vec[1],al*vec[2],al*vec[3])
            ID = lop[i].GetID()
            #print ID, "id of theparticle "
            newparticle = Particle.particle4D(ID,newvector)

            #print newparticle.Getinvariantmass(), "check inv mass"

        if lop[i].Checkgluon() == True:
    return newlist
Exemplo n.º 3
def Convertfromhepmc():
    reader = hepmc.IO_GenEvent("INPUT", "r") # ryan.hepmc is the file for PYTHIA stuff

    evtnum = 0 # should be zero
    noheavyevents = 0
    evt = hepmc.GenEvent()
    totaleventlist = []
    while evt.particles_size(): # evtnum < 50000
        ''' Loop for each event. I.e. each list of particles '''
        subeventlist = []
        #print "Event %d: " % evtnum, evt
        #print "Particles: ", evt.particles()
        #print "Num particles: ", evt.particles_size()
        #print "Num vertices: ", evt.vertices_size()
        #for p in evt.particles():
        #    m = p.momentum() # "X,Y,Z,E"
        #    print m
        fsps = evt.fsParticles()
        #print "FS particles: ", fsps
        #print "Num FS particles: ", len(fsps)
        if evtnum % 100 == 0:
            print "Event %d" % evtnum
        for p in fsps:
            ''' Build the list of final state particles in PyLund, and fill their properties '''
            #print p
            m = p.momentum() # E,x,y,z
            colour = p.flow(1)
            anticolour = p.flow(2)
            #print "1", colour, "2", anticolour

            ''' Build properties into PyLund particle class and append the particle to the sublist '''
            partfv = Fourvector.vector4D(m.e(),m.px(),m.py(),m.pz())
            ID = p.pdg_id()
            newpart = Particle.particle4D(ID,partfv)#
            #print newpart.Getinvariantmass(), "particle invariant mass"
        ''' Perform some checks on the list -- current edition removes photons and vetoes heavy events '''
        if Vetoheavies(subeventlist) == True: # If event contains a heavy quark. go to next iteration before append.
            noheavyevents += 1
            #print "\n\n"
            evt = reader.get_next_event()
        subeventlist = Removephotons(subeventlist) # remove the photons from the event.
        #print "Num fs particles", len(subeventlist) # WE REMOVE THE PHOTONS. NO FS PARTICLES DOES NOT INCLUDE THE PHOTONS.

        ''' The call the colour ordering function '''

        #print subeventlist
        subeventlist = Colourorderlist(subeventlist)
        #print subeventlist, "event list after colour ordering"
        #print checkcolours(subeventlist)
        subeventlist = masslessmomenta(subeventlist) # attempting the massels mom

        subeventlist = Fixlowenergy(subeventlist)
        #print subeventlist, "event list after fixing low nergy gluons"
        #print energies(subeventlist)
        #print checkquark(subeventlist)
        subeventlist = Gluonsplitting.Splitgluons(subeventlist)
        #print subeventlist, "event list after splitting the gluons"
        #print len(subeventlist), "number of particles fed into string former"
        subeventlist = Stringformer.Formstrings(subeventlist) # Convert the lists to strings!
        #print subeventlist, "sublist after forming all the strings."

        #print "\n\n"
        evt = reader.get_next_event()

    #print noheavyevents
    return totaleventlist # returns a list of lists that contain strings ready for feeding into PyLund!
Exemplo n.º 4
    def Failsafe2(self,string): # IN SITU. NEEDS NEW TABLES TO BE CODED.
        stringvec4D = string.Gettotalvector4D()
        boost = Boosts.boost4D(stringvec4D)
        cmsvector = boost.GetCMF()
        Mass = cmsvector[0] # string mass
        ''' Get the hadron masses '''
        Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
        hadronpair = Decaytables.Failsafe2complete(string)
        hadron1code = hadronpair[0]
        hadron2code = hadronpair[1]
        mass1 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron1code)
        if mass1 == 0:
            print "mass 1 == 0"
            print hadron1code, "hadron1code"
            print hadron2code, "hadron2code"
        mass2 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron2code)
        mom3 = Mass/2
        mom3 *= self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,mass1,mass2)
        randomphi = random.random()
        randomtheta = random.uniform(-1,1)
        phi = 2.*numpy.pi*randomphi
        sinphi = numpy.sin(phi)
        cosphi = numpy.cos(phi)
        theta = numpy.pi*randomtheta
        sintheta = numpy.sin(theta)
        costheta = numpy.cos(theta)
        mom = Fourvector.vector4D(0.,sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta)
        mom *= mom3
        E1 = numpy.sqrt(mass1*mass1+mom3*mom3)
        E2 = numpy.sqrt(mass2*mass2+mom3*mom3)
        finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D()
        finalvec1[0] = E1
        finalvec1 += mom
        finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D()
        finalvec2[0] = E2
        finalvec2 -= mom
        finalvec1 = boost/finalvec1
        finalvec2 = boost/finalvec2
        finalvec1row = finalvec1.Getvector()
        finalvec2row = finalvec2.Getvector()
        for i in range(4):
            if math.isnan(finalvec1row[i]) == True:
                finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D(mass1,0,0,0)

            if math.isnan(finalvec2row[i]) == True:
                finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D(mass2,0,0,0) # if we have nan values, then produce them at reast. see how this works
                print Mass, "stringmass"
                print "reached the problem with double kaon produictiion"

        finalhadron1 = Particle.particle4D(hadron1code,finalvec1)
        finalhadron2 = Particle.particle4D(hadron2code,finalvec2)
        return [finalhadron1, finalhadron2]
Exemplo n.º 5
 def threebodyparticledecay(self,decayingparticle,producthadrons): # product hadrons = list of particles (from chosendecay in hadrondecay module)
     decayingvector = decayingparticle.Getvector4D()
     hadron1code = producthadrons[0]
     hadron2code = producthadrons[1]
     hadron3code = producthadrons[2]
     Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
     m1 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron1code)
     m2 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron2code)
     m3 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron3code)
     boost = Boosts.boost4D(decayingvector)
     cmsvector = boost.GetCMF()
     Mass = cmsvector[0]
     finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D(m1,0,0,0)
     finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D(m2,0,0,0)
     finalvec3 = Fourvector.vector4D(m3,0,0,0)
     product1 = Particle.particle4D(hadron1code,finalvec1)
     product2 = Particle.particle4D(hadron2code,finalvec2)
     product3 = Particle.particle4D(hadron3code,finalvec3)
     return [product1,product2,product3]
     while True:
         ''' Constrain m12 '''
         m12_min = m1 + m2
         m12_max = Mass - m3
         D_m12 = m12_max - m12_min
         rng = random.random()
         m12 = m12_min + rng * D_m12 # select a number randomly (uniform) between m12min and m12max.
         ''' Use m12 to constrain m23 '''
         E2 = (m12*m12 - m1*m1 + m2*m2) / (2*m12) # the energy of particle 2 in the rest frame of m12
         E3 = (Mass*Mass - m12*m12 - m3*m3) / (2*m12) # same but for 3
         m23_min = (E2 + E3)*(E2 + E3) - (numpy.sqrt(E2*E2 - m2*m2) + numpy.sqrt(E3*E3 - m3*m3))**2 # these two are m23 squared
         m23_max = (E2 + E3)*(E2 + E3) - (numpy.sqrt(E2*E2 - m2*m2) - numpy.sqrt(E3*E3 - m3*m3))**2
         D_m23 = numpy.sqrt(m23_max) - numpy.sqrt(m23_min)
         rng2 = random.random()
         m23 = numpy.sqrt(m23_min) + rng2 * D_m23
         ''' Calculate m13 from m12, m23 '''
         m13_2 = Mass*Mass + m1*m1 + m2+m2 + m3*m3 - m12*m12* - m23*m23
         m13 = numpy.sqrt(m13_2)
         ''' Hardcode the momenta functions ''' # Can use lambda as well to get the expressions
         p1 = (Mass/2) * self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,m23,m1)
         #print p1, "p1"
         p2 = (Mass/2) * self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,m13,m2)
         #print p2, "p2"
         p3 = (Mass/2) * self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,m12,m3)
         #print p3, "p3"        
         ''' Generate the angles phi is isotropic '''
         randomphi = random.random()
         phi = 2.*numpy.pi*randomphi
         sinphi = numpy.sin(phi)
         cosphi = numpy.cos(phi)
         ''' Generate the thetas in the plane of decay '''
         # First momentum theta is random.
         randomtheta1 = random.uniform(-1,1)
         theta1 = numpy.pi*randomtheta1
         sintheta1 = numpy.sin(theta1)
         costheta1 = numpy.cos(theta1)
         # Second is also random, and helps determine the second. However have to generate sensible / possible angles
         for i in range(100):
             randomtheta2 = random.uniform(-1,1)
             theta2 = numpy.pi*randomtheta2
             sintheta2 = numpy.sin(theta2)
             costheta2 = numpy.cos(theta2)
             # Third constrained by the first two in order to balance momentum.
             sintheta3 = (-p1*sintheta1 - p2*sintheta2) / p3
             costheta3 = (-p1*costheta1 - p2*costheta2) / p3
             if abs(sintheta3) <= 1 and abs(costheta3) <= 1:
                 ''' Build the 4 vectors '''
                 vecE1 = numpy.sqrt(m1*m1 + p1*p1)
                 #print vecE1, "vecE1"
                 vecE2 = numpy.sqrt(m2*m2 + p2*p2)
                 #print vecE2, "vecE2"
                 vecE3 = numpy.sqrt(m3*m3 + p3*p3)
                 #print vecE3, "vecE3"
                 finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D(vecE1,p1*sintheta1*cosphi,p1*sintheta1*sinphi,costheta1)
                 finalvec1 = boost/finalvec1
                 finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D(vecE2,p2*sintheta2*cosphi,p2*sintheta2*sinphi,costheta2)
                 finalvec2 = boost/finalvec2
                 finalvec3 = Fourvector.vector4D(vecE3,p3*sintheta3*cosphi,p3*sintheta3*sinphi,costheta3)
                 finalvec3 = boost/finalvec3
                 ''' Construct the particles '''
                 product1 = Particle.particle4D(hadron1code,finalvec1)
                 product2 = Particle.particle4D(hadron2code,finalvec2)
                 product3 = Particle.particle4D(hadron3code,finalvec3)
                 return [product1,product2,product3]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def Failsafe1(self,string):
     ''' Get Produced hadron & photon masses '''
     Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
     Failsafe1hadron = Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(string)
     if Failsafe1hadron == 0:
         Failsafe1hadron = 22 #  set to a photon
         #print "Failsafe1 being fed an unphysical string - setting the hadron to photon to avoid crash but investigate the problem"
         #print string.Getstringmass(), "stringmass"
         #print string.Getstringcontent(), "stringcontent"
     #print Failsafe1hadron
     hadronmass = Decaytables.Getmass(Failsafe1hadron) # mass1
     #print hadronmass, "hadronmass"
     photonmass = 0 # mass 2
     ''' Get boost class which contains useful boosting functions '''
     string4vector = string.Gettotalvector4D()       
     boost = Boosts.boost4D(string4vector)
     ''' CMF mass of the string (mass of decaying object) '''
     cmsvector = boost.GetCMF()
     Mass = cmsvector[0]
     mom3 = Mass/2
     mom3 *= self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,hadronmass,photonmass)
     ''' Do the random angle generation '''
     randomphi = random.random()
     randomtheta = random.uniform(-1,1)
     phi = 2.*numpy.pi*randomphi
     sinphi = numpy.sin(phi)
     cosphi = numpy.cos(phi)
     theta = numpy.pi*randomtheta
     sintheta = numpy.sin(theta)
     costheta = numpy.cos(theta)
     ''' start setting the 4 vectors of the products '''
     mom = Fourvector.vector4D(0.,sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta)
     mom *= mom3
     E1 = numpy.sqrt(hadronmass*hadronmass+mom3*mom3)
     E2 = numpy.sqrt(photonmass*photonmass+mom3*mom3)
     finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D()
     finalvec1[0] = E1
     finalvec1 += mom
     finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D()
     finalvec2[0] = E2
     finalvec2 -= mom
     ''' Boost back into the lab frame '''
     finalvec1 = boost/finalvec1 #hadron
     finalvec2 = boost/finalvec2 #photon
     ''' Create the particles and return them in a list '''
     Failsafe1hadron = self.Checkforkaons(Failsafe1hadron)
     finalhadron = Particle.particle4D(Failsafe1hadron,finalvec1)
     finalphoton = Particle.particle4D(22,finalvec2)
     if abs(finalhadron.Getcode()) == 311:
         print "FOUND IT"
     return [finalhadron, finalphoton]
Exemplo n.º 7
 def Twobodydiquarks(self,string,diquark1, diquark2):  
     stringvec4D = string.Gettotalvector4D()
     boost = Boosts.boost4D(stringvec4D)
     cmsvector = boost.GetCMF()
     Mass = cmsvector[0] # string mass
     ''' Get the hadron masses '''
     Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
     #hadronpair = Decaytables.Failsafe2complete(string)
     #need to get the diquarks for string ends.
     hadron1code = diquark1
     #print hadron1code, "hadron1code from diquark twobody"
     hadron2code = diquark2
     #print hadron2code, "hadron2code from diquark twobody"
     mass1 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron1code)
     mass2 = Decaytables.Getmass(hadron2code)
     mom3 = Mass/2
     mom3 *= self.Sqrtlambda1(Mass,mass1,mass2)
     randomphi = random.random()
     randomtheta = random.uniform(-1,1)
     phi = 2.*numpy.pi*randomphi
     sinphi = numpy.sin(phi)
     cosphi = numpy.cos(phi)
     theta = numpy.pi*randomtheta
     sintheta = numpy.sin(theta)
     costheta = numpy.cos(theta)
     mom = Fourvector.vector4D(0.,sintheta*cosphi,sintheta*sinphi,costheta)
     mom *= mom3
     E1 = numpy.sqrt(mass1*mass1+mom3*mom3)
     E2 = numpy.sqrt(mass2*mass2+mom3*mom3)
     finalvec1 = Fourvector.vector4D()
     finalvec1[0] = E1
     finalvec1 += mom
     finalvec2 = Fourvector.vector4D()
     finalvec2[0] = E2
     finalvec2 -= mom
     finalvec1 = boost/finalvec1
     finalvec2 = boost/finalvec2
     ''' reset the final vecs to represent massless diquarks. Just need the flavour assignment '''
     finalvec1 = copy.deepcopy(string.Getqvector4D())
     finalvec2 = copy.deepcopy(string.Getqbarvector4D())
     finalhadron1 = Particle.particle4D(hadron1code,finalvec1)
     finalhadron2 = Particle.particle4D(hadron2code,finalvec2)
     if hadron1code > 0:
         newstring = MRS.mrs4D(finalhadron1,finalhadron2)
     if hadron1code < 0:
         newstring = MRS.mrs4D(finalhadron2,finalhadron1) # try to keep the negative / positive ids in the relative placements (kind of important)
     #print newstring.Getstringcontent(), "CHECKING THE TWO BODY MODULE"
     return newstring 
Exemplo n.º 8
    def Decaystring(self,decayingstring,decayingquarknumber,hadronproducedID): #class that takes an (unboosted) mrs as an arguement and decays it, producing a particle and a new iteration of string.
        #print "decaystring class reached"
        Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
        twobodyclass = Twobodydecay.twobodydecay4D()
        hadroncodetest = PDG_ID.PDG_Type(hadronproducedID)
        if hadroncodetest.isBaryon() is True:
            if self.__qPDG.isQuark() or self.__qbarPDG.isQuark() is True:
                baryonproducts = self.Baryonproduction(hadronproducedID,decayingquarknumber)
                if baryonproducts[1] == 0:
                    stringcontent = [baryonproducts[0],self.__qbarID]
                    #print stringcontent, "IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG HERE"
                if baryonproducts[1] == 1:
                    stringcontent = [self.__qID, baryonproducts[0]]
                    #print stringcontent, "HOW ABOUT HERE, IS THERE ERROR"
        ''' If the produced particle is a diquark i.e. producing diquarks at the ends of the string. just need to redistribute momentum via a two body decay '''
        if hadroncodetest.isDiquark() is True: # i.e. we're producing two diquarks, one at each end of the string
            recievingdiquark = self.Finddiquarkstringcontent(decayingquarknumber,hadronproducedID)
            #print recievingdiquark, "RECIEVINGDIQUARK"
            newstring = twobodyclass.Twobodydiquarks(decayingstring,hadronproducedID,recievingdiquark) # produce a new string, hadronproduced ID here is a DIQUARK.
            adc = Availabledecays.availabledecays4D(newstring)# AVAILABLE DECAY CLASS
            newproducts = adc.Finddecay()
            ''' Assign the new values to the parameters in the code. now producing a baryon from a diquark end '''
            decayingquarknumber = newproducts[0]
            #print decayingquarknumber, "DECAYINGQUARK NUMBER IN THE BARYONPROD"
            hadronproducedID = newproducts[1]   
            #print PDG_ID.PDG_Type.mass(PDG_ID.PDG_Type(hadronproducedID)), "HADRON MASS IN THE BARREEEEEE"
            stringcontent = self.Getbaryonstringcontent(hadronproducedID,decayingquarknumber,recievingdiquark) # takes the (baryon, diquark) IDs. that have just been found
            decayingstring = copy.deepcopy(newstring)
            #print stringcontent, "stringcontent from the module"
        ''' If the produced particle is a meson, leaves behind a quark remnant at the end of the string '''
        if hadroncodetest.isMeson() is True:
            stringcontent = self.Findstringcontent(decayingquarknumber,hadronproducedID) # finds [quark, antiquark] of the string
            #print stringcontent, "DO WE GOT A PROBLEM HERE"
        ''' Get out the string information (ie the quark information) '''
        boostedstring = self.Booststringforward(decayingstring)
        quark1 = boostedstring.Getq()
        antiquark1 = boostedstring.Getqbar()
        quark1vector4D = quark1.Getvector4D()
        antiquark1vector4D = antiquark1.Getvector4D()
        ''' define particle produced values ''' # Initialise the particle for manipulation later. (hadron is object k)
        hadronmomentum = Fourvector.vector4D(1.,1.,1.,1.) # placeholder (used for class creation), is reset later
        hadron = Particle.particle4D(hadronproducedID,hadronmomentum)
        hadronmass = hadron.Getmass()
        '''Create p+, p-'''
        #print antiquark1vector4D.Getvector(), "#PRINT VECOTRS"
        #print quark1vector4D.Getvector()
        if quark1vector4D[3] < 0:
            p_plus = quark1vector4D[0] - quark1vector4D[3]
            p_minus = antiquark1vector4D[0] + antiquark1vector4D[3]  
        if quark1vector4D[3] > 0:
            p_plus = quark1vector4D[0] + quark1vector4D[3]
            p_minus = antiquark1vector4D[0] - antiquark1vector4D[3]  
        ''' Find the quark content of the string '''
        #print stringcontent[0], "stringcontent 0 "
        #print stringcontent[1], "stringcontent 1 "           
        ''' Try 100 hundred times to get a successful kperp and z value for the current string decay '''
        n = 0
        while True:
            n = n+1
            ##print "Are we stuck"
            #print "stringmass", boostedstring.Getstringmass()
            #print "hadronmass", hadronmass
            #print antiquark1vector4D.Getvector(), "#PRINT VECOTRS"
            #print quark1vector4D.Getvector()
            ''' Get k perp value '''
            kperp = self.Getkperphitmiss(boostedstring) # 0.305
            #print kperp, "kperp"
            ''' Get z value '''
            z_plus = self.Getzhitmiss(boostedstring,kperp,hadronmass) # 0.24
            z_minus = 1 - z_plus
            #print z_plus, "z_plus"
            ''' Create the k+- values '''
            k_plus = z_plus*p_plus
            k_minus = (hadronmass*hadronmass + kperp*kperp) / (z_plus*p_plus)
            ##print k_plus, "k_plus"
            ##print k_minus, "k_minus"
            ''' Create the angles for future resolving '''
            ''' phi is isotropic, and taken as angle to the quark. pi is added to phi to get the hadron angle '''
            q_phi = 2*numpy.pi*random.random()
            k_phi = q_phi + numpy.pi
            qnew_cosphi = numpy.cos(q_phi)
            qnew_sinphi = numpy.sin(q_phi)
            k_cosphi = numpy.cos(k_phi)
            k_sinphi = numpy.sin(k_phi)
            ''' Create the final vectors '''
            qnew_plus = z_minus * p_plus
            #print z_minus
            #print p_plus, "P PLUS"
            qnew_minus = (kperp*kperp) / (z_minus * p_plus)
            ''' Arrange arrays of [p+, p_, pcostheta, psintheta] '''
            qnew = [qnew_plus, qnew_minus, kperp*qnew_cosphi, kperp*qnew_sinphi]
            #print qnew, "QNEW"
            knew = [k_plus, k_minus, kperp*k_cosphi, kperp*k_sinphi]
            #print knew, "KNEW"
            antiqnew = [0,p_minus - k_minus - qnew_minus, 0, 0]
            #print antiqnew, "ANTIQNEW"
            ''' From the arrays constructed above, create the vectors E,p '''
            ''' Start with the particle '''
            k_E = (k_plus + k_minus) /2
            k_px = knew[2]
            k_py = knew[3]
            k_pz = (k_plus - k_minus) /2
            kmom = Fourvector.vector4D(k_E,k_px,k_py,k_pz)
            ''' And now for the quark in the string '''
            q_E = (qnew[0]+qnew[1])/2
            q_px = qnew[2]
            q_py = qnew[3]
            q_pz = (qnew[0]-qnew[1])/2
            qmom = Fourvector.vector4D(q_E,q_px,q_py,q_pz)
            ''' And now for the antiquark in the string '''
            antiq_E = (antiqnew[0] + antiqnew[1]) /2
            antiq_px = antiqnew[2]
            antiq_py = antiqnew[3]
            antiq_pz = (antiqnew[0] - antiqnew[1]) /2
            antiqmom = Fourvector.vector4D(antiq_E,antiq_px,antiq_py,antiq_pz) 
            ''' Testing the dynamics of the system - momentum should be conserved ''' 
            totalmom = antiqmom+qmom+kmom
            ##print p_plus*p_minus, "total cmf momentum of the system originally, i.e. 2E"
            ##print totalmom*totalmom, "Invariant mass squared of the final system"   
            ''' Now need to boost the system back into the lab frame '''
            ''' Adjust the quarks and create a new string, and boost to lab frame '''
            #print stringcontent, "STRINGCONTENT"
            quark2 = Particle.particle4D(float(stringcontent[0]),quark1.Getvector4D())
            #print hadronproducedID, "HADRON ID"
            ##print stringcontent[1], "ANTI QUARK NUMBER"

            antiquark2 = Particle.particle4D(float(stringcontent[1]),antiquark1.Getvector4D())
            newstring = MRS.mrs4D(quark2,antiquark2)
            newstring_labframe = self.Booststringback(newstring) # Final string, in the lab frame
            #print newstring_labframe.Getstringcontent(), "LABFRAME CONTENT"

            #testthequark = newstring_labframe.Getq()
            #print testthequark.Getinvariantmass(), "invariant mass of the quark in the string"
            ''' Now need to boost then adjust the produced hadron '''
            kmomrotated = self.__rotateboost.Rotatebackwards(kmom) # rotate out or rotated frame
            kmomboosted = self.__lorentzboost/kmomrotated          # boost into the lab frame (original frame)
            ##print Decaytables.Findminandmaxpairmass(newstring_labframe)[1], "testing the condition for failure here"
            ##print newstring_labframe.Getstringmass(), "stringmass in the new labframe"    
            ##print Decaytables.Stringdecaysmallesthadron(newstring_labframe), "result of the decaytables testing shit, searching for error"
            ##print newstring_labframe.Getstringcontent(), "stringcontent"
            #if n > 3:
            ''' Check validity of the decay (cons of energy) '''
            if qnew_minus + k_minus >= quark1vector4D[0] + antiquark1vector4D[0]:
                #print qnew_minus
                #print k_minus
                #print quark1vector4D[0]
                #print antiquark1vector4D[0]
                #print "CONDITION 1 FAILED"
            if quark2.Checkquark() is True and antiquark2.Checkquark() is True:
                meson = Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(newstring_labframe)
                #mass = Decaytables.Getmass(meson)
                if meson == 0:
                mass = Decaytables.Getmass(meson)
                if newstring_labframe.Getstringmass() <= mass:
                    #print "CONDITION 2 FAILED"
            if Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(newstring_labframe) == 0:  # if no possible stringcollapse avaiable, try and produce something with less mom frac
                #print "CONDITION 3 FAILED"
                continue # previous findminandmaxpairmass(string)[0]
        kaoncheck = self.Checkforkaons(hadronproducedID)
        return [newstring_labframe, hadron] # returns the new string and a hadron, both boosted into the lab frame
Exemplo n.º 9
mom1 = Fourvector.vector4D(numpy.sqrt(41),3.,4.,4.)
mom2 = Fourvector.vector4D(numpy.sqrt(45),2.,4.,5.)
mom3 = Fourvector.vector4D(numpy.sqrt(101),9,4.,2.) 
mom4 = Fourvector.vector4D(6,2,4.,4.)
mom5 = Fourvector.vector4D(6,-2.,-4.,-4.)

''' momenta for 91.2 GeV '''

mom10 = Fourvector.vector4D(91.2/2,35.,20.,numpy.sqrt(454.36))
mom11 = Fourvector.vector4D(91.2/2,-35.,-20.,-numpy.sqrt(454.36))

''' Create some quarks '''

dquark = Particle.particle4D(1,mom10)
uquark = Particle.particle4D(2,mom10)
squark = Particle.particle4D(3,mom10)
cquark = Particle.particle4D(4,mom10)
bquark = Particle.particle4D(5,mom10)
tquark = Particle.particle4D(6,mom10)

''' Create some antiquarks '''

antidquark = Particle.particle4D(-1,mom11)
antiuquark = Particle.particle4D(-2,mom11)
antisquark = Particle.particle4D(-3,mom11)
anticquark = Particle.particle4D(-4,mom11)
antibquark = Particle.particle4D(-5,mom11)
antitquark = Particle.particle4D(-6,mom11)
Exemplo n.º 10
def Getmh(left,dec_g,right,z,splitflavour): # return False if conditions not met. Otherwise return normal vector output.

	Decaytables = Decaydictionary.Decays()
	gvec4Dx = dec_g.Getvector4D()
	gvec4D = copy.deepcopy(gvec4Dx)
	sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour)

	if right.Checkgluon() == True: # particle on the right is a gluon. only have to consider the left hand side particle.
		#print "right particle is gluon, check that part"
		# Need the information of the quark / antiquark on the left.
		leftvector4D = left.Getvector4D()
		#print leftvector4D, "left vector"
		if left.Checkdiquark() == False: # left is a quark. Have to assign according to that idea
			if left.GetID() > 0: # if the left is the quark. need antiflavour
				if splitflavour > 10: # i.e. were producing a diquark
					sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour) # we want the positive again.
				if splitflavour < 10: # i.e. we not producing a diquark
					sgl_flavour *= -1 # we want the negative quark on the left of the gluon split

			if left.GetID() < 0: # we have an anti quark on the left somehow??. Perhaps we've already had some diquark produciton :/
				if splitflavour > 10:
					sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour) * -1

				if splitflavour < 10:
					sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour)

		if left.Checkdiquark() == True:
			if left.GetID() < 0: # negative diquark
				sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour) * -1
			if left.GetID() > 0: # positive diquark
				#print "we haev a positive diquark"
				#print left.GetID(), "left ID"
				sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour)

		sgl_vec4D = copy.deepcopy(gvec4D)
		#print sgl_vec4D.Getvector()[0], "Energy of the gluon"
		sgl_vec4D *= z
		#print "scaled vector", sgl_vec4D

		# get the scaled momentum.
		sgl = Particle.particle4D(sgl_flavour, sgl_vec4D)

		# Create a temp string to test for FS1 hadron. I.e. if there is a small hadron that can be made.
		#print left.GetID(), "left ID"
		#print left.Getvector(), "left vector"
		#print sgl_flavour, "sgl flavour"
		#print sgl.Getvector(), "sgl vector"
		string = MRS.mrs4D(left,sgl)
		#print string.Getstringmass(), "string mass of the left,sgl pair"

		fs1hadron = Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(string)
		#print fs1hadron, "fs1hadron in the right split code"

		if fs1hadron == 0:
			return False # condition failed. cant produce a hadron.

		fs1mass = PDG_ID.PDG_Type.mass(PDG_ID.PDG_Type(fs1hadron))
		#print fs1mass

		totalmom = sgl_vec4D + leftvector4D
		if totalmom*totalmom < (fs1mass*fs1mass): # Condition that the resultant qqbar pair is heavy enough to at least form a hadron.
			return False # Condition failed. Need to reloop again for different z.

		# Provided above conditions are satisfied, return the particles in correct sides based on nature of the left quark.
		# create the other particle
		sgr_flavour = copy.deepcopy(sgl_flavour) * -1
		sgr_vec4D = copy.deepcopy(gvec4D)
		sgr_vec4D *= (1-z)

		''' Create a new proxy particle to form a string with the right hand side to check cons stuff '''
		copyright = copy.deepcopy(right)

		newrightflavour = 1
		if abs(sgr_flavour) > 10: # we have a diquark
			if sgr_flavour > 0: # positive diquark
				newrightflavour = 1
			if sgr_flavour < 0:
				newrightflavour = -1

		if abs(sgr_flavour) < 10: # we ahve a regular quarks
			if sgr_flavour > 0: # positive quark
				newrightflavour = -1
			if sgr_flavour < 0:
				newrightflavour = 1

		#print copyright.Getvector(), "vector of the right hand side particle"

		#print sgr_vec4D, "vector of the right hand side gluon after split. They must be collinear or smthing"

		sgr = Particle.particle4D(sgr_flavour,sgr_vec4D)

		string2 = MRS.mrs4D(sgr,copyright)
		#print string2.Getstringmass(), "stringmass of the second pseudo string"
		fs1hadron2 = Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(string2)
		if fs1hadron2 == 0:
			return False # new conditional

		if abs(splitflavour) > 10: # we have a diquark produced
			rightvec4D = right.Getvector4D()
			sgr4D = sgr.Getvector4D()
			inv = rightvec4D + sgr4D
			invmass = numpy.sqrt(inv * inv)
			if invmass < 2.5: # invariant mass is less than two for the decaying gluon and the right hand side particle. then veto diquark production
				return False
		# Flavours already flipped from the above condition. Should always be correct relative to the left and eachother.
		return [sgl,sgr]

	if right.Checkgluon() == False: # so the right side is a quark. need to account for both sides having sufficient mass to form hadrons.
		#print "right particle is a quark, see that algorithm"

		if left.Checkdiquark() == False:
			#print "left is not diquark"
			#print splitflavour, "splitflavour in this party"
			if left.GetID() > 0: # if the left is the quark. need antiflavour
				if splitflavour > 10: # i.e. were producing a diquark
					sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour) # we want the positive again.
				if splitflavour < 10: # i.e. we not producing a diquark
					sgl_flavour *= -1 # we want the negative quark on the left of the gluon split

			if left.GetID() < 0: # we have an anti quark on the left somehow??. Perhaps we've already had some diquark produciton :/
				#print "left ID is less than zero"
				if splitflavour > 10:
					"we've reached the left neg, g diquark part"
					sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour) * -1
					#print left.GetID()
					#print sgl_flavour, "flavour of sgl"

				if splitflavour < 10:
					sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour)
		if left.Checkdiquark() == True:
			if left.GetID() < 0: # negative diquark
				sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour) * -1
			if left.GetID() > 0: # positive diquark
				sgl_flavour = copy.deepcopy(splitflavour)

		sgl_vec4D = copy.deepcopy(gvec4D)
		print sgl_vec4D, "sgl vec4D"
		print sgl_vec4D * sgl_vec4D
		sgl_vec4D *= z
		sgr_vec4D = copy.deepcopy(gvec4D)
		print sgr_vec4D, "sgrvec4D"
		sgr_vec4D *= (1-z)
		sgr_flavour = copy.deepcopy(sgl_flavour) * -1 # sgr is the anti of the sgl
		#print right.GetID(), "right ID"
		#print left.GetID(), "left ID"
		#print sgr_flavour, "sgrflavour"
		#print sgl_flavour, "sglflavour"

		sgl = Particle.particle4D(sgl_flavour,sgl_vec4D)
		sgr = Particle.particle4D(sgr_flavour,sgr_vec4D)

		string1 = MRS.mrs4D(left,sgl)
		#print string1.Getstringcontent(), "stringcontent of string 1 in gluon splitting rigt hand is quark"
		string2 = MRS.mrs4D(sgr,right)
		#print string2.Getstringcontent(), "stringcontent of string 2 in gs right hand is quark"
		#print string1.Getstringmass(), string2.Getstringmass(), "string masses of 1,2 respectuively"

		fs1hadron1 = Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(string1)
		#print fs1hadron1
		if fs1hadron1 == 0:
			return False
		fs1hadron2 = Decaytables.GetFailsafe1hadron(string2)

		#print fs1hadron2
		if fs1hadron2 == 0:
			return False

		return [sgl,sgr]