Exemplo n.º 1
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the matrix from the form data
    R = fs.matrix
    # get the stationary distribution of the rate matrix
        v = RateMatrix.get_stationary_distribution(R.tolist())
    except RateMatrix.RateMatrixError as e:
        msg = 'error calculating the stationary distribution: ' + str(e)
        raise HandlingError(msg)
    # for each pair of entries, check the detailed balance equation
    table_rows = []
    for i, pi_i in enumerate(v):
        for j, pi_j in enumerate(v):
            r_ij = R[i][j]
            r_ji = R[j][i]
            if pi_i * r_ij != pi_j * r_ji:
                row = []
                row.append(abs(math.log(pi_i * r_ij) - math.log(pi_j * r_ji)))
                row.extend([pi_i, pi_j, r_ij, r_ji])
    # write some stuff
    out = StringIO()
    if table_rows:
        # get the detailed balance html rows
        detailed_balance_rows = []
        for row in reversed(list(sorted(table_rows))):
            detailed_balance_rows.append(''.join('<td>' + str(value) + '</td>'
                                                 for value in row))
        # get the header row
        header_entries = []
        header_row = ''.join('<th>%s</th>' % entry for entry in header_entries)
        # show detailed balance equation results
        print >> out, '<p>'
        print >> out, 'This table shows each state pair for which the detailed balance equation is not satisfied exactly.'
        print >> out, '</p>'
        print >> out, '<html>'
        print >> out, '<body>'
        print >> out, '<table>'
        print >> out, '<tr>' + header_row + '</tr>'
        for row in detailed_balance_rows:
            print >> out, '<tr>' + row + '</tr>'
        print >> out, '</table>'
        print >> out, '</body>'
        print >> out, '</html>'
        print >> out, '<html><body>'
        print >> out, 'All detailed balance equations are satisfied for this rate matrix.'
        print >> out, '</body></html>'
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the matrix from the form data
    R = fs.matrix
    # get the stationary distribution of the rate matrix
        v = RateMatrix.get_stationary_distribution(R.tolist())
    except RateMatrix.RateMatrixError as e:
        msg = 'error calculating the stationary distribution: ' + str(e)
        raise HandlingError(msg)
    # return the stationary distribution string
    return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in v) + '\n'
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the matrix from the form data
    R = fs.matrix
    # get the stationary distribution of the rate matrix
        v = RateMatrix.get_stationary_distribution(R.tolist())
    except RateMatrix.RateMatrixError as e:
        msg = 'error calculating the stationary distribution: ' + str(e)
        raise HandlingError(msg)
    # for each pair of entries, check the detailed balance equation
    table_rows = []
    for i, pi_i in enumerate(v):
        for j, pi_j in enumerate(v):
            r_ij = R[i][j]
            r_ji = R[j][i]
            if pi_i*r_ij != pi_j*r_ji:
                row = []
                row.append(abs(math.log(pi_i * r_ij) - math.log(pi_j * r_ji)))
                row.extend([pi_i, pi_j, r_ij, r_ji])
    # write some stuff
    out = StringIO()
    if table_rows:
        # get the detailed balance html rows
        detailed_balance_rows = []
        for row in reversed(list(sorted(table_rows))):
            detailed_balance_rows.append(''.join('<td>' + str(value) + '</td>' for value in row))
        # get the header row
        header_entries = []
        header_row = ''.join('<th>%s</th>' % entry for entry in header_entries)
        # show detailed balance equation results
        print >> out, '<p>'
        print >> out, 'This table shows each state pair for which the detailed balance equation is not satisfied exactly.'
        print >> out, '</p>'
        print >> out, '<html>'
        print >> out, '<body>'
        print >> out, '<table>'
        print >> out, '<tr>' + header_row + '</tr>'
        for row in detailed_balance_rows:
            print >> out, '<tr>' + row + '</tr>'
        print >> out, '</table>'
        print >> out, '</body>'
        print >> out, '</html>'
        print >> out, '<html><body>'
        print >> out, 'All detailed balance equations are satisfied for this rate matrix.'
        print >> out, '</body></html>'
    # return the response
    return out.getvalue()
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the matrix from the form data
    R = fs.matrix
    # get the stationary distribution of the rate matrix
        v = RateMatrix.get_stationary_distribution(R.tolist())
    except RateMatrix.RateMatrixError as e:
        msg = 'error calculating the stationary distribution: ' + str(e)
        raise HandlingError(msg)
    # return the stationary distribution string
    return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in v) + '\n'