Exemplo n.º 1
def gameWindow(Rasterizer):

    # get width and height of game window
    width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()

    return (width, height)
Exemplo n.º 2
def rotate(contr):
    """ Read the movements of the mouse and apply them
        as a rotation to the camera. """
    # get the object this script is attached to
    camera = contr.owner

    # Get sensor named Mouse
    mouse = contr.sensors['Mouse']

    if mouse.positive:
        # get width and height of game window
        width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
        height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()

        # get mouse movement from function
        move = mouse_move(camera, mouse, width, height)

        # set mouse sensitivity
        sensitivity = camera['Sensitivity']

        # Amount, direction and sensitivity
        leftRight = move[0] * sensitivity
        upDown = move[1] * sensitivity

        # set the values
        camera.applyRotation( [0.0, 0.0, leftRight], 0 )
        camera.applyRotation( [upDown, 0.0, 0.0], 1 )

        # Center mouse in game window
        # Using the '//' operator (floor division) to produce an integer result
        Rasterizer.setMousePosition(width//2, height//2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def initMiniMap():
    if 'MiniMap' not in bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects:

    import Rasterizer
    height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
    width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    # Compute position of miniMap viewport
    #left = int(width * 1/4)
    #bottom = int(height * 3/4)
    #right = int(width * 3/4)
    #top = int(height * 95/100)

    # Wide map (great for debug game)
    left = int(width * 3 / 100)
    bottom = int(height * 3 / 100)
    right = int(width * 97 / 100)
    top = int(height * 97 / 100)

    # set the viewport coordinates
    camMiniMap = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects['MiniMap']
    camMiniMap.setViewport(left, bottom, right, top)

    # move camera to position player
    myPlayer = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects['Player']
    camMiniMap.position[0] = myPlayer.position[0]
    camMiniMap.position[1] = myPlayer.position[1]
Exemplo n.º 4
def init():
    defaultCursor = Cursor(ARROW_POINTER)

    R.setMousePosition(int(R.getWindowWidth() / 2),
                       int(R.getWindowHeight() / 2))
Exemplo n.º 5
def enable(c):
    """ Enable the mouse pointer and at the same time sets the mouse to the our
		center of the screen. Does not require any properties.
    # Set the mouse to the default position
        Rasterizer.setMousePosition(Rasterizer.getWindowWidth() / 2, Rasterizer.getWindowHeight() / 2)

        # Enable the mouse
Exemplo n.º 6
def hand_control(contr):
    """ Move the hand following the mouse

    Use the movement of the mouse to determine the rotation
    for the IK arm (right arm) """
    # get the object this script is attached to
    human = contr.owner
    scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
    target = scene.objects['IK_Target_Empty.R']

    # set mouse sensitivity
    sensitivity = human['Sensitivity']

    # If the manipulation mode is inactive, do nothing
    if not human['Manipulate']:
    # Get sensor named Mouse
    mouse = contr.sensors['Mouse']

    if mouse.positive:
        # get width and height of game window
        width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
        height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()

        # get mouse movement from function
        move = mouse_move(human, mouse, width, height)

        # Amount, direction and sensitivity
        left_right = move[0] * sensitivity
        up_down = move[1] * sensitivity

        target.applyMovement([0.0, left_right, 0.0], True)
        target.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, up_down], True)

        # Reset mouse position to the centre of the screen
        # Using the '//' operator (floor division) to produce an integer result
        Rasterizer.setMousePosition(width//2, height//2)

    # Get sensors for mouse wheel
    wheel_up = contr.sensors['Wheel_Up']
    wheel_down = contr.sensors['Wheel_Down']

    if wheel_up.positive:
        front = 50.0 * sensitivity
        target.applyMovement([front, 0.0, 0.0], True)

    if wheel_down.positive:
        back = -50.0 * sensitivity
        target.applyMovement([back, 0.0, 0.0], True)
Exemplo n.º 7
	def setPlayers():
		import Rasterizer
		# menu leaves mouse on
		if ID==0: Rasterizer.showMouse(False)
		playcount = conf['PLAYER_COUNT']
		if playcount != 1 and playcount != 2:
			return True
		if ID != 0 and ID != 1:
			print("Unsupported number of players, running anyway")
			return True
		# Single player game. no tricks
		if playcount == 1:
			if ID == 0:
				return False
		elif playcount == 2:

			# Split screen
			own_camera.useViewport = True
			w = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
			h = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
			if ID == 0:
				# Vert
				#own_camera.setViewport(0, h/2, w, h) 
				# Hoz
				own_camera.setViewport(0, 0, int(w/2), h)
			if ID == 1:
				# Vert
				#own_camera.setViewport(0, 0, w, h/2) 
				# Hoz
				own_camera.setViewport(int(w/2), 0, w, h) 
		return True
Exemplo n.º 8
	def look(self):
		cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
		mouse = cont.sensors['playerMouse']

		if 'x' not in self.playerCamera:
			self.playerCamera['x'] = math.pi / 2
			self.playerCamera['y'] = math.pi / 6
			x = R.getWindowWidth() // 2
			y = R.getWindowHeight() // 2
			self.playerCamera['size'] = (x,y)

		xpos = self.playerCamera['size'][0]
		ypos = self.playerCamera['size'][1]
		x = (xpos - mouse.position[0])*self.SENSITIVITY
		y = (ypos - mouse.position[1])*self.SENSITIVITY


		self.playerCamera['x'] += x
		self.playerCamera['y'] += y

		#corelation of x(z) angle
		if self.playerCamera['x'] > 2 * math.pi:
			self.playerCamera['x'] -= 2*math.pi
		if self.playerCamera['x'] < 0:
			self.playerCamera['x'] += 2*math.pi
		#corelation of y(x) angle
		if self.playerCamera['y'] > math.pi / 2:
			self.playerCamera['y'] = math.pi / 2
		if self.playerCamera['y'] < -math.pi / 2:
			self.playerCamera['y'] = -math.pi / 2

		x = -self.playerCamera['y'] + math.pi / 2
		y = self.playerCamera['x'] + math.pi / 2

		v = mathu.Vector((-x,-math.pi,y))
		w = mathu.Vector((0,0,(y-math.pi)))

		self.playerCamera.localOrientation = v
		x = self.playerBody.position[0]
		y = self.playerBody.position[1]
		z = self.playerBody.position[2]+0.7
		self.playerCamera.worldPosition = [x,y,z]
		self.playerBody.localOrientation = w
Exemplo n.º 9
    def look(self):
        cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
        mouse = cont.sensors['playerMouse']

        if 'x' not in self.playerCamera:
            self.playerCamera['x'] = math.pi / 2
            self.playerCamera['y'] = math.pi / 6
            x = R.getWindowWidth() // 2
            y = R.getWindowHeight() // 2
            self.playerCamera['size'] = (x, y)

        xpos = self.playerCamera['size'][0]
        ypos = self.playerCamera['size'][1]
        x = (xpos - mouse.position[0]) * self.SENSITIVITY
        y = (ypos - mouse.position[1]) * self.SENSITIVITY

        R.setMousePosition(xpos, ypos)

        self.playerCamera['x'] += x
        self.playerCamera['y'] += y

        #corelation of x(z) angle
        if self.playerCamera['x'] > 2 * math.pi:
            self.playerCamera['x'] -= 2 * math.pi
        if self.playerCamera['x'] < 0:
            self.playerCamera['x'] += 2 * math.pi
        #corelation of y(x) angle
        if self.playerCamera['y'] > math.pi / 2:
            self.playerCamera['y'] = math.pi / 2
        if self.playerCamera['y'] < -math.pi / 2:
            self.playerCamera['y'] = -math.pi / 2

        x = -self.playerCamera['y'] + math.pi / 2
        y = self.playerCamera['x'] + math.pi / 2

        v = mathu.Vector((-x, -math.pi, y))
        w = mathu.Vector((0, 0, (y - math.pi)))

        self.playerCamera.localOrientation = v
        x = self.playerBody.position[0]
        y = self.playerBody.position[1]
        z = self.playerBody.position[2] + 0.7
        self.playerCamera.worldPosition = [x, y, z]
        self.playerBody.localOrientation = w
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setPlayers():
        import Rasterizer

        # menu leaves mouse on
        if ID == 0: Rasterizer.showMouse(False)

        playcount = conf['PLAYER_COUNT']

        if playcount != 1 and playcount != 2:
            return True
        if ID != 0 and ID != 1:
            print("Unsupported number of players, running anyway")
            return True

        # Single player game. no tricks
        if playcount == 1:
            if ID == 0:
                return False

        elif playcount == 2:

            # Split screen
            own_camera.useViewport = True

            w = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
            h = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
            if ID == 0:
                # Vert
                #own_camera.setViewport(0, h/2, w, h)
                # Hoz
                own_camera.setViewport(0, 0, int(w / 2), h)
            if ID == 1:
                # Vert
                #own_camera.setViewport(0, 0, w, h/2)
                # Hoz
                own_camera.setViewport(int(w / 2), 0, w, h)

        if not WITHOUT_CAMERA:

        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
def Main():

    # get the window dimensions
    import Rasterizer
    width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()

    # get the current scene
    scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
    # and use it to get a list of the objects in the scene
    objList = scene.objects
    # get the two player cameras, called cam1 and cam2
    playermaincam = objList["Camera"]

    # set player viewports with player1 at the right, player 2 at the left
    playermaincam.setViewport(0, 0, width, height)

    # finally, we turn on the use of both viewports
    playermaincam.useViewport = True
Exemplo n.º 12
def setup_overlay() :
	scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
	camera = scene.objects["Camera"]
	#first_player.overlay = scene
	w = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
	h = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
	top = scene.objects["top side"]
	bottom = scene.objects["bottom side"]
	right = scene.objects["right side"]
	left = scene.objects["left side"]

	camera.setViewport(0, 0, w, h)   # n'a pas d'effet
	if w >= h :
		x = ((top.localPosition.z-bottom.localPosition.z)/h * w)/2
		right.localPosition.x = x
		left.localPosition.x = -x
	elif h > w :
		z = ((right.localPosition.x-left.localPosition.x)/w * h)/2
		top.localPosition.z = z
		bottom.localPosition.z = -z
Exemplo n.º 13
def setup_overlay():
    scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
    camera = scene.objects["Camera"]
    #first_player.overlay = scene
    w = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    h = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
    top = scene.objects["top side"]
    bottom = scene.objects["bottom side"]
    right = scene.objects["right side"]
    left = scene.objects["left side"]

    camera.setViewport(0, 0, w, h)  # n'a pas d'effet

    if w >= h:
        x = ((top.localPosition.z - bottom.localPosition.z) / h * w) / 2
        right.localPosition.x = x
        left.localPosition.x = -x
    elif h > w:
        z = ((right.localPosition.x - left.localPosition.x) / w * h) / 2
        top.localPosition.z = z
        bottom.localPosition.z = -z
Exemplo n.º 14
    def shifter(self):
        mouse = self.cont.sensors['mouse']
        if 'x' not in self.camera:
            self.camera['x'] = 0.0
            x = R.getWindowWidth() // 2
            y = R.getWindowHeight() // 2
            self.camera['size'] = (x, y)

        xpos = self.camera['size'][0]
        ypos = self.camera['size'][1]

        R.setMousePosition(xpos, ypos)
        x = float(xpos - mouse.position[0]) * self.SENSITIVITY

        self.camera['x'] += x
        if self.camera['x'] > 8.5:
            self.camera['x'] = 8.5
        if self.camera['x'] < -8.5:
            self.camera['x'] = -8.5

        z = self.camera.position[2]
        self.camera.position[0] = -self.camera['x']
Exemplo n.º 15
	def shifter(self):
		mouse = self.cont.sensors['mouse']
		if 'x' not in self.camera:
			self.camera['x'] = 0.0
			x = R.getWindowWidth() // 2
			y = R.getWindowHeight() // 2
			self.camera['size'] = (x,y)

		xpos = self.camera['size'][0]
		ypos = self.camera['size'][1]

		x = float(xpos - mouse.position[0])*self.SENSITIVITY
		self.camera['x'] += x
		if self.camera['x'] > 8.5:
			self.camera['x'] = 8.5
		if self.camera['x'] < -8.5:
			self.camera['x'] = -8.5

		z = self.camera.position[2]
		self.camera.position[0] = -self.camera['x']
Exemplo n.º 16
        return True
        return False

def _click(sensor, key):
    status = sensor.getButtonStatus(key)
    if status == bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED or status == bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE:
        return True
        return False

WIN_MIDDLE_X = int(Rasterizer.getWindowWidth() / 2)
WIN_MIDDLE_Y = int(Rasterizer.getWindowHeight() / 2)
Rasterizer.setMousePosition(WIN_MIDDLE_X, WIN_MIDDLE_Y)
change = False
boxrotz = 0

def keyboard_input():
	keyboard_input() est le callback du clavier, il est appelé par le spawn du premier joueur
    global last_action, first_player, change, mx, boxrotz
    cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
    own = cont.owner
    sens = cont.sensors[0]
Exemplo n.º 17
	def draw(self):
		cam = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().active_camera
		self.position[2] += self.speed
		# Get some viewport info
		view_buf = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 4)
		bgl.glGetIntegerv(bgl.GL_VIEWPORT, view_buf)
		view = view_buf[:]

		if 0:
			# Save the state

			# Disable depth test so we always draw over things

			# Disable lighting so everything is shadless

			# Unbinding the texture prevents BGUI frames from somehow picking up on
			# color of the last used texture
			bgl.glBindTexture(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)

			# Make sure we're using smooth shading instead of flat

		# Calculate x and y
		screen_coord = cam.getScreenPosition(self.position)
		x = screen_coord[0] * ras.getWindowWidth()
		y = ras.getWindowHeight() - (screen_coord[1] * ras.getWindowHeight())
		# Check to make sure the position isn't behind the camera
		if not cam.pointInsideFrustum(self.position):
		# Calculate scale
		distance = cam.getDistanceTo(self.position)
		if 1000 - distance > 0:
			scale = (1000 - distance) / 1000
			scale = 0

		# Setup the matrices
		bgl.gluOrtho2D(0, view[2], 0, view[3])
		# Center the x
		text_width, text_height = blf.dimensions(self.fontid, self.text)
		x -= text_width / 2

		# Draw the font if large enough
		if scale:
			blf.size(self.fontid, int(self.pt_size*scale), 72)
			blf.position(self.fontid, x, y, 0)
			blf.draw(self.fontid, self.text)
		# Reset the state
Exemplo n.º 18
controller = GameLogic.getCurrentController()

# Get sensor named Mouse
mouse = controller.getSensor("Mouse")

# Get the actuators
rotLeftRight = controller.getActuator("LookLeftRight")
rotUpDown = controller.getActuator("LookUpDown")

############################## Need the size of the game window

import Rasterizer

width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()

############################### Get the mouse movement

def mouseMove():

    # distance moved from screen center
    #x = width/2 - mouse.getXPosition()
    #y = height/2 - mouse.getYPosition()
    x = width/2 - mouse.position[0]
    y = height/2 - mouse.position[1]

    # intialize mouse so it doesn't jerk first time
    if hasattr(GameLogic, 'init') == False:
        x = 0
Exemplo n.º 19
def _touch(sensor, key) :
	if sensor.getKeyStatus(key) in (bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED, bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE):
		return True
	else: return False

def _click(sensor, key) :
	status = sensor.getButtonStatus(key)
	if status == bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED or status == bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE:
		return True
	else: return False

WIN_MIDDLE_X = int(Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()/2)
WIN_MIDDLE_Y = int(Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()/2)
Rasterizer.setMousePosition(WIN_MIDDLE_X, WIN_MIDDLE_Y)
change = False
boxrotz = 0;

def keyboard_input() :
	keyboard_input() est le callback du clavier, il est appelé par le spawn du premier joueur
	global last_action, first_player, change, mx, boxrotz;
	cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController();
	own = cont.owner;
	sens = cont.sensors[0];

	change = False; # doit etre placé à vrai si l'utilisateur effectue un déplacement
Exemplo n.º 20
import Rasterizer
cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
player = cont.getOwner()
mousemove = cont.getSensor('mousemove')


player.mouseX = mousemove.getXPosition()
player.mouseY = mousemove.getYPosition()
player.moveX = 0.0
player.moveY = 0.0

shoulderipo = cont.getActuator('shoulderipo')
playerrot = cont.getActuator('playerrot')
shoulder = shoulderipo.getOwner()
player.deltaMouseX =  player.mouseX - (Rasterizer.getWindowWidth() / 2)
player.deltaMouseY = player.mouseY - (Rasterizer.getWindowHeight() / 2)
player.moveX= (player.deltaMouseX - player.moveX) * player.mousefilter
player.moveY= (player.deltaMouseY - player.moveY) * player.mousefilter

player.rot -= (player.moveX * player.sensitivity)
shoulder.pitch -= (player.moveY * player.sensitivity)
GameLogic.addActiveActuator(playerrot, 1)
GameLogic.addActiveActuator(shoulderipo, 1)
Rasterizer.setMousePosition(Rasterizer.getWindowWidth() / 2, Rasterizer.getWindowHeight() / 2)
Exemplo n.º 21
def gameWindow(Rasterizer):
    # get the size of the screen
    width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
    return (width, height)
Exemplo n.º 22
import bge
import GameLogic
import Rasterizer

gameWidth = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
gameHeight = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()

directionXAxis = -1
directionYAxis = -1

controller = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
owner = controller.owner
parent = owner.parent
mouse = controller.sensors['Mouse']

Rasterizer.setMousePosition(int(gameWidth/2), int(gameHeight/2))

sensitivity = 0.0020

mousePositionX = mouse.position[0] - gameWidth/2
mousePositionY = mouse.position[1] - gameHeight/2

# fix mouse drift on subpixel positions
if mousePositionX == -0.5:
    mousePositionX = 0
if mousePositionY == -0.5:
    mousePositionY = 0

rotXAxis = (mousePositionX * directionXAxis) * sensitivity
rotYAxis = (mousePositionY * directionYAxis) * sensitivity
Exemplo n.º 23
def initialize(own, starting_ori, scene):
    #get parameters ofr experiment
    aux = open(own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\VRparams.txt', 'r')
    GameLogic.globalDict['params'] = aux.read()

    # Iniziation label
    own['init'] = 1
    GameLogic.globalDict['num_trials'] = float(
    print('Number of trials:')

    #put the pointer in the center of the screen
    width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
    height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
    Rasterizer.setMousePosition(math.floor(width / 2), math.floor(height / 2))

    #save the starting orientation and position
    starting_ori.orientation = own.orientation
    starting_ori.position = own.position
    #control if the user wants to send commands to the PUMP
    GameLogic.globalDict['pump_control'] = own['pump']
    #control if the user wants to send data through a second port
    GameLogic.globalDict['send'] = own['send_info']
    #control if the user wants to send commands to the airpuff device
    GameLogic.globalDict['airpuff_control'] = own['airpuff']
    #counting trials
    GameLogic.globalDict['contadorTrials'] = 0
    # Starting point of the last trial.
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastTrial'] = -100
    # Starting point of the last trial.
    GameLogic.globalDict['trial_duration'] = float(
    # distance between the mouse and the object
    GameLogic.globalDict['distance_mouse_obj'] = float(
    #different walls
    invariance_exp = float(ops.get_data_from_VRparams('invariance'))
    if invariance_exp:
        GameLogic.globalDict['background_walls'] = [
            'backgroundObject', 'backgroundObject_dots',
        GameLogic.globalDict['triangleWalls'] = [
            'wallTriangles', 'wallTriangles_dots', 'wallTriangles_stripes'
        GameLogic.globalDict['circleWalls'] = [
            'wallCircles', 'wallCircles_dots', 'wallCircles_stripes'
        GameLogic.globalDict['background_walls'] = ['backgroundObject']
        GameLogic.globalDict['triangleWalls'] = ['wallTriangles']
        GameLogic.globalDict['circleWalls'] = ['wallCircles']

    #the object to be rewarded can be changed
    rewardedObject = ops.get_data_from_VRparams('rewardedObject')
    if rewardedObject == 'triangle':
        GameLogic.globalDict['rewarded_objectList'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        GameLogic.globalDict['punished_objectList'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        GameLogic.globalDict['reinforcementWall'] = 'reinforcementWallTriangle'
        GameLogic.globalDict['refferenceRewardLeft'] = 0
    elif rewardedObject == 'circle':
        GameLogic.globalDict['rewarded_objectList'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        GameLogic.globalDict['punished_objectList'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        GameLogic.globalDict['reinforcementWall'] = 'reinforcementWallCircle'
        GameLogic.globalDict['refferenceRewardLeft'] = math.pi

    #position of the side white walls
    GameLogic.globalDict['sideWhiteWalls_pos'] = float(
    right_whiteWall = scene.objects['WhiteWallRight']
    left_whiteWall = scene.objects['WhiteWallLeft']
    right_whiteWall.position[1] = starting_ori.position[
        1] + GameLogic.globalDict['sideWhiteWalls_pos'] * GameLogic.globalDict[
            'distance_mouse_obj'] - 85
    left_whiteWall.position[1] = starting_ori.position[
        1] + GameLogic.globalDict['sideWhiteWalls_pos'] * GameLogic.globalDict[
            'distance_mouse_obj'] - 85

    #place the reinforcement walls
    reinforcementWall = scene.objects[
    reinforcementWall.position[0] = -70
    reinforcementWall.position[1] = 124.06228
    reinforcementWall.position[2] = 17
    GameLogic.globalDict['background_object_margin'] = 6
    reinforcementWallBackground = scene.objects['reinforcementWallBackground']
    reinforcementWallBackground.position[0] = -53.84418
    reinforcementWallBackground.position[1] = reinforcementWall.position[
        1] + GameLogic.globalDict['background_object_margin']
    reinforcementWallBackground.position[2] = reinforcementWall.position[2]

    # this controls how far I put the white walls
    GameLogic.globalDict['walls_margin'] = 6
    # front wall margin
    GameLogic.globalDict['background_object_Z'] = -4
    GameLogic.globalDict['wall_Z_component'] = 10
    #this controls how much to the sides the (invisible) reward objects is placed
    GameLogic.globalDict['sideDisplacementWalls'] = float(
    #this controls how much to the sides the background walls objects is placed
    GameLogic.globalDict['sideDisplacementbackgroundWalls'] = 19
    # threshold for ending the trial as a fraction of the initial distance between the mouse and the front wall
    y_th = float(ops.get_data_from_VRparams('zone.depth_hit'))
    GameLogic.globalDict['y_th_hit'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        'distance_mouse_obj'] * (1 - y_th) + starting_ori.position[1]
    y_th = float(ops.get_data_from_VRparams('zone.depth_fail'))
    GameLogic.globalDict['y_th_fail'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        'distance_mouse_obj'] * (1 - y_th) + starting_ori.position[1]
    x_th = float(ops.get_data_from_VRparams('zone.width'))
        'x_th'] = x_th * GameLogic.globalDict['sideDisplacementWalls']
    #this is used to project the mouse's position along its orientation (0 means that we will just use the original position)
    GameLogic.globalDict['length_effective_position'] = 0
    #this controls how close the mouse needs to be to the front wall for the trial to be considered fail
    GameLogic.globalDict['marginFail'] = 10
    #this is to control that we don't present to many times in a row one side
    GameLogic.globalDict['sides_mat'] = []
    GameLogic.globalDict['numb_data_pseudoRandom'] = 3
    #this will keep the measure perfomance. I will take as right trial any in which the mouse finish on the reward side, even if he doesn't get the water.
    GameLogic.globalDict['performance_history'] = []

    #object list
    GameLogic.globalDict['objects_list'] = ['TriangleSphereWall']
    #flip list (every object can be presented as it is or twisted 180 degrees)
    GameLogic.globalDict['flip_list'] = [0, math.pi]
    #Control the presentation of reward
    GameLogic.globalDict['manualControlPresentation'] = 0
    GameLogic.globalDict['LeftRight'] = 0

    #pump veolcity
    GameLogic.globalDict['pump_velocity'] = float(
    # Time 0
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempo0'] = time.clock()
    #experiment duration
    GameLogic.globalDict['expDuration'] = float(
    # Last reward time. Moment in which the last reward was given
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastReward'] = -100
    # Last reward time. Moment in which the last reward was given
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastPunishment'] = -100
    # last reinforcement-presentation time. Moment in which the rewarded object was presented to help association with the water.
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastReinforcement'] = -100
    # expectation presentation time.
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastExpectation'] = -100
    #duration of the expectation period
    GameLogic.globalDict['durationExpectationPeriod'] = float(
    #probability of expectation trial
    GameLogic.globalDict['expectactionProb'] = float(
    #this controls whether we use a spatial threshold to trigger the end of the expectation trial
    GameLogic.globalDict['spatial_threshold'] = float(
    #the spatial threhold
        'exp_th'] = GameLogic.globalDict['distance_mouse_obj'] * (1 - float(
            ops.get_data_from_VRparams('exp_th'))) + starting_ori.position[1]
    # Reward time. Duration of the reward.
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoReward'] = float(
    # Reward time. Duration of the reward.
    GameLogic.globalDict['afterReward_blackWall_duration'] = float(
    # Duration of the punishment.
    GameLogic.globalDict['punishment_duration'] = float(
    #time spent in the reinforcement corridor
    GameLogic.globalDict['time_reinforcement'] = float(
    GameLogic.globalDict['endOfTrialDuration'] = 1000
    #threshold for turning
    GameLogic.globalDict['turning_angle'] = float(
    # sensitiviy for turning
    GameLogic.globalDict['turnSensitivity'] = float(
    # sensitivity for moving back and forward
    GameLogic.globalDict['backForwardSensitivity'] = float(
    # This variable controls if I have given reward and I need to stop the PUMP. No reward at the begining
    GameLogic.globalDict['reward'] = 0
    # This variable controls if the game is on timeout
    GameLogic.globalDict['timeOut'] = 0
    #this variable controls if the game is on timeout during the reinforcement
    GameLogic.globalDict['timeOutReinforcement'] = 0
    #this variable controls if the game is on timeout during the expectation control
    GameLogic.globalDict['timeOutExpectation'] = 0
    #Window to average turning
    GameLogic.globalDict['turn_history'] = [0]
    GameLogic.globalDict['backForward_history'] = [0]
    #length of the average window
    GameLogic.globalDict['average_window'] = 60
    #this is to control that we didn't close the program yet
    GameLogic.globalDict['still_open'] = 1
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    GameLogic.globalDict['now'] = now
    #here I will save the position of the mouse at every moment. And, when close it, I will save it.
    GameLogic.globalDict['file'] = open(
        own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\' + str(now.year) + '_' +
        str(now.month) + '_' + str(now.day) + '_' + str(now.hour) + '.txt',
    GameLogic.globalDict['summary'] = open(
        own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\' + str(now.year) + '_' +
        str(now.month) + '_' + str(now.day) + '_' + str(now.hour) +
        'summary.txt', 'w')
    GameLogic.globalDict['raw_velocity'] = open(
        own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\' + str(now.year) + '_' +
        str(now.month) + '_' + str(now.day) + '_' + str(now.hour) +
        'raw_velocity.txt', 'w')
    GameLogic.globalDict['passive_stim_seq'] = open(
        own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\' + str(now.year) + '_' +
        str(now.month) + '_' + str(now.day) + '_' + str(now.hour) +
        'passive_stim.txt', 'w')
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'] = open(
        own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\' + own['mouse_id'] + '_log.txt',

    #PASSIVE STIM parameters
    GameLogic.globalDict['passive_trials'] = 0
    GameLogic.globalDict['circle_counter'] = 0
    GameLogic.globalDict['triangle_counter'] = 0
    GameLogic.globalDict['passive_stim'] = 0
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastStim'] = -100
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastBlackWall'] = -100
    GameLogic.globalDict['stimDuration'] = float(
    GameLogic.globalDict['blackWallDuration'] = float(
    GameLogic.globalDict['numPassiveTrials'] = float(
    GameLogic.globalDict['blackWallDurJitter'] = float(
    aux = float(ops.get_data_from_VRparams('mousePosPassiveStim'))
    GameLogic.globalDict['mousePosPassiveStim'] = GameLogic.globalDict[
        'distance_mouse_obj'] * (1 - aux) + starting_ori.position[1]
    GameLogic.globalDict['stims_mat'] = []
    GameLogic.globalDict['numb_data_pseudoRandom_passStim'] = int(

    # create my serial ports: ser communicates with simulink and PUMP does with the PUMP
    if GameLogic.globalDict['send']:
        GameLogic.globalDict['ser'] = serial.Serial(port='\\.\COM5',

    if GameLogic.globalDict['pump_control']:
        GameLogic.globalDict['PUMP'] = serial.Serial(port='\\.\COM3',
        word = 'rat ' + str(GameLogic.globalDict['pump_velocity']) + '\r\n'
        #save commands sent to the pump
        GameLogic.globalDict['PUMP_commands'] = open(
            own['folder'] + own['mouse_id'] + '\\' + str(now.year) + '_' +
            str(now.month) + '_' + str(now.day) + '_' + str(now.hour) +
            'PUMP_commands.txt', 'w')
        word = "".join(
            ['RAT', str(GameLogic.globalDict['pump_velocity']), '\n'])
        word = 'dir_inf \n'
        word = '----------------------\n'
    if GameLogic.globalDict['airpuff_control']:
        GameLogic.globalDict['airPuff'] = serial.Serial(port='\\.\COM6',
    # I am going to send the environment properties: maze and goal.
    # First, I get the time (see 'goal')
    tiempo = time.clock() - GameLogic.globalDict['tiempo0']
    GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoLastTrial'] = tiempo
    # I write on the file all the data about the experiment
    word = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'date' + ' ' + str(now.day) + '_' + str(now.month) + '_' + str(
        now.year) + ' ' + str(now.hour)
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'rewarded_obj' + ' ' + rewardedObject
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'num_trials' + ' ' + str(GameLogic.globalDict['num_trials'])
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'trial_dur' + ' ' + str(GameLogic.globalDict['trial_duration'])
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'rew_duration' + ' ' + str(GameLogic.globalDict['tiempoReward'])
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'punishment_duration' + ' ' + str(
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'turn_sens' + ' ' + str(GameLogic.globalDict['turnSensitivity'])
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'BF_sens' + ' ' + str(
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')
    word = 'protocolo' + ' ' + '170312'
    GameLogic.globalDict['log'].write(word + '\n')

    first_time = 1
    [reward_position, background] = ops.next_reward_position()
    ops.new_trial(reward_position, own, scene, starting_ori, first_time,
                  GameLogic.globalDict['refferenceRewardLeft'], background)