Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # Set parameters and print them
    args = parse_args()
    epochs         = args['epochs']
    visibleUnits   = args['visibleUnits']
    hiddenUnits    = args['hiddenUnits']
    approxMethod   = args['approxMethod']
    approxSteps    = args['approxSteps']
    learnRate      = args['learnRate']
    persistStart   = args['persistStart']
    momentum       = args['momentum']
    decayMagnitude = args['decayMagnitude']
    decayType      = args['decayType']
    sigma          = args['sigma']
    batchSize      = args['batchSize']
    binarization   = args['binarization']
    update         = args['update']

    trace_file     = args['trace_file']  # saving results
    save_file      = args['save_file']  # saving parameters
    load_file      = args['load_file']  # loading parameters

    print('Loading data')
    with gzip.open('../data/mnist.pkl.gz', 'r') as f:
        (TrainSet, y_train), (x_test, y_test), (ValidSet, y_Valid) = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')

    # combine train and valid data
    TrainSet = np.concatenate((TrainSet, x_test), axis=0)
    # Create binary data
    TrainSet = sklearn.preprocessing.binarize(TrainSet, threshold=binarization).T
    ValidSet = sklearn.preprocessing.binarize(ValidSet, threshold=binarization).T

    if len(load_file) == 0:
        print('Initializing model')
        model = RBM.RBM(n_vis=visibleUnits, n_hid=hiddenUnits,
                      momentum  = momentum,
                      sigma     = sigma,
                      trainData = TrainSet,
                      wiseStart = True,
        print('Start of training')
        Training.fit(model, TrainSet, ValidSet,
                     n_epochs         = epochs,
                     weight_decay     = decayType,
                     decay_magnitude  = decayMagnitude,
                     lr               = learnRate,
                     batch_size       = batchSize,
                     NormalizationApproxIter = approxSteps,
                     approx           = approxMethod,
                     update           = update,
                     persistent_start = persistStart,
                     trace_file       = trace_file,
                     save_file        = save_file
        params = RBM.RBM.load(load_file)
        model = RBM.RBM(params=params)
        model.reconstructionArray(ValidSet[:, 0:10])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 hidden_layer_sizes=[3, 3],

        self.input = input_data.astype(np.float32)
        self.y = label.astype(np.float32)
        self.rbm_layers = []
        self.n_hidden_layers = len(
            hidden_layer_sizes)  # nombre de couches cachées du DBN
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.layer_svm = None
        self.model_finetune = None
        self.nepochs = epochs
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.C = C
        self.rng = rng
        #W,hbias,vbias = self.init_weights(input_size,hidden_layer_sizes[0])
        # construct rbm_layer
        rbm_layer = RBM(input=self.input,
        sample_input = self.input
        for rbm_index in range(self.n_hidden_layers - 1):
            _, sample_input = self.rbm_layers[rbm_index].sample_h_given_v(
            n_hid = hidden_layer_sizes[rbm_index + 1]
            n_vis = hidden_layer_sizes[rbm_index]
            #W,hbias,vbias = self.init_weights(n_vis,n_hid)
            rbm_i = RBM(input=sample_input,
 def __init__(self, architecture):
     self.stack = []
     previous_layer_size = architecture[0]
     if len(architecture) > 1:
         for layer_size in architecture[1:]:
             self.stack.append(RBM(previous_layer_size, layer_size))
             previous_layer_size = layer_size
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _init_coef(self, fan_in, fan_out):
        if self.activation == 'logistic':
            init_bound = np.sqrt(2. / (fan_in + fan_out))
        elif self.activation in ('identity', 'tanh', 'relu'):
            init_bound = np.sqrt(6. / (fan_in + fan_out))
            raise ValueError("Unknown activation function %s" %
        if self.first_layer_init:
            features, labels, sparse_encoder, int_encoder = Preprocessing.feature_extraction_sparse_train(
            #svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=70)
            #features = svd.fit_transform(features)
            weights = RBM.train(features, 150)
            weights = weights.reshape(-1, 1)
            print fan_in, fan_out
            coef_init = weights
            self.first_layer_init = False
            coef_init = self._random_state.uniform(-init_bound, init_bound,
                                                   (fan_in, fan_out))
        intercept_init = self._random_state.uniform(-init_bound, init_bound,

        return coef_init, intercept_init
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, title, layerSizes, types, modelDir):
        #checking DBN configuration
        if not len(types) == len(layerSizes) - 1:
            print 'DBN initialize error: layerSizes types length mismatch'
        for i in range(len(types) - 1):
            if not (types[i] in ['BB', 'GB', 'BG']
                    and types[i + 1] in ['BB', 'GB', 'BG']):
                print "DBN initialize error: RBM types error, RBM types must be ['BB','GB','BG']"
            if not types[i][1] == types[i + 1][0]:
                print 'DBN initialize error: RBM types sequence error'

        print '\nInitializing DBN: %s, layerSizes: %s, layerTypes: %s' % (
            title, layerSizes, types)
        self.title = title
        self.layerSizes = layerSizes
        self.layerNum = len(self.layerSizes) - 1
        self.modelDir = modelDir

        self.rbms = []
        self.rbmFiles = []
        for i in range(self.layerNum):
                    n_hidden=self.layerSizes[i + 1],
            self.rbmFiles.append(modelDir + os.sep +
                                 '%s_layer%dRBM_%d-%d.rbm' %
                                 (self.title, i + 1, self.layerSizes[i],
                                  self.layerSizes[i + 1]))
    def pretrain(self, x, epochs, num_samples=50000):
            Greedy layer-wise training
            The last layer is a RBM with linear hidden units

            shape(x) = (v_dim, number_of_examples)
        RBM_layers = []

        for i in range(self.num_hidden_layers):  # initialize RBM's
            if (i < self.num_hidden_layers - 1):
                    RBM(self.layer_dims[i], self.layer_dims[i + 1]))
                                                 self.layer_dims[i + 1]))

        for i in range(self.num_hidden_layers):  # train RBM's
            print("Training RBM layer %i" % (i + 1))

            RBM_layers[i].train(x, epochs)  # train the ith RBM

            if not (i == self.num_hidden_layers -
                    1):  # generate samples to train next layer
                _, x = RBM_layers[i].gibbs_sampling(2, num_samples)

            self.W.append(RBM_layers[i].W)  # save trained weights

        self.pretrained = True

Exemplo n.º 7
def pre_rbm_train():
    #pre train by rbm between two layers
 def recurrence(nest, v_t):
     bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(nest[0], Wuv))
     bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(nest[0], Wuh))
     v_t_sample = RBM.gibbs_sample(tf.reshape(v_t, [1, n_visible]),  W,  bv_t , bh_t, k=1 )
     v_t_sample  =  tf.reshape(v_t_sample, [1, n_visible])
     u_t = tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(v_t_sample, Wvu) + tf.matmul(nest[0], Wuu))
     return [u_t, bv_t, bh_t, v_t_sample]
Exemplo n.º 9
 def train(x=x, size_bt=size_bt, BV_t=BV_t, BH_t=BH_t):
     bv_init = tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32)
     bh_init = tf.zeros([1, n_hidden], tf.float32)
     u_t  = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
     BV_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, u_t, bv_init), [size_bt, n_visible])
     BH_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, u_t, bh_init), [size_bt, n_hidden])
     sample, cost, monitor = RBM.get_free_energy_cost(x, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=15)
     return x, sample, cost, monitor, params, size_bt            
Exemplo n.º 10
def build_rbm(input_var=None,d_x=21,d_y=21):

    l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, 1, d_x, d_y),
    l_in_drop = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(l_in, p=0.2)
    l_hid = RBM.RBM(l_in_drop,num_units=128,kGibbs=1)

    return l_hid
Exemplo n.º 11
 def train(x=x, size_bt=size_bt, BV_t=BV_t, BH_t=BH_t):
     bv_init = tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32)
     bh_init = tf.zeros([1, n_hidden], tf.float32)
     u_t  = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
     BV_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, u_t, bv_init), [size_bt, n_visible])
     BH_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, u_t, bh_init), [size_bt, n_hidden])
     sample, cost = RBM.build_rbm(x, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=15)
     return x, sample, cost, params, size_bt            
Exemplo n.º 12
def dbn_train(NN,SD,opt):
    if 'maxStep' not in opt:

    ### Train the 1st hidden layer(connected by input layer).
    # Construct RBM from current layer of network.

    # Training of RBM.
    rbm=RBM.rbm_train(rbm,SD,opt) # input data as training data for 1st RBM

    # Update RBM parameters to network.

    # Propagate input to next layer.
    X=RBM.rbm_up(rbm,SD) #stochastic propagation.

    ### Train other hidden layers.
    for li in range(2,lAmt):
        # Construct RBM from current layer of network.

        # Training of RBM.

        # Update RBM parameters to network.

        # Propagate input to next layer.
        X=RBM.rbm_up(rbm,X,True) #stochastic propagation.

    return NN
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_RBM():

    r = RBM(6, 2)

    k = 9

    dataset = [[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
               [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
               [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]]

    # Train at the following learning rates:

    print "Training..."

    learning_rates = [0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001]
    #   learning_rates = [0.1]

    for rate in learning_rates:
        print "Learning rate =", rate

        for i in range(100):
            print '  ' + str(i) + '...',
            r.train_epoch(dataset, rate, k)
            err = np.sum([r.free_energy(data) for data in dataset])
            print 'Energy = ' + str(err) + '...',
            PL = r.pseudolikelihood(dataset)
            print 'Pseudolikelihood = ' + str(PL) + '...',
            L = r.likelihood(dataset)
            print 'Likelihood = ' + str(L) + '...',
            print 'Done'

    return r, dataset
Exemplo n.º 14
def train_rbm(nv,
    if (rbm == None):
        rbm = RBM(nv, nh)
    for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
        training_loss = 0
        s = 0.0
        for user in range(0, nb_users - batch_size, batch_size):
            vk = val_set[user:user + batch_size]
            v0 = val_set[user:user + batch_size]
            for sample in range(gibbs_sampling_nb):
                _, hk = rbm.sample_h(vk)
                _, vk = rbm.sample_v(hk)
                vk[v0 < 0] = v0[v0 < 0]
                phk, _ = rbm.sample_h(vk)
                ph0, _ = rbm.sample_h(v0)
                rbm.train(v0, vk, ph0, phk)
            training_loss += torch.mean(torch.abs(v0[v0 >= 0] - vk[v0 >= 0]))
            s += 1
    # print("Epoch:", epoch, "Training Loss:", training_loss/s)
    return float(training_loss / s), rbm
Exemplo n.º 15
def main():
    print("reading data...")
    data = ngsim_manipulation.Data()
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, rnn_rbm.n_visible],
                       name="x")  #The placeholder variable that holds our data
    W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([rnn_rbm.n_visible, rnn_rbm.n_hidden],
                    name="W")  #The weight matrix of the RBM
    Wuh = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], 0.0001),
                      name="Wuh")  #The RNN -> RBM hidden weight matrix
    bh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], tf.float32),
                     name="bh")  #The RNN -> RBM hidden bias vector
    Wuv = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_visible], 0.0001),
                      name="Wuv")  #The RNN -> RBM visible weight matrix
    bv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_visible], tf.float32),
                     name="bv")  #The RNN -> RBM visible bias vector
    Wvu = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_visible, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], 0.0001),
                      name="Wvu")  #The data -> RNN weight matrix
    Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], 0.0001),
                      name="Wuu")  #The RNN hidden unit weight matrix
    bu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], tf.float32),
                     name="bu")  #The RNN hidden unit bias vector
    u0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], tf.float32),
                     name="u0")  #The initial state of the RNN

    #The RBM bias vectors. These matrices will get populated during rnn-rbm training and generation
    BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], tf.float32), name="BH_t")
    BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, rnn_rbm.n_visible], tf.float32),

    #Build the RBM optimization
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    #Note that we initialize the RNN->RBM bias vectors with the bias vectors of the trained RBM. These vectors will form the templates for the bv_t and
    #bh_t of each RBM that we create when we run the RNN-RBM
    updt = RBM.get_cd_update(x, W, bv, bh, k=1, lr=lr)  # CD-k
    print("training RBM for weight initialization...")
    #Run the session
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        #Initialize the variables of the model
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        #Run over each trajectory num_epoch times
        for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs)):
            #for idx in range(100):
            for idx in range(data.num_trajectories):
                    updt, feed_dict={x: data.next_traj()}
                )  # even if traj is comprised of data in different time, we treat it like a batch of data in the same time, because we can only initialize one RBM.

        #Save the initialized model here
        save_path = saver.save(sess, "parameter_checkpoints/initialized.ckpt")
def main():
    #Load the Songs
    songs = input_manipulation.get_songs('Game_Music_Midi')
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, rnn_rbm.n_visible],
                       name="x")  #The placeholder variable that holds our data

    #parameters of CRBM
    W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([rnn_rbm.n_visible, rnn_rbm.n_hidden],
                    name="W")  #The weight matrix of the RBM
    bh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], tf.float32),
                     name="bh")  #The RNN -> RBM hidden bias vector
    bv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_visible], tf.float32),
                     name="bv")  #The RNN -> RBM visible bias vector

    #parameters related to RNN
    Wuh = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], 0.0001),
                      name="Wuh")  #The RNN -> RBM hidden weight matrix
    Wuv = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_visible], 0.0001),
                      name="Wuv")  #The RNN -> RBM visible weight matrix
    Wvu = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_visible, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], 0.0001),
                      name="Wvu")  #The data -> RNN weight matrix
    Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], 0.0001),
                      name="Wuu")  #The RNN hidden unit weight matrix
    bu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], tf.float32),
                     name="bu")  #The RNN hidden unit bias vector
    u0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], tf.float32),
                     name="u0")  #The initial state of the RNN

    #The RBM bias vectors. These matrices will get populated during rnn-rbm training and generation
    BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], tf.float32), name="BH_t")
    BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, rnn_rbm.n_visible], tf.float32),

    #Build the RBM optimization
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    #Note that we initialize the RNN->RBM bias vectors with the bias vectors of the trained RBM. These vectors will form the templates for the bv_t and
    #bh_t of each RBM that we create when we run the RNN-RBM
    updt = RBM.get_cd_update(x, W, bv, bh, 1, lr)

    #Run the session
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        #Initialize the variables of the model
        init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

        #Run over each song num_epoch times
        for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs)):
            for song in songs:
                sess.run(updt, feed_dict={x: song})
        #Save the initialized model here
        save_path = saver.save(sess, "parameter_checkpoints/initialized.ckpt")
Exemplo n.º 17
def train_and_sample(T, lr):
    temp_name = 'T = ' + format(T, '.2f') + '.npy'
    file_name = 'T = ' + format(T, '.2f') + ', lr = ' + str(lr) + '.npy'
    completeLoad = os.path.join(load_path, temp_name)
    samples = (np.load(completeLoad) + 1) / 2  # convert to 0, 1
    sz, N, N1 = samples.shape
    samples_flat = np.reshape(samples, (sz, N * N1))
    r = RBM(num_visible=64, num_hidden=nH)
    r.train(samples_flat, max_epochs=me, learning_rate=lr, batch_size=bs)
    print("Wights at T = " + format(T, '.2f') + ": ", r.weights)
    RBM_data_flat = r.daydream(ns) * 2 - 1  # convert back to -1, 1
    RBM_data = np.reshape(RBM_data_flat, (ns, N, N1))
    completeSaveData = os.path.join(save_data_path, file_name)
    np.save(completeSaveData, RBM_data)
    completeSaveWeight = os.path.join(save_weight_path, file_name)
    np.save(completeSaveWeight, r.weights)
    completeSaveError = os.path.join(save_error_path, file_name)
    np.save(completeSaveError, r.errors)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def generate_recurrence(count, k, u_tm1, primer, x, music):
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))   

        primer = tf.zeros([1, n_visible],  tf.float32)
#         primer   = tf.slice(x, [count, 0], [1, n_visible])
        x_out  = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, bv_t, bh_t, k=25)
        u_t  = (tf.tanh(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))
        music = tf.concat(0, [music, x_out])
        return count+1, k, u_t, x_out, x, music
Exemplo n.º 19
def pre_rbm_train():
    #pre train by rbm between two layers



Exemplo n.º 20
    def generate(num,
            This function handles generating music. This function is one of the outputs of the build_rnnrbm function
                num (int): The number of timesteps to generate
                x (tf.placeholder): The data vector. We can use feed_dict to set this to the music primer. 
                size_bt (tf.float32): The batch size
                u0 (tf.Variable): The initial state of the RNN
                n_visible (int): The size of the data vectors
                prime_length (int): The number of timesteps into the primer song that we use befoe beginning to generate music
                The generated music, as a tf.Tensor

        Uarr = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
        U = Uarr[int(np.floor(prime_length /
                              midi_manipulation.num_timesteps)), :, :]

        # def generate_recurrence(count, k, u_tm1, primer, x, music):
        # return count + 1, k, u_t, x_out, x, music
        count = 0
        music = tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32)
        u_tm1 = U
        primer = tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32)
        while count < num:
            # This function builds and runs the gibbs steps for each RBM in the chain to generate music
            # Get the bias vectors from the current state of the RNN
            bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
            bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))

            # Run the Gibbs step to get the music output. Prime the RBM with the previous musical output.
            x_out = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, bv_t, bh_t, k=25)

            # Update the RNN hidden state based on the musical output and current hidden state.
            u_t = (tf.tanh(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))

            # Add the new output to the musical piece
            music = tf.concat([music, x_out], 0)

            count += 1
            u_tm1 = u_t
            primer = x_out

        # [_, _, _, _, _, music] = control_flow_ops.while_loop(lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter,
        #    generate_recurrence, [tf.constant(1, tf.int32), tf.constant(num), U,
        #                         tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32), x,
        #                         tf.zeros([1, n_visible],  tf.float32)],
        #                         shape_invariants=None)
        return music
Exemplo n.º 21
    def generate_recurrence(count, k, u_tm1, primer, x, music):
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))   

#         primer = tf.zeros([1, n_visible],  tf.float32)
#         primer   = tf.slice(x, [count, 0], [1, n_visible])
        x_out, _ = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, bv_t, bh_t, k=25, c_1=0.5, c_2=0.5)
        u_t  = (tf.tanh(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))
        music = tf.concat(0, [music, x_out])
        return count+1, k, u_t, x_out, x, music
Exemplo n.º 22
    def initRBMs(self):
        self.RBMList = []

        for i in range(self.layers):
            currVisDim = self.dimensionList[i]
            currHidDim = self.dimensionList[i + 1]
            currWR = self.trainInfoList[i][0]
            groupWeights = False

            currRBM = RBM(currVisDim, currHidDim, currWR, groupWeights)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def gen_sample(self, k, x=None):
        with tf.variable_scope('dbn_gen_sample'):
            # Get input value for the top rbm's visible layer
            if x is None:
                x = tf.zeros([1, int(self.bs[-2].shape[-1])])
                # Propagate input value up to visible layer of top rbm
                for i in range(len(self.ws) - 1):
                    x_prob = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, self.ws[i]) + self.bs[i+1])
                    x = RBM.sample(x_prob)

            # Sample from the top layer
            top_rbm = RBM.RBM(self.ws[-1], self.bs[-2], self.bs[-1])
            _, x_sample = top_rbm.gibbs_sample(x, k)

            # Propagate sample down to visible layer
            for i in reversed(range(len(self.ws) - 1)):
                x_prob = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x_sample, tf.transpose(self.ws[i])) + self.bs[i])
                x_sample = RBM.sample(x_prob)

        return x_sample
 def reconstruction():
     #This function handles reconstructing de trajectory. This function is one of the outputs of the rnnrbm() function
     #Scan through the rnn and generate the value for each hidden node in the batch
     Uarr  = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, primer, initializer=u0) # primer is of dimension 2, Uarr is of dimension 3
     Uarr = tf.concat([tf.reshape(u0,[1, 1, n_hidden_recurrent]), Uarr[:-1,:,:]], 0)
     #Scan through the rnn and generate the visible and hidden biases for each RBM in the batch
     BV_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, Uarr, bv), [size_bt, n_visible])
     BH_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, Uarr, bh), [size_bt, n_hidden])
     traj = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=1)
     return traj[1:,:] #we  discard the first time step because it has a huge deviation
Exemplo n.º 25
    def generate_recurrence(count, num, u_tm1, primer, x, music, k_in):
        #This function builds and runs the gibbs steps for each RBM in the chain to generate music
        #Get the bias vectors from the current state of the RNN
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))

        #Run the Gibbs step to get the music output. Prime the RBM with the previous musical output.
        x_out = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, bv_t, bh_t, k=k_in)

        #Update the RNN hidden state based on the musical output and current hidden state.
        u_t = (tf.tanh(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))

        #Add the new output to the musical piece
        music = tf.concat([music, x_out], 0)
        return count + 1, num, u_t, x_out, x, music, k_in
Exemplo n.º 26
    def recurrence(nest, v_t):
        # This function do all the procedures in one RBM.
        bv_t = tf.add(bv,
                                Wuv))  # generate current bv_t based on u_{t-1}
        bh_t = tf.add(bh,
                                Wuh))  # generate current bh_t based on u_{t-1}
        v_t_sample = RBM.gibbs_sample(
            tf.reshape(v_t, [1, n_visible]), W, bv_t, bh_t,
            k=1)  # sample v_t according generated bias
        v_t_sample = tf.reshape(v_t_sample, [1, n_visible])
        u_t = tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(v_t_sample, Wvu) +
                         tf.matmul(nest[0], Wuu))  # calculate current u_t

        return [u_t, bv_t, bh_t, v_t_sample]
    def fit(self, trainset):
        AlgoBase.fit(self, trainset)

        numUsers = trainset.n_users
        numItems = trainset.n_items

        trainingMatrix = np.zeros([numUsers, numItems, 10], dtype=np.float32)

        for (uid, iid, rating) in trainset.all_ratings():

            adjustedRating = int(float(rating) * 2.0) - 1
            trainingMatrix[int(uid), int(iid), adjustedRating] = 1

        # Flatten to a 2D array, with nodes for each possible rating type on each possible item, for every user.
        trainingMatrix = np.reshape(trainingMatrix,
                                    [trainingMatrix.shape[0], -1])

        # Create an RBM with (num items * rating values) visible nodes
        rbm = RBM.RBM(trainingMatrix.shape[1],

        self.predictedRatings = np.zeros([numUsers, numItems],
        for uiid in range(trainset.n_users):
            if (uiid % 50 == 0):
                print("Processing user ", uiid)
            recs = rbm.GetRecommendations([trainingMatrix[uiid]])
            recs = np.reshape(recs, [numItems, 10])

            for itemID, rec in enumerate(recs):
                # The obvious thing would be to just take the rating with the highest score:
                #rating = rec.argmax()
                # ... but this just leads to a huge multi-way tie for 5-star predictions.
                # The paper suggests performing normalization over K values to get probabilities
                # and take the expectation as your prediction, so we'll do that instead:
                normalized = self.softmax(rec)
                rating = np.average(np.arange(10), weights=normalized)
                self.predictedRatings[uiid, itemID] = (rating + 1) * 0.5

        return self
Exemplo n.º 28
        def generate_recurrence(step, u_tm1, music):
            #To generate music: This function builds and runs the gibbs steps for each RBM in the chain
            bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
            bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))

            #Run the Gibbs step to get the music output. Prime the RBM with the previous musical output.
            x_out = RBM.gibbs_sample(tf.reshape(music[-1, :], [1, n_visible]),

            #Update the RNN hidden state based on the musical output and current hidden state.
            u_t = (tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) +
                              tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))

            #Add the new output to the musical piece
            music = tf.concat([music, x_out], axis=0)
            return step + 1, u_t, music
Exemplo n.º 29
    def pretrain(self, x, epochs, num_samples=50000):
            Greedy layer-wise training
            The last layer is a RBM with linear hidden units
            shape(x) = (v_dim, number_of_examples)
        RBM_layers = []

        # initialize RBMs
        for i in range(self.num_hidden_layers):
            if i == 0:
                        self.layer_dims[i + 1]))  # linear input
            elif (i < self.num_hidden_layers - 1):
                    RBM(self.layer_dims[i], self.layer_dims[i + 1]))  #
                        self.layer_dims[i + 1]))  # linear output

        # train stack of RBMs
        for i in range(self.num_hidden_layers):  # train RBM's
            print("Training RBM layer %i" % (i + 1))
            x = RBM_layers[i].train(x, epochs)  # train the ith RBM

            self.W.append(RBM_layers[i].W)  # save trained weights

        self.pretrained = True

Exemplo n.º 30
def get_RBM():

   r = RBM(6,2)

   k = 9

   dataset = [[1,1,1,0,0,0],

   # Train at the following learning rates:

   print "Training..."

   learning_rates = [0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001]
#   learning_rates = [0.1]

   for rate in learning_rates:
      print "Learning rate =", rate

      for i in range(100):
         print '  ' + str(i) + '...',
         r.train_epoch(dataset, rate, k)
         err = np.sum([r.free_energy(data) for data in dataset])
         print 'Energy = ' + str(err) + '...',
         PL = r.pseudolikelihood(dataset)
         print 'Pseudolikelihood = ' + str(PL) + '...',
         L = r.likelihood(dataset)
         print 'Likelihood = ' + str(L) + '...',
         print 'Done'

   return r, dataset
Exemplo n.º 31
def get_RBM():
   print "Loading digits...."
   digits, classes = load_digits('digits_train.txt')
   digits = [digit_gray_to_binary(d) for d in digits]
   r = RBM(196,25)

   # Train at the following learning rates:
   print "Training..."

   learning_rates = [0.1, 0.05] #, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001]

   for rate in learning_rates:
      print "Learning rate =", rate

      for i in range(20):
         print '  ' + str(i) + '...',
         r.train_epoch(digits, rate, 5)
         err = np.sum([r.free_energy(digit) for digit in digits])
         print 'Energy = ' + str(err) + '...',
         PL = r.pseudolikelihood(digits)
         print 'Pseudolikelihood = ' + str(PL) + '...',
         print 'Done'

   return r, digits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from sklearn import linear_model, datasets, metrics
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.neural_network import BernoulliRBM
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import scipy.io
from RBM import *
mat = scipy.io.loadmat('input.mat')
r1 = RBM(num_visible = 256, num_hidden = 250)

train_data1 = train_data
test_data1 = test_data

r1.train(train_data1, max_epochs = 5000)


r2 = RBM(num_visible = 250, num_hidden = 220)

train_data2 = output_train1
test_data2 = output_test1

r2.train(train_data2, max_epochs = 5000)
Exemplo n.º 33
def rnnrbm():

    #This function builds the RNN-RBM and returns the parameters of the model

    x = tf.placeholder(
        [None, n_visible])  #The placeholder variable that holds our data
    lr = tf.placeholder(
    )  #The learning rate. We set and change this value during training.

    size_bt = tf.shape(x)[0]  #the batch size
    # parameters
    W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden]), name="W")
    Wuh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden]), name="Wuh")
    Wuv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_visible]), name="Wuv")
    Wvu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="Wvu")
    Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden_recurrent]),
    bh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="bh")
    bv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="bv")
    bu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="bu")
    u0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="u0")
    BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="BH_t")
    BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="BV_t")

    def rnn_recurrence(u_tm1, v_t):
        #Iterate through the data in the batch and generate the values of the RNN hidden nodes
        v_t = tf.reshape(v_t, [1, n_visible])
        u_t = (tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(v_t, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))
        return u_t

    def visible_bias_recurrence(bv_t, u_tm1):
        #Iterate through the values of the RNN hidden nodes and generate the values of the visible bias vectors
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        return bv_t

    def hidden_bias_recurrence(bh_t, u_tm1):
        #Iterate through the values of the RNN hidden nodes and generate the values of the hidden bias vectors
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))
        return bh_t

#Below is two functions for generation and construction, but not used in training

    def generate(timesteps, primer=x):
            This function handles generating music. This function is one of the outputs of the build_rnnrbm function
                timesteps (int): The number of timesteps to generate
                primer (tf.placeholder): The primer song
                The generated music, as a tf.Tensor
        def generate_recurrence(step, u_tm1, music):
            #To generate music: This function builds and runs the gibbs steps for each RBM in the chain
            bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
            bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))

            #Run the Gibbs step to get the music output. Prime the RBM with the previous musical output.
            x_out = RBM.gibbs_sample(tf.reshape(music[-1, :], [1, n_visible]),

            #Update the RNN hidden state based on the musical output and current hidden state.
            u_t = (tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) +
                              tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))

            #Add the new output to the musical piece
            music = tf.concat([music, x_out], axis=0)
            return step + 1, u_t, music

        Uarr = tf.scan(
            rnn_recurrence, primer,
            initializer=u0)  # x is of dimension 2, Uarr is of dimension 3
        u_tm1 = Uarr[
            -1, :, :]  # the beginning hidden recurrent unit of our generation
        music = tf.zeros([1, n_visible])

        loop_vars = [tf.constant(0), u_tm1, music]
        cond = lambda count, *args: count < timesteps

        [_, _, music] = tf.while_loop(cond,
                                          tf.TensorShape([None, None])
        return music

    def reconstruction():
        #This function handles reconstructing music. This function is one of the outputs of the rnnrbm() function
        primer = x
        #Scan through the rnn and generate the value for each hidden node in the batch
        Uarr = tf.scan(
            rnn_recurrence, primer,
            initializer=u0)  # primer is of dimension 2, Uarr is of dimension 3
        Uarr = tf.concat(
            [tf.reshape(u0, [1, 1, n_hidden_recurrent]), Uarr[:-1, :, :]], 0)
        #Scan through the rnn and generate the visible and hidden biases for each RBM in the batch
        BV_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, Uarr, bv),
                          [size_bt, n_visible])
        BH_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, Uarr, bh),
                          [size_bt, n_hidden])
        music = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=1)
        return music

# Below is for training
#Reshape our bias matrices to be the same size as the batch.

    tf.assign(BH_t, tf.tile(BH_t, [size_bt, 1]))
    tf.assign(BV_t, tf.tile(BV_t, [size_bt, 1]))
    #Scan through the rnn and generate the value for each hidden node in the batch
    u_t = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
    #Scan through the rnn and generate the visible and hidden biases for each RBM in the batch
    BV_t = tf.reshape(
        tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, u_t,
                tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32)), [size_bt, n_visible])
    BH_t = tf.reshape(
        tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, u_t,
                tf.zeros([1, n_hidden], tf.float32)), [size_bt, n_hidden])
    #Get the free energy cost from each of the RBMs in the batch
    cost = RBM.get_free_energy_cost(x, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=15)
    return x, cost, generate, reconstruction, W, Wuh, Wuv, Wvu, Wuu, bh, bv, bu, lr, u0
Exemplo n.º 34
def rnnrbm(k_input=15):
    #This function builds the RNN-RBM and returns the parameters of the model

    x = tf.placeholder(
        [None, n_visible])  #The placeholder variable that holds our data
    lr = tf.placeholder(
    )  #The learning rate. We set and change this value during training.

    size_bt = tf.shape(x)[0]  #the batch size

    #Here we set aside the space for each of the variables.
    #We intialize these variables when we load saved parameters in rnn_rbm_train.py or rnn_rbm_generate.py
    W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden]), name="W")
    Wuh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden]), name="Wuh")
    Wuv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_visible]), name="Wuv")
    Wvu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="Wvu")
    Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden_recurrent]),
    bh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="bh")
    bv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="bv")
    bu = tf.Variable(
        tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="bu"
    )  # Bias for 'hidden_recurrent' -> next 'hidden_recurrent' [RNN]
    u0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="u0")
    BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="BH_t")
    BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="BV_t")

    def rnn_recurrence(u_tm1, sl):
        #Iterate through the data in the batch and generate the values of the RNN hidden nodes
        sl = tf.reshape(sl, [1, n_visible])
        u_t = (tf.tanh(bu + tf.matmul(sl, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))
        return u_t

    def visible_bias_recurrence(bv_t, u_tm1):
        #Iterate through the values of the RNN hidden nodes and generate the values of the visible bias vectors
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        return bv_t

    def hidden_bias_recurrence(bh_t, u_tm1):
        #Iterate through the values of the RNN hidden nodes and generate the values of the hidden bias vectors
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))
        return bh_t

    def generate_recurrence(count, num, u_tm1, primer, x, music, k_in):
        #This function builds and runs the gibbs steps for each RBM in the chain to generate music
        #Get the bias vectors from the current state of the RNN
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))

        #Run the Gibbs step to get the music output. Prime the RBM with the previous musical output.
        x_out = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, bv_t, bh_t, k=k_in)

        #Update the RNN hidden state based on the musical output and current hidden state.
        u_t = (tf.tanh(bu + tf.matmul(x_out, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu)))

        #Add the new output to the musical piece
        music = tf.concat([music, x_out], 0)
        return count + 1, num, u_t, x_out, x, music, k_in

    def generate(num,
			This function handles generating music. This function is one of the outputs of the build_rnnrbm function
				num (int): The number of timesteps to generate
				x (tf.placeholder): The data vector. We can use feed_dict to set this to the music primer. 
				size_bt (tf.float32): The batch size
				u0 (tf.Variable): The initial state of the RNN
				n_visible (int): The size of the data vectors
				prime_length (int): The number of timesteps into the primer song that we use befoe beginning to generate music
				The generated music, as a tf.Tensor

        Uarr = tf.scan(
            rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0
        )  # Generate: Hidden state Array from 'x(input)' and initializer 'u0'
        U = Uarr[np.int32(
            np.floor(prime_length / midi_manipulation.num_timesteps)
        ), :, :]  # acts as initial-hiddenstate....
        [_, _, _, _, _, music,
         _] = tf.while_loop(lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter,
                            generate_recurrence, [
                                tf.constant(1, tf.int32),
                                tf.constant(num), U,
                                tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32), x,
                                tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32),
                            ], [
                                tf.TensorShape([]), U.shape,
                                tf.TensorShape([1, n_visible]), x.shape,
                                tf.TensorShape([None, n_visible]),

        return music

    #Reshape our bias matrices to be the same size as the batch.
    tf.assign(BH_t, tf.tile(BH_t, [size_bt, 1]))
    tf.assign(BV_t, tf.tile(BV_t, [size_bt, 1]))
    #Scan through the rnn and generate the value for each hidden node in the batch
    u_t = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
    #Scan through the rnn and generate the visible and hidden biases for each RBM in the batch
    BV_t = tf.reshape(
        tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, u_t,
                tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32)), [size_bt, n_visible])
    BH_t = tf.reshape(
        tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, u_t,
                tf.zeros([1, n_hidden], tf.float32)), [size_bt, n_hidden])
    #Get the free energy cost from each of the RBMs in the batch
    out1, out2, cost = RBM.get_free_energy_cost(x, W, BV_t, BH_t,
                                                k=k_input)  #k 15...
    return x, out1, out2, cost, generate, W, bh, bv, lr, Wuh, Wuv, Wvu, Wuu, bu, u0
def rnnrbm():
    #This function builds the RNN-RBM and returns the parameters of the model

    x  = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_visible]) #The placeholder variable that holds our data
    lr  = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) #The learning rate. We set and change this value during training.
    size_bt = tf.shape(x)[0] # Not really batch, but the longeur of time series
    #parameters to learn, we find that except W, the other four Weight matrices aren't well learned,
    #So there isn't a good evolution of RBM in time. We can train a single RBM and produce a similar result.
    W   = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden]), name="W")
    Wuh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden]), name="Wuh")
    Wuv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_visible]), name="Wuv")
    Wvu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="Wvu")
    Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="Wuu")
    bh  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="bh")
    bv  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="bv")
    bu  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="bu")
    u0  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="u0")
    BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="BH_t")
    BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="BV_t")

    def rnn_recurrence(u_tm1, v_t):
        #Iterate through the data in the batch and generate the values of the RNN hidden nodes
        v_t  =  tf.reshape(v_t, [1, n_visible])
        u_t = tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(v_t, Wvu) + tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuu))
        return u_t

    def visible_bias_recurrence(bv_t, u_tm1):
        #Iterate through the values of the RNN hidden nodes and generate the values of the visible bias vectors
        bv_t = tf.add(bv, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuv))
        return bv_t

    def hidden_bias_recurrence(bh_t, u_tm1):
        #Iterate through the values of the RNN hidden nodes and generate the values of the hidden bias vectors
        bh_t = tf.add(bh, tf.matmul(u_tm1, Wuh))
        return bh_t       

    #Reshape our bias matrices to be the same size as the batch.
    tf.assign(BH_t, tf.tile(BH_t, [size_bt, 1]))
    tf.assign(BV_t, tf.tile(BV_t, [size_bt, 1]))
    #Scan through the rnn and generate the value for each hidden node in the batch
    Uarr  = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
    Uarr = tf.concat([tf.reshape(u0, [1, 1, n_hidden_recurrent]), Uarr[:-1,:,:]], 0)
    #Scan through the rnn and generate the visible and hidden biases for each RBM in the batch
    BV_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, Uarr, tf.zeros([1, n_visible])), [size_bt, n_visible])
    BH_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, Uarr, tf.zeros([1, n_hidden])), [size_bt, n_hidden])
    #Get the free energy cost from each of the RBMs in the batch
    cost = RBM.get_free_energy_cost(x, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=1)
    def reconstruction():
        #This function handles reconstructing de trajectory. This function is one of the outputs of the rnnrbm() function
        #Scan through the rnn and generate the value for each hidden node in the batch
        Uarr  = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, primer, initializer=u0) # primer is of dimension 2, Uarr is of dimension 3
        Uarr = tf.concat([tf.reshape(u0,[1, 1, n_hidden_recurrent]), Uarr[:-1,:,:]], 0)
        #Scan through the rnn and generate the visible and hidden biases for each RBM in the batch
        BV_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(visible_bias_recurrence, Uarr, bv), [size_bt, n_visible])
        BH_t = tf.reshape(tf.scan(hidden_bias_recurrence, Uarr, bh), [size_bt, n_hidden])
        traj = RBM.gibbs_sample(primer, W, BV_t, BH_t, k=1)
        return traj[1:,:] #we  discard the first time step because it has a huge deviation

    return x, cost, reconstruction, W, Wuh, Wuv, Wvu, Wuu, bh, bv, bu, lr, u0
Exemplo n.º 36
from RBM import *

mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('../MNIST_data', one_hot=True)

batch_size = 10
batch = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)

rbm_input = np.concatenate((to_binary_2D(batch[0]), batch[1]), axis = 1)

r = RBM(data_num = batch_size, m = 28*28+10, n = 20, k = 100)

Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], 0.0001), name="Wuu")
bh  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden], tf.float32), name="bh")
bv  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_visible], tf.float32), name="bv")
bu  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent],  tf.float32), name="bu")
u0  = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden_recurrent], tf.float32), name="u0")
BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, rnn_rbm.n_hidden],  tf.float32), name="BH_t")
BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, rnn_rbm.n_visible],  tf.float32), name="BV_t")

size_bt = tf.shape(x_rbm)[0]

#Build the RBM optimization
saver = tf.train.Saver()
xk1, cost = RBM.build_rbm(x_rbm, W, bv, bh, 1)
rbm_train_var = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(cost)

#Run the session
with tf.Session() as sess:
    init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

    # loop with batch
    for song in tqdm(songs):
        for i in range(1, len(song), batch_size):
            tr_x = song[i:i + batch_size]
            sess.run(rbm_train_var, feed_dict={x_rbm: tr_x})
    save_path = saver.save(sess, "initializations/rbm.ckpt")