Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.pieces = []
        playerData = PlayerData.getPlayerData()
        self.id = playerData.id
        self.color = playerData.color
        self.startPosition = playerData.startPosition
        self.endPosition = playerData.endPosition
        self.piecesFinished = 0

        # gamemodes
        # None : Not configured. Will give an error
        # RA   : Random player. Move will be randomly selected from the available moves.
        # MA   : Manual Player. Moved will come from the user through the MLudoPlayer class
        # SA   : Simple Automated Player. Moves will be determined by the SALudoPlayer Class
        # NN   : Neural Network Player. Moved will be determined by the NNLudoPlayer class

        self.gamemode = None

Exemplo n.º 2
async def data(ctx, arg):
    embedVar = PlayerData.getPlayerData(arg)
    await ctx.send(embed=embedVar)