Exemplo n.º 1
def run_gait(gait_name, time_scale = 1.0, run_time = 10.0):
    robot = RobotPi()

    gait_function = get_gait(gait_name)
    #scaled_gait_function = scaleTime(gait_function, 1.0 / gait_speed)
              runSeconds = run_time,
              resetFirst = False,
              #interpBegin = 2.0,
              #interpEnd = 2.0,
              interpBegin = 0.0,
              interpEnd = 0.0,
              timeScale = time_scale)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv):
	#parse arguments
	#python UsingANN.py neuralnetworkfile [commandRate(default =40)]
	#check for the right number of arguments
	if (len(argv)<1):
		print"\nMust provide neural network file name"

	nnfile = argv[0] + '.txt'

	commandRate = -1
		commandRate = float(argv[1])
	#open log file for writing
	logfile = 'log'
		logfile = argv[2]+ '.txt'
	f = open(logfile, 'w')
	f.write("Start logging...")

	#Creating the Neural Network using a text file
	testann = ANN(1)
	#Loading the ANN with 0s initially
	print "\nLoading the ANN [0, 0, 0, 0]"
	inputvals = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
	#initilize the neural network using CTRNN_Controller()
	print "\nUsing CTRNN_Controller: dt = .02"
	nnoutput = testann.CTRNN_Controller(.02)

	for node in nnoutput:
		print node.get_output()

	robot = RobotPi()#Query Aracna on current sensors
		robot = RobotPi(commandRate)
	val  = "\nneural network file: {0}\ncommandRate: {1}".format(nnfile, commandRate)
	line  = str(val)
	commanded_pos = []

		#Query Aracna on current sensors
		#old_pos = current_pos
		current_pos = robot.readCurrentPosition()#returns a list of 8 servo positions
		val = "\ncurrent_pos: {0}".format(current_pos)
		line = str(val)
		#if(commanded_pos is empty) load and activate NN
		#pos = [right hip, right knee, back hip, back knee, front hip, front knee, left hip, left knee]
		#sensors = [right knee, back knee, front knee, left knee]
		print "\nafter reading current pos\t", current_pos
        	for ii in range(0, 1):
        		sensors = []
        		for i in [0, 2, 4, 6]:
	        		current_pos[i] = max(min(MAX_HIP, current_pos[i]), MIN_HIP) #restrict servo pos [0, 1024]
	        		current_pos[i+1] = max(min(MIN_KNEE, current_pos[i+1]), MAX_KNEE)#restrict servo pos [1024, 0]
	        		value  = knee_to_NN(current_pos[i+1])#convert to neural network sensor bounds [-20, 20] degrees
			#sensors.append(value* (M_PI/180.0)) #convert to radian
			sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[3])*(M_PI/180.0)) #back knee
			sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[5])*(M_PI/180.0)) #front knee
			sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[1])*(M_PI/180.0)) #right knee
			sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[7])*(M_PI/180.0)) #left knee
			#Load sensors into ANN
			#Get ANN nnoutput [0, 1] 
			''' [0] back knee
                	[1] back outhip
               	 	[2] back hip =0.0
                	[3] front hip =0.0
                	[4] front outhip 
                	[5] front knee
                	[6] right knee
                	[7] right outhip
                	[8] right hip = 0.0
                	[9] left hip = 0.0
                	[10] left outhip
                	[11] left '''
             		#print "\nPropagating the ANN"
			nnoutput = testann.output_NN(.01)
			'''current_pos[3] = knee_to_POS(nnoutput[0].get_output()) #back knee
                	current_pos[5] = knee_to_POS(nnoutput[5].get_output()) #front knee
                	current_pos[1] = knee_to_POS(nnoutput[6].get_output()) #right knee
                	current_pos[7]= knee_to_POS(nnoutput[11].get_output()) #left knee
		#Map nnoutput from [0, 1] to actual servo pos
		#print "nnoutput" 
		#for node in nnoutput:
                	#print node.get_output()
		desired_pos = []
		#desired_pos[0] = MIN_NNKNEE + (MAX_NNKNEE-MIN_NNKNEE)*nnoutput[0] #right knee [-20, 20]
		#output [back knee, back hip, 0.0, fro
		desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[7].get_output())*2) #right hip convert from [0, 1] to [0, 1024]
		desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[6].get_output())*2) #right knee convert from [0, 1] to [1024, 0]
		desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[1].get_output())*2)#back hip 
		desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[0].get_output())*2) #back knee
		desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[4].get_output())*2) #front hip
		desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[5].get_output())*2) #front knee
		desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[10].get_output())*2) #left hip
		desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[11].get_output())*2) #left knee
		#current_pos = desired_pos
		#for node in nnoutput:
                 #       print node.get_output() 
		#Move Aracna using nn output
		#if (is_reached(current_pos, commanded_pos)
		print"desired_pos", desired_pos
		val = "\tdesired_pos: {0}".format( desired_pos)
		line = str(val)
		robot.commandPosition(desired_pos, False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(argv):

    #parse arguments
    #python UsingANN.py neuralnetworkfile [commandRate(default =40)]
    #check for the right number of arguments
    if (len(argv) < 1):
        print "\nMust provide neural network file name"

    nnfile = argv[0] + '.txt'

    commandRate = -1
    if (len(argv) > 1):
        commandRate = float(argv[1])

    #open log file for writing
    logfile = 'log'
    if (len(argv) > 2):
        logfile = argv[2] + '.txt'
    f = open(logfile, 'w')
    f.write("Start logging...")

    #Creating the Neural Network using a text file
    testann = ANN(1)
    #Loading the ANN with 0s initially
    print "\nLoading the ANN [0, 0, 0, 0]"
    inputvals = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    #initilize the neural network using CTRNN_Controller()
    print "\nUsing CTRNN_Controller: dt = .02"
    nnoutput = testann.CTRNN_Controller(.02)

    for node in nnoutput:
        print node.get_output()

    robot = RobotPi()  #Query Aracna on current sensors
    if (commandRate > 0):
        robot = RobotPi(commandRate)

    val = "\nneural network file: {0}\ncommandRate: {1}".format(
        nnfile, commandRate)
    line = str(val)
    commanded_pos = []

    while (True):
        #Query Aracna on current sensors
        #old_pos = current_pos
        current_pos = robot.readCurrentPosition(
        )  #returns a list of 8 servo positions
        val = "\ncurrent_pos: {0}".format(current_pos)
        line = str(val)
        #if(commanded_pos is empty) load and activate NN
        #pos = [right hip, right knee, back hip, back knee, front hip, front knee, left hip, left knee]
        #sensors = [right knee, back knee, front knee, left knee]
        print "\nafter reading current pos\t", current_pos
        for ii in range(0, 1):
            sensors = []
            for i in [0, 2, 4, 6]:
                current_pos[i] = max(min(MAX_HIP, current_pos[i]),
                                     MIN_HIP)  #restrict servo pos [0, 1024]
                current_pos[i +
                            1] = max(min(MIN_KNEE, current_pos[i + 1]),
                                     MAX_KNEE)  #restrict servo pos [1024, 0]
                value = knee_to_NN(
                    current_pos[i + 1]
                )  #convert to neural network sensor bounds [-20, 20] degrees
        #sensors.append(value* (M_PI/180.0)) #convert to radian
            sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[3]) *
                           (M_PI / 180.0))  #back knee
            sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[5]) *
                           (M_PI / 180.0))  #front knee
            sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[1]) *
                           (M_PI / 180.0))  #right knee
            sensors.append(knee_to_NN(current_pos[7]) *
                           (M_PI / 180.0))  #left knee
            #Load sensors into ANN
            #Get ANN nnoutput [0, 1]
            ''' [0] back knee
                	[1] back outhip
               	 	[2] back hip =0.0
                	[3] front hip =0.0
                	[4] front outhip 
                	[5] front knee
                	[6] right knee
                	[7] right outhip
                	[8] right hip = 0.0
                	[9] left hip = 0.0
                	[10] left outhip
                	[11] left '''
            #print "\nPropagating the ANN"
            nnoutput = testann.output_NN(.01)
            '''current_pos[3] = knee_to_POS(nnoutput[0].get_output()) #back knee
                	current_pos[5] = knee_to_POS(nnoutput[5].get_output()) #front knee
                	current_pos[1] = knee_to_POS(nnoutput[6].get_output()) #right knee
                	current_pos[7]= knee_to_POS(nnoutput[11].get_output()) #left knee
        #Map nnoutput from [0, 1] to actual servo pos
        #print "nnoutput"
        #for node in nnoutput:
        #print node.get_output()
        desired_pos = []
        #desired_pos[0] = MIN_NNKNEE + (MAX_NNKNEE-MIN_NNKNEE)*nnoutput[0] #right knee [-20, 20]
        #output [back knee, back hip, 0.0, fro
        desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[7].get_output()) *
                           2)  #right hip convert from [0, 1] to [0, 1024]
        desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[6].get_output()) *
                           2)  #right knee convert from [0, 1] to [1024, 0]

        desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[1].get_output()) * 2)  #back hip
        desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[0].get_output()) *
                           2)  #back knee

        desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[4].get_output()) *
                           2)  #front hip
        desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[5].get_output()) *
                           2)  #front knee

        desired_pos.append(hip_to_POS(nnoutput[10].get_output()) *
                           2)  #left hip
        desired_pos.append(knee_to_POS(nnoutput[11].get_output()) *
                           2)  #left knee
        #current_pos = desired_pos
        #for node in nnoutput:
        #       print node.get_output()
        #Move Aracna using nn output
        #if (is_reached(current_pos, commanded_pos)
        print "desired_pos", desired_pos
        val = "\tdesired_pos: {0}".format(desired_pos)
        line = str(val)
        robot.commandPosition(desired_pos, False)
Exemplo n.º 4
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/eric/Documents/Aracna/WindowsClone')

from RobotPi import *
from PiConstants import POS_READY
from math import *

import copy

Created on Jan 31, 2013

@author: Eric Gold

def sinWave():
    r = 300
    p = .5
    f = lambda t: (sin(t/p)*r+r,40,770,40,770,40,770,40)
    return f
if __name__ == '__main__':
    robot = RobotPi()
    f = sinWave()
    print "Beginning run"
Exemplo n.º 5
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/eric/Documents/Aracna/WindowsClone')

from RobotPi import *
from PiConstants import POS_READY
from math import *

import copy
Created on Jan 31, 2013

@author: Eric Gold

def sinWave():
    r = 300
    p = .5
    f = lambda t: (sin(t / p) * r + r, 40, 770, 40, 770, 40, 770, 40)
    return f

if __name__ == '__main__':
    robot = RobotPi()
    f = sinWave()
    print "Beginning run"
    robot.run(f, runSeconds=50)