def send_arm_joint_speed(q_dot, is_left_arm = False): if is_left_arm: g = gen_larm_joint_vel_dict(q_dot) else: g = gen_rarm_joint_vel_dict(q_dot) PyPR2.moveArmWithJointVelocity(**g)
def checkin(self): if self.appdisabled: return False try: self.twtaccess = Twitter( auth=OAuth(tininfo.TiNTwOAToken, tininfo.TiNTwOASecret, tininfo.TiNTwConKey, tininfo.TiNTwConSecret)) except: print 'Unable to check into PyRIDE PR2 twitter app. Try again in 10mins.' return False self.startupTime = time.localtime() self.updatestatus( time.strftime("I'm back online at %H:%M to serve ", time.localtime()) + tininfo.TiNLocation + ".") self.token = self.lastoken self.getmessages() tinstate.updateStatus(constants.NEW_MESSAGES, len(self.messages) == 0) tid = PyPR2.addTimer(60, -1, 60) self.timercontext[tid] = 'getmsg' timermanager.addTimer(tid, self) #add purge archive time purgetime = timermanager.calcTimePeriodFromNow("4:00") if purgetime > 0: tid = PyPR2.addTimer(purgetime, -1, 24 * 60 * 3600) self.timercontext[tid] = 'purgemsg' timermanager.addTimer(tid, self) return True
def timerActions( id ): global a,b,x, y , last_x, tracking_data, csvFile, csvFileCounter,LostConnectionCounter,NumPeople, msgTryTimer, NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER if msgTryTimer == id : b +=1 vel_x = x - last_x last_x = x if vel_x < -0.01: PyPR2.moveArmWithJointPos(**initial_left) a+=1 tracking_data.append((x,y,x,y,time.time(),NumPeople,"empty",1,LostConnectionCounter)) #b +=1 #updateCsv() with open(csvFile, "w") as output: writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n') writer.writerows(tracking_data)
def find_human(): global HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER,revolve_counter while revolve_counter==1 and PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0]<1.5 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER==0: revolve_cw() while revolve_counter==-1 and PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0]>-1.5 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER==0: revolve_acw() while PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0] >1.2 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER==0: revolve_counter = -1 revolve_acw() find_human() while PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0] <-1.2 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER==0: revolve_counter = 1 revolve_cw() find_human() if HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER!=0: adjust_to_shooting(PyPR2.getHeadPos()[1])
def startDataRecording(self, mode, filename=""): cmd = 'rosbag record -b 1024 ' str = '' if mode & constants.REC_CAM: #cmd = cmd + '-e "/(.*)_stereo/(left|right)/image_rect_color" ' cmd = cmd + '-e "/wide_stereo/left/image_rect_color" ' # record only one camera data str = '_cam' if mode & constants.REC_KINECT: cmd = cmd + '"/camera/rgb/image_rect_color" "/camera/depth_registered/image_rect" ' str = '_kinect' if mode & constants.REC_SCAN: cmd = cmd + '-e "/(.*)_scan$" ' str = str + '_laser' if mode & constants.REC_IMU: cmd = cmd + '"/torso_lift_imu/data" ' str = str + '_imu' if mode & constants.REC_JOINTS: cmd = cmd + '"/joint_states" ' str = str + '_joint' if mode & constants.REC_TF: cmd = cmd + '"/tf" ' str = str + '_tf' if filename == "": cmd = cmd + '--duration=1m --split -O %s/%s%s_data.bag' % \ (RECORDED_DATA_DIR, time.strftime( "%Y%m%d_%H%M", time.localtime()), str) else: cmd = cmd + '--duration=1m --split -O %s/%s.bag' % \ (RECORDED_DATA_DIR, filename) if self.recording: self.killProc(self.recording) self.recording = self.spawnProc(cmd) PyPR2.say("Start data recording!")
def find_human(): global HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER, revolve_counter while revolve_counter == 1 and PyPR2.getHeadPos( )[0] < 1.5 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER == 0: revolve_cw() while revolve_counter == -1 and PyPR2.getHeadPos( )[0] > -1.5 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER == 0: revolve_acw() while PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0] > 1.2 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER == 0: revolve_counter = -1 revolve_acw() find_human() while PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0] < -1.2 and HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER == 0: revolve_counter = 1 revolve_cw() find_human() if HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER != 0: adjust_to_shooting(PyPR2.getHeadPos()[1])
def adjust_to_shooting(): global last_proximity proximity = check_head_proximity() if proximity == True and last_proximity == False: PyPR2.moveBodyTo(0.0, 0.0, (0.65) * PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0], 1) #PyPR2.moveHeadTo(0.0,y) last_proximity = proximity
def startJoystickControl(self): if self.joyControl: print 'already in joystick control mode' return self.joyControl = self.spawnProc( 'roslaunch pr2_teleop teleop_joystick.launch > /dev/null 2>&1') PyPR2.say("Start joystick control.")
def purgearchive(self): if len(self.archive) == 0: PyPR2.say("No archived message to be deleted.") return self.archive = [] tinstate.updateStatus(constants.ARCHIVE_MESSAGES, True) PyPR2.say("All archived message have been deleted.")
def systemShutdownActions(): global myMessenger global extProcCall PyPR2.say('I am going off line. Goodbye.') myMessenger.checkout() extProcCall.fini()
def adjust_to_shooting(): global last_proximity proximity = check_head_proximity() if proximity== True and last_proximity==False: PyPR2.moveBodyTo(0.0,0.0,(0.65)*PyPR2.getHeadPos()[0],1) #PyPR2.moveHeadTo(0.0,y) last_proximity = proximity
def timerActions(id): global myMessenger, msgTryTimer if msgTryTimer == id and myMessenger.checkin(): PyPR2.removeTimer(msgTryTimer) msgTryTimer = -1 else: timermanager.onTimerCall(id)
def onHumanDetected(objtype, nameid, trackid, status): global csvCounter,csvFile,actionIdentifier,isNearest PyPR2.moveTorsoBy(0.1,2) PyPR2.say("This exit is closed, please use the other exit") csvCounter += 1 csvFile = "/home/demoshare/sid_stuff/aggressiveBehaviourExperiment/test"+str(csvCounter)+"_"+str(time.time())+".csv" actionIdentifier = "Human Detected" isNearest = False
def batteryChargeChangeActions(batpc, isplugged, time_remain): global myMessenger if batpc < 20 and not isplugged: PyPR2.say("I'm low on battery, please put me back on main power.") if myMessenger: myMessenger.updatestatus( "I have only %d percent battery power left!" % batpc)
def deactivate_trajectory_input(): global rt_cnt, rt_position, rt_velocity, rt_acceleration, rt_orientation rt_cnt = 0 PyPR2.registerRawTrajectoryInput( None ) assert PyPR2.useJointVelocityControl(False) rt_orientation = None rt_position = numpy.zeros(3) rt_velocity = numpy.zeros(3) rt_acceleration = numpy.zeros(3)
def twist_forearm(angle = 180.0, is_left_arm = True): if is_left_arm: joint_name = 'l_forearm_roll_joint' else: joint_name = 'r_forearm_roll_joint' jd = PyPR2.getArmJointPositions(is_left_arm) jd[joint_name] = jd[joint_name] + angle*math.pi/180.0 PyPR2.moveArmWithJointPos(**jd)
def set_lg(x = 1): ''' sets the position of left gripper from 0 to 8 ''' if x > 8: x = 8 if x < 0: x = 0 PyPR2.setGripperPosition(1, 0.01*x)
def set_rg(x = 1): ''' sets the position of right gripper from 0 to 8 ''' if x > 8: x = 8 if x < 0: x = 0 PyPR2.setGripperPosition(2, 0.01*x)
def on_move_arm_failed( is_left_arm ): global larm_failed, rarm_failed if hasattr( PyPR2, 'onMoveArmPoseFailed' ) and hasattr( PyPR2.onMoveArmPoseFailed, '__call__' ): PyPR2.onMoveArmPoseFailed( is_left_arm ) if is_left_arm: print "larm failed" larm_failed = True else: rarm_failed = True print "rarm failed"
def on_move_arm_finished( is_left_arm ): global larm_reached, rarm_reached if hasattr( PyPR2, 'onMoveArmPoseComplete' ) and hasattr( PyPR2.onMoveArmPoseComplete, '__call__' ): PyPR2.onMoveArmPoseComplete( is_left_arm ) if is_left_arm: print "larm reached" larm_reached = True else: print "rarm reached" rarm_reached = True
def larm_elbow_position(): ''' returns the elbow position of the right arm comparable to function wrist_position() in the arm object ''' p0 = PyPR2.getRelativeTF('torso_lift_link' , 'l_shoulder_pan_link')['position'] p = PyPR2.getRelativeTF('torso_lift_link' , 'l_elbow_flex_link')['position'] x = p[0] - p0[0] y = p[1] - p0[1] z = p[2] - p0[2] pos = numpy.array([x,y,z]) return(pos)
def onHumanDetected( self, objtype, trackid, nameid, status ): if status == NEW_OBJ or status == REC_OBJ: if nameid == 0: nameid = 3 if nameid not in self.seen_people: self.seen_people[nameid] = KnownPerson( nameid ) PyPR2.say( 'Hello {}'.format(self.seen_people[nameid].label) ) elif self.seen_people[nameid].last_seen - time.time() > 15*60: PyPR2.say( 'Hello {}'.format(self.seen_people[nameid].label) ) elif status == LOST_OBJ: if nameid in self.seen_people: self.seen_people[nameid].last_seen = time.time()
def onHumanDetected(self, objtype, trackid, nameid, status): if status == NEW_OBJ or status == REC_OBJ: if nameid == 0: nameid = 3 if nameid not in self.seen_people: self.seen_people[nameid] = KnownPerson(nameid) PyPR2.say('Hello {}'.format(self.seen_people[nameid].label)) elif self.seen_people[nameid].last_seen - time.time() > 15 * 60: PyPR2.say('Hello {}'.format(self.seen_people[nameid].label)) elif status == LOST_OBJ: if nameid in self.seen_people: self.seen_people[nameid].last_seen = time.time()
def play(self): if not self.target_x: print "No position set for target" self.action_finishes = True return if not self.action_finishes: print "still playing action '%s'" % return PyPR2.pointHeadTo("base_link", self.target_x, self.target_y, self.target_z)
def restoreInitialState(): global LostConnectionCounter, NumPeople, tracking_data, NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER,csvFile,csvFileCounter,last_x PyPR2.tuckBothArms() #for the time being #NumPeople = 0 tracking_data = ['focus_x','focus_y','avg_x','avg_y','time','speechCommand','actionCounter'] NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER = 0 csvFileCounter += 1 csvFile = "/home/demoshare/sid_stuff/Nov26TrackData/"+str(csvFileCounter)+".csv" #change the approprite csvFile LostConnectionCounter =0 last_x = 0
def activate_trajectory_input(): ''' To start receiving raw trajectory input, you should send a ROS service request call: rosservice call /rhyth_dmp/recall_dmp_traj <figure name> <amplitude> <frequency> <sampling frequency> <number of cycles> For example: rosservice call /rhyth_dmp/recall_dmp_traj fig8 0.05 0.2 20 3 generates 3 cycles of figure eight with frequency 1.0 ''' global rt_cnt rt_cnt = 0 PyPR2.registerRawTrajectoryInput( on_trajectory_received ) assert PyPR2.useJointVelocityControl(True)
def powerPlugChangeActions(isplugged): global myMessenger text = "" if isplugged: text = "I'm on main power." else: text = "I'm on battery power." PyPR2.say(text) if myMessenger: myMessenger.updatestatus(text)
def pos_larm_grip_wrt_tor_shpan(): ''' Returns the left arm gripper position vector(endeffector position) with respect to the torso shoulder pan joint center ''' p0 = PyPR2.getRelativeTF('torso_lift_link' , 'l_shoulder_pan_link')['position'] pr = vecmat.as_vector(PyPR2.getRelativeTF('torso_lift_link' , 'l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link')['position']) pl = vecmat.as_vector(PyPR2.getRelativeTF('torso_lift_link' , 'l_gripper_l_finger_tip_link')['position']) p = (pl + pr)/2 x = p[0] - p0[0] y = p[1] - p0[1] z = p[2] - p0[2] pos = numpy.array([x,y,z]) return(pos)
def onHumanDetected(objtype, trackid, nameid, status): global HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER,start_time,torso_position_counter,msgTryTimer #PyPR2.say("Target Detect ed") #PyPR2.moveTorsoBy(0.1,3) #PyPR2.moveBodyTo(0.1,0.0,0.0,4) if HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER==0: track_x.append(('x','time')) HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER+=1 msgTryTimer=-1 start_time = time.time() if torso_position_counter ==0: PyPR2.moveTorsoBy(0.1,3) torso_position_counter +=1
def onHumanDetected(objtype, trackid, nameid, status): global HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER, start_time, torso_position_counter, msgTryTimer #PyPR2.say("Target Detect ed") #PyPR2.moveTorsoBy(0.1,3) #PyPR2.moveBodyTo(0.1,0.0,0.0,4) if HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER == 0: track_x.append(('x', 'time')) HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER += 1 msgTryTimer = -1 start_time = time.time() if torso_position_counter == 0: PyPR2.moveTorsoBy(0.1, 3) torso_position_counter += 1
def onHumanTracking(tracking_objs): #global busymoving #SHOOTING_TAG = 0 #global start_time,last_action_counter,movement_tracker,msgTryTimer,d,x,y,track_x,track_y,track_d,elapsed_time,focus_obj,HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER global a2,b2,NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER, NumPeople, HumanPresence, x, y, msgTryTimer NumPeople = len(tracking_objs) a2 +=1 if len(tracking_objs)==0: NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER += 1 if HumanPresence == True: PyPR2.removeTimer(msgTryTimer) if NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER > 500: restoreInitialState() HumanPresence = False elif len(tracking_objs) > 0: if HumanPresence== False: PyPR2.onTimer = timerActions msgTryTimer = PyPR2.addTimer(1,-1,0.5) b2+=1 #st_time = time.time() #no_objTracker.append(elapsed_time) HumanPresence = True object_index = closest_obj_index(tracking_objs) focus_obj = tracking_objs[object_index] x = focus_obj['est_pos'][0] y = focus_obj['est_pos'][1] mid_x = focus_obj['bound'][0] + focus_obj['bound'][2] / 2 mid_y = focus_obj['bound'][1] + focus_obj['bound'][3] / 2 ofs_x = mid_x - 320 ofs_y = mid_y - 240 chx = chy = 0.0 if math.fabs(ofs_x) > 10: chx = -ofs_x * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 #head_yaw_list.append(chx) if math.fabs(ofs_y) > 10: chy = ofs_y * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 PyPR2.updateHeadPos( chx, chy )
def track_human(focus_obj): mid_x = focus_obj['bound'][0] + focus_obj['bound'][2] / 2 mid_y = focus_obj['bound'][1] + focus_obj['bound'][3] / 2 #print "track obj {} mid pt ({}.{})".format(focus_obj['track_id'],mid_x,mid_y) ofs_x = mid_x - 320 ofs_y = mid_y - 240 chx = chy = 0.0 if math.fabs(ofs_x) > 10: chx = -ofs_x * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 #head_yaw_list.append(chx) if math.fabs(ofs_y) > 10: chy = ofs_y * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 PyPR2.updateHeadPos( chx, chy )
def track_human(focus_obj): mid_x = focus_obj['bound'][0] + focus_obj['bound'][2] / 2 mid_y = focus_obj['bound'][1] + focus_obj['bound'][3] / 2 #print "track obj {} mid pt ({}.{})".format(focus_obj['track_id'],mid_x,mid_y) ofs_x = mid_x - 320 ofs_y = mid_y - 240 chx = chy = 0.0 if math.fabs(ofs_x) > 10: chx = -ofs_x * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 #head_yaw_list.append(chx) if math.fabs(ofs_y) > 10: chy = ofs_y * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 PyPR2.updateHeadPos(chx, chy)
def rotate_robot_to(desired_angle, time_to_reach = None, in_degrees = True): global body_reached, body_failed max_speed = math.pi/18.0 # (The maximum speed is 10 degrees per second) if in_degrees: gain = math.pi/180.0 else: gain = 1.0 body_reached = False body_failed = False tau0 = body_angle(in_degrees = in_degrees) d_theta = gain*(desired_angle - tau0) if time_to_reach == None: time_to_reach = abs(d_theta/max_speed) PyPR2.moveBodyTo(0.0, 0.0, d_theta, time_to_reach + 2.0)
def take_robot_to(X, Y, time_to_reach = 5.0): global body_reached, body_failed body_reached = False body_failed = False rp = PyPR2.getRobotPose() P0 = rp['position'] dX = X - P0[0] dY = Y - P0[1] tau = body_angle(in_degrees = False) S = math.sin(tau) C = math.cos(tau) dx = C*dX + S*dY dy = -S*dX + C*dY PyPR2.moveBodyTo(dx, dy, 0.0, time_to_reach)
def onHumanTracking(tracking_objs): #global busymoving #SHOOTING_TAG = 0 #global start_time,last_action_counter,movement_tracker,msgTryTimer,d,x,y,track_x,track_y,track_d,elapsed_time,focus_obj,HUMAN_DETECTION_COUNTER global a2, b2, NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER, NumPeople, HumanPresence, x, y, msgTryTimer NumPeople = len(tracking_objs) a2 += 1 if len(tracking_objs) == 0: NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER += 1 if HumanPresence == True: PyPR2.removeTimer(msgTryTimer) if NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER > 500: restoreInitialState() HumanPresence = False elif len(tracking_objs) > 0: if HumanPresence == False: PyPR2.onTimer = timerActions msgTryTimer = PyPR2.addTimer(1, -1, 0.5) b2 += 1 #st_time = time.time() #no_objTracker.append(elapsed_time) HumanPresence = True object_index = closest_obj_index(tracking_objs) focus_obj = tracking_objs[object_index] x = focus_obj['est_pos'][0] y = focus_obj['est_pos'][1] mid_x = focus_obj['bound'][0] + focus_obj['bound'][2] / 2 mid_y = focus_obj['bound'][1] + focus_obj['bound'][3] / 2 ofs_x = mid_x - 320 ofs_y = mid_y - 240 chx = chy = 0.0 if math.fabs(ofs_x) > 10: chx = -ofs_x * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 #head_yaw_list.append(chx) if math.fabs(ofs_y) > 10: chy = ofs_y * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 PyPR2.updateHeadPos(chx, chy)
def respond( question ): q = question.strip().lower() if 'ip' in q or 'addr' in q: return "My IP Address is %s." % PyPR2.getMyIPAddress() elif 'tuck' in q and 'arm' in q: PyPR2.tuckBothArms() return "I'm tucking my arms." elif 'battery' in q and ('how much' in q or 'status' in q): (batpc, isplug, timeremain) = PyPR2.getBatteryStatus() if isplug != 'unplugged': return "I'm currently %s with %d percent battery power and finish charging in approximately %d minutes." % (isplug, batpc, timeremain % 60 ) else: return "I'm currently %s with %d percent battery power and running out battery in approximately %d minutes." % (isplug, batpc, timeremain % 60 ) return "I don't understand your request."
def restoreInitialState(): global LostConnectionCounter, NumPeople, tracking_data, NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER, csvFile, csvFileCounter, last_x PyPR2.tuckBothArms() #for the time being #NumPeople = 0 tracking_data = [ 'focus_x', 'focus_y', 'avg_x', 'avg_y', 'time', 'speechCommand', 'actionCounter' ] NEW_INTERACTION_INITIALISER = 0 csvFileCounter += 1 csvFile = "/home/demoshare/sid_stuff/Nov26TrackData/" + str( csvFileCounter) + ".csv" #change the approprite csvFile LostConnectionCounter = 0 last_x = 0
def larm_joints(in_degrees = True): if in_degrees: gain = 180.0/math.pi else: gain = 1.0 lajd = PyPR2.getArmJointPositions(True) return(gain*gen_larm_joint_vector_from_dic(lajd))
def onHumanTracking(tracking_objs): global HUMAN_COUNTER,track_data,msgTryTimer,x,y,d,st_time if len(tracking_objs) !=0: if HUMAN_COUNTER ==0: PyPR2.onTimer = timerActions msgTryTimer = PyPR2.addTimer(1,-1,2) elapsed_time = time.time() - st_time no_objTracker.append((elapsed_time,time.time())) HUMAN_COUNTER= len(tracking_objs) object_index = closest_obj_index(tracking_objs) focus_obj = tracking_objs[object_index] x = focus_obj['est_pos'][0] y = focus_obj['est_pos'][1] d = math.sqrt((math.pow(x,2))+(math.pow(y,2))) # track_y.append(y) mid_x = focus_obj['bound'][0] + focus_obj['bound'][2] / 2 mid_y = focus_obj['bound'][1] + focus_obj['bound'][3] / 2 #print "track obj {} mid pt ({}.{})".format(focus_obj['track_id'],mid_x,mid_y) ofs_x = mid_x - 320 ofs_y = mid_y - 240 chx = chy = 0.0 if math.fabs(ofs_x) > 10: chx = -ofs_x * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 #head_yaw_list.append(chx) if math.fabs(ofs_y) > 10: chy = ofs_y * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 PyPR2.updateHeadPos( chx, chy ) else: if HUMAN_COUNTER !=0: PyPR2.removeTimer(msgTryTimer) #msgTryTimer = -1 st_time = time.time() HUMAN_COUNTER =0
def pos_rarm_grip_wrt_tor(): ''' Returns the right arm gripper position vector(endeffector position) with respect to the (torso) at the origin. (Refer to pos_larm_grip_wrt_tor()) ''' p0 = PyPR2.getRelativeTF('base_link' , 'r_shoulder_pan_link')['position'] p = p0 + pos_rarm_grip_wrt_tor_shpan() + numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.051]) return p
def pos_rarm_grip(): ''' Returns the global position of the right arm gripper finger tip ''' pr = vecmat.as_vector(PyPR2.getRelativeTF('base_footprint' , 'r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link')['position']) pl = vecmat.as_vector(PyPR2.getRelativeTF('base_footprint' , 'r_gripper_l_finger_tip_link')['position']) p = (pl + pr)/2 orient = geo.Orientation_3D(PyPR2.getRobotPose()['orientation'], representation = 'quaternion') pg =, p) # p global is Rb Multiply by p p0 = PyPR2.getRobotPose()['position'] x = pg[0] + p0[0] y = pg[1] + p0[1] z = pg[2] + p0[2] pos = numpy.array([x,y,z]) return(pos)
def onHumanTracking( self,tracking_objs ): focus_obj = None for obj in tracking_objs: if obj['est_pos'][0] < 4 and obj['est_pos'][0] >= 0: if not focus_obj or focus_obj['est_pos'][0] > obj['est_pos'][0]: focus_obj = obj if focus_obj: mid_x = focus_obj['bound'][0] + focus_obj['bound'][2] / 2 mid_y = focus_obj['bound'][1] + focus_obj['bound'][3] / 2 #print "track obj {} mid pt ({}.{})".format(focus_obj['track_id'],mid_x,mid_y) ofs_x = mid_x - 320 ofs_y = mid_y - 240 chx = chy = 0.0 if math.fabs(ofs_x) > 10: chx = -ofs_x * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 if math.fabs(ofs_y) > 10: chy = ofs_y * 90.0 / 640 * 0.01745329252 PyPR2.updateHeadPos( chx, chy )
def body_angle(in_degrees=True ): if in_degrees: gain = 180.0/math.pi else: gain = 1.0 orient = geo.Orientation_3D(PyPR2.getRobotPose()['orientation'], representation = 'quaternion') tau = orient.angle() u = orient.axis() return (gen.sign(u[2])*gain*tau)
def rarm_elbow_flex_joint(in_degrees = True): ''' returns the current angle of the shoulder pan joint of the right arm ''' if in_degrees: gain = 180.0/math.pi else: gain = 1.0 rajd = PyPR2.getArmJointPositions(False) return(gain*rajd['r_elbow_flex_joint'])
def larm_elbow_flex_joint(in_degrees = True): ''' returns the current angle of the shoulder pan joint of the left arm ''' if in_degrees: gain = 180.0/math.pi else: gain = 1.0 lajd = PyPR2.getArmJointPositions(True) return(gain*lajd['l_elbow_flex_joint'])
def larm_shoulder_lift_joint(in_degrees = True): ''' returns the current angle of the shoulder lift joint of the left arm ''' if in_degrees: gain = 180.0/math.pi else: gain = 1.0 rajd = PyPR2.getArmJointPositions(True) return(gain*rajd['l_shoulder_lift_joint'])