def collect_parameters(apply): # collect parameters and perform initialization global last_x global last_y global last_z global bone_hierarchy # Return an ordered bone hierarchy based on what was selected in the UI bone_hierarchy = bone_tree_view.value for i in bone_hierarchy: for bone in bone_hierarchy[i]: # Get the datablock for the current bone animation_clip = bone["root"].GetSkeletonComponent().GetClip(0) if apply: animation_clip.SetLength(timeline.end_time) control = animation_clip.GetControl("Layer", bone["bone"]) if not control: return control.ClearKeys() wt = bone["bone"].WorldTransform() last_x = bone["root"].WorldTransform().T().x last_y = bone["root"].WorldTransform().T().y last_z = bone["root"].WorldTransform().T().z lt = bone["bone"].LocalTransform() bone["data block"] = control.GetDataBlock() bone["velocity"] = RLPy.RVector3(0, 0, 0) # Start off with zero velocity bone["current tip pos local"] = RLPy.RVector3(lt.T().x, lt.T().y, lt.T().z) bone["current tip pos world"] = transform_point(wt, bone["current tip pos local"]) bone["stiffness"] = transform_point(wt, bone["current tip pos local"]) - wt.T() bone["stiff force"] = RLPy.RVector3(0, 0, 0) bone["original world transform"] = wt.R().ToRotationMatrix()
def e_to_q(e): parent_m = RLPy.RMatrix3() matrix3_result = parent_m.FromEulerAngle( RLPy.EEulerOrder_XYZ, e[0] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_DEG_TO_RAD, e[1] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_DEG_TO_RAD, e[2] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_DEG_TO_RAD) parent_q = RLPy.RQuaternion() parent_q.FromRotationMatrix(matrix3_result[0]) return parent_q
def merge_next_clip(self, clip, cur_time, end_time): global avatar global mocap_manager global start_time global hand_device global device_data if avatar is None or clip is None: return skel_comp = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent() if skel_comp is None: return # break time fps = RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps() buffer_time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(2, fps) break_time = cur_time + RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(1, fps) # break & merge clips result = skel_comp.BreakClip(break_time) # stop and generate mocap clip hand_device.ProcessData(0, device_data, -1) mocap_manager.Stop() mocap_clip, mocap_time = self.get_clip_and_end_time(start_time) remaining_clip, remaining_time = self.get_clip_and_end_time( break_time + RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(1, fps)) # merge clips if remaining_clip is not None: transition_time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime( self.clip_transition_frames, fps) remaining_clip.SetTransitionRange(transition_time) result = skel_comp.MergeClips(mocap_clip, remaining_clip) # merge middle clip if result.IsError(): clip_length = mocap_clip.GetClipLength() mocap_end_time = mocap_clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime(clip_length) remaining_start_time = remaining_clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime( RLPy.RTime(0)) middle_start_time = RLPy.RTime(0) middle_clip, middle_clip_end_time = self.get_clip_and_end_time( remaining_start_time - RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(1, fps)) if middle_clip != None: middle_start_time = middle_clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime( RLPy.RTime(0)) if middle_start_time != remaining_start_time: skel_comp.MergeClips(mocap_clip, middle_clip) remaining_clip, remaining_time = self.get_clip_and_end_time( end_time) mocap_clip, mocap_time = self.get_clip_and_end_time( start_time) skel_comp.MergeClips(mocap_clip, remaining_clip) RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(cur_time) RLPy.RGlobal.ObjectModified(avatar, RLPy.EObjectModifiedType_Transform) return True
def automation(): camera = RLPy.RScene.GetCurrentCamera() dof = camera.GetDOFData() items = RLPy.RScene.GetSelectedObjects() set_key = False # Did the parameters change, forcing an update? caf_ui["window"].SetWindowTitle("Camera Auto-Focus { %s }" % camera.GetName()) caf_ui["widget"].targetObject.clear() caf_ui["widget"].distance.clear() if len(items) > 0: object_type = items[0].GetType() if object_type == RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar or object_type == RLPy.EObjectType_Prop: # If the object is valid: avatar or prop camera_transform = camera.WorldTransform() target_transform = items[0].WorldTransform() local_point = world_to_local_point(camera_transform, target_transform.T()) # Update the UI caf_ui["widget"].targetObject.setText(items[0].GetName()) caf_ui["widget"].distance.setText(str(round(-local_point.z, 2))) if caf_ui["widget"].autoFocus_group.isChecked(): # Automatic calculation of the DOF distance # Caculate auto-focus based on parameter settings focus_distance = -local_point.z * caf_ui["widget"].autoDistance.value() focus_distance = max(min(focus_distance, 5000), 2) # iClone Focus Distance value is between 2 and 5,000 if dof.GetFocus() != focus_distance: # Apply a Focus Distance key to the camera dof.SetFocus(focus_distance) set_key = True # Parameters don't match, we'll need to update if caf_ui["widget"].autoRange_group.isChecked(): # Automatic calculation of the DOF range # Get the bounding size of the picked object max_point = RLPy.RVector3() cen_point = RLPy.RVector3() min_point = RLPy.RVector3() status = items[0].GetBounds(max_point, cen_point, min_point) if status == RLPy.RStatus.Success: focus_range = ((max_point.x - cen_point.x) + (max_point.y - cen_point.y) + (max_point.z - cen_point.z)) / 3 focus_range *= caf_ui["widget"].autoRange.value() focus_range = max(min(focus_range, 1000), 0) # iClone Focus Range value is between 0 and 1,000 if dof.GetRange() != focus_range: # Apply a Focus Range key to the camera dof.SetRange(focus_range) set_key = True # Parameters don't match, we'll need to update if set_key: # Create and set a DOF key dof.SetEnable(True) key = RLPy.RKey() key.SetTime(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()) camera.AddDofKey(key, dof)
class Vector3(RLPy.RVector3): # Inherit and extend on the RLPy vector3 class # Static for scale vector: iClone default scale is not [100,100,100] as shown in the UI one = RLPy.RVector3(1, 1, 1) # Static for up vector: iClone is Z-up application up = RLPy.RVector3(0, 0, 1) # Static for forward vector forward = RLPy.RVector3(0, 1, 0) def __str__(self): # For debugging: pretty print for the Vector3 values x = round(self.x, 3) y = round(self.y, 3) z = round(self.z, 3) return "({0}, {1}, {2})".format(str(x), str(y), str(z)) def __mul__(self, n): v3 = Vector3(self.x * n, self.y * n, self.z * n) return v3 __rmul__ = __mul__ def ToQuaternion(self): # yaw (Z), pitch (X), roll (Y) cy = cos(self.z * 0.5) sy = sin(self.z * 0.5) cp = cos(self.x * 0.5) sp = sin(self.x * 0.5) cr = cos(self.y * 0.5) sr = sin(self.y * 0.5) q = Quaternion() q.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr q.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr q.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr q.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr return q def Lerp(self, v3_to, f_interpolation): return Vector3(lerp(self.x, v3_to.x, f_interpolation), lerp(self.y, v3_to.y, f_interpolation), lerp(self.z, v3_to.z, f_interpolation)) def Scale(self, v3): return Vector3(self.x * v3.x, self.y * v3.y, self.z * v3.z) @property def normalized(self): norm = self norm.Normalize() return norm
def q_to_e(q): abc = RLPy.RQuaternion(RLPy.RVector4(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w)) matrix3 = abc.ToRotationMatrix() temp_x = 0 temp_y = 0 temp_z = 0 ret = matrix3.ToEulerAngle(RLPy.EEulerOrder_XYZ, temp_x, temp_y, temp_z) ret[0] = ret[0] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_RAD_TO_DEG ret[1] = ret[1] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_RAD_TO_DEG ret[2] = ret[2] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_RAD_TO_DEG return ret
def update_focal_length_slider(x): global cdz_ui camera = RLPy.RScene.GetCurrentCamera() cdz_ui["widget"].focalLengthSlider.setValue(x * 100) camera.SetFocalLength(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime(), x) # Force update iClone's native UI RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime() + RLPy.RTime(1)) RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime() - RLPy.RTime(1))
def register_events(): global caf_callbacks # Register timer callback for auto-focus updates caf_callbacks["timer"] = RLPy.RPyTimer() # Every frame of iClone is 16.66667 ms, which is an interval of 16 # We can capture a key every 20 frames to prevent heavy scenes from freezing caf_callbacks["timer"].SetInterval(320) caf_callbacks["timer_callback"] = AutoFocusTimerCallback() caf_callbacks["timer"].RegisterPyTimerCallback( caf_callbacks["timer_callback"]) caf_callbacks["timer"].Start() # Register timer callback for reminding the user that auto-key is on caf_callbacks["flash_message"] = RLPy.RPyTimer() caf_callbacks["flash_message"].SetInterval( 500) # Flash auto-key message every 500 ms -> 0.5 sec caf_callbacks["message_callback"] = MessageCallback() caf_callbacks["flash_message"].RegisterPyTimerCallback( caf_callbacks["message_callback"]) caf_callbacks["flash_message"].Start() # Create Event caf_callbacks["events"] = EventCallback() caf_callbacks["events_id"] = RLPy.REventHandler.RegisterCallback( caf_callbacks["events"]) # Double spinbox and integer slider connection caf_ui["widget"].autoDistance_slider.valueChanged.connect( lambda x: caf_ui["widget"].autoDistance.setValue(x * 0.001)) caf_ui["widget"].autoRange_slider.valueChanged.connect( lambda x: caf_ui["widget"].autoRange.setValue(x * 0.001)) caf_ui["widget"].nearBlurStrength_slider.valueChanged.connect( lambda x: caf_ui["widget"].nearBlurStrength.setValue(x * 0.001)) caf_ui["widget"].farBlurStrength_slider.valueChanged.connect( lambda x: caf_ui["widget"].farBlurStrength.setValue(x * 0.001)) caf_ui["widget"].autoDistance.valueChanged.connect( lambda x: caf_ui["widget"].autoDistance_slider.setValue(x * 1000)) caf_ui["widget"].autoRange.valueChanged.connect( lambda x: caf_ui["widget"].autoRange_slider.setValue(x * 1000)) # Call to update camera based on changes in custom parameters caf_ui["widget"].focusDistance.valueChanged.connect(set_camera_dof) caf_ui["widget"].perfectFocusRange.valueChanged.connect(set_camera_dof) caf_ui["widget"].nearTransitionRegion.valueChanged.connect(set_camera_dof) caf_ui["widget"].farTransitionRegion.valueChanged.connect(set_camera_dof) caf_ui["widget"].nearBlurStrength.valueChanged.connect(set_camera_dof) caf_ui["widget"].farBlurStrength.valueChanged.connect(set_camera_dof) # Start and stop the auto-focus timer depending on the automatic settings caf_ui["widget"].autoFocus_group.toggled.connect(toggle_autofocus_timer) caf_ui["widget"].autoRange_group.toggled.connect(toggle_autofocus_timer) update_ui()
def look_at_right_handed(view_position, view_target, view_up_vector, lookup_offset=0): # Look at takes two positional vectors and calculates the facing direction forward = (view_position - view_target) - RLPy.RVector3(0, 0, lookup_offset) forward.Normalize() right = view_up_vector.Cross(forward) right.Normalize() up = forward.Cross(right) # Retun a right-handed look-at rotational matrix return RLPy.RMatrix3(right.x, right.y, right.z, up.x, up.y, up.z, forward.x, forward.y, forward.z)
def destination_transform(): # Destination transform is where the camera/view should be at when aligned with the target prop global ui prop_transform = all_props[ui["widget"].prop.currentIndex()].WorldTransform() # Position vector is where the prop is plus the offset values pos = prop_transform.T() + RLPy.RVector3(ui["widget"].offset_x.value(), ui["widget"].offset_y.value(), ui["widget"].offset_z.value()) # Orientation matrix is the camera/view facing the prop position orientation = look_at_right_handed(pos, prop_transform.T(), RLPy.RVector3(0, 0, 1), ui["widget"].elevation.value()) # Extrapolate the Quaternion rotations from the orientation matrix rot = RLPy.RQuaternion().FromRotationMatrix(orientation) # Return a Transform class with scale, rotation, and positional values return RLPy.RTransform(RLPy.RVector3(1, 1, 1), rot, pos)
def apply_setting(): global timeline timeline = Ext.TimeLine() current_frame = timeline.current_frame current_time = timeline.IndexedFrameTime(current_frame) RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(current_time) accumulate_dalay = 0 selected_popcorns = popcorn_list_tree_view.value for popcorn in selected_popcorns: popcorn_name = popcorn.GetName() popcorn.RemoveEmitKeys() emit = True if popcorn_name in particle_emit_dic: emit = particle_emit_dic[popcorn_name] if emit: if popcorn_name in particle_delay_dic: accumulate_dalay = accumulate_dalay + particle_delay_dic[popcorn_name] popcorn.SetEmit(RLPy.RTime(accumulate_dalay * 1000) + current_time, True) is_particle_loop = False if popcorn_name in particle_loop_dic: loop_interval = particle_loop_dic[popcorn_name] if loop_interval == -1: popcorn.SetLoop(False) else: is_particle_loop = True popcorn.SetLoop(True) popcorn.SetLoopInterval(loop_interval) else: popcorn.SetLoop(False) repeat_emit_delay_time = 0 on_off_index = 0 if not(is_particle_loop): if popcorn_name in particle_emit_key_dic: particle_emit_key_time_list = particle_emit_key_dic[popcorn_name] for key_time in particle_emit_key_time_list: repeat_emit_delay_time = repeat_emit_delay_time + key_time if on_off_index % 2 == 0: popcorn.SetEmit(RLPy.RTime((accumulate_dalay + repeat_emit_delay_time) * 1000) + current_time, False) else: popcorn.SetEmit(RLPy.RTime((accumulate_dalay + repeat_emit_delay_time) * 1000) + current_time, True) on_off_index = on_off_index + 1 popcorn.Update() RLPy.RGlobal.Play(timeline.start_time, timeline.end_time)
def from_to_rotation(from_vector, to_vector): # Points the from axis towards the to vector, returns a Quaternion result = RLPy.RQuaternion() from_vector.Normalize() to_vector.Normalize() up_axis = RLPy.RVector3(RLPy.RVector3.UNIT_Z) angle = RLPy.RMath_ACos(from_vector.Dot(to_vector)) if RLPy.RMath.AlmostZero(angle - RLPy.RMath.CONST_PI) or RLPy.RMath.AlmostZero(angle): result.FromAxisAngle(up_axis, angle) else: normal = from_vector.Cross(to_vector) normal.Normalize() result.FromAxisAngle(normal, angle) return result
def transform_point(world_transform, local_position): # Get the transform matrix4 world_matrix = world_transform.Matrix() # New matrix4 for the local position point_world_matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4() point_world_matrix.MakeIdentity() point_world_matrix.SetTranslate(local_position) # Combine the 2 matrix4 point_world_matrix = point_world_matrix * world_matrix # Return the translation element of the combined matrix4 return RLPy.RVector3(point_world_matrix.GetTranslate())
def destination_transform(): # Destination transform is where the camera/view should be at when aligned with the target prop # Retrieve RIObject for the camera and the target prop prop = follow_control.value camera = camera_control.value # Position vector is where the prop is plus the offset values pos = prop.WorldTransform().T() + offset_control.value # Orientation matrix is the camera/view facing the prop position orientation = look_at_right_handed(pos, prop.WorldTransform().T(), Ext.Vector3.up) # Extrapolate the Quaternion rotations from the orientation matrix rot = RLPy.RQuaternion().FromRotationMatrix(orientation) # Return a Transform class with scale, rotation, and positional values return RLPy.RTransform(, rot, pos)
def local_move(obj, translation): ''' Calculate the world-space position for an object that is locally translated Args: obj (RIObject): the iClone object that serves as the transform space translation (RVector3): point in local-space Returns: RVector3: the world-space position for the object after local translation is applied ''' transform = obj.WorldTransform() matrix = transform.Matrix() matrix.SetTranslate( RLPy.RVector3.ZERO) # Zero out transform matrix translation # New matrix for the local translation local_matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4() local_matrix.MakeIdentity() local_matrix.SetTranslate(translation) # Get the world-space offset position for the local movement offset_matrix = local_matrix * matrix # Return the final position for the object return transform.T() - offset_matrix.GetTranslate()
def relational_position(parent_obj, child_obj): ''' Converts world-space point to local-space position relative to the transform-space. Args: parent_obj (RIObject): Object with transform-space for world to local point conversion. child_obj (RIObject): Object as the point in world-space that needs to be converted to local-space. Returns: RVector3: The world-space point converted to local-space. ''' parent_transform = parent_obj.WorldTransform() child_transform = child_obj.WorldTransform() parent_matrix = parent_transform.Matrix() child_matrix = child_transform.Matrix() local_position = child_matrix.GetTranslate() - parent_matrix.GetTranslate( ) # Can also use transform.T() parent_matrix.SetTranslate( RLPy.RVector3.ZERO) # Zero out transform matrix translation # New matrix4 for the local position point_world_matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4() point_world_matrix.MakeIdentity() point_world_matrix.SetTranslate(local_position) # Convert local space to transform space point_transform_matrix = point_world_matrix * parent_matrix.Inverse() # Return the translation element of the combined matrix4 return point_transform_matrix.GetTranslate()
def run_script(): global rl_py_timer global timer_callback #init timer event rl_py_timer = RLPy.RPyTimer() rl_py_timer.SetInterval(100) timer_callback = RLPyTimerCallback() rl_py_timer.RegisterPyTimerCallback(timer_callback) timer_callback.register_time_out(update_skeleton) global jcm_manager_dlg jcm_manager_widget = JcmWidget() label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setText("The morph is defined by \nThe Script and Morph Creator.") #create RDialog jcm_manager_dlg = RLPy.RUi.CreateRDialog() jcm_manager_dlg.SetWindowTitle("Joint Driven Morph") #wrap RDialog to Pyside Dialog main_pyside_dlg = wrapInstance(int(jcm_manager_dlg.GetWindow()), QtWidgets.QDialog) main_pyside_layout = main_pyside_dlg.layout() main_pyside_layout.addWidget(label) main_pyside_layout.addWidget(jcm_manager_widget) main_pyside_dlg.setFixedWidth(200) #show dialog jcm_manager_dlg.Show()
def world_to_local_point(transform, world_point): ''' Converts world-space point to local-space position relative to the transform-space. Args: transform (RTransform): Transform space for world to local point conversion. world_point (RVector3): The point in world-space that needs to be converted to local-space. Returns: RVector3: The world-space point converted to local-space. ''' transform_matrix = transform.Matrix() local_position = world_point - transform_matrix.GetTranslate() # Can also use transform.T() transform_matrix.SetTranslate(RLPy.RVector3.ZERO) # Zero out transform matrix translation # New matrix4 for the local position point_world_matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4() point_world_matrix.MakeIdentity() point_world_matrix.SetTranslate(local_position) # Convert local space to transform space point_transform_matrix = point_world_matrix * transform_matrix.Inverse() # Return the translation element of the combined matrix4 return point_transform_matrix.GetTranslate()
def __init__(self, label=None, maxRange=1000, singleStep=0.025, parent=None): super(Vector3Control, self).__init__(parent) # Create a Horizontal Box Layout parent_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # Create and setup individual float spin box widgets self._x = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox() self._y = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox() self._z = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox() for k, v in {"X": self._x, "Y": self._y, "Z": self._z}.items(): v.setRange(-maxRange, maxRange) v.setSingleStep(singleStep) v.valueChanged.connect(self.__changeValue) parent_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(k)) parent_layout.addWidget(v) # Configure the Group Box parent widget self.setTitle("{0} :".format(label)) self.setLayout(parent_layout) self.setStyleSheet("QGroupBox {color: #a2ec13}") # Private attribute(s) self.__value = RLPy.RVector3(0, 0, 0)
def quaternion_lerp(quat_from, quat_to, f_interpolation): f_invert_interpolation = 1 - f_interpolation q = RLPy.RQuaternion() # Are we on the right (1) side of the graph or the left side (-1)? direction = (((quat_from.x * quat_to.x) + (quat_from.y * quat_to.y)) + (quat_from.z * quat_to.z)) + (quat_from.w * quat_to.w) if direction >= 0: q.x = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.x) + (f_interpolation * quat_to.x) q.y = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.y) + (f_interpolation * quat_to.y) q.z = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.z) + (f_interpolation * quat_to.z) q.w = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.w) + (f_interpolation * quat_to.w) else: q.x = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.x) - (f_interpolation * quat_to.x) q.y = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.y) - (f_interpolation * quat_to.y) q.z = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.z) - (f_interpolation * quat_to.z) q.w = (f_invert_interpolation * quat_from.w) - (f_interpolation * quat_to.w) # Now that we have the lerped coordinates what side of the graph are we on? side = (((q.x * q.x) + (q.y * q.y)) + (q.z * q.z)) + (q.w * q.w) # We have to adjust the quaternion values depending on the side we are on orientation = 1 / sqrt((side)) q.x *= orientation q.y *= orientation q.z *= orientation q.w *= orientation return q
def set_transform_key(clone, time, transform): key = RLPy.RTransformKey() key.SetTime(time) key.SetTransform(transform) control = clone.GetControl("Transform") control.AddKey(key, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps()) control.SetKeyTransition(time, RLPy.ETransitionType_Ease_Out, 1.0)
def key_camera(): global ui # Get the frame and time duration of the target prop only fps = RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps() start_time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(ui["widget"].start_frame.value(), fps) end_time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(ui["widget"].end_frame.value(), fps) # How many keys are needed to create the whole animation from start to finish? key_interval = ui["widget"].delay.value() total_keys = int( RLPy.RMath.Ceil( (ui["widget"].end_frame.value() - ui["widget"].start_frame.value()) / key_interval)) # Show the progress bar ui["widget"].progress.setRange(0, total_keys) ui["widget"].progress.setHidden(False) ui["widget"].message.setHidden(True) camera = all_cameras[ui["widget"].camera.currentIndex()] # Iterate over every keyframe for key in range(0, total_keys): current_frame = ui["widget"].start_frame.value() + key * key_interval current_time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(int(current_frame), fps) view_transform = camera.WorldTransform() target_transform = destination_transform() # Step forward in the timeline RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(current_time) ui["widget"].progress.setValue(key) # Lerp between the current camera position and its destination using tautness as the interpolate new_transform = transform_lerp(view_transform, target_transform, ui["widget"].tautness.value()) # Key the camera's transform for animation camera.GetControl("Transform").SetValue(current_time, new_transform) # Post-process frame reduction if ui["widget"].reduction.value() > 0: control = camera.GetControl("Transform") key_count = control.GetKeyCount() interval = ui["widget"].reduction.value() + 1 key_times = [] for index in range(0, key_count): if index % interval != 0: key_times.append(RLPy.RTime()) control.GetKeyTimeAt(index, key_times[len(key_times) - 1]) for time in range(0, len(key_times)): control.RemoveKey(key_times[time]) # Hide the progress bar ui["widget"].progress.setHidden(True) ui["widget"].message.setHidden(False) ui["widget"].progress.reset() # Playback to see the final result RLPy.RGlobal.Play(start_time, end_time)
def get_clip_and_end_time(self, cur_time): global avatar skel_comp = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent() if skel_comp == None: return find_clip = None clip_count = skel_comp.GetClipCount() clip_start_time = RLPy.RTime(0) clip_end_time = RLPy.RTime(0) for i in range(clip_count): clip = skel_comp.GetClip(i) clip_length = clip.GetClipLength() clip_start_time = clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime(RLPy.RTime(0)) clip_end_time = clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime(clip_length) if cur_time >= clip_start_time and cur_time <= clip_end_time: find_clip = clip return find_clip, clip_end_time
def find_next_clip_transition_by_time(self, cur_time): global avatar skel_comp = avatar.GetSkeletonComponent() if skel_comp == None: return find_clip = None transition_time = RLPy.RTime(0) clip_count = skel_comp.GetClipCount() for i in range(clip_count): clip = skel_comp.GetClip(i) clip_start_time = clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime(RLPy.RTime(0)) transition_time = clip.GetTransitionRange() transition_begin_time = clip_start_time - transition_time if transition_begin_time < RLPy.RTime(0): continue if cur_time >= transition_begin_time and cur_time < clip_start_time: find_clip = clip return find_clip, transition_time
def undo_last_operation(): # Disable the undo button after the undo operation cdz_ui["widget"].clearDollyZoom.setEnabled(False) if cdz_undo["camera"].IsValid() is False: RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox( "Camera Dolly Zoom - Error", "Clear operation cancelled - the camera can not be found.", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok) return start_frame = RLPy.RTime.GetFrameIndex(cdz_undo["start_time"], cdz_undo["fps"]) end_frame = start_frame + cdz_undo["frame_range"] end_time = RLPy.RTime().IndexedFrameTime(end_frame, cdz_undo["fps"]) # Remove the Camera transform key t_control = cdz_undo["camera"].GetControl("Transform") t_control.RemoveKey(end_time) # Remove all DOF keys key = RLPy.RKey() key.SetTime(cdz_undo["start_time"]) cdz_undo["camera"].RemoveDofKey(key) key.SetTime(end_time) cdz_undo["camera"].RemoveDofKey(key) # Remove all focus length keys start_focal_length = cdz_undo["camera"].GetFocalLength( cdz_undo["start_time"]) for i in range(cdz_undo["frame_range"] + 1): time = RLPy.RTime().IndexedFrameTime(start_frame + i, cdz_undo["fps"]) cdz_undo["camera"].RemoveFocalLengthKey(time) # Revert to original Focal Length settings cdz_undo["camera"].SetFocalLength(cdz_undo["start_time"], start_focal_length) # Revert to original DOF settings dof_key = RLPy.RKey() dof_key.SetTime(cdz_undo["start_time"]) cdz_undo["camera"].AddDofKey(dof_key, cdz_undo["start_dof"])
def transform_direction(world_transform, local_position): # Get the transform rotation 3x3 matrix world_rot_matrix = world_transform.Rotate() # New matrix4 for world direction world_dir = RLPy.RMatrix4() world_dir.MakeIdentity() world_dir.SetSR(world_rot_matrix) # New matrix for the local position point_world_matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4() point_world_matrix.MakeIdentity() point_world_matrix.SetTranslate(local_position) # Combine the 2 matrix4 point_world_matrix = point_world_matrix * world_dir # Return the translation element of the combined matrix4 return RLPy.RVector3(point_world_matrix.GetTranslate())
def show_window(): global cdz_ui if "dialog_window" in cdz_ui: # If the window already exists... if cdz_ui["dialog_window"].IsVisible(): RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox( "Camera Dolly Zoom - Operation Error", "The current Camera Dolly Zoom session is still running. You must first close the window to start another session.", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok) else: cdz_ui["dialog_window"].Show() return cdz_ui["dialog_window"] = RLPy.RUi.CreateRDialog() cdz_ui["dialog_window"].SetWindowTitle("Camera Dolly Zoom") # Create Pyside layout for RDialog dialog = wrapInstance(int(cdz_ui["dialog_window"].GetWindow()), QtWidgets.QDialog) dialog.setFixedWidth(350) # Read and set the QT ui file from the script location qt_ui_file = QtCore.QFile( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/Camera_Dolly_Zoom.ui") cdz_ui["widget"] = QtUiTools.QUiLoader().load(qt_ui_file) qt_ui_file.close() dialog.layout().addWidget(cdz_ui["widget"]) # Connect button commands cdz_ui["widget"].help.clicked.connect(show_help_dialog) cdz_ui["widget"].keyDollyZoom.clicked.connect(key_camera_distance) cdz_ui["widget"].clearDollyZoom.clicked.connect(undo_last_operation) cdz_ui["widget"].focalLength.valueChanged.connect( update_focal_length_slider) cdz_ui["widget"].focalLengthSlider.valueChanged.connect( update_focal_length) cdz_ui["dialog_window"].Show() # Register callbacks cdz_callbacks["dialog_events"] = DialogEventCallback() cdz_ui["dialog_window"].RegisterEventCallback( cdz_callbacks["dialog_events"]) cdz_callbacks["timer"] = RLPy.RPyTimer() cdz_callbacks["timer"].SetInterval( 17 ) # Every frame of iClone is 16.66667 ms, which is an interval of 16 - 17 cdz_callbacks["timer_callback"] = TimerCallback() cdz_callbacks["timer"].RegisterPyTimerCallback( cdz_callbacks["timer_callback"]) cdz_callbacks["timer"].Start() update_ui()
def BoneWorldTransform(bone): world_transform = bone.WorldTransform() rot_matrix = world_transform.Rotate() translate = world_transform.T() rx = ry = rz = 0 euler_angle_result = rot_matrix.ToEulerAngle(RLPy.EEulerOrder_XYZ, rx, ry, rz) euler_angle = RLPy.RVector3( euler_angle_result[0] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_RAD_TO_DEG, euler_angle_result[1] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_RAD_TO_DEG, euler_angle_result[2] * RLPy.RMath.CONST_RAD_TO_DEG) return translate, euler_angle # angle (degree)
def local_to_world_translate(obj, local_pos): transform = obj.WorldTransform() transform_matrix = transform.Matrix() transform_matrix.SetTranslate(RLPy.RVector3.ZERO) local_matrix = RLPy.RMatrix4() local_matrix.MakeIdentity() local_matrix.SetTranslate(local_pos) # Get world-space position by multiplying local-space with the transform-space world_matrix = local_matrix * transform_matrix return world_matrix.GetTranslate()
def stop(self): control = self.key_prop.GetControl("Transform") prop_transform = self.key_prop.LocalTransform() prop_transform.R().SetX(0) prop_transform.R().SetY(0) prop_transform.R().SetZ(0) prop_transform.R().SetW(0) key = RLPy.RTransformKey() key.SetTime(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()) key.SetTransform(prop_transform) control.AddKey(key, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps())