Exemplo n.º 1
def fDefend(team):
    Formation for one missing field player
    # gets teammate that is chaser (could be me)
    chaser_mate = team.determineChaser()
    # if i am chaser
    if chaser_mate.playerNumber == team.brain.my.playerNumber:
        team.me.role = PBConstants.CHASER
        return ["fOneDown"] + Roles.rChaser(team)

    other_teammates = team.getNonChaserTeammates(chaser_mate)
    # get fellow teammate who isn't chaser
    for mate in other_teammates:
        if not mate.inactive:
            otherMate = mate
            mate.role = PBConstants.OFFENDER

    defInfo = Roles.rDefender(team)
    defPlayer = team.determineSupporter([otherMate], defInfo)

    if defPlayer.playerNumber == team.brain.my.playerNumber:
        return ["fOneDownDefend"] + defInfo
    return ["fOneDownDefend"] + Roles.rMiddie(team)
Exemplo n.º 2
def aggressive_defense(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball):
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)

    if me.ally1:
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.defensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
        if   section == 1:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball) #This used to be offensive defender, but i want to see the goalie do it's thing
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 3
def aggressive_offense(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball):
    global _beginning_trick_shot
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)

    if me.ally1:
        # if not Plays.beginning_trick_shot_done():
        #     return Plays.shoot_off_the_wall(me, ball)
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
        if   section == 1:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball) #This used to be offensive defender, but i want to see the goalie do it's thing
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 4
def passive_aggressive(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball): #AKA, mild offense/defense
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)

    if me.ally1:
        if   section == 1:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.neutral_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.neutral_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
        if   section == 1:
            return Roles.neutral_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.neutral_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 5
def fOneDown(team):
    Formation for one missing field player
    # gets teammate that is chaser (could be me)
    chaser_mate = team.determineChaser()
    # if i am chaser
    if chaser_mate.playerNumber == team.brain.my.playerNumber:
        team.me.role = PBConstants.CHASER
        return ["fOneDown"] + Roles.rChaser(team)
        other_teammates = team.getNonChaserTeammates(chaser_mate)
        # If two robots are inactive, we become defender
        team.me.role = PBConstants.DEFENDER
        other_teammates[0].role = PBConstants.OFFENDER
        other_teammates[1].role = PBConstants.MIDDIE
        return ["fOneDown"] + Roles.rDefender(team)
Exemplo n.º 6
def fKickoffPlay(team):
    """time immediately after kickoff"""
    if team.brain.my.playerNumber == 2:
        return ["fKickoffPlay", PBConstants.DEFENDER] + SubRoles.pKickoffPlaySweeper(team)
    elif team.brain.my.playerNumber == 3:
        return ["fKickoffPlay"] + Roles.rChaser(team)
    # elif team.brain.my.playerNumber == 4:
        return ["fKickoffPlay", PBConstants.OFFENDER] + SubRoles.pKickoffPlayStriker(team)
Exemplo n.º 7
def fSpread(team):
    # gets teammate that is chaser (could be me)
    chaser_mate = team.determineChaser()
    chaser_mate.role = PBConstants.CHASER

    # if i am chaser
    if chaser_mate.playerNumber == team.brain.my.playerNumber:
        return ["fSpread"] + Roles.rChaser(team)

    # We now figure out the roles of non-chasers
    posPlayers = team.getNonChaserTeammates(chaser_mate)

    # Get where the defender should be
    defInfo = Roles.rDefender(team)
    defPlayer = team.determineSupporter(posPlayers, defInfo)

    if defPlayer.playerNumber == team.brain.my.playerNumber:
        return ["fSpread"] + defInfo

    return ["fSpread"] + Roles.rOffender(team)
Exemplo n.º 8
def one_on_one(me, opponent1, ball):
    my_teammate = None
    opponent2 = None
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)
    # print ("section = {}" .format(section))
    # if Utilities.i_am_stuck(me):
    #     return Skills.get_unstuck(me)
    # else:
        # if not Plays.beginning_trick_shot_done():
        #     return Plays.shoot_off_the_wall(me, ball)
    if   section == 1:
        return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball, True)
    elif section == 2:
        return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball, True)
    elif section == 3:
        return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball, True)
    elif section == 4:
        return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball, True)
        return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat) #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 9
def fTwoKickoff(team):
    Kickoff for only two field players
    other_teammate = team.getOtherActiveTeammate()
    if team.me.playerNumber > other_teammate.playerNumber:
        team.me.role = PBConstants.CHASER
        return ["fTwoKickoff"] + (Roles.rChaser(team))
        team.me.role = PBConstants.DEFENDER
        return ["fTwoKickoff", PBConstants.DEFENDER] + SubRoles.pKickoffSweeper(team)
Exemplo n.º 10
def fKickoff(team):
    """time immediately after kickoff"""
    if team.me.playerNumber == 2:
        team.me.role = PBConstants.DEFENDER
        return ["fKickoff", PBConstants.DEFENDER] + SubRoles.pKickoffSweeper(team)
    elif team.me.playerNumber == 3:
        team.me.role = PBConstants.CHASER
        return ["fKickoff"] + Roles.rChaser(team)
    elif team.playerNumber == 4:
        team.me.role = PBConstants.OFFENDER
        return ["fKickoff", PBConstants.OFFENDER] + SubRoles.pKickoffStriker(team)
Exemplo n.º 11
def one_on_one(me, opponent1, ball):
    my_teammate = None
    opponent2 = None
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)
    # print ("section = {}" .format(section))
    # if Utilities.i_am_stuck(me):
    #     return Skills.get_unstuck(me)
    # else:
    # if not Plays.beginning_trick_shot_done():
    #     return Plays.shoot_off_the_wall(me, ball)
    if section == 1:
        return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2,
                                      ball, True)
    elif section == 2:
        return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2,
                                        ball, True)
    elif section == 3:
        return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2,
                                        ball, True)
    elif section == 4:
        return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2,
                                        ball, True)
        return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat)  #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 12
def aggressive_offense(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball):
    global _beginning_trick_shot
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)

    if me.ally1:
        # if not Plays.beginning_trick_shot_done():
        #     return Plays.shoot_off_the_wall(me, ball)
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat
                    )  #default, returns current pos
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(
                me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball
            )  #This used to be offensive defender, but i want to see the goalie do it's thing
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.offensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat
                    )  #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 13
def aggressive_defense(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball):
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)

    if me.ally1:
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.defensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat
                    )  #default, returns current pos
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.offensive_goalie(
                me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2, ball
            )  #This used to be offensive defender, but i want to see the goalie do it's thing
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.defensive_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                            opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat
                    )  #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 14
def passive_aggressive(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2,
                       ball):  #AKA, mild offense/defense
    section = Utilities.get_field_section(ball.xhat)

    if me.ally1:
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.neutral_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.neutral_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat
                    )  #default, returns current pos
        if section == 1:
            return Roles.neutral_goalie(me, my_teammate, opponent1, opponent2,
        elif section == 2:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 3:
            return Roles.neutral_defender(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
        elif section == 4:
            return Roles.neutral_attacker(me, my_teammate, opponent1,
                                          opponent2, ball)
            return (me.xhat, me.yhat, me.thetahat
                    )  #default, returns current pos
Exemplo n.º 15
        return await render("accounts/errors/not_in_guild.html")
    elif e == "already_own_role":
        return await render("accounts/errors/already_own_role.html")


async def not_found(e):
    return await render("not_found.html")

def check_user():
        return False
        return True


# Asyncio Running.
app.run(host=gethostbyname(gethostname()), port=80, use_reloader=False, debug=True, loop=loop, start_now=False)
Exemplo n.º 16
def fOneKickoff(team):
    kickoff for only having one field player
    team.me.role = PBConstants.CHASER
    return ["fOneKickoff"] + Roles.rChaser(team)
Exemplo n.º 17
def fTestDefender(team):
    return ["fTestDefender"] + Roles.rDefender(team)
Exemplo n.º 18
def fTestOffender(team):
    return ["fTestOffender"] + Roles.rOffender(team)
Exemplo n.º 19
def fTestMiddie(team):
    return ["fTestMiddie"] + Roles.rMiddie(team)
Exemplo n.º 20
def fTestChaser(team):
    return ["fTestChaser"] + Roles.rChaser(team)
Exemplo n.º 21
def fTwoDown(team):
    Formation for missing two robots
    return ["fTwoDown"] + Roles.rChaser(team)
Exemplo n.º 22
def fFinder(team):
    """no one knows where the ball is"""
    team.me.role = PBConstants.SEARCHER
    return ["fFinder"] + Roles.rSearcher(team)