def main():
	for iq,Q in enumerate( Qs ):
		FF = FFLJ + FFel * Q
		PP.setFF_Pointer( FF )
		for ik,K in enumerate( Ks ):
			dirname = "Q%1.2fK%1.2f" %(Q,K)
			os.makedirs( dirname )
			PP.setTip( kSpring = np.array((K,K,0.0))/-PP.eVA_Nm )
			fzs = PP.relaxedScan3D( xTips, yTips, zTips )
			PP.saveXSF( dirname+'/OutFz.xsf', headScan, lvecScan, fzs )
			for iA,Amp in enumerate( Amps ):
				AmpStr = "/Amp%2.2f" %Amp
				print "Amp= ",AmpStr
				os.makedirs( dirname+AmpStr )
				dfs = PP.Fz2df( fzs, dz = dz, k0 = PP.params['kCantilever'], f0=PP.params['f0Cantilever'], n=Amp/dz )
				PP.plotImages( dirname+AmpStr+"/df", dfs, slices = range( 0, len(dfs) ) )
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    for iq, Q in enumerate(Qs):
        FF = FFLJ + FFel * Q
        for ik, K in enumerate(Ks):
            dirname = "Q%1.2fK%1.2f" % (Q, K)
            PP.setTip(kSpring=np.array((K, K, 0.0)) / -PP.eVA_Nm)
            fzs = PP.relaxedScan3D(xTips, yTips, zTips)
            PP.saveXSF(dirname + '/OutFz.xsf', headScan, lvecScan, fzs)
            for iA, Amp in enumerate(Amps):
                AmpStr = "/Amp%2.2f" % Amp
                print("Amp= ", AmpStr)
                os.makedirs(dirname + AmpStr)
                dfs = PP.Fz2df(fzs,
                               n=Amp / dz)
                PP.plotImages(dirname + AmpStr + "/df",
                              slices=list(range(0, len(dfs))))
def relaxedScan3D( xTips, yTips, zTips ):
	ntips = len(zTips); 
	print " zTips : ",zTips
	rTips = np.zeros((ntips,3))
	rs    = np.zeros((ntips,3))
	fs    = np.zeros((ntips,3))
	rTips[:,0] = 1.0
	rTips[:,1] = 1.0
	rTips[:,2] = zTips 
	fzs    = np.zeros(( len(zTips), len(yTips ), len(xTips ) ));
	for ix,x in enumerate( xTips  ):
		print "relax ix:", ix
		rTips[:,0] = x
		for iy,y in enumerate( yTips  ):
			rTips[:,1] = y
			itrav = PP.relaxTipStroke( rTips, rs, fs ) / float( len(zTips) )
			fzs[:,iy,ix] = fs[:,2].copy()
	return fzs
def relaxedScan3D(xTips, yTips, zTips):
    ntips = len(zTips)
    print(" zTips : ", zTips)
    rTips = np.zeros((ntips, 3))
    rs = np.zeros((ntips, 3))
    fs = np.zeros((ntips, 3))
    rTips[:, 0] = 1.0
    rTips[:, 1] = 1.0
    rTips[:, 2] = zTips
    fzs = np.zeros((len(zTips), len(yTips), len(xTips)))
    for ix, x in enumerate(xTips):
        print("relax ix:", ix)
        rTips[:, 0] = x
        for iy, y in enumerate(yTips):
            rTips[:, 1] = y
            itrav = PP.relaxTipStroke(rTips, rs, fs) / float(len(zTips))
            fzs[:, iy, ix] = fs[:, 2].copy()
    return fzs
X, Y, Z = getMGrid(dims, dd)

print '--- Get Probe Density ---'

rho = getProbeDensity(sampleSize, X, Y, Z, sigma, dd, {'dz2':1.0})

print '--- Get Forces ---'
Fx, Fy, Fz = getForces( V, rho, sampleSize, dims, dd, X, Y, Z)
print 'Fx.max(), Fx.min() = ', Fx.max(), Fx.min()

PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[ 1,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[ 2,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[ 3,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

print "--- Compute Lennard-Jones Force-filed ---"
atoms     = basUtils.loadAtoms('', elements.ELEMENT_DICT )
iZs,Rs,Qs = PP.parseAtoms( atoms, autogeom = False, PBC = True )
FFLJ      = PP.computeLJ( Rs, iZs, FFLJ=None, FFparams=None)

print "--- Saving ---"

GU.saveXSF('FFel_x.xsf', Fx, lvec, head)
GU.saveXSF('FFel_y.xsf' , Fy, lvec, head)
GU.saveXSF('FFel_z.xsf' , Fz, lvec, head)

GU.saveVecFieldXsf( 'FFLJ', FFLJ, lvec, head)

Exemplo n.º 6
                  help="amplitude range",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

Ks = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]
Qs = [-0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2]
Amps = [1.0]

print(" ============= RUN  ")

print(" >> WARNING!!! OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  ")

PPPlot.params = PP.params

print(" load Electrostatic Force-field ")
FFel, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadVecFieldXsf("FFel")
print(" load Lenard-Jones Force-field ")
FFLJ, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadVecFieldXsf("FFLJ")

xTips, yTips, zTips, lvecScan = PP.prepareScanGrids()

#Ks   = [ 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 ]
#Qs   = [ -0.2, 0.0, +0.2 ]
#Amps = [ 2.0 ]
print " # ========== make & load  ProbeParticle C++ library " 

def makeclean( ):
	import os
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".so") ]
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".o") ]
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".pyc") ]

makeclean( )  # force to recompile 

import ProbeParticle as PP

print " >> WARNING!!! OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  "

PP.loadParams( 'params_watter.ini' )



PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[ 1,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[ 2,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[ 3,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

FFLJ  = np.zeros( (nDim[0],nDim[1],nDim[2],3) )
Exemplo n.º 8
except IndexError:
    print "Please specify a file with coordinates"

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option(      "--dfrange", action="store", type="float", help="Range of plotted frequency shift (df)", nargs=2)
parser.add_option(      "--df",      action="store_true",  help="Write AFM frequency shift in df.xsf file", default=False)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

print "Reading coordinates from the file {}".format(sys.argv[1])

print " >> WARNING!!! OVERWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  "

PP.loadParams( 'params.ini' )


PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[ 1,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[ 2,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[ 3,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

FF   = np.zeros( (nDim[0],nDim[1],nDim[2],3) )
FFLJ = np.zeros( np.shape( FF ) )
FFel = np.zeros( np.shape( FF ) )
Exemplo n.º 9
print('--- Get Forces ---')
Fx, Fy, Fz = getForces( V, rho, sampleSize, dims, dd, X, Y, Z)
print('Fx.max(), Fx.min() = ', Fx.max(), Fx.min())

PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[ 1,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[ 2,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[ 3,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

print("--- Compute Lennard-Jones Force-filed ---")
atoms     = basUtils.loadAtoms('')
if os.path.isfile( 'atomtypes.ini' ):
    print(">> LOADING LOCAL atomtypes.ini")  
    FFparams=PPU.loadSpecies( 'atomtypes.ini' ) 
    FFparams = PPU.loadSpecies( cpp_utils.PACKAGE_PATH+'/defaults/atomtypes.ini' )

iZs,Rs,Qs = PP.parseAtoms(atoms, autogeom = False, PBC = True,
FFLJ      = PP.computeLJ( Rs, iZs, FFLJ=None, FFparams=FFparams)

print("--- Saving ---")

GU.saveXSF('FFel_x.xsf', Fx, lvec, head)
GU.saveXSF('FFel_y.xsf' , Fy, lvec, head)
GU.saveXSF('FFel_z.xsf' , Fz, lvec, head)

GU.saveVecFieldXsf( 'FFLJ', FFLJ, lvec, head)

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option( "-i", "--input", action="store", type="string", help="format of input file", default='vasp.locpot.xsf')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

num = len(sys.argv)
if (num < 2):
    sys.exit("Number of arguments = "+str(num-1)+". This script shoudl have at least one argument. I am terminating...")
finput = sys.argv[num-1]

# --- initialization ---

sigma  = 1.0 # [ Angstroem ] 

print " >> OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  "
PPU.loadParams( 'params.ini' )

print " ========= get electrostatic forcefiled from hartree "

# TODO with time implement reading a hartree potential generated by different software
print " loading Hartree potential from disk "
if(options.input == 'vasp.locpot.xsf'):
    V, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadXSF(finput)
elif(options.input == 'aims.cube'):
    V, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadCUBE(finput)

print " computing convolution with tip by FFT "
Fel_x,Fel_y,Fel_z = LFF. potential2forces( V, lvec, nDim, sigma = 1.0 )
Exemplo n.º 11
print(" # ========== make & load  ProbeParticle C++ library ")

LWD = '/home/prokop/git/ProbeParticleModel/code'
sys.path = [LWD]

import basUtils
import elements
import GridUtils as GU
import ProbeParticle as PP

print(" ============= RUN  ")

print(" >> WARNING!!! OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  ")


print(" load Electrostatic Force-field ")
FFel, lvec, nDim, head = loadVecFieldXsf("FFel")
print(" load Lenard-Jones Force-field ")
FFLJ, lvec, nDim, head = loadVecFieldXsf("FFLJ")
PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[1, :].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[2, :].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[3, :].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

xTips, yTips, zTips, lvecScan = prepareGrids()

#Ks   = [ 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 ]
#Qs   = [ -0.2, 0.0, +0.2 ]
#Amps = [ 2.0 ]

def makeclean():
    import os
    [os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".so")]
    [os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".o")]
    [os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".pyc")]

makeclean()  # force to recompile

import ProbeParticle as PP

print(" >> WARNING!!! OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  ")



Fx, lvec, nDim, head = PP.loadXSF('Fx.xsf')
Fy, lvec, nDim, head = PP.loadXSF('Fy.xsf')
Fz, lvec, nDim, head = PP.loadXSF('Fz.xsf')

PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[1, :].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[2, :].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[3, :].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

FFLJ = np.zeros((nDim[0], nDim[1], nDim[2], 3))
Exemplo n.º 13

def makeclean():
    import os
    [os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".so")]
    [os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".o")]
    [os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".pyc")]

#makeclean( )  # force to recompile

import ProbeParticle as PP

print " # ==========  server interface file I/O "


print " # ============ define atoms "

#bas      = basUtils.loadBas('surf.bas')[0]
#bas      = basUtils.loadBas('PTCDA_Ruslan_1x1.bas')[0]
#bas      = basUtils.loadBas('GrN6x6.bas')[0]

#atoms      = basUtils.loadAtoms('GrN6x6.bas', elements.ELEMENT_DICT )
#atoms      = basUtils.loadAtoms('', elements.ELEMENT_DICT )

atoms = basUtils.loadAtoms('', elements.ELEMENT_DICT)
Rs = np.array([atoms[1], atoms[2], atoms[3]])
iZs = np.array(atoms[0])

if not PP.params['PBC']:
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

num = len(sys.argv)
if (num < 2):
        "Number of arguments = " + str(num - 1) +
        ". This script shoudl have at least one argument. I am terminating...")
finput = sys.argv[num - 1]

# --- initialization ---

sigma = 1.0  # [ Angstroem ]

print " >> OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  "

print " ========= get electrostatic forcefiled from hartree "

# TODO with time implement reading a hartree potential generated by different software
print " loading Hartree potential from disk "
if (options.input == 'vasp.locpot.xsf'):
    V, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadXSF(finput)
elif (options.input == 'aims.cube'):
    V, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadCUBE(finput)

print " computing convolution with tip by FFT "
Fel_x, Fel_y, Fel_z = LFF.potential2forces(V, lvec, nDim, sigma=1.0)

print " saving electrostatic forcefiled "
GU.saveXSF('FFel_x.xsf', Fel_x, lvec, head)
Exemplo n.º 15
    print "Please specify a file with coordinates"

filename = sys.argv[1]

if not os.path.exists(filename):
    print "File {} with coordinates doesn't exist!!! Exiting".format(filename)

ProjName = filename[:-4]

# Working with parameters file
ParamFilename = ProjName + ".ini"

if os.path.exists(ParamFilename):
    print "File {} with parameters doesn't exist!!! Using defaults".format(

cell = np.array([

lvec = PP.params2lvec()
atoms = basUtils.loadAtoms(filename, elements.ELEMENT_DICT)
iZs, Rs, Qs = PP.parseAtoms(atoms, autogeom=False, PBC=True)

# Lennard Jonnes contribution to the force field
Exemplo n.º 16
print " load Electrostatic Force-field "
PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[ 1,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[ 2,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[ 3,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

print " compute Lennard-Jones Force-filed "
atoms     = basUtils.loadAtoms('geom.bas')
if os.path.isfile( 'atomtypes.ini' ):
	print ">> LOADING LOCAL atomtypes.ini"  
	FFparams=PPU.loadSpecies( 'atomtypes.ini' ) 
	FFparams = PPU.loadSpecies( cpp_utils.PACKAGE_PATH+'/defaults/atomtypes.ini' )
iZs,Rs,Qs = parseAtoms( atoms, autogeom = False, PBC = True, FFparams=FFparams )
FFLJ      = PP.computeLJ( iZs, Rs, FFLJ=None, cell=None, autogeom = False, PBC =
                         True, FFparams=FFparams)

print "impose 4fold symmetry on FFLJ "
FFLJ4 = np.zeros(np.shape( FFLJ ))
FFLJ4[:,:,:,0] = 0.25*( FFLJ[:,:,:,0] - FFLJ[:,:,::-1,0] + FFLJ[:,::-1,:,0] - FFLJ[:,::-1,::-1,0] )
FFLJ4[:,:,:,1] = 0.25*( FFLJ[:,:,:,1] + FFLJ[:,:,::-1,1] - FFLJ[:,::-1,:,1] - FFLJ[:,::-1,::-1,1] )
FFLJ4[:,:,:,2] = 0.25*( FFLJ[:,:,:,2] + FFLJ[:,:,::-1,2] + FFLJ[:,::-1,:,2] + FFLJ[:,::-1,::-1,2] )

print "save FFLJ to .xsf "
GU.saveVecFieldXsf( 'FFLJ', FFLJ4, lvec, head )

print " ***** ALL DONE ***** "
# NOTE: Data for COCu4 tip example are on tarkil  /auto/praha1/prokop/STHM/vasp/COCu4

# ============== load reference grid

V, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadXSF( WORK_DIR + 'LOCPOT.xsf' )

cell = np.array( [ lvec[1], lvec[2], lvec[3] ]); 

MP.setGrid( V, cell );

# ============== prepare atoms

atom_types,atom_pos = GU.getFromHead_PRIMCOORD( head )   # load atoms from header of xsf file

# set sample region around atom atom_Rmin, atom_Rmax
spacies              = PP.loadSpecies( './defaults/atomtypes.ini' )
R_type               = spacies[:,0]
atom_Rmin, atom_Rmax = MP.make_Ratoms( atom_types, R_type ) 

# mask atoms which should not to be included into the expansion 
natoms          = len( atom_types )
atom_mask       = np.array( [ True ] * natoms ); 
atom_mask[ 2: ] = False

# set basiset for each atom 
atom_basis = MP.make_bas_list( [ len( atom_pos ) ],  basis=[ ['s','px','py','pz'] ] )

#print "atom_pos:   ", atom_pos
#print "atom_Rmin:  ", atom_Rmin
#print "atom_Rmax:  ", atom_Rmax
#print "atom_mask:  ", atom_mask
Exemplo n.º 18
print " # ========== make & load  ProbeParticle C++ library " 

LWD = '/home/prokop/git/ProbeParticleModel/code' 
sys.path = [ LWD ]

import basUtils
import elements
import GridUtils as GU
import ProbeParticle as PP

print " ============= RUN  "

print " >> WARNING!!! OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  "

PP.loadParams( 'params.ini' )

print " load Electrostatic Force-field "
FFel, lvec, nDim, head = loadVecFieldXsf( "FFel" )
print " load Lenard-Jones Force-field "
FFLJ, lvec, nDim, head = loadVecFieldXsf( "FFLJ" )
PP.params['gridA'] = lvec[ 1,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridB'] = lvec[ 2,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridC'] = lvec[ 3,:  ].copy()
PP.params['gridN'] = nDim.copy()

xTips,yTips,zTips,lvecScan = prepareGrids( )

#Ks   = [ 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 ]
#Qs   = [ -0.2, 0.0, +0.2 ]
#Amps = [ 2.0 ]
Exemplo n.º 19
# ============== load reference grid

V, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadXSF(WORK_DIR + 'LOCPOT.xsf')

cell = np.array([lvec[1], lvec[2], lvec[3]])

MP.setGrid(V, cell)

# ============== prepare atoms

atom_types, atom_pos = GU.getFromHead_PRIMCOORD(
    head)  # load atoms from header of xsf file

# set sample region around atom atom_Rmin, atom_Rmax
spacies = PP.loadSpecies('./defaults/atomtypes.ini')
R_type = spacies[:, 0]
atom_Rmin, atom_Rmax = MP.make_Ratoms(atom_types, R_type)

# mask atoms which should not to be included into the expansion
natoms = len(atom_types)
atom_mask = np.array([True] * natoms)
atom_mask[2:] = False

# set basiset for each atom
atom_basis = MP.make_bas_list([len(atom_pos)], basis=[['s', 'px', 'py', 'pz']])

#print "atom_pos:   ", atom_pos
#print "atom_Rmin:  ", atom_Rmin
#print "atom_Rmax:  ", atom_Rmax
#print "atom_mask:  ", atom_mask
Exemplo n.º 20
parser.add_option( "--krange", action="store", type="float", help="k parameter range", nargs=3)
parser.add_option( "-q",       action="store", type="float", help="charge", default=0.0)
parser.add_option( "--qrange", action="store", type="float", help="charge range", nargs=3)
parser.add_option( "-a",       action="store", type="float", help="amplitude", default=0.0)
parser.add_option( "--arange", action="store", type="float", help="amplitude range", nargs=3)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

Ks   = [  0.3 ]
Qs   = [ 0.0]
Amps = [  1.0 ]

print " ============= RUN  "

print " >> WARNING!!! OVEWRITING SETTINGS by params.ini  "
PP.loadParams( 'params.ini' )

PPPlot.params = PP.params

print " load Electrostatic Force-field "
FFel, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadVecFieldXsf( "FFel" )
print " load Lenard-Jones Force-field "
FFLJ, lvec, nDim, head = GU.loadVecFieldXsf( "FFLJ" )
PP.lvec2params( lvec )
PP.setFF( FFel )

xTips,yTips,zTips,lvecScan = PP.prepareScanGrids( )

#Ks   = [ 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 ]
#Qs   = [ -0.2, 0.0, +0.2 ]
#Amps = [ 2.0 ]
Exemplo n.º 21
print " # ========== make & load  ProbeParticle C++ library " 

def makeclean( ):
	import os
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".so") ]
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".o") ]
	[ os.remove(f) for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith(".pyc") ]

#makeclean( )  # force to recompile 

import  ProbeParticle as PP

print " # ==========  server interface file I/O "

PP.loadParams( 'params.ini' )

print " # ============ define atoms "

#bas      = basUtils.loadBas('surf.bas')[0]
#bas      = basUtils.loadBas('PTCDA_Ruslan_1x1.bas')[0]
#bas      = basUtils.loadBas('GrN6x6.bas')[0]

atoms    = basUtils.loadAtoms('')
Rs       = np.array([atoms[1],atoms[2],atoms[3]]);  
iZs      = np.array( atoms[0])

if not PP.params['PBC' ]:
	print " NO PBC => autoGeom "
	PP.autoGeom( Rs, shiftXY=True,  fitCell=True,  border=3.0 )
	print " NO PBC => params[ 'gridA'   ] ", PP.params[ 'gridA' ] 
Exemplo n.º 22
filename = sys.argv[1]

if not os.path.exists(filename):
    print "File {} with coordinates doesn't exist!!! Exiting".format(filename)

ProjName = filename[:-4]

# Working with parameters file
ParamFilename = ProjName + ".ini"

if os.path.exists(ParamFilename):
    print "File {} with parameters doesn't exist!!! Using defaults".format(ParamFilename)

cell = np.array([PP.params["gridA"], PP.params["gridB"], PP.params["gridC"]]).copy()

lvec = PP.params2lvec()
atoms = basUtils.loadAtoms(filename, elements.ELEMENT_DICT)
iZs, Rs, Qs = PP.parseAtoms(atoms, autogeom=False, PBC=True)

# Lennard Jonnes contribution to the force field
if PP.params["useLJ"]:
    # checking if files exist: