Exemplo n.º 1
def AStar(initial_state):
    CLOSED = []
    BACKLINKS[initial_state] = None

    # Put the start state on a priority queue called OPEN
    OPEN = PriorityQueue()

    g[initial_state] = 0.0
    f = g[initial_state] + h(initial_state)
    print("INITIAL STATE HAS F VALUE OF " + str(f))
    OPEN.insert(initial_state, f)

    while OPEN != []:
        if VERBOSE:
            report(OPEN, CLOSED, COUNT)

        if len(OPEN) > MAX_OPEN_LENGTH:
            MAX_OPEN_LENGTH = len(OPEN)

        # STEP 3. Select the state on OPEN having lowest priority value and call it S.
        #         Delete S from OPEN.
        #         Put S on CLOSED.
        #         If S is a goal state, output its description
        (S, P) = OPEN.delete_min()
        # P is the cost from starting state to S
        # print(f"S IS {S.name}")
        # print(f"G[S] IS {g[S]} WHICH REFLECTS THE COST TO GET FROM {initial_state.name} TO S")
        # print(f"H[S] IS {h(S)}")
        # print(f"F[S] IS {P}")
        # print(f"THE PRIORITY FOR S IS {P} WHICH REFLECTS THE COST TO GET FROM {initial_state.name} TO GOAL")
        # print("In Step 3, returned from OPEN.delete_min with results (S,P)= ", (str(S), P))

        # print("BACKLINKS = ")
        # for state in BACKLINKS.keys():
        #   print("parent = " + str(BACKLINKS.get(state)) + ", child = " + str(state))

        # CLOSED.append((S, P))

        if Problem.GOAL_TEST(S):
            print("\n" + Problem.GOAL_MESSAGE_FUNCTION(S) + "\n")

            # handling backtracing
            SOLUTION_PATH = [str(s)
                             for s in backtrace(S)]  # should return a list
            print(f"Solution path = {SOLUTION_PATH}")
            print('Length of solution path found: ' +
                  str(len(SOLUTION_PATH) - 1) + ' edges')

            # handling total cost
            TOTAL_COST = P
            print("TOTAL_COST = " + str(TOTAL_COST))

        COUNT += 1

        # STEP 4. Generate each successor of S
        #         and if it is already on CLOSED, delete the new instance.
        successors = []
        for op in Problem.OPERATORS:
            if op.precond(S):
                new_state = op.state_transf(S)

                # h(curr_state) = an estimate of the distance between curr_state and GOAL
                temp_g = g[S] + new_state.edge_distance(S)
                # f = g[new_state] + h(new_state)
                f = temp_g + h(new_state)

                # pair at hand
                # (new_state, f[new_state])

                # print(f"\tCHILD OF {S.name} = {new_state}; THE COST TO GET FROM INITIAL {initial_state} TO GOAL THROUGH "
                # f"{new_state.name} IS g=g[old]={g[S]} + actual edge weight={new_state.edge_distance(S)} + h={h(new_state)} = f={f[new_state]}")

                successors.append((new_state, f))
                # print(f"\tCHILD OF {S.name} =  {new_state.name} POINTS TO PARENT NODE {S.name}")

                # if there is new_state on CLOSED (for any priority q):
                # for i in range(len(CLOSED)):
                for closed_state in CLOSED:
                    # closed_state = CLOSED[i][0]
                    # q = CLOSED[i][1]
                    # closed_state = CLOSED[i]
                    q = g[closed_state] + h(closed_state)

                    if new_state == closed_state:
                        if f > q:
                            successors.remove((new_state, f))
                            # print(f"\tREMOVED FROM SUCCESSOR... {new_state.name}'s priority in CLOSED and is more expensive than q")

                        # if f(new_state) is smaller than or equal to q, then remove [s', q] from CLOSED.
                        # if f[new_state] <= q:
                        if f <= q:
                            BACKLINKS[new_state] = S
                            g[new_state] = temp_g
                            # print(f"\tREMOVED FROM CLOSED... {new_state.name}'s priority in CLOSED and is smaller than or equal to q")
                            # print(f"\tCLOSED =", end="")
                            # for state in CLOSED:
                            #     print(f"({state}), ", end="")
                            # print("\n")

                # if there is new_state on OPEN (for any priority q):
                if new_state in OPEN:
                    q = OPEN[new_state]
                    # if f(new_state) is more expensive than q, then remove[s, f(s')] from successors.
                    # if f[new_state] > q:
                    if f > q:
                        successors.remove((new_state, f))
                        # print(f"\tREMOVED FROM SUCCESSOR... {new_state.name}'s priority in OPEN and is more expensive than q")

                    # if f(new_state) is less expensive or equal to q, then remove [s', q] from OPEN.
                    # if f[new_state] <= q:
                    if f <= q:
                        # BACKLINKS[new_state] = S
                        g[new_state] = temp_g
                        BACKLINKS[new_state] = S
                        # print(f"\tREMOVED FROM OPEN... {new_state.name}'s priority in OPEN and is smaller than or equal to q")
                        # print(f"\tNEW PARENT NODE FOR {new_state.name} = {BACKLINKS[new_state].name}")

                if new_state not in CLOSED and OPEN.__contains__(
                        new_state) is False:
                    g[new_state] = temp_g
                    BACKLINKS[new_state] = S

        for (s, p) in successors:
            OPEN.insert(s, p)
            # BACKLINKS[s] = S

        print_state_queue("OPEN", OPEN)

        # print("CLOSED: [ ", end="")
        # for (state, priority) in CLOSED:
        # print(f"({state.name}, {priority})", end=" ")
        # print("]")

        # cost_so_far -= P  # reset cost_so_far to current shortest path
    # STEP 6. Go to Step 2.
    return None  # No more states on OPEN, and no goal reached.