Exemplo n.º 1
    def Save(self, cityXPos, cityYPos, heightMap, saveName):
        """Save a city
			read all entries
			create a save file
			replace the height,city info and region picture entry
			save all entries
        global generic_saveValue
        self.heightMap = heightMap
        xSize = self.heightMap.shape[0]
        ySize = self.heightMap.shape[1]
        newData = QFS.encode(struct.pack('H', 0x2) + self.heightMap.tostring())
        newData = struct.pack("l", len(newData)) + newData
        self.indexRecordPosition = 96
        self.dateUpdated = int(time.time()) + generic_saveValue * 65535
        generic_saveValue += 1
        self.header = self.header[0:0x1C] + struct.pack(
            "I", self.dateUpdated) + self.header[0x1C + 4:0x28] + struct.pack(
                "l", self.indexRecordPosition) + self.header[0x28 + 4:96]
        self.sc4 = open(self.fileName, "rb")
        for entry in self.entries:
            if entry.IsItThisTGI(
                (0xA9DD6FF4, 0xE98F9525, 0x00000001)) or entry.IsItThisTGI(
                    (0xCA027EDB, 0xCA027EE1, 0x00000000)):
                entry.ReadFile(self.sc4, True, True)
            if entry.rawContent == None:
                entry.ReadFile(self.sc4, True)
        while 1:
                self.sc4 = open(saveName, "wb")
            except IOError:
                dlg = wx.MessageDialog(
                    "file %s seems to be ReadOnly\nDo you want to skip?(Yes)\nOr retry ?(No)"
                    % (saveName), "Warning", wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
                result = dlg.ShowModal()
                if result == wx.ID_YES:
                    return False
        pos = self.indexRecordPosition + self.indexRecordLength
        for entry in self.entries:
            entry.fileLocation = pos
            newbuffer = entry.buffer[0:0x0C] + struct.pack(
                "l", entry.fileLocation) + entry.buffer[0x0C + 4:]
            if entry.IsItThisTGI(
                (0xA9DD6FF4, 0xE98F9525, 0x00000001)):  #heights
                newbuffer = entry.buffer[0:0x0C] + struct.pack(
                    "l", entry.fileLocation) + struct.pack(
                        "l", len(newData)) + entry.buffer[0x10 + 4:]
                entry.rawContent = newData
                entry.compressed = 1
                entry.filesize = len(newData)
            if entry.IsItThisTGI(
                (0xCA027EDB, 0xCA027EE1, 0x00000000)):  #city info
                v = self.dateUpdated
                entry.content = entry.content[0:0x04] + struct.pack(
                    "I", cityXPos) + struct.pack(
                        "I", cityYPos) + entry.content[0x0C:39] + struct.pack(
                            "I", v) + entry.content[39 + 4:]
                newDataCity = entry.rawContent[:]
                newDataCity = QFS.encode(entry.content)
                newDataCity = struct.pack("l", len(newDataCity)) + newDataCity
                newbuffer = entry.buffer[0:0x0C] + struct.pack(
                    "l", entry.fileLocation) + struct.pack(
                        "l", len(newDataCity)) + entry.buffer[0x10 + 4:]
                entry.rawContent = newDataCity
                entry.compressed = 1
                entry.filesize = len(newDataCity)
            if entry.IsItThisTGI(
                (0x8a2482b9, 0x4a2482bb, 0x00000000)):  #region view
                n = os.path.splitext(saveName)[0]
                png = open(n + ".PNG", "rb")
                pngData = png.read()
                os.unlink(n + ".PNG")
                newbuffer = entry.buffer[0:0x0C] + struct.pack(
                    "I", entry.fileLocation) + struct.pack(
                        "I", len(pngData)) + entry.buffer[0x10 + 4:]
                entry.rawContent = pngData
                entry.compressed = 0
                entry.filesize = len(pngData)
            if entry.IsItThisTGI(
                (0x8a2482b9, 0x4a2482bb, 0x00000002)):  #alpha region view
                n = os.path.splitext(saveName)[0]
                png = open(n + "_alpha.PNG", "rb")
                pngData = png.read()
                os.unlink(n + "_alpha.PNG")
                newbuffer = entry.buffer[0:0x0C] + struct.pack(
                    "I", entry.fileLocation) + struct.pack(
                        "I", len(pngData)) + entry.buffer[0x10 + 4:]
                entry.rawContent = pngData
                entry.compressed = 0
                entry.filesize = len(pngData)
            pos += entry.filesize
        for entry in self.entries:
        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
	def ReadFile( self, sc4, readWhole = True , decompress = False ):    
		self.rawContent = None
		if readWhole:
			sc4.seek( self.fileLocation )
			self.rawContent = sc4.read( self.filesize )
			if decompress:
				if len( self.rawContent ) >= 8:
					compress_sig = struct.unpack( "H", self.rawContent[ 0x04:0x04+2 ] )[0]    
					if compress_sig == COMPRESSED_SIG:
						self.compressed = True    
			if self.compressed:
				if decompress: print 'Compressed file'
				uncompress = QFS.decode( self.rawContent[4:] )
				self.content = uncompress
				if decompress: print 'Uncompressed file'
				self.content = self.rawContent
Exemplo n.º 3
	def Save( self, cityXPos, cityYPos, heightMap, saveName ):
		"""Save a city
			read all entries
			create a save file
			replace the height,city info and region picture entry
			save all entries
		global generic_saveValue
		self.heightMap = heightMap
		xSize = self.heightMap.shape[0]
		ySize = self.heightMap.shape[1]
		newData = QFS.encode( struct.pack( 'H', 0x2 ) + self.heightMap.tostring() )
		newData = struct.pack( "l", len( newData ) ) + newData 
		self.indexRecordPosition = 96
		self.dateUpdated = int( time.time() )+generic_saveValue*65535
		generic_saveValue += 1
		self.header = self.header[0:0x1C]+struct.pack( "I", self.dateUpdated )+self.header[0x1C+4:0x28]+struct.pack( "l", self.indexRecordPosition )+self.header[0x28+4:96]
		self.sc4 = open( self.fileName,"rb" )
		for entry in self.entries:
			if entry.IsItThisTGI( (0xA9DD6FF4,0xE98F9525,0x00000001) ) or entry.IsItThisTGI( (0xCA027EDB, 0xCA027EE1, 0x00000000) ):
				entry.ReadFile( self.sc4, True, True )
			if entry.rawContent == None:
				entry.ReadFile( self.sc4, True )     
		while 1:
				self.sc4 = open( saveName,"wb" )
			except IOError:        
				dlg = wx.MessageDialog( None, "file %s seems to be ReadOnly\nDo you want to skip?(Yes)\nOr retry ?(No)"%(saveName),"Warning",wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION)
				result = dlg.ShowModal()
				if result == wx.ID_YES:
					return False
		self.sc4.write( self.header )
		self.sc4.truncate( self.indexRecordPosition )
		self.sc4.seek( self.indexRecordPosition )
		pos = self.indexRecordPosition + self.indexRecordLength
		for entry in self.entries:
			entry.fileLocation = pos
			newbuffer = entry.buffer[ 0 : 0x0C ] + struct.pack( "l", entry.fileLocation ) + entry.buffer[ 0x0C+4: ]
			if entry.IsItThisTGI( (0xA9DD6FF4,0xE98F9525,0x00000001) ): #heights
				newbuffer = entry.buffer[ 0 : 0x0C ] + struct.pack( "l", entry.fileLocation ) + struct.pack( "l", len( newData ) )+ entry.buffer[ 0x10+4: ]
				entry.rawContent = newData
				entry.compressed = 1
				entry.filesize = len( newData )
			if entry.IsItThisTGI( (0xCA027EDB, 0xCA027EE1, 0x00000000) ): #city info
				v = self.dateUpdated
				entry.content = entry.content[ 0 : 0x04 ] + struct.pack( "I", cityXPos ) + struct.pack( "I", cityYPos ) + entry.content[ 0x0C:39 ] + struct.pack( "I", v ) + entry.content[ 39+4: ]
				newDataCity  = entry.rawContent[:]
				newDataCity  = QFS.encode( entry.content )
				newDataCity  = struct.pack( "l", len( newDataCity ) ) + newDataCity 
				newbuffer = entry.buffer[ 0 : 0x0C ] + struct.pack( "l", entry.fileLocation ) + struct.pack( "l", len( newDataCity ) )+ entry.buffer[ 0x10+4: ]
				entry.rawContent = newDataCity
				entry.compressed = 1
				entry.filesize = len( newDataCity )
			if entry.IsItThisTGI( (0x8a2482b9,0x4a2482bb,0x00000000) ): #region view
				n = os.path.splitext( saveName )[0]
				png = open( n+".PNG","rb" )
				pngData = png.read()
				os.unlink( n+".PNG" )
				newbuffer = entry.buffer[ 0 : 0x0C ] + struct.pack( "I", entry.fileLocation ) + struct.pack( "I", len( pngData ) )+ entry.buffer[ 0x10+4: ]
				entry.rawContent = pngData
				entry.compressed = 0
				entry.filesize = len( pngData )
			if entry.IsItThisTGI( (0x8a2482b9,0x4a2482bb,0x00000002) ): #alpha region view
				n = os.path.splitext( saveName )[0]
				png = open( n+"_alpha.PNG" ,"rb" )
				pngData = png.read()
				os.unlink( n+"_alpha.PNG" )
				newbuffer = entry.buffer[ 0 : 0x0C ] + struct.pack( "I", entry.fileLocation ) + struct.pack( "I", len( pngData ) )+ entry.buffer[ 0x10+4: ]
				entry.rawContent = pngData
				entry.compressed = 0
				entry.filesize = len( pngData )
			self.sc4.write( newbuffer)
			pos += entry.filesize
		for entry in self.entries:
			self.sc4.write( entry.rawContent )
		return True
Exemplo n.º 4
 def ReadFile(self, sc4, readWhole=True, decompress=False):
     self.rawContent = None
     if readWhole:
         self.rawContent = sc4.read(self.filesize)
         if decompress:
             if len(self.rawContent) >= 8:
                 compress_sig = struct.unpack(
                     "H", self.rawContent[0x04:0x04 + 2])[0]
                 if compress_sig == COMPRESSED_SIG:
                     self.compressed = True
         if self.compressed:
             if decompress: print 'Compressed file'
             uncompress = QFS.decode(self.rawContent[4:])
             self.content = uncompress
             if decompress: print 'Uncompressed file'
             self.content = self.rawContent