Exemplo n.º 1
    def predict_state(self):
        """predict quaternion orientation. Use a First order finite difference
        for integration of sensor motion. The integration input is the
        gyroscope signal"""

        qDelta = qt.angular_rate_to_quaternion_rotation(self.wm, self.dt)
        self.o = qt.quaternion_product(self.o, qDelta)

        if self.verbose > 2:
            print("PRINT NEW STATE ###")
Exemplo n.º 2
def euler_from_quat(q):
    qxprime = q * Quaternions.Quaternion(0,1,0,0) * q.conjugate()
    qyprime = q * Quaternions.Quaternion(0,0,1,0) * q.conjugate()
    qzprime = q * Quaternions.Quaternion(0,0,0,1) * q.conjugate()
    x = np.array([1,0,0]); y = np.array([0,1,0]); z = np.array([0,0,1]);
    xprime =  np.array([qxprime[1],qxprime[2],qxprime[3]])
    yprime =  np.array([qyprime[1],qyprime[2],qyprime[3]])
    zprime =  np.array([qzprime[1],qzprime[2],qzprime[3]])
    alpha = np.arctan2(np.dot(zprime, y), np.dot(zprime, x)) #beware the reversal of arguments
    if np.dot(zprime, z) > 1: # protection against numerical noise that can lead to values off-range by a tiny amount
        beta = 0.
    elif np.dot(zprime, z) < -1:
        beta = pi
        beta = np.arccos(np.dot(zprime, z))
    gamma = np.arctan2(np.dot(yprime, z), -np.dot(xprime, z)) #beware the reversal of arguments
    return np.array([alpha, beta, gamma])
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_crp(c):
    if not (c.shape == (3, 3)):
        print("Error. DCM matrix must be of shape (3, 3)")
        return -1
    b = Quaternions.get_quaternions(c)
    q = np.zeros((3,1))
    for i in range(q.size):
        q[i][0] = b[i + 1][0] / b[0][0]
    return q
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, ReadFromArduino_instance, dt, offset_GYRO, verbose=0):

        self.dt = dt
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.ReadFromArduino_instance = ReadFromArduino_instance
        self.list_measurements = []
        self.offset_GYRO = offset_GYRO

        # initial state: assume resting, Z downwards, still --------------------
        # no rotation to Earth referential
        self.o = qt.normalise_quaternion(
            qt.Quaternion(1, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001))

        # reference vectors; can be used to print assumed orientation ----------
        self.X_IMU_ref_IMU = qt.Vector(1, 0, 0)
        self.Y_IMU_ref_IMU = qt.Vector(0, 1, 0)
        self.Z_IMU_ref_IMU = qt.Vector(0, 0, 1)


        self.cycle = 0
Exemplo n.º 5
    def print_state(self, o):
        """Print information about state of the quaternion"""

        current_X_IMU = qt.apply_rotation_on_vector(o, self.X_IMU_ref_IMU)
        current_Y_IMU = qt.apply_rotation_on_vector(o, self.Y_IMU_ref_IMU)
        current_Z_IMU = qt.apply_rotation_on_vector(o, self.Z_IMU_ref_IMU)

            "Print state of quaternion --------------------------------------------"

            "state orientation: current X, Y, Z of the IMU, in referential Earth:"

        return (current_X_IMU, current_Y_IMU, current_Z_IMU)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def read_and_update_measurement(self):
        """Read and update measurement from Arduino."""

        self.latest_measurement = self.ReadFromArduino_instance.latest_values
        self.wm = qt.Vector(self.latest_measurement[3] - self.offset_GYRO[0],
                            self.latest_measurement[4] - self.offset_GYRO[1],
                            self.latest_measurement[5] - self.offset_GYRO[2])

        if self.verbose > 2:
            print("Obtained measurements in SI:")

Exemplo n.º 7
def ik_t(anim, joint_names, target_joint, target_pos, order, fk, N = 300, no_change = [], rate = 0.0001):
    curr_eulers = Quaternions(anim.rotations.qs[0]).euler(order = order)
    ret_eulers = []
    for i in range(N):
        for k in range(len(target_joint)):
            j, l , ip = build_jacobian(anim, joint_names, target_joint[k], target_pos[k], curr_eulers, order, fk, mode = "analytical")
            de = target_pos[k] - np.array(ip)
            shifts = [email protected]
            shifts = np.array([shifts]).reshape((len(shifts)//3, 3))
            curr_eulers = modify_eulers(curr_eulers, shifts, l, no_change = no_change, rate = rate)
        anim = add_frame(anim, np.array([Quaternions.from_euler(curr_eulers, order = order[::-1]).qs]), order)
    return anim, np.array(ret_eulers)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def perform_one_iteration(self):
        """Perform one integration iteration: read, integrate to compute update,
        and print if necessary."""

        if self.verbose > 0:
            print("\n### NEW CYCLE " + str(self.cycle) + " ###\n")


        # normalise orientation quaternion: this can be necessary if some noise
        # due to for exemple nearly singular matrix that get inverted
        self.o = qt.normalise_quaternion(self.o)

        if self.verbose > 0:

        self.cycle += 1
Exemplo n.º 9
 def rotateQ(self, q):
     """Apply rotation described by quaternion q to this 3D point"""
     v_rotated = qt.apply_rotation_on_vector(q, self.v)
     return Point3D(v_rotated.vx, v_rotated.vy, v_rotated.vz)
Exemplo n.º 10
def Hybridize(PathToSystem, Waveform='rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits.h5/Extrapolated_N2.dir',
              t1=1000.0, t2=-sys.float_info.max, InitialOmega_orb=0.0, DirectAlignmentEvaluations=0, Approximant='TaylorT1',
              PlotFileName='Hybridization.pdf', HybridFileName='Hybrid.h5', MinStepsPerOrbit=32, PNWaveformModeOrder=3.5, PNOrbitalEvolutionOrder=4.0):

    print("Reading and transforming NR data"); sys.stdout.flush()

    # Read the Waveform from the file, and transform to co-rotating frame
    W_NR_corot = GWFrames.ReadFromNRAR(os.path.join(PathToSystem, Waveform))

    # Place the merger (moment of greatest waveform norm) at t=0, as
    # the only generally meaningful time.
    t0 = -W_NR_corot.MaxNormTime()
    t1 = t1 + t0
        t2 = 0.75*t1
        t2 = t2 + t0

    print("Reading and analyzing Horizons.h5 data"); sys.stdout.flush()

    # Get the BH coordinate data from the h5 file
    with h5py.File(os.path.join(PathToSystem,'Horizons.h5'), 'r') as f:
        tA = f['AhA.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:,0]+t0
        xA = f['AhA.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:,1:]
        mA = f['AhA.dir/ArealMass.dat'][:,1]
        chiA = f['AhA.dir/chiInertial.dat'][:,1:]
        tB = f['AhB.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:,0]+t0
        xB = f['AhB.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:,1:]
        mB = f['AhB.dir/ArealMass.dat'][:,1]
        chiB = f['AhB.dir/chiInertial.dat'][:,1:]

    # Some calculations with the BH coordinates
    d = xA-xB
    nHat = Quaternions.normalized(Quaternions.QuaternionArray(d))
    dnHatdt = Quaternions.QuaternionDerivative(nHat, tA)
    lambdaHat = Quaternions.normalized(dnHatdt)
    Omega = np.array([np.cross(n.vec(),ndot.vec()) for n,ndot in zip(nHat,dnHatdt)])

    # Take initial data to be simply the coordinate quantities at the relaxation time
    i_1 = abs(tA-t1).argmin()
    t_i = tA[i_1]
    ma = mA[i_1]
    mb = mB[i_1]
    delta = (ma-mb)/(ma+mb)
    chia_0 = chiA[i_1]
    chib_0 = chiB[i_1]
    Omega_orb_0 = np.sqrt(Omega[i_1,0]**2+Omega[i_1,1]**2+Omega[i_1,2]**2)
    R_frame_i = Quaternions.FrameFromXY([nHat[i_1],],[lambdaHat[i_1],])[0]

    print("Constructing PN data"); sys.stdout.flush()

    # Construct complete PN waveform
        InitialOmega_orb = 0.5*Omega_orb_0
    W_PN_corot = GWFrames.PNWaveform(Approximant, delta, chia_0, chib_0, Omega_orb_0, InitialOmega_orb, R_frame_i,
                                     MinStepsPerOrbit, PNWaveformModeOrder, PNOrbitalEvolutionOrder)

    print("Aligning PN and NR waveforms"); sys.stdout.flush()

    # Minimize the distance between the PN and NR rotors in their
    # co-rotating frames.  Note that NR is kept fixed here, because
    # its merger time is set to t=0.0, which is the only physically
    # meaningful fiducial quantity present.  That quality will
    # therefore also be present in the output waveform.
    GWFrames.AlignWaveforms(W_NR_corot, W_PN_corot, t1, t2, DirectAlignmentEvaluations)

    print("Constructing PN-NR hybrid"); sys.stdout.flush()

    # Construct the hybrid
    W_hyb_corot = GWFrames.Waveform(W_PN_corot.Hybridize(W_NR_corot, t1, t2))

    # Optionally, make a plot showing the results.  It is strongly
    # recommended that you look at this plot to make sure things worked
    # alright.
        print("Plotting to {0}".format(os.path.join(PathToSystem, PlotFileName))); sys.stdout.flush()
        plt.axvline(t1, linestyle='dotted')
        plt.axvline(t2, linestyle='dotted')
        plt.title(r'$(2,2)$ modes of the component waveforms')
        W_hyb_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2,2], lw=3, label='Hybrid')
        W_PN_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2,2], label='PN')
        W_NR_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2,2], label='NR')
        plt.xlim((W_NR_corot.T(0), W_NR_corot.T()[-1]))
        plt.legend(loc='upper left')
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PathToSystem, PlotFileName))

    print("Transforming hybrid to inertial frame and outputting to {0}".format(os.path.join(PathToSystem, HybridFileName))); sys.stdout.flush()
    W_hyb_corot.OutputToNRAR(os.path.join(PathToSystem, HybridFileName))

    print("All done"); sys.stdout.flush()
Exemplo n.º 11
def Cal_angle(scale, data):
    # Scale is a dictionary, containing the length information
    # data shape: (7 * N) * 9 list
    height = 180.0  # scale['height']
    Upper_leg_length = 0.232 * height  # scale['Upper_leg_length']
    Lower_leg_length = 0.247 * height  # scale['Lower_leg_length']
    foot_size = 0.05 * height  # scale['foot_size']
    width = 0.203 * height  # scale['width']

    # Read the data
    data = np.array(data)
    m = data.shape[0]
    l = m / 7
    K = np.delete(data, [1, 2, 3, 8], 1)

    # Initial pose
    O1 = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    O1_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])

    O2 = np.array([0, 0.5 * width, -0.25 * width])
    O2_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])
    O1O2_ini = np.array([0, 0, -0.5 * width, -0.25 * width])

    O3 = np.array([0, 0.5 * width, -Upper_leg_length])
    O3_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])
    O2O3_ini = np.array([0, 0, 0, -Upper_leg_length])

    O4 = np.array([0, 0.5 * width, -(Upper_leg_length + Lower_leg_length)])
    O4_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])
    O3O4_ini = np.array([0, 0, 0, -Lower_leg_length])

    O5 = np.array(
        [foot_size, 0.5 * width, -(Upper_leg_length + Lower_leg_length)])
    O4O5_ini = np.array([0, foot_size, 0, 0])

    O6 = np.array([0, -0.5 * width, -0.25 * width])
    O6_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])
    O1O6_ini = np.array([0, 0, 0.5 * width, -0.25 * width])

    O7 = np.array([0, -0.5 * width, -Upper_leg_length])
    O7_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])
    O6O7_ini = np.array([0, 0, 0, -Upper_leg_length])

    O8 = np.array([0, -0.5 * width, -(Upper_leg_length + Lower_leg_length)])
    O8_q0 = np.array([np.sqrt(2) / 2, 0, 0, -np.sqrt(2) / 2])
    O7O8_ini = np.array([0, 0, 0, -Lower_leg_length])

    O9 = np.array(
        [foot_size, -0.5 * width, -(Upper_leg_length + Lower_leg_length)])
    O8O9_ini = np.array([0, foot_size, 0, 0])

    # Calibration
    L = K[0:35, 1:5]
    H = np.zeros([5, 4])
    J = np.zeros([7, 5, 4])
    weights = np.ones([5, 1]) / 5

    for i in range(7):
        for j in range(5):
            H[j, :] = L[i + j * 7, :]
            J[i, j, :] = L[i + j * 7, :]
    J = list(J)

    Q1_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[3], weights)
    Q1_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q1_mast0_ave.T), O1_q0)
    Q2_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[4], weights)
    Q2_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q2_mast0_ave.T), O2_q0)
    Q3_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[5], weights)
    Q3_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q3_mast0_ave.T), O3_q0)
    Q4_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[6], weights)
    Q4_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q4_mast0_ave.T), O4_q0)
    Q6_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[2], weights)
    Q6_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q6_mast0_ave.T), O6_q0)
    Q7_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[1], weights)
    Q7_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q7_mast0_ave.T), O7_q0)
    Q8_mast0_ave = Qu.quatWAvgMarkley(J[0], weights)
    Q8_bias = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(Q8_mast0_ave.T), O8_q0)

    # Calculation
    Q1_mast = []
    Q2_mast = []
    Q3_mast = []
    Q4_mast = []
    Q6_mast = []
    Q7_mast = []
    Q8_mast = []

    for i in range(m):
        if K[i, 0] == 3:
            Q1_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])
        elif K[i, 0] == 4:
            Q2_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])
        elif K[i, 0] == 5:
            Q3_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])
        elif K[i, 0] == 6:
            Q4_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])
        elif K[i, 0] == 2:
            Q6_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])
        elif K[i, 0] == 1:
            Q7_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])
        elif K[i, 0] == 0:
            Q8_mast.append(K[i, 1:5])

    Q1_mast = np.array(Q1_mast)
    Q2_mast = np.array(Q2_mast)
    Q3_mast = np.array(Q3_mast)
    Q4_mast = np.array(Q4_mast)
    Q6_mast = np.array(Q6_mast)
    Q7_mast = np.array(Q7_mast)
    Q8_mast = np.array(Q8_mast)

    PPP = np.zeros([l, 8, 6])
    Angle = np.zeros([l, 14])

    for i in range(l):
        O1_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q1_mast[i, :], Q1_bias)[0, :]

        O2_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q2_mast[i, :], Q2_bias)[0, :]

        O1O2 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O1_qt, O1O2_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O1_qt))[0, :]
        P_O2 = O1O2[1:4]
        O3_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q3_mast[i, :], Q3_bias)[0, :]

        O3_t = O1O2 + Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O2_qt, O2O3_ini),
                                      Qu.quatinv(O2_qt))[0, :]
        O2O3 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O2_qt, O2O3_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O2_qt))[0, :]
        P_O3 = O3_t[1:4]

        O4_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q4_mast[i, :], Q4_bias)[0, :]

        O4_t = O3_t + Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O3_qt, O3O4_ini),
                                      Qu.quatinv(O3_qt))[0, :]
        O3O4 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O3_qt, O3O4_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O3_qt))[0, :]
        P_O4 = O4_t[1:4]

        # angle_knee1 = acos(dot(O2O3(2:4), O3O4(2:4)) / (norm(O2O3(2:4))*norm(O3O4(2:4))))*(180 / pi);
        q_knee1 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O3_qt), O2_qt)[0, :]
        angle_knee1_new = abs(
            np.arcsin(2 * (q_knee1[0] * q_knee1[2] - q_knee1[1] * q_knee1[3])))

        O5_t = O4_t + Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O4_qt, O4O5_ini),
                                      Qu.quatinv(O4_qt))[0, :]
        O4O5 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O4_qt, O4O5_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O4_qt))[0, :]
        P_O5 = O5_t[1:4]

        # angle_foot1 = acos(dot(O3O4(2:4), O4O5(2:4)) / (norm(O3O4(2:4))*norm(O4O5(2:4))))*(180 / pi);

        O6_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q6_mast[i, :], Q6_bias)[0, :]

        O1O6 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O1_qt, O1O6_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O1_qt))[0, :]
        P_O6 = O1O6[1:4]
        O7_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q7_mast[i, :], Q7_bias)[0, :]

        O7_t = O1O6 + Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O6_qt, O6O7_ini),
                                      Qu.quatinv(O6_qt))[0, :]
        O6O7 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O6_qt, O6O7_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O6_qt))[0, :]
        P_O7 = O7_t[1:4]

        O8_qt = Qu.quatmultiply(Q8_mast[i, :], Q8_bias)[0, :]
        O8_t = O7_t + Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O7_qt, O7O8_ini),
                                      Qu.quatinv(O7_qt))[0, :]
        O7O8 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O7_qt, O7O8_ini),
                               Qu.quatinv(O7_qt))[0, :]
        P_O8 = O8_t[1:4]

        q_knee2 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O7_qt), O6_qt)[0, :]
        angle_knee2_new = np.arcsin(
            2 * (q_knee2[0] * q_knee2[2] - q_knee2[1] * q_knee2[3]))

        O9_t = O8_t + Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatmultiply(O8_qt, O8O9_ini),
                                      Qu.quatinv(O8_qt))[0, :]
        P_O9 = O9_t[1:4]

        q_up1 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O2_qt), O1_qt)[0, :]
        angle_up1_a = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_up1[0] * q_up1[1] + q_up1[2] * q_up1[3]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_up1[1]) + np.square(q_up1[2])))
        angle_up1_b = np.arcsin(2 *
                                (q_up1[0] * q_up1[2] - q_up1[1] * q_up1[3]))
        angle_up1_c = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_up1[0] * q_up1[3] + q_up1[1] * q_up1[2]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_up1[2]) + np.square(q_up1[3])))

        q_knee1 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O3_qt), O2_qt)[0, :]
        angle_knee1_new = abs(
            np.arcsin(2 * (q_knee1[0] * q_knee1[2] - q_knee1[1] * q_knee1[3])))

        q_ft1 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O4_qt), O3_qt)[0, :]
        angle_ft1_a = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_ft1[0] * q_ft1[1] + q_ft1[2] * q_ft1[3]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_ft1[1]) + np.square(q_ft1[2])))
        angle_ft1_b = np.arcsin(2 *
                                (q_ft1[0] * q_ft1[2] - q_ft1[1] * q_ft1[3]))
        angle_ft1_c = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_ft1[0] * q_ft1[3] + q_ft1[1] * q_ft1[2]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_ft1[2]) + np.square(q_ft1[3])))

        q_up2 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O6_qt), O1_qt)[0, :]
        angle_up2_a = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_up2[0] * q_up2[1] + q_up2[2] * q_up2[3]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_up2[1]) + np.square(q_up2[2])))
        angle_up2_b = np.arcsin(2 *
                                (q_up2[0] * q_up2[2] - q_up2[1] * q_up2[3]))
        angle_up2_c = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_up2[0] * q_up2[3] + q_up2[1] * q_up2[2]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_up2[2]) + np.square(q_up2[3])))

        q_knee2 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O7_qt), O6_qt)[0, :]
        angle_knee2_new = np.arcsin(
            2 * (q_knee2[0] * q_knee2[2] - q_knee2[1] * q_knee2[3]))

        q_ft2 = Qu.quatmultiply(Qu.quatinv(O8_qt), O7_qt)[0, :]
        angle_ft2_a = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_ft2[0] * q_ft2[1] + q_ft2[2] * q_ft2[3]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_ft2[1]) + np.square(q_ft2[2])))
        angle_ft2_b = np.arcsin(2 *
                                (q_ft2[0] * q_ft2[2] - q_ft2[1] * q_ft2[3]))
        angle_ft2_c = np.arctan2(
            2 * (q_ft2[0] * q_ft2[3] + q_ft2[1] * q_ft2[2]),
            1 - 2 * (np.square(q_ft2[2]) + np.square(q_ft2[3])))

        PPP[i, 0, 0] = P_O2[0]
        PPP[i, 0, 1] = P_O2[1]
        PPP[i, 0, 2] = P_O2[2]

        PPP[i, 1, 0] = P_O3[0]
        PPP[i, 1, 1] = P_O3[1]
        PPP[i, 1, 2] = P_O3[2]
        PPP[i, 1, 3] = Angle[i, 0] = angle_up1_a
        PPP[i, 1, 4] = Angle[i, 1] = angle_up1_b
        PPP[i, 1, 5] = Angle[i, 2] = angle_up1_c

        PPP[i, 2, 0] = P_O4[0]
        PPP[i, 2, 1] = P_O4[1]
        PPP[i, 2, 2] = P_O4[2]
        PPP[i, 2, 3] = Angle[i, 3] = angle_knee1_new

        PPP[i, 3, 0] = P_O5[0]
        PPP[i, 3, 1] = P_O5[1]
        PPP[i, 3, 2] = P_O5[2]
        PPP[i, 3, 3] = Angle[i, 4] = angle_ft1_a
        PPP[i, 3, 4] = Angle[i, 5] = angle_ft1_b - np.pi * 90 / 180
        PPP[i, 3, 5] = Angle[i, 6] = angle_ft1_c

        PPP[i, 4, 0] = P_O6[0]
        PPP[i, 4, 1] = P_O6[1]
        PPP[i, 4, 2] = P_O6[2]

        PPP[i, 5, 0] = P_O7[0]
        PPP[i, 5, 1] = P_O7[1]
        PPP[i, 5, 2] = P_O7[2]
        PPP[i, 5, 3] = Angle[i, 7] = angle_up2_a
        PPP[i, 5, 4] = Angle[i, 8] = angle_up2_b
        PPP[i, 5, 5] = Angle[i, 9] = angle_up2_c

        PPP[i, 6, 0] = P_O8[0]
        PPP[i, 6, 1] = P_O8[1]
        PPP[i, 6, 2] = P_O8[2]
        PPP[i, 6, 3] = Angle[i, 10] = angle_knee2_new

        PPP[i, 7, 0] = P_O9[0]
        PPP[i, 7, 1] = P_O9[1]
        PPP[i, 7, 2] = P_O9[2]
        PPP[i, 7, 3] = Angle[i, 11] = angle_ft2_a
        PPP[i, 7, 4] = Angle[i, 12] = angle_ft2_b - np.pi * 90 / 180
        PPP[i, 7, 5] = Angle[i, 13] = angle_ft2_c

    return Angle
Exemplo n.º 12
def Vf_from_quat(q):
    qvf = q * Quaternions.Quaternion(0,0,0,1) * q.conjugate()
    return np.array([qvf[1],qvf[2],qvf[3]])
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_coord(l, q, o):
    ret = o[l[0]]
    for i in l[1:]:
        ret = Quaternions(q[i]) * ret
        ret = ret + o[i]
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 14
def Hybridize(

    print("Reading and transforming NR data")

    # Read the Waveform from the file, and transform to co-rotating frame
    W_NR_corot = GWFrames.ReadFromNRAR(os.path.join(PathToSystem, Waveform))
    W_NR_corot.DropTimesOutside(0.0, W_NR_corot.T(W_NR_corot.NTimes() - 1))
    if Debug:
        W_NR_orig = GWFrames.Waveform(W_NR_corot)

    # Place the merger (moment of greatest waveform norm) at t=0, as
    # the only generally meaningful time.
    t0 = -W_NR_corot.MaxNormTime()
    W_NR_corot.SetT(W_NR_corot.T() + t0)
    if Debug:
        W_NR_orig.SetT(W_NR_orig.T() + t0)
    t1 = t1 + t0
    if (t2 == -sys.float_info.max):
        t2 = 0.75 * t1
        t2 = t2 + t0

    print("Reading and analyzing Horizons.h5 data")

    # Get the BH coordinate data from the h5 file
    with h5py.File(os.path.join(PathToSystem, 'Horizons.h5'), 'r') as f:
        tA = f['AhA.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:, 0] + t0
        xA = f['AhA.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:, 1:]
        mA = f['AhA.dir/ArealMass.dat'][:, 1]
        chiA = f['AhA.dir/chiInertial.dat'][:, 1:]
        tB = f['AhB.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:, 0] + t0
        xB = f['AhB.dir/CoordCenterInertial.dat'][:, 1:]
        mB = f['AhB.dir/ArealMass.dat'][:, 1]
        chiB = f['AhB.dir/chiInertial.dat'][:, 1:]

    # Some calculations with the BH coordinates
    d = xA - xB
    nHat = Quaternions.normalized(Quaternions.QuaternionArray(d))
    dnHatdt = Quaternions.QuaternionDerivative(nHat, tA)
    lambdaHat = Quaternions.normalized(dnHatdt)
    Omega = np.array(
        [np.cross(n.vec(), ndot.vec()) for n, ndot in zip(nHat, dnHatdt)])

    # Take initial data to be simply the coordinate quantities at the relaxation time
    i_1 = abs(tA - t1).argmin()
    t_i = tA[i_1]
    ma = mA[i_1]
    mb = mB[i_1]
    delta = (ma - mb) / (ma + mb)
    chia_0 = chiA[i_1]
    chib_0 = chiB[i_1]
    Omega_orb_0 = np.sqrt(Omega[i_1, 0]**2 + Omega[i_1, 1]**2 +
                          Omega[i_1, 2]**2)
    R_frame_i = Quaternions.FrameFromXY([
    ], [
    if (InitialOmega_orb == 0.0):
        InitialOmega_orb = 0.5 * Omega_orb_0

    # Construct complete PN waveform
    print("Constructing PN data:")
        "GWFrames.PNWaveform(Approximant={0}, delta={1},\n"
        "    chia_0={2}, chib_0={3},\n"
        "    Omega_orb_0={4}, InitialOmega_orb={5},\n"
        "    R_frame_i={6},\n"
        "    MinStepsPerOrbit={7}, PNWaveformModeOrder={8}, PNOrbitalEvolutionOrder={9}"
        ")".format(Approximant, delta, chia_0, chib_0, Omega_orb_0,
                   InitialOmega_orb, R_frame_i, MinStepsPerOrbit,
                   PNWaveformModeOrder, PNOrbitalEvolutionOrder))
    W_PN_corot = GWFrames.PNWaveform(Approximant, delta, chia_0, chib_0,
                                     Omega_orb_0, InitialOmega_orb, R_frame_i,
                                     MinStepsPerOrbit, PNWaveformModeOrder,
    W_PN_corot.SetT(W_PN_corot.T() + t_i)
    if Debug:
        W_PN_orig = GWFrames.PNWaveform(W_PN_corot)

    print("Aligning PN and NR waveforms")

    # Minimize the distance between the PN and NR rotors in their
    # co-rotating frames.  Note that NR is kept fixed here, because
    # its merger time is set to t=0.0, which is the only physically
    # meaningful fiducial quantity present.  That quality will
    # therefore also be present in the output waveform.
    GWFrames.AlignWaveforms(W_NR_corot, W_PN_corot, t1, t2,
                            DirectAlignmentEvaluations, [], Debug)

    print("Constructing PN-NR hybrid")

    # Construct the hybrid
    W_hyb_corot = GWFrames.Waveform(W_PN_corot.Hybridize(W_NR_corot, t1, t2))

    # Optionally, make a plot showing the results.  It is strongly
    # recommended that you look at this plot to make sure things worked
    # alright.
    if (PlotFileName):
        print("Plotting to {0}".format(os.path.join(PathToSystem,
        plt.axvline(t1, linestyle='dotted')
        plt.axvline(t2, linestyle='dotted')
        plt.title(r'Modes of the component waveforms')
        W_hyb_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2, 2], lw=3, label='Hybrid (2,2)')
        W_PN_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2, 2], label='PN (2,2)')
        W_NR_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2, 2], label='NR (2,2)')
        W_hyb_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2, 1], lw=3, label='Hybrid (2,1)')
        W_PN_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2, 1], label='PN (2,1)')
        W_NR_corot.plot('LogAbs', [2, 1], label='NR (2,1)')
        if Debug:
            W_NR_orig.plot('LogAbs', [2, 2], label='NR$_0$ (2,2)', ls='--')
            W_NR_orig.plot('LogAbs', [2, 1], label='NR$_0$ (2,1)', ls='--')
            W_PN_orig.plot('LogAbs', [2, 2], label='PN$_0$ (2,2)', ls='--')
            W_PN_orig.plot('LogAbs', [2, 1], label='PN$_0$ (2,1)', ls='--')
        plt.ylim((1e-8, 1.))
        plt.xlim((W_NR_corot.T(0), W_NR_corot.T()[-1]))
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(PathToSystem, PlotFileName))

    print("Transforming hybrid to inertial frame and outputting to\n\t"
          "{0}".format(os.path.join(PathToSystem, HybridFileName)))
    W_hyb_corot.OutputToNRAR(os.path.join(PathToSystem, HybridFileName))

    print("All done")
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
     self.x, self.y, self.z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
     self.v = qt.Vector(self.x, self.y, self.z)
Exemplo n.º 16
import GWFrames
import Quaternions

# Read in the data files
print("Reading waveforms from data files...")
Ws = [None]*len(Files)
for i,File in enumerate(Files):
    print("\tReading '{0}'".format(File))
    Ws[i] = GWFrames.ReadFromNRAR(File)
W_0 = Ws[0]

# Align to original Waveform
print("Aligning all following waveforms to first...")
xHat = Quaternions.Quaternion(0,1,0,0)
# R0_mid = Quaternions.Squad(W_0.Frame(), W_0.T(), [tmid])[0]
for i,W in enumerate(Ws[1:]):
    print("\tAligning {0} of {1}...".format(i+1, len(Ws[1:])))
    GWFrames.AlignWaveforms(W_0, W, t1, t2)
    # # Rotate by pi if necessary
    # Ri_mid = Quaternions.Squad(W.Frame(), W.T(), [tmid])[0]
    # if((R0_mid*xHat*R0_mid.inverse()).dot(Ri_mid*xHat*Ri_mid.inverse())<0) :
    #     W.RotateDecompositionBasis(Quaternions.exp(Quaternions.Quaternion(0,0,0,pi/2)))
    # # Align corotating frame of `W[1:]` to corotating frame of `W[0]`
    # W.AlignTimeAndFrame(W_0, t1, t2);
    Diff = W_0.Compare(W)
    plot(Diff.T(), Quaternions.angle(Diff.Frame()))

Exemplo n.º 17
def Cal_foot(data):
    SensorNumber = 7
    K = np.array(data)
    # print("K.shape: " + str(K.shape))

    m = len(K)
    # print("m: " + str(m))

    Length = m / SensorNumber - 1
    # print("Length: " + str(Length))

    # Time = np.delete(K, range(8), 1)
    # time_step = sum(Time) / Length / 1000.0
    # print("time_step: " + str(time_step))

    Time_index = [0.0]
    for i in range(Length):
        #  Time_index.append(Time_index[-1] + Time[7 * i + 6] / 1000.0)
        Time_index.append(Time_index[-1] + 1 / 30.0)
    Time_index = np.array(Time_index)
    # print("Time_index: " + str(Time_index.shape))

    # Update the acc to the absolute coordinate axis
    for i in range(len(K)):
        q = np.array([K[i, 4], K[i, 5], K[i, 6], K[i, 7]])
        RotateMat = Qu.quat2dcm(q)
        temp_acc = np.dot([K[i, 1], K[i, 2], K[i, 3]], RotateMat)
        for j in range(3):
            K[i, j + 1] = temp_acc[j]

    # Divide the data by seven sensors
    K = K.tolist()
    rawData = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
    # print("K[1][0]: " + str(K[1][0]))
    for i in range(m):
    K = np.array(K)

    filterData = np.array(rawData)
    # print("filterData: " + str(filterData.shape))

    start_thread = 0.04
    ini_time = np.zeros([1, SensorNumber])
    for i in range(SensorNumber):
        time = 0
        while time < m:
            if filterData[i, time, 3] - filterData[i, time+1, 3] > start_thread:
                ini_time[0, i] = time
            time = time + 1
    staticBias = np.zeros([SensorNumber, 3])

    for i in range(SensorNumber):
        ini_time[0, i] = 47
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(int(ini_time[0, i])):
                staticBias[i, j] = filterData[i, k, j + 1] + staticBias[i, j]
            staticBias[i, j] = staticBias[i, j] / ini_time[0, i]

    for i in range(SensorNumber):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(Length):
                filterData[i, k, j + 1] = filterData[i, k, j + 1] - staticBias[i, j]

    sizeofdata = filterData.shape
    # print("sizeofdata: " + str(sizeofdata))

    add_acc = np.zeros([SensorNumber, sizeofdata[1]])
    # print("add_acc: " + str(add_acc.shape))

    for j in range(SensorNumber):
        for i in range(sizeofdata[1]):
            add_acc[j, i] = np.sqrt(np.square(filterData[j, i, 1])
                                    + np.square(filterData[j, i, 2])
                                    + np.square(filterData[j, i, 3]))

    add_accFilt_r = add_acc[0, :]
    add_accFilt_l = add_acc[6, :]
    # print("add_accFilt: " + str(add_accFilt.shape))

    station_mark_r = 0.142
    station_mark_l = 0.142

    stationary_r = []
    for i in add_accFilt_r:
        if i < station_mark_r:
    stationary_r = np.array(stationary_r)
    # print("stationary.shape: " + str(stationary.shape))

    stationary_l = []
    for i in add_accFilt_l:
        if i < station_mark_l:
    stationary_l = np.array(stationary_l)

    vel_reight = np.zeros(filterData[0, :, 1:4].shape)
    # print("vel_reight.shape: " + str(vel_reight.shape))

    for i in range(1, len(vel_reight)):
        vel_reight[i, :] = vel_reight[i - 1, :] + filterData[0, i, 1:4] * 9.8 * (Time_index[i] - Time_index[i - 1])
        if stationary_r[i] == 1:
            vel_reight[i, :] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    vel_left = np.zeros(filterData[6, :, 1:4].shape)
    # print("vel_left.shape: " + str(vel_left.shape))
    for i in range(1, len(vel_left)):
        vel_left[i, :] = vel_left[i - 1, :] + filterData[6, i, 1:4] * 9.8 * (Time_index[i] - Time_index[i - 1])
        if stationary_l[i] == 1:
            vel_left[i, :] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    velDrift_r = np.zeros(vel_reight.shape)
    stationaryStart_r = otf.findval(stationary_r, -1)
    # print("stationaryStart: " + str(stationaryStart[0:6]))
    stationaryEnd_r = otf.findval(stationary_r, 1)
    # print("stationaryEnd: " + str(stationaryEnd[0:6]))

    velDrift_l = np.zeros(vel_left.shape)
    stationaryStart_l = otf.findval(stationary_l, -1)
    stationaryEnd_l = otf.findval(stationary_l, 1)

    delStart_r = []
    delEnd_r = []

    for i in range(len(stationaryEnd_r)):
        if stationaryStart_r[i + 1] - stationaryEnd_r[i] <= 0:
            delStart_r.append(i + 1)
    stationaryStart_r = np.delete(stationaryStart_r, delStart_r, axis=0)
    stationaryEnd_r = np.delete(stationaryEnd_r, delEnd_r, axis=0)

    delStart_l = []
    delEnd_l = []
    for i in range(len(stationaryEnd_l)):
        if stationaryStart_l[i + 1] - stationaryEnd_l[i] <= 0:
            delStart_l.append(i + 1)
    stationaryStart_l = np.delete(stationaryStart_l, delStart_l, axis=0)
    stationaryEnd_l = np.delete(stationaryEnd_l, delEnd_l, axis=0)

    station_r = stationaryStart_r.tolist() + stationaryEnd_r.tolist()
    index, val, j = 0, 1, 0
    stationary_sort_r = []
    for i in range(int(len(stationary_r))):
        if i == station_r[index]:
            if j % 2 == 0:
                val = val - 1
                val = val + 1
            j = j + 1
            index = index + 1

    for i in range(len(stationaryEnd_r)):
        driftRate = vel_reight[stationaryEnd_r[i] - 1, :] / (stationaryEnd_r[i] - stationaryStart_r[i])
        enum = np.array(range(1, 1 + int(stationaryEnd_r[i] - stationaryStart_r[i])))
        enum = enum.reshape([enum.shape[0], 1])
        drift = np.array([np.dot(enum, driftRate[0]), np.dot(enum, driftRate[1]), np.dot(enum, driftRate[2])])
        drift = drift.reshape([3, drift.shape[1]]).T
        velDrift_r[stationaryStart_r[i]:stationaryEnd_r[i], :] = drift

    vel_reight = vel_reight - velDrift_r

    pos_right = np.zeros(vel_reight.shape)
    for i in range(1, len(vel_reight)):
        pos_right[i, :] = pos_right[i - 1, :] + vel_reight[i, :] * (Time_index[i] - Time_index[i - 1])

    # Left foot
    station_l = stationaryStart_l.tolist() + stationaryEnd_l.tolist()
    index, val, j = 0, 1, 0
    stationary_sort_l = []
    for i in range(int(len(stationary_l))):
        if i == station_l[index]:
            if j % 2 == 0:
                val = val - 1
                val = val + 1
            j = j + 1
            index = index + 1

    for i in range(len(stationaryEnd_l)):
        driftRate = vel_left[stationaryEnd_l[i] - 1, :] / (stationaryEnd_l[i] - stationaryStart_l[i])
        enum = np.array(range(1, 1 + int(stationaryEnd_l[i] - stationaryStart_l[i])))
        enum = enum.reshape([enum.shape[0], 1])
        drift = np.array([np.dot(enum, driftRate[0]), np.dot(enum, driftRate[1]), np.dot(enum, driftRate[2])])
        drift = drift.reshape([3, drift.shape[1]]).T
        velDrift_l[stationaryStart_l[i]:stationaryEnd_l[i], :] = drift

    vel_left = vel_left - velDrift_l

    pos_left = np.zeros(vel_left.shape)
    for i in range(1, len(vel_left)):
        pos_left[i, :] = pos_left[i - 1, :] + vel_left[i, :] * (Time_index[i] - Time_index[i - 1])

    '''posi_r = []
    for i in range(len(pos_right)):
        posi_r.append(np.sqrt(np.square(pos_right[i, 0]) + np.square(pos_right[i, 1]) + np.square(pos_right[i, 2])))

    support = []
    swing = []
    for i in range(len(stationaryEnd_r) - 1):
        support.append(Time_index[stationaryEnd_r[i]] - Time_index[stationaryStart_r[i]])
        swing.append(Time_index[stationaryStart_r[i + 1]] - Time_index[stationaryEnd_r[i]])

    displacement = []
    for i in range(len(stationaryEnd_r)):
        pos_start = pos_right[stationaryEnd_r[i]]
        pos_end = pos_right[stationaryStart_r[i]]
        displacement.append(otf.displace(pos_start, pos_end))'''

    res = {'Stationary_r': stationary_sort_r, 'Position_r': pos_right,
           'Stationary_l': stationary_sort_l, 'Position_l': pos_left}

    '''frep = open('report.txt', 'w')
    frep.write(filename + '\r\n')
    frep.write('Support Phase of Right Leg    Displacement of Right Leg' + '\r\n')
    for i in range(len(support)):
        temp = 100 * support[i] / (support[i] + swing[i])
        frep.write('%.2f' % temp + '%' + '  %.3f' % (displacement[i]) + ' m' + '\r\n')


    return res