Exemplo n.º 1
 def init_patchs_array(self, size):
     self.patchs_array = [[Patch(
         (0, 0), 0, self.noised_image)] * self.denoised_image.height
                          ] * self.denoised_image.width
     # Image width
     for x in range(self.denoised_image.width):
         # Image height
         for y in range(self.denoised_image.height):
             self.patchs_array[x][y] = Patch((x, y), size,
Exemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, numPatches):

		### Number Of Patches ###
		self.patches = []
		self.patchDistances = []
		self.numPatches = numPatches
		self.totalArea = 0
		self.completePatches = 0

		# May start right on the first mile. 
		start = rand.randint(0, 2000)

		for i in range(numPatches):

			length = rand.randint(100, 3600)

			### Total Square feet
			self.patches.append(Patch.Patch(start, length))
			self.totalArea += self.patches[i].getArea()

			start += length

			# start has to be at least 100 feet from the previous patch. 
			start += rand.randint(100, 2000) 

		# numPatches - 1: N patches, N - 1 inbetween spaces
		for i in range(numPatches - 1):
			nextPatch = self.patches[i + 1]
			previousPatch = self.patches[i]

			self.patchDistances.append(nextPatch.getStart() - previousPatch.getEnd())
Exemplo n.º 3
 def initializePatches(self):
     #Instantiate Patches
     #Create a list to hold the patches. We first fill these with
     #zeros to hold the place for each Patch object
     self.patch_dict = {
         i: {
             j: 0
         for i in range(self.rows) for j in range(self.cols)
     for i in range(self.rows):
         for j in range(self.cols):
             #replace zeros with actual Patch objects
             good = "sugar" if i + j >= self.rows else "water"
             self.patch_dict[i][j] = Patch(self, i, j, self.sugarMap[i][j],
     self.empty_patches = RandomDict({(i, j): self.patch_dict[i][j]
                                      for i in range(self.rows)
                                      for j in range(self.cols)})
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, name, width, height):
     ## Setup the simulator
     ## 1. Create World
     self.world = World(name, width, height)
     self.agents = list()
     ## 2. Fill in salinity and inundation data for each patch
     ## TODO: Get env data from GIS dataset
     for x in range(0, width + 1):
         for y in range(0, height + 1):
             p = Patch(1.0 - 1 / (x + 1), 1.0, 1.0, True)
             self.world.setPatch(x, y, p)
     ## 3. Plant some mangroves
     ## TODO: Get tree location from GIS dataset
     ## TODO: Plant different species of plants
     ## For now, plant trees manually
     for i in range(0, min(width, height) + 1):
         plant = Mangrove(0.5, 0, self.world, i, i)
         self.world.putAgent(i, i, plant)
     self.step = 0  ## No tree death, recruitment or storms for now
Exemplo n.º 5
    def initializePatches(self):
        #Instantiate Patches
        #Create a dictionary to hold the patches, organize as grid.
        #We first fill these with zeros as placeh holders
        self.patch_dict = {
            row: {
                col: 0
            for row in range(self.rows) for col in range(self.cols)
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                # replace zeros with actual Patch objects
                good = "sugar" if row + col < self.cols else "water"
                self.patch_dict[row][col] = Patch(self, row, col,

    # use RandomDict - O(n) time complexity - for choosing random empty patch
        self.empty_patches = RandomDict({(row, col): self.patch_dict[row][col]
                                         for row in range(self.rows)
                                         for col in range(self.cols)})
Exemplo n.º 6
def extractMeasurements(t, depthMsg, boundingBoxMsg, odometryMsg, imageMsg):
    global f_odometry
    newMeasurements = []
    cylinderR = 1
    boundingBoxMinPixelSpace = 15
    currPos = [
        odometryMsg.pose.position.x, odometryMsg.pose.position.y,

    depthImage = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depthMsg, desired_encoding="32FC1")
    # Rotate RGB image if necessary
    depthImage = cv2.rotate(depthImage, cv2.ROTATE_180)
    rgbImage = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(imageMsg, desired_encoding="bgr8")

    patches = []
    for b in boundingBoxMsg.bounding_boxes:
        # Check if desired object class
        if (b.Class != 'car' and b.Class != 'truck'):
        xmin = max(b.xmin, 0)
        ymin = max(b.ymin, 0)
        xmax = b.xmax
        ymax = b.ymax

        # Check if detection not at boundary
        if (xmin < boundingBoxMinPixelSpace or ymin < boundingBoxMinPixelSpace
                or xmax > imgWidth - 1 - boundingBoxMinPixelSpace
                or ymax > imgHeight - 1 - boundingBoxMinPixelSpace):

        p = Patch(depthImage[ymin:ymax + 1, xmin:xmax + 1], xmin, xmax, ymin,

        # Only use detections with depth information inside circle
        if ~np.isnan(p.medianDepthCircle):

    # Sort patches according to minimum depth values inside bounding boxes

    qi = [
        odometryMsg.pose.orientation.w, odometryMsg.pose.orientation.x,
        odometryMsg.pose.orientation.y, odometryMsg.pose.orientation.z
    R_world_imu = quadToRot(qi)

    for p in patches:
        rgbImage = ImagePainter.markPatch(rgbImage, p)
        pxCoords = p.getFlippedCenterCoordinates()
        coord3d = Kinv.dot(pxCoords.T)
        coord3d = coord3d / np.linalg.norm(coord3d) * (
            p.medianDepthCircle + cylinderR
        )  # Measurement vector in cameara frame
        coord3d = R_imu_cam.dot(coord3d) - np.array(x_imu_cam)
        coord3d = R_world_imu.dot(coord3d) - np.array(x_world_imu) + np.array(
        coord3d = coord3d.tolist()
        #coord3d = (np.array(currPos)+(R_world_imu.dot(R_imu_cam.dot(coord3d)))-np.array(x_world_imu)).tolist()
        f_measurements.writeMeasurement(t, coord3d)
    f_odometry.writeOdometry(t, odometryMsg)
    return rgbImage, patches, newMeasurements