Exemplo n.º 1
	def onBeginPlayerTurn( self, argsList ) :
		iGameTurn, iPlayer = argsList

		# Stuff at end of previous players turn
		iPrevPlayer = iPlayer - 1
		while( iPrevPlayer >= 0 and not gc.getPlayer(iPrevPlayer).isAlive() ) :
				iPrevPlayer -= 1

		if( iPrevPlayer < 0 ) :
			iPrevPlayer = gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER()

		if( iPrevPlayer >= 0 and iPrevPlayer < gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER() ) :
			iPlayer = iPrevPlayer
			pPlayer = gc.getPlayer( iPlayer )

			if( pPlayer.isAlive() and SDTK.sdObjectExists( "Revolution", pPlayer ) ) :
				#CvUtil.pyPrint("  Name - Object exists %d"%(iPlayer))
				prevCivics = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "Revolution", pPlayer, 'CivicList' )
				if( not prevCivics == None ) :
					for i in range(0,gc.getNumCivicOptionInfos()):
						if( not prevCivics[i] == pPlayer.getCivics(i) ) :
				revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "Revolution", pPlayer, 'RevolutionTurn' )
				if( not revTurn == None and game.getGameTurn() - revTurn == 30 and pPlayer.getNumCities() > 0 ) :
					# "Graduate" from rebel name
			if( pPlayer.isAlive() and SDTK.sdObjectExists( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer ) ) :
				barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'SpawnTurn' )
				if( not barbTurn == None and game.getGameTurn() - barbTurn == 30 ) :
					# "Graduate" from barb civ name
			if( pPlayer.isAlive() and not SDTK.sdObjectExists( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer )) :
				if( 'Tribe' in pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0) ) :
					if( pPlayer.getCurrentEra() > 0 or pPlayer.getTotalPopulation() >= 3 ) :
						# Graduate from game start name
						CvUtil.pyPrint("  Name - Graduating from game start name Player %d"%(iPlayer))
		# lfgr: Alliances
			if( pPlayer.isAlive() and gc.getTeam( pPlayer.getTeam() ).getNumMembers() == 2 ) :
				if( not "Alliance" in pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0) ) :
					CvUtil.pyPrint( "  Name - Changing name from Alliance of Player %d"%( iPlayer ) )
					self.setNewNameByCivics( iPlayer )
Exemplo n.º 2
	def showRevoltDictPopup( self ) :
		bodStr = ""
		for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_PLAYERS()):
			if( gc.getPlayer(idx).isEverAlive() ) :
				ePlayer = idx
				bodStr += "%d "%(idx)
				bodStr += "<color=%d,%d,%d,%d>" %(gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorR(), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorG(), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorB(), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorA())
				bodStr += "%s"%(gc.getPlayer(idx).getCivilizationShortDescription(0))
				if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( 'BarbarianCiv', gc.getPlayer(idx) ) ) :
					bodStr += " BARB (%d)"%(SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( 'BarbarianCiv', gc.getPlayer(idx), "SpawnTurn" ))
				elif( not RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'RevolutionTurn' ) == None ):
					bodStr += " REB (%d)"%(RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'RevolutionTurn' ))
				bodStr += ":  "
				for revData in RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'RevoltDict' ).values() :
					bodStr += "%d,%d ; "%(revData.iRevTurn,revData.dict.get('iRevPlayer',-1))
				bodStr += "</color>"
				bodStr += "\n"
		# if( RevolutionInit.RevolutionInst == None ) :
			# bodStr += "RevolutionInit.RevInst is None\n"
		# else :
			# bodStr += "RevolutionInit.RevInst is initialized\n"
		popup = PyPopup.PyPopup()
		popup.setBodyString( bodStr )
Exemplo n.º 3
def onTechAcquired(argsList):
	'Tech Acquired'
	iTechType, iTeam, iPlayer, bAnnounce = argsList
	# Note that iPlayer may be NULL (-1) and not a refer to a player object

	if( (iTeam >= 0) and (iTeam <= gc.getMAX_CIV_TEAMS()) ) :
		teamI = gc.getTeam(iTeam)

		if(teamI.isAlive()) :
			if( teamI.isMinorCiv() and gc.getTechInfo(iTechType).isOpenBordersTrading() ) :
				if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( 'BarbarianCiv', game ) ) :
					for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()) :
						playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)

						if( playerI.isAlive() and (playerI.getTeam() == iTeam ) ) :
							if( idx in SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", game, "AlwaysMinorList" ) ) :
								# Keep scenario minors defined in RevDefs as always minor
#				if( gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_START_AS_MINORS) ) :
				if (2 < 1):
					for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()) :
						playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)
						if( playerI.getTeam() == iTeam and playerI.isAlive() ) :
							if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( 'BarbarianCiv', playerI ) ) :
								if( SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( 'BarbarianCiv', playerI, 'SettleTurn' ) == None ) :
									# Use BarbarianCiv logic
								if( LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("SAM - Settled barb civ %s now has Writing"%(playerI.getCivilizationDescription(0)))
					if( LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("SAM - clearing minor status for team %d with Writing"%(iTeam))
					teamI.setIsMinorCiv(False, False)
					for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()) :
						playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)
						if( gc.getPlayer(idx).getTeam() == iTeam and playerI.isAlive() ) :
							if( not RevInstances.DynamicCivNamesInst == None ) : RevInstances.DynamicCivNamesInst.setNewNameByCivics( iPlayer )
							CyInterface().addMessage(iPlayer, false, gc.getDefineINT("EVENT_MESSAGE_TIME"), localText.getText("TXT_KEY_BARBCIV_DISCOVER_WRITING", ()), None, InterfaceMessageTypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_MAJOR_EVENT, None, gc.getInfoTypeForString("COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT"), -1, -1, False, False)

Exemplo n.º 4
	def onGameLoad( self, argsList ) :
		# Init things which require a game object or other game data to exist

		if( not SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectExists( "AIAutoPlay", game ) ) :
			SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectInit( "AIAutoPlay", game, {} )
			SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto", True )
		elif( SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto" ) == None ) :
			SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto", True )
Exemplo n.º 5
	def onGameLoad( self, argsList ) :
		# Init things which require a game object or other game data to exist

		if( not SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectExists( "AIAutoPlay", game ) ) :
			SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectInit( "AIAutoPlay", game, {} )
			SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto", True )
		elif( SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto" ) == None ) :
			SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto", True )
		for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()) :
			playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)
				if(not game.isForcedAIAutoPlay(idx)):
					game.setAIAutoPlay(idx, 1)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def onKbdEvent(self, argsList):
        'keypress handler'
        eventType, key, mx, my, px, py = argsList

        if (eventType == RevDefs.EventKeyDown):
            theKey = int(key)

            if (theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_X) and self.customEM.bShift
                    and self.customEM.bCtrl):
                # Get it?  Shift ... control ... to the AI
                # Lemmy101 RevolutionMP edit
                if (game.getAIAutoPlay(game.getActivePlayer()) > 0):
                        bCanCancelAuto = SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal(
                            "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto")
                        if (bCanCancelAuto is None):
                            bCanCancelAuto = True
                                "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto", True)
                        print "Error!  AIAutoPlay: Can't find bCanCancelAuto, assuming it would be True"
                        bCanCancelAuto = True

                    if (bCanCancelAuto):
                        if (self.refortify):
# END Lemmy101 RevolutionMP edit


            if (theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_M) and self.customEM.bShift
                    and self.customEM.bCtrl):
                # Toggle auto moves
                if (self.LOG_DEBUG):
                    CyInterface().addImmediateMessage("Moving your units...",
                #self.playerID = gc.getActivePlayer().getID()
                game.setAIAutoPlay(game.getActivePlayer(), 1)

            if (theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_O) and self.customEM.bShift
                    and self.customEM.bCtrl):
Exemplo n.º 7
    def onGameLoad(self, argsList):
        # Init things which require a game object or other game data to exist

        if (not SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectExists("AIAutoPlay", game)):
            SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectInit("AIAutoPlay", game, {})
            SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal("AIAutoPlay", game,
                                           "bCanCancelAuto", True)
        elif (SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal("AIAutoPlay", game,
                                             "bCanCancelAuto") == None):
            SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal("AIAutoPlay", game,
                                           "bCanCancelAuto", True)
        for idx in range(0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
            playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)
            if (playerI.isHumanDisabled()):
                if (not game.isForcedAIAutoPlay(idx)):
                    game.setAIAutoPlay(idx, 1)
Exemplo n.º 8
	def onKbdEvent( self, argsList ) :
		'keypress handler'
		eventType,key,mx,my,px,py = argsList

		if ( eventType == RevDefs.EventKeyDown ):

			if( theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_X) and self.customEM.bShift and self.customEM.bCtrl ) :
				# Get it?  Shift ... control ... to the AI
# Lemmy101 RevolutionMP edit
				if( game.getAIAutoPlay(game.getActivePlayer()) > 0 ) :
					try :
						bCanCancelAuto = SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto" )
						if( bCanCancelAuto is None ) :
							bCanCancelAuto = True
							SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectSetVal( "AIAutoPlay", game, "bCanCancelAuto", True )
					except :
						print "Error!  AIAutoPlay: Can't find bCanCancelAuto, assuming it would be True"
						bCanCancelAuto = True

					if( bCanCancelAuto ) :
						if( self.refortify ) :
							RevUtils.doRefortify( game.getActivePlayer() )
# END Lemmy101 RevolutionMP edit
				else :

			if( theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_M) and self.customEM.bShift and self.customEM.bCtrl ) :
				# Toggle auto moves
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CyInterface().addImmediateMessage("Moving your units...","")
				#self.playerID = gc.getActivePlayer().getID()
				game.setAIAutoPlay( game.getActivePlayer(), 1 )

			if( theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_O) and self.customEM.bShift and self.customEM.bCtrl ) :
				RevUtils.doRefortify( game.getActivePlayer() )
Exemplo n.º 9
def revObjectGetVal( object, var ):
	if( not revObjectExists( object ) ) :
		if( isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyPlayer) ) :
			print "RevData:  Initializing player object"
			initPlayer( object )
		elif( isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyCity) ) :
			print "RevData:  Initializing city object"
			initCity( object )
		else :
			# SDTK will fail
			print "ERROR:  Not recognized: ", object
	#TODO: remove this once all have been put into data structure defs
	if( isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyPlayer) and not var in RevDefs.playerData.keys() ) :
		print "WARNING:  Unrecognized player variable ", var
	elif( isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyCity) and not var in RevDefs.cityData.keys() ) :
		print "WARNING:  Unrecognized city variable ", var
	return SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal( 'Revolution', object, var )
Exemplo n.º 10
def revObjectGetVal(object, var):
    if (not revObjectExists(object)):
        if (isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyPlayer)):
            print "RevData:  Initializing player object"
        elif (isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyCity)):
            print "RevData:  Initializing city object"
            # SDTK will fail
            print "ERROR:  Not recognized: ", object

    #TODO: remove this once all have been put into data structure defs
    if (isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyPlayer)
            and not var in RevDefs.playerData.keys()):
        print "WARNING:  Unrecognized player variable ", var
    elif (isinstance(object, CvPythonExtensions.CyCity)
          and not var in RevDefs.cityData.keys()):
        print "WARNING:  Unrecognized city variable ", var

    return SdToolKitCustom.sdObjectGetVal('Revolution', object, var)
Exemplo n.º 11
	def newNameByCivics( self, iPlayer, bVerbose = True, bForceUpdate = False ) :
		# Assigns a new name to a player based on their civics choices

		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		capital = pPlayer.getCapitalCity()
		playerEra = pPlayer.getCurrentEra()
		pTeam = gc.getTeam(pPlayer.getTeam())
		cityString = None
		if( not capital == None and not capital.isNone() ) :
			try :
				# Silly game to force ascii encoding now
				cityString =  pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
				cityString += "&" + CvUtil.convertToStr(capital.getName())
				cityString =  cityString.split('&',1)[-1]
			except :

		curDesc  = pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
		curShort = pPlayer.getCivilizationShortDescription(0)
		curAdj   = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)

		civInfo = gc.getCivilizationInfo(pPlayer.getCivilizationType())
		origDesc  = civInfo.getDescription()
		eGovCivic = pPlayer.getCivics(gc.getInfoTypeForString("CIVICOPTION_GOVERNMENT"))
		bNoRealElections = (gc.getInfoTypeForString("CIVIC_HEREDITARY_RULE") == eGovCivic or gc.getInfoTypeForString("CIVIC_HEREDITARY_RULE") == eGovCivic or gc.getInfoTypeForString("CIVIC_DESPOTISM") == eGovCivic or gc.getInfoTypeForString("CIVIC_FASCIST") == eGovCivic)
		if( not game.isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_LEAD_ANY_CIV) ) :
			if( pPlayer.getLeaderType() in LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames.keys() ) :
				[curDesc,curShort,curAdj] = LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames[pPlayer.getLeaderType()]

		newName = curDesc
		if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( "Revolution", pPlayer ) ) :
			revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "Revolution", pPlayer, 'RevolutionTurn' )
		else :
			revTurn = None

		if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer ) ) :
			barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'SpawnTurn' )
		else :
			barbTurn = None

		if( not pPlayer.isAlive() ) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is not alive")
			newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REFUGEES", ())%(curAdj)
			return [newName, curShort, curAdj]
		if( pPlayer.isRebel() ) :
			# Maintain name of rebels from Revolution Mod
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is rebel, keeping current name")
			if( bForceUpdate ) :
				return self.nameForNewPlayer(iPlayer)
			else :
				return [curDesc, curShort, curAdj]
		elif( pPlayer.isMinorCiv() and not barbTurn == None ) :
			# Maintain minor civ name
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is Minor Barb Civ, keeping current name")
			if( bForceUpdate ) :
				return self.nameForNewPlayer(iPlayer)
			else :
				return [curDesc, curShort, curAdj]
		elif( not barbTurn == None and game.getGameTurn() - barbTurn < 20 and pPlayer.getNumCities() < 4 ) :
			# Maintain name of BarbarianCiv created player
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is BarbCiv, keeping current name")
			if( bForceUpdate ) :
				return self.nameForNewPlayer(iPlayer)
			else :
				return [curDesc, curShort, curAdj]

		# Special options for teams and permanent alliances
		if( self.bTeamNaming and pTeam.getNumMembers() > 1 ) : # and pTeam.getPermanentAllianceTradingCount() > 0 ) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Multiple players on team")
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose and pTeam.getPermanentAllianceTradingCount() > 0 ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Player in Permanent Alliance")
			if( pTeam.getNumMembers() == 2 ) :
				iLeader = pTeam.getLeaderID()
				newName = gc.getPlayer(iLeader).getCivilizationAdjective(0) + "-"
				for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
					if( not idx == iLeader and gc.getPlayer(idx).getTeam() == pTeam.getID() ) :
						newName += gc.getPlayer(idx).getCivilizationAdjective(0)
				newName += u" " + localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_ALLIANCE", ())
				return [newName,curShort,curAdj]
			else :
				iLeader = pTeam.getLeaderID()
				newName = gc.getPlayer(iLeader).getCivilizationAdjective(0)[0:4]
				for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
					if( not idx == iLeader and gc.getPlayer(idx).getTeam() == pTeam.getID() ) :
						newName += gc.getPlayer(idx).getCivilizationAdjective(0)[0:3]
				newName += u" " + localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_ALLIANCE", ())
				return [newName,curShort,curAdj]
		sSocRep = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_SOC_REP", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
		sPeoplesRep = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PEOPLES_REP", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
		# Main naming conditions
		if( RevUtils.isCommunism(iPlayer) ) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is communist")
			if( RevUtils.isCanDoElections(iPlayer) and not bNoRealElections) :
				if( not bForceUpdate and (sSocRep in curDesc or sPeoplesRep in curDesc) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - keeping prior name")
					newName = curDesc
				elif( 50 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_SOC_REP", ())%(curShort)
				else :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PEOPLES_REP", ())%(curShort)
			elif( RevUtils.getDemocracyLevel(iPlayer)[0] == -8 ) :
				if( localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_RUSSIAN_MATCH", ()) in curAdj ) :
					curAdj = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_SOVIET", ())
				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_UNION", ())%(curAdj)
			else :
				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PEOPLES_REP", ())%(curShort)
		elif( RevUtils.isCanDoElections(iPlayer) and not bNoRealElections) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player can do elections")
			sRepOf = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REPUBLIC_OF", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
			sRepublic = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REPUBLIC", ())
			if( pPlayer.getNumCities() == 1 ) :
				if( not bForceUpdate and (curDesc.startswith(localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FREE", ())) or ((sRepOf in curDesc or sRepublic in curDesc) and cityString in curDesc)) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - keeping prior name")
					newName = curDesc
				elif( 40 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FREE_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
				else :
					if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10 and len(cityString) > 0) :
						if( cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort ) :
							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_REPUBLIC_OF_CITY", ())%(cityString)
						else :
							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REPUBLIC_OF_CITY", ())%(curAdj,cityString)
					else :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FREE_REPUBLIC", ())%(curAdj)
			else :
				if( not bForceUpdate and (sRepublic in curDesc and not sPeoplesRep in curDesc and not sSocRep in curDesc and curDesc.startswith(localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FREE", ()))) ) :
					if( len(curDesc) < 17 and 20 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') and not localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_NEW", ()) in curDesc ) :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_NEW", ()) + curDesc
					else :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - keeping prior name")
						newName = curDesc
				elif( 50 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REPUBLIC", ())%(curAdj)
				else :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_REPUBLIC_OF", ())%(curShort)

			if( RevUtils.isFreeSpeech(iPlayer) and RevUtils.getLaborFreedom(iPlayer)[0] > 9 ) :
				if( len(newName) < 16 and not localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FREE", ()) in newName and not localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_NEW", ()) in newName ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FREE", ()) + ' ' + newName
		elif( RevUtils.getDemocracyLevel(iPlayer)[0] == -8 ) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is police state")
			empString = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PLAIN_EMPIRE", ())
			if( localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GERMAN_MATCH", ()) in curAdj ) :
				empString = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REICH", ())
			if( not bForceUpdate and empString in curDesc ) :
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - keeping prior name")
				newName = curDesc
			elif( 70 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') and not localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REICH", ()) in empString ) :
				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_BLANK_OF", ())%(empString,curShort)
			else :
				newName = curAdj + ' ' + empString
		else :
			sGreat = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GREAT_KINGDOM", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
			sKingdom = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_KINGDOM", ())
			if( RevUtils.getDemocracyLevel(iPlayer)[0] == -6 ) :

				if( pTeam.isAVassal() ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is a vassal")
					sKingdom = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_DUCHY", ())
				else :
					if( localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PERSIAN_MATCH", ()) in curAdj or localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_OTTOMAN_MATCH", ()) in curAdj or localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_SUMERIAN_MATCH", ()) in curAdj ) :
						sKingdom = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_SULTANATE", ())
					elif( localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_ARABIAN_MATCH", ()) in curAdj ) :
						sKingdom = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CALIPHATE", ())
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is in monarchy")
				if( pPlayer.getNumCities() < 4 ) :
					if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10 and len(cityString) > 0 ) :
						if( cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort ) :
							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_BLANK_OF_CITY", ())%(sKingdom,cityString)
						else :
							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_BLANK_OF_CITY", ())%(sKingdom,curAdj,cityString)
					else :
						newName = curAdj + ' ' + sKingdom
				elif( game.getPlayerRank(iPlayer) < game.countCivPlayersAlive()/7 and not pTeam.isAVassal() and (sGreat in curDesc or 40 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming')) ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GREAT_KINGDOM", ())%(curAdj,sKingdom)
				else :
					sOf = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_BLANK_OF", ()).replace('%s','')
					if( not bForceUpdate and sKingdom in curDesc and (not sOf in curDesc or pPlayer.getNumCities < 6) and (not sGreat in curDesc) ) :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - keeping prior name")
						newName = curDesc
					elif( 50 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
						newName = curAdj + ' ' + sKingdom
					else :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_BLANK_OF", ())%(sKingdom,curShort)
			elif( RevUtils.getDemocracyLevel(iPlayer)[0] == -10 or playerEra == 0 ) :
				empString = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PLAIN_EMPIRE", ())
				if( playerEra < 2 and pPlayer.getNumCities() < 3 ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player has one city in early era")
					empString = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_PLAIN_CITY_STATE", ())
				if( pTeam.isAVassal() ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is a vassal")
					empString = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_FIEFDOM", ())
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is in despotism")
				if( not bForceUpdate and empString in curDesc and not game.getGameTurn() == 0 ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - keeping prior name")
					newName = curDesc
				elif( 50 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
					newName = curAdj + ' ' + empString
				else :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_BLANK_OF", ())%(empString,curShort)
			else :
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : 
					CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Error: player fits no government category ... ")
					return [curDesc,curShort,curAdj]
			sHoly = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_HOLY", ()) + ' '
			if( RevUtils.getReligiousFreedom(iPlayer)[0] < -9 ) :
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is theocracy")
				if( len(newName) < 16 and not sHoly in newName and not sGreat in newName and not newName.startswith(localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_HOLY_HRE_MATCH", ())) ) :
					newName = sHoly + newName
			elif( newName.startswith(sHoly) and not origDesc.startswith(sHoly) ) :
				# Cut off any inappropriately saved 'Holy ' prefix
				newName = newName[len(sHoly):]

		return [newName, curShort, curAdj]
Exemplo n.º 12
	def nameForNewPlayer( self, iPlayer ) :
		# Assigns a new name to a recently created player from either
		# BarbarianCiv or Revolution components

		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		currentEra = 0
		for i in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()) :
			if( gc.getPlayer(i).getCurrentEra() > currentEra ) :
				currentEra = gc.getPlayer(i).getCurrentEra()

		curDesc = pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
		curShort = pPlayer.getCivilizationShortDescription(0)
		curAdj = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)

		civInfo = gc.getCivilizationInfo(pPlayer.getCivilizationType())
		origDesc  = civInfo.getDescription()
		if( not game.isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_LEAD_ANY_CIV) ) :
			if( pPlayer.getLeaderType() in LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames.keys() ) :
				[curDesc,curShort,curAdj] = LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames[pPlayer.getLeaderType()]

		newName = curDesc
		if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( "Revolution", pPlayer ) ) :
			revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "Revolution", pPlayer, 'RevolutionTurn' )
		else :
			revTurn = None

		if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer ) ) :
			barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'SpawnTurn' )
		else :
			barbTurn = None

		if( not pPlayer.isAlive() ) :
			newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REFUGEES", ())%(curAdj)
		elif( pPlayer.isRebel() ) :
			# To name rebels in Revolution mod
			cityString = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "Revolution", pPlayer, 'CapitalName' )
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is rebel")
			sLiberation = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_LIBERATION_FRONT", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
			sGuerillas = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GUERILLAS", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
			sRebels = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS", ()).replace('%s','').strip()
			if( sLiberation in curDesc or sGuerillas in curDesc or sRebels in curDesc ) :
				newName = curDesc
			else :
				if( currentEra > 5 and 30 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming')) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_LIBERATION_FRONT", ())%(curAdj)
				elif( currentEra > 4 and 30 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GUERILLAS", ())%(curAdj)
				else :
					if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10 ) :
						try :
							if( cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort ) :
								newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_REBELS_OF", ())%(CvUtil.convertToStr(cityString))
							else :
								newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS_OF", ())%(curAdj,CvUtil.convertToStr(cityString))
						except :
							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS", ())%(curAdj)
					else :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS", ())%(curAdj)
		elif( not barbTurn == None and game.getGameTurn() - barbTurn < 20 ) :
			# To name BarbarianCiv created civs
			numCities = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'NumCities' )
			cityString = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'CapitalName' )
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is barbciv")
			if( pPlayer.isMinorCiv() ) :
				if( currentEra < 2 ) :
					if( 70 - 40*currentEra > game.getSorenRandNum(100,"Naming") ) : 
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_TRIBE", ())%(curAdj)
					else :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CITY_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
				elif( currentEra < 3 ) :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CITY_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
				else :
					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_NATION", ())%(curAdj)
			elif( currentEra < 4 ) :
				# Early era barbs
				if( SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( 'BarbarianCiv', pPlayer, 'BarbStyle' ) == 'Military' ) :
					if( pPlayer.getNumMilitaryUnits() > 7*numCities ) :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_HORDE", ())%(curAdj)
					else :
						if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10 ) :
							if( cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort ) :
								newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_WARRIORS_OF", ())%(cityString)
							else :
								newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_WARRIORS_OF", ())%(curAdj,cityString)
						else :
							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_WARRIOR_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
				else :
					if( numCities == 1 ) :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CITY_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
					else :
						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_EMPIRE", ())%(curAdj)
					if( numCities < 3 ) :
						if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10) :
							newName += localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_OF_CITY", ()) + cityString

			else :
				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_EMPIRE", ())%(curAdj)
				if( numCities < 3 and not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10) :
					newName += localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_OF_CITY", ()) + cityString

		else :
			if( game.getGameTurn() == game.getStartTurn() and game.getCurrentEra() < 1 ) :
				# Name civs at beginning of game
				if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Giving game start name")
				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_TRIBE", ())%(curAdj)
				return [newName, curShort, curAdj]
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player not of special type, naming by civics")
			return self.newNameByCivics( iPlayer )

		return [newName, curShort, curAdj]
Exemplo n.º 13
	def newNameByCivics( self, iPlayer, bVerbose = True, bForceUpdate = False ) :
		# Assigns a new name to a player based on their civics choices
		# TODO: performance

		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer( iPlayer )
		pCapital = pPlayer.getCapitalCity()
		playerEra = pPlayer.getCurrentEra()
		iTeam = pPlayer.getTeam()
		pTeam = gc.getTeam( iTeam )
		sCpt = None
		if( not pCapital == None and not pCapital.isNone() ) :
			try :
				# Silly game to force ascii encoding now
				sCpt =  pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
				sCpt += "&" + CvUtil.convertToStr(pCapital.getName())
				sCpt =  sCpt.split('&',1)[-1]
			except :

		sDsc  = pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
		sSrt = pPlayer.getCivilizationShortDescription(0)
		sAdj   = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)

		iCiv = pPlayer.getCivilizationType()
		pCiv = gc.getCivilizationInfo( iCiv )
		sOrgDsc  = pCiv.getDescription()
		if( not game.isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_LEAD_ANY_CIV) ) :
			if( pPlayer.getLeaderType() in LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames.keys() ) :
				[sDsc,sSrt,sAdj] = LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames[pPlayer.getLeaderType()]

		newName = sDsc
		if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( "Revolution", pPlayer ) ) :
			revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "Revolution", pPlayer, 'RevolutionTurn' )
		else :
			revTurn = None

		if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer ) ) :
			barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'SpawnTurn' )
		else :
			barbTurn = None

		if( not pPlayer.isAlive() ) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is not alive")
			newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REFUGEES", ())%(sAdj)
			return [newName, sSrt, sAdj]

#			Rebel														#
		if( pPlayer.isRebel() ) :
			# Maintain name of rebels from Revolution Mod
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is rebel, keeping current name")
			if( bForceUpdate ) :
				return self.nameForNewPlayer(iPlayer)
			else :
				return [sDsc, sSrt, sAdj]

#			Teams/Permanent Alliances									#
		# Special options for teams and permanent alliances
		if( self.bTeamNaming and pTeam.getNumMembers() > 1 ) : # and pTeam.getPermanentAllianceTradingCount() > 0 ) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Multiple players on team")
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose and pTeam.getPermanentAllianceTradingCount() > 0 ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Player in Permanent Alliance")

			iLeader = pTeam.getLeaderID()
			sNewName = gc.getPlayer(iLeader).getCivilizationAdjective(0)
			for iLoopPlayer in range( 0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS() ) :
				if( iLoopPlayer != iLeader and gc.getPlayer( iLoopPlayer ).getTeam() == pTeam.getID() ) :
					sLoopAdj = gc.getPlayer( iLoopPlayer ).getCivilizationAdjective(0)
					if( not sLoopAdj in sNewName ) : # prevent Luchuirp-Luchuirp Alliance
						sNewName += "-" + sLoopAdj
			sNewName += " " + localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_ALLIANCE", ())
			return [sNewName,sSrt,sAdj]

#			From Civics													#
		if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Start computing name")
		# parameters
		sLeaderName = pPlayer.getName()
		iNumCities = pPlayer.getNumCities()
		# Eras dont work this same way in FFH2
#		bAncient = ( playerEra == 1 ) 
		iMxc = 0 # (e.g. "ADJ EMP of CAPITAL" when NumCities <= iMxc)

		if (iNumCities == 1):
			sEmp = "Lands"
			sAltEmp = "Stronghold"
			sEmp = "Empire"
			sAltEmp = "Territories"
		sPre = "" # Prefix
		sAltPre = ""
		bBof = False # Block "of" (e.g. never "PRE EMP of SRT", but "PRE ADJ EMP")
		bFof = False # Force "of" (e.g. never "PRE ADJ EMP", but "PRE EMP of SRT")
		bGood = pPlayer.getAlignment() == self.iGood
		bEvil = pPlayer.getAlignment() == self.iEvil
		# Traits
		bCharismatic = pPlayer.hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TRAIT_CHARISMATIC'))
		bInsane = pPlayer.hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TRAIT_INSANE'))
		bDespotism = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iDespotism )
		bCityStates = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iCityStates )
		bGodKing = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iGodKing )
		bAristocracy = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iAristocracy )
		bTheocracy = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iTheocracy )
		bRepublic = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iRepublic )
		bReligion = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iReligion )
		bPacifism = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iPacifism )
		bLiberty = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iLiberty )
		bTribalism = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iTribalism )
		bMilitaryState = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iMilitaryState )
		bConquest = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iConquest )
		bCrusade = pPlayer.isCivic( self.iCrusade )
		bGuilds = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iGuilds )
		bSlavery = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iSlavery )
		bArete = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iArete )
		bGuardian = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iGuardian )
		bForeignTrade = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iForeignTrade )
		bSacrifice = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iSacrifice )
		bDecentralization = pPlayer.isCivic ( self.iDecentralization )
		# Misc
		bPuppet = pPlayer.isPuppetState()
		bHolyShrine = false
		if pPlayer.getStateReligion() >= 0:
			if pPlayer.hasHolyCity(pPlayer.getStateReligion()):
				bHolyShrine = true
		bVeil = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iVeil
		bEmpyrean = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iEmpyrean
		bOrder = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iOrder
		bKilmorph = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iKilmorph
		bCalabim = iCiv == self.iCalabim
		bClan = iCiv == self.iClan
		if( bClan ) :
			sSrt = "Embers"
			sAdj = "Orcish"
		bNoShuffle = False
		sPost = ""
		if( iNumCities == 0 ) :
			sEmp = "Tribe"
			sAltEmp = "Peoples" #Note: Never used due to next line
			return ["%s %s"%( sAdj, sEmp ), sSrt,sAdj]
		if bCharismatic:
			sPre = "Beloved"
		elif bInsane:
			sPre = "Deranged"
		if( bDespotism ) :
			iMxc = 2
			if( bClan ) :
				sEmp = "Clan"
				sAltEmp = "Clan"
#			elif( bAncient ) :
#				sEmp = "Chiefdom"
#				sAltEmp = "Empire"
			else :
				sAltEmp = "Chiefdom"
				if( bGood ) :
					sEmp = "Autocracy"
				elif( bEvil ) :
					sEmp = "Tyranny"
				# else: Default
		elif( bCityStates ) :
			if bMilitaryState:
				sEmp = "Hegemony"
				sAltEmp = "Hegemony"
			iMxc = 1
			if( iNumCities == 1 ) :
				sEmp = "City"
				sAltEmp = "City State"
			else :
				sEmp = "Federation"
				sAltEmp = "League"
				sPost = "City States"
			if bSlavery:
				sPost = "Slavers"
			if bForeignTrade:
				sPre = ""
				sEmp = "Confederation"
			elif bDecentralization:
				if iNumCities == 1:
					sEmp = "Independent State"
					sEmp = "Independent Alliance"
		elif( bGodKing ) :
			iMxc = 4
			if bReligion:
				sEmp = "Cult"
				sAltEmp = "Followers"
				bFof = True
			elif bPacifism:
				sPre = "Benevolent"
				sEmp = "Monarchy"
				sAltEmp = "Sovereignty"
			if( bClan ) :
				sEmp = "Clan"
				sAltEmp = "Clan"
		elif( bAristocracy ) :
			iMxc = 3
			if( bCalabim ) :
				sEmp = "Principalities"
				sAltEmp = "Kingdom"
			if bGuilds:
				sEmp = "Imperium"
			elif bSlavery:
				sEmp = "Dynasty"
				bFof = True
			elif bMilitaryState:
				sEmp = "Monarchy"
				sEmp = "Kingdom"
				sAltEmp = "Realm"
			if bConquest:
				sPre = "Imperial"
				sAltPre = "Majestic"
			elif bArete:
				sEmp = "Plutocracy"
				sPre = "Royal"
				sAltPre = "Noble"
		elif( bTheocracy ) :
			iMxc = 2
			sPre = "Divine"
			sAltPre = "Chosen"
#			sEmp = "Divinity"
		elif( bRepublic ) :
			iMxc = 1
			sAltPre = "Democratic"
			if( bEvil ) :
				sEmp = "Ochlocracy"
				sAltEmp = "Republic"
			else :
				sEmp = "Republic"
		if( bReligion ) :
			if sPre == "":
				sPre = "Sacred"
				sAltPre = "Holy"
			if( bGodKing and iNumCities <= iMxc ) :
				sPre = "Sacred"
				sEmp = "See"
			elif( bTheocracy):
				sEmp = "Caliphate"
				sAltPre = "Theocratic"
				if ( bVeil ) :
					if bHolyShrine:
						return ["Chosen of Agares", sSrt,sAdj]
					sPre = "The Ashen"
				elif( bEmpyrean ) :
					sPre = "Illuminated"
				elif( bOrder ) :
					sPre = "Righteous"
		elif( bPacifism ) :
			if( bCityStates and iNumCities > iMxc ) :
				sEmp = "Commune"
				bFof = True
		elif( bLiberty ) :
			sPre = "Free"
			sAltPre = "Liberated"
			if( bAristocracy ) :
				bNoShuffle = True
				sEmp = "Imperial Estates"
				bFof = True
		elif( bTribalism and bDespotism ) :
			sPre = "Tribal"
			# even if era not ancient
			sAltEmp = "Chiefdom"

		if bCrusade:
			sPre = "Righteous"
			sAltPre = "Righteous"
		elif bGuilds:
			sPre = "Technocratic"
		if bMilitaryState:
			if bConquest:
				if bAristocracy:
					bEmp = "Dynasty"
					sEmp = "Junta"
					bFof = true
			elif bRepublic:
				sEmp = "Regime"
		if bPuppet:
			iMxc = 5 # TODO: puppet states have no capital
			sPre = ""
			sAltPre = ""
			sEmp = "Satrapy"
			sAltEmp = "Satrapy"
			if bMilitaryState:
				sEmp = "Prefecture"
				sAltEmp = "Prefecture"
			if bAristocracy:
				sEmp = "Province"
				sAltEmp = "Province"
			if bReligion or bTheocracy:
				sEmp = "Diocese"
				sAltEmp = "Diocese"
			return ["%s %s"%( sAdj, sEmp ), sSrt,sAdj]

		if pCapital != -1:
			pCapitalPlot = pCapital.plot()
			pCapitalLatitude = pCapitalPlot.getLatitude()
			if pCapitalLatitude > 50:
				map = CyMap()
				iMapHeight = map.getGridHeight()
				if pCapitalPlot.getY() < (iMapHeight / 2):
					sPre = "Southern"
					sPre = "Northern"
		if (bArete and bHolyShrine):
			sPre = "Golden"
			sAltPre = "Golden"
		elif bGuardian:
			sEmp = "Fellowship"
			sAltEmp = "Fellowship"
		elif bSacrifice:
			sPre = "Demonic"
			sAltPre = "Demonic"

		if( sPost != "" ) :
			return ["%s %s of %s %s"%(sPre, sEmp, sAdj, sPost), sSrt,sAdj]
		if( sPre != "" ) :
			sPre += " "
		if( sAltPre != "" ) :
			sAltPre += " "
		sTheSrt = sSrt
		if( not bClan ) :
			sTheSrt = "the " + sTheSrt
#		if( not bNoShuffle ) :
#			if( game.getSorenRandNum( 100, "DCN Shuffle" ) >= 50 ) :
#				sTmp = sPre
#				sPre = sAltPre
 #				sAltPre = sTmp
#			if( game.getSorenRandNum( 100, "DCN Shuffle" ) >= 50 ) :
#				sTmp = sEmp
#				sEmp = sAltEmp
#				sAltEmp = sEmp
		lsDescs = list()
		if( not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sEmp != "Clan" and sCpt != None ) : # Sacred Empire of Golden Lane
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sPre, sEmp, sCpt )
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bFof and sEmp != "Clan" ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s %s"%( sPre, sAdj, sEmp ) # Sacred Malakim Empire
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bBof ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sPre, sEmp, sTheSrt ) # Sacred Empire of the Malakim
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if ( bGodKing ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sPre, sEmp, sLeaderName ) # Holy Cult of Tholal
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		# try alternate prefix
		if( not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sEmp != "Clan" and sCpt != None ) : # Holy Empire of Golden Lane
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sAltPre, sEmp, sCpt )
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bFof and sEmp != "Clan" ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s %s"%( sAltPre, sAdj, sEmp ) # Holy Malakim Empire
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bBof ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sAltPre, sEmp, sTheSrt ) # Holy Empire of the Malakim
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if ( bGodKing ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sAltPre, sEmp, sLeaderName ) # Sovereignty of Tholal
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		# try alternate empire
		if( not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sAltEmp != "Clan" and sCpt != None ) : # Sacred Realm of Golden Lane
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sPre, sAltEmp, sCpt )
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bFof and sAltEmp != "Clan" ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s %s"%( sPre, sAdj, sAltEmp ) # Sacred Malakim Realm
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bBof ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sPre, sAltEmp, sTheSrt ) # Sacred Realm of the Malakim
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )

		if ( bGodKing ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sPre, sAltEmp, sLeaderName ) # Sovereignty of Tholal
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		# try alternate prefix and empire
		if( not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sAltEmp != "Clan" and sCpt != None ) : # Holy Realm of Golden Lane
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sAltPre, sAltEmp, sCpt )
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bFof and sAltEmp != "Clan" ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s %s"%( sAltPre, sAdj, sAltEmp ) # Holy Malakim Realm
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( not bBof ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sAltPre, sAltEmp, sTheSrt ) # Holy Realm of the Malakim
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if ( bGodKing ) :
			sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s"%( sAltPre, sAltEmp, sLeaderName ) # Sovereignty of Tholal
			lsDescs.append( sNewDesc )
		if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) :
			CvUtil.pyPrint( "  Names - WARNING: No unused Names for Player #%d!"%( iPlayer ) )
		if( sDsc in lsDescs ) :
			print "MODIFIED DCN - Keeping name \"%s\"" % ( sDsc )
			return [sDsc, sSrt, sAdj]
		random.shuffle(lsDescs) # shuffle the name options so we dont end up all using the same style
		for sNewDesc in lsDescs :
			if( self.isUnused( iPlayer, sNewDesc ) ) :
				print "MODIFIED DCN - Old name: \"%s\", New name: \"%s\"" % ( sDsc, sNewDesc )
				return [sNewDesc, sSrt, sAdj]
			else :
				print "MODIFIED DCN - Name \"%s\" already used!" % ( sDsc )
		return ["%s%s %s"%( sPre, sAdj, sEmp ),sSrt,sAdj] # keep current name
Exemplo n.º 14
    def onBeginPlayerTurn(self, argsList):
        iGameTurn, iPlayer = argsList

        # Stuff at end of previous players turn
        iPrevPlayer = iPlayer - 1
        while (iPrevPlayer >= 0 and not gc.getPlayer(iPrevPlayer).isAlive()):
            iPrevPlayer -= 1

        if (iPrevPlayer < 0):
            iPrevPlayer = gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER()

        if (iPrevPlayer >= 0 and iPrevPlayer < gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER()):
            iPlayer = iPrevPlayer
            pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)

            if (pPlayer.isAlive()
                    and SDTK.sdObjectExists("Revolution", pPlayer)):
                #CvUtil.pyPrint("  Name - Object exists %d"%(iPlayer))
                prevCivics = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("Revolution", pPlayer,
                if (not prevCivics == None):
                    for i in range(0, gc.getNumCivicOptionInfos()):
                        if (not prevCivics[i] == pPlayer.getCivics(i)):

                revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("Revolution", pPlayer,
                if (not revTurn == None and game.getGameTurn() - revTurn == 30
                        and pPlayer.getNumCities() > 0):
                    # "Graduate" from rebel name

            if (pPlayer.isAlive()
                    and SDTK.sdObjectExists("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer)):
                barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer,
                if (not barbTurn == None
                        and game.getGameTurn() - barbTurn == 30):
                    # "Graduate" from barb civ name

            if (pPlayer.isAlive()
                    and not SDTK.sdObjectExists("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer)):
                if ('Tribe' in pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)):
                    if (pPlayer.getCurrentEra() > 0
                            or pPlayer.getTotalPopulation() >= 3):
                        # Graduate from game start name
                            "  Name - Graduating from game start name Player %d"
                            % (iPlayer))

        # lfgr: Alliances
            if (pPlayer.isAlive()
                    and gc.getTeam(pPlayer.getTeam()).getNumMembers() == 2):
                if (not "Alliance" in pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)):
                        "  Name - Changing name from Alliance of Player %d" %
Exemplo n.º 15
def onTechAcquired(argsList):
    'Tech Acquired'
    iTechType, iTeam, iPlayer, bAnnounce = argsList
    # Note that iPlayer may be NULL (-1) and not a refer to a player object

    if ((iTeam >= 0) and (iTeam <= gc.getMAX_CIV_TEAMS())):
        teamI = gc.getTeam(iTeam)

        if (teamI.isAlive()):
            if (teamI.isMinorCiv()
                    and gc.getTechInfo(iTechType).isOpenBordersTrading()):

                if (SDTK.sdObjectExists('BarbarianCiv', game)):
                    for idx in range(0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
                        playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)

                        if (playerI.isAlive()
                                and (playerI.getTeam() == iTeam)):
                            if (idx in SDTK.sdObjectGetVal(
                                    "BarbarianCiv", game, "AlwaysMinorList")):
                                # Keep scenario minors defined in RevDefs as always minor

#				if( gc.getGame().isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_START_AS_MINORS) ) :
                if (2 < 1):

                    for idx in range(0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
                        playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)
                        if (playerI.getTeam() == iTeam and playerI.isAlive()):

                            if (SDTK.sdObjectExists('BarbarianCiv', playerI)):
                                if (SDTK.sdObjectGetVal(
                                        'BarbarianCiv', playerI,
                                        'SettleTurn') == None):
                                    # Use BarbarianCiv logic
                                if (LOG_DEBUG):
                                        "SAM - Settled barb civ %s now has Writing"

                    if (LOG_DEBUG):
                            "SAM - clearing minor status for team %d with Writing"
                            % (iTeam))

                    teamI.setIsMinorCiv(False, False)

                    for idx in range(0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
                        playerI = gc.getPlayer(idx)
                        if (gc.getPlayer(idx).getTeam() == iTeam
                                and playerI.isAlive()):
                            if (not RevInstances.DynamicCivNamesInst == None):

                                iPlayer, false,
                                    ()), None,
                                    "COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT"), -1, -1, False,

Exemplo n.º 16
    def nameForNewPlayer(self, iPlayer):
        # Assigns a new name to a recently created player from either
        # BarbarianCiv or Revolution components

        pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
        currentEra = 0
        for i in range(0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
            if (gc.getPlayer(i).getCurrentEra() > currentEra):
                currentEra = gc.getPlayer(i).getCurrentEra()

        curDesc = pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
        curShort = pPlayer.getCivilizationShortDescription(0)
        curAdj = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)

        # lfgr
        if (pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == self.iClan):
            curAdj = "Orcish"
        # lfgr end

        civInfo = gc.getCivilizationInfo(pPlayer.getCivilizationType())
        origDesc = civInfo.getDescription()

        if (not game.isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_LEAD_ANY_CIV)):
            if (pPlayer.getLeaderType()
                    in LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames.keys()):
                [curDesc, curShort, curAdj
                 ] = LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames[pPlayer.getLeaderType()]

        newName = curDesc
        if (SDTK.sdObjectExists("Revolution", pPlayer)):
            revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("Revolution", pPlayer,
            revTurn = None

        if (SDTK.sdObjectExists("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer)):
            barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer,
            barbTurn = None

        if (not pPlayer.isAlive()):
            newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REFUGEES",
                                        ()) % (curAdj)
        elif (pPlayer.isRebel()):
            # To name rebels in Revolution mod
            cityString = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("Revolution", pPlayer,
            if (self.LOG_DEBUG): CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is rebel")

            sLiberation = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_LIBERATION_FRONT",
                                            ()).replace('%s', '').strip()
            sGuerillas = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GUERILLAS",
                                           ()).replace('%s', '').strip()
            sRebels = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS",
                                        ()).replace('%s', '').strip()

            if (sLiberation in curDesc or sGuerillas in curDesc
                    or sRebels in curDesc):
                newName = curDesc
                # lfgr
                # old
                #	if( currentEra > 5 and 30 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming')) :
                #		newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_LIBERATION_FRONT", ())%(curAdj)
                #	elif( currentEra > 4 and 30 > game.getSorenRandNum(100,'Rev: Naming') ) :
                #		newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_GUERILLAS", ())%(curAdj)
                #	else :
                #		if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10 ) :
                #			try :
                #				if( cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort ) :
                #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_REBELS_OF", ())%(CvUtil.convertToStr(cityString))
                #				else :
                #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS_OF", ())%(curAdj,CvUtil.convertToStr(cityString))
                #			except :
                #				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS", ())%(curAdj)
                #		else :
                #			newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS", ())%(curAdj)
                if (not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10):
                        if (cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort):
                            newName = localText.getText(
                                ()) % (CvUtil.convertToStr(cityString))
                            newName = localText.getText(
                                ()) % (curAdj, CvUtil.convertToStr(cityString))
                        newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS",
                                                    ()) % (curAdj)
                    newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REBELS",
                                                ()) % (curAdj)
            # lfgr end
    # lfgr commented out
    #	elif( not barbTurn == None and game.getGameTurn() - barbTurn < 20 ) :
    #		# To name BarbarianCiv created civs
    #		numCities = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'NumCities' )
    #		cityString = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( "BarbarianCiv", pPlayer, 'CapitalName' )
    #		if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is barbciv")
    #		if( pPlayer.isMinorCiv() ) :
    #			if( currentEra < 2 ) :
    #				if( 70 - 40*currentEra > game.getSorenRandNum(100,"Naming") ) :
    #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_TRIBE", ())%(curAdj)
    #				else :
    #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CITY_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
    #			elif( currentEra < 3 ) :
    #				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CITY_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
    #			else :
    #				newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_NATION", ())%(curAdj)
    #		elif( currentEra < 4 ) :
    #			# Early era barbs
    #			if( SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( 'BarbarianCiv', pPlayer, 'BarbStyle' ) == 'Military' ) :
    #				if( pPlayer.getNumMilitaryUnits() > 7*numCities ) :
    #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_HORDE", ())%(curAdj)
    #				else :
    #					if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10 ) :
    #						if( cityString in curAdj or cityString in curShort ) :
    #							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_THE_WARRIORS_OF", ())%(cityString)
    #						else :
    #							newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_WARRIORS_OF", ())%(curAdj,cityString)
    #					else :
    #						newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_WARRIOR_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
    #			else :
    #				if( numCities == 1 ) :
    #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_CITY_STATE", ())%(curAdj)
    #				else :
    #					newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_EMPIRE", ())%(curAdj)
    #				if( numCities < 3 ) :
    #					if( not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10) :
    #						newName += localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_OF", ()) + cityString
    #		else :
    #			newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_EMPIRE", ())%(curAdj)
    #			if( numCities < 3 and not cityString == None and len(cityString) < 10) :
    #				newName += localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_OF", ()) + cityString
    # lfgr end
            if (game.getGameTurn() == game.getStartTurn()
                    and game.getCurrentEra() < 1):
                # Name civs at beginning of game
                if (self.LOG_DEBUG):
                    CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Giving game start name")
                newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_TRIBE",
                                            ()) % (curAdj)
                return [newName, curShort, curAdj]

            if (self.LOG_DEBUG):
                    "Names - player not of special type, naming by civics")
            return self.newNameByCivics(iPlayer)

        # lfgr: revert "Orcish"
        curAdj = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)
        # lfgr end

        return [newName, curShort, curAdj]
Exemplo n.º 17
    def newNameByCivics(self, iPlayer, bVerbose=True, bForceUpdate=False):
        # Assigns a new name to a player based on their civics choices

        # TODO: performance

        pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
        pCapital = pPlayer.getCapitalCity()
        playerEra = pPlayer.getCurrentEra()
        iTeam = pPlayer.getTeam()
        pTeam = gc.getTeam(iTeam)

        sCpt = None
        if (not pCapital == None and not pCapital.isNone()):
                # Silly game to force ascii encoding now
                sCpt = pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
                sCpt += "&" + CvUtil.convertToStr(pCapital.getName())
                sCpt = sCpt.split('&', 1)[-1]

        sDsc = pPlayer.getCivilizationDescription(0)
        sSrt = pPlayer.getCivilizationShortDescription(0)
        sAdj = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)

        iCiv = pPlayer.getCivilizationType()
        pCiv = gc.getCivilizationInfo(iCiv)
        sOrgDsc = pCiv.getDescription()

        if (not game.isOption(GameOptionTypes.GAMEOPTION_LEAD_ANY_CIV)):
            if (pPlayer.getLeaderType()
                    in LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames.keys()):
                [sDsc, sSrt,
                 sAdj] = LeaderCivNames.LeaderCivNames[pPlayer.getLeaderType()]

        newName = sDsc
        if (SDTK.sdObjectExists("Revolution", pPlayer)):
            revTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("Revolution", pPlayer,
            revTurn = None

        if (SDTK.sdObjectExists("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer)):
            barbTurn = SDTK.sdObjectGetVal("BarbarianCiv", pPlayer,
            barbTurn = None

        if (not pPlayer.isAlive()):
            if (self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose):
                CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is not alive")
            newName = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_REFUGEES",
                                        ()) % (sAdj)
            return [newName, sSrt, sAdj]

#			Rebel														#

        if (pPlayer.isRebel()):
            # Maintain name of rebels from Revolution Mod
            if (self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose):
                CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - player is rebel, keeping current name")
            if (bForceUpdate):
                return self.nameForNewPlayer(iPlayer)
                return [sDsc, sSrt, sAdj]

#			Teams/Permanent Alliances									#

# Special options for teams and permanent alliances
        if (self.bTeamNaming and pTeam.getNumMembers() >
                1):  # and pTeam.getPermanentAllianceTradingCount() > 0 ) :
            if (self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose):
                CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Multiple players on team")
            if (self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose
                    and pTeam.getPermanentAllianceTradingCount() > 0):
                CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Player in Permanent Alliance")

            iLeader = pTeam.getLeaderID()
            sNewName = gc.getPlayer(iLeader).getCivilizationAdjective(0)
            for iLoopPlayer in range(0, gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
                if (iLoopPlayer != iLeader and
                        gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).getTeam() == pTeam.getID()):
                    sLoopAdj = gc.getPlayer(
                    if (not sLoopAdj
                            in sNewName):  # prevent Luchuirp-Luchuirp Alliance
                        sNewName += "-" + sLoopAdj

            sNewName += " " + localText.getText("TXT_KEY_MOD_DCN_ALLIANCE", ())
            return [sNewName, sSrt, sAdj]

#			From Civics													#
        if (self.LOG_DEBUG): CvUtil.pyPrint("Names - Start computing name")

        # parameters
        sLeaderName = pPlayer.getName()
        iNumCities = pPlayer.getNumCities()
        # Eras dont work this same way in FFH2
        #		bAncient = ( playerEra == 1 )

        iMxc = 0  # (e.g. "ADJ EMP of CAPITAL" when NumCities <= iMxc)

        if (iNumCities == 1):
            sEmp = "Lands"
            sAltEmp = "Stronghold"
            sEmp = "Empire"
            sAltEmp = "Territories"
        sPre = ""  # Prefix
        sAltPre = ""
        bBof = False  # Block "of" (e.g. never "PRE EMP of SRT", but "PRE ADJ EMP")
        bFof = False  # Force "of" (e.g. never "PRE ADJ EMP", but "PRE EMP of SRT")

        bGood = pPlayer.getAlignment() == self.iGood
        bEvil = pPlayer.getAlignment() == self.iEvil

        # Traits
        bCharismatic = pPlayer.hasTrait(
        bInsane = pPlayer.hasTrait(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TRAIT_INSANE'))

        bDespotism = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iDespotism)
        bCityStates = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iCityStates)
        bGodKing = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iGodKing)
        bAristocracy = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iAristocracy)
        bTheocracy = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iTheocracy)
        bRepublic = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iRepublic)

        bReligion = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iReligion)
        bPacifism = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iPacifism)
        bLiberty = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iLiberty)

        bTribalism = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iTribalism)
        bMilitaryState = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iMilitaryState)
        bConquest = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iConquest)
        bCrusade = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iCrusade)
        bGuilds = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iGuilds)
        bSlavery = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iSlavery)
        bArete = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iArete)
        bGuardian = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iGuardian)
        bForeignTrade = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iForeignTrade)
        bSacrifice = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iSacrifice)
        bDecentralization = pPlayer.isCivic(self.iDecentralization)

        # Misc
        bPuppet = pPlayer.isPuppetState()

        bHolyShrine = false
        if pPlayer.getStateReligion() >= 0:
            if pPlayer.hasHolyCity(pPlayer.getStateReligion()):
                bHolyShrine = true

        bVeil = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iVeil
        bEmpyrean = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iEmpyrean
        bOrder = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iOrder
        bKilmorph = pPlayer.getStateReligion() == self.iKilmorph

        bCalabim = iCiv == self.iCalabim
        bClan = iCiv == self.iClan

        if (bClan):
            sSrt = "Embers"
            sAdj = "Orcish"

        bNoShuffle = False

        sPost = ""
        if (iNumCities == 0):
            sEmp = "Tribe"
            sAltEmp = "Peoples"  #Note: Never used due to next line
            return ["%s %s" % (sAdj, sEmp), sSrt, sAdj]

        if bCharismatic:
            sPre = "Beloved"
        elif bInsane:
            sPre = "Deranged"

        if (bDespotism):
            iMxc = 2
            if (bClan):
                sEmp = "Clan"
                sAltEmp = "Clan"
#			elif( bAncient ) :
#				sEmp = "Chiefdom"
#				sAltEmp = "Empire"
                sAltEmp = "Chiefdom"
                if (bGood):
                    sEmp = "Autocracy"
                elif (bEvil):
                    sEmp = "Tyranny"
                # else: Default
        elif (bCityStates):
            if bMilitaryState:
                sEmp = "Hegemony"
                sAltEmp = "Hegemony"
            iMxc = 1
            if (iNumCities == 1):
                sEmp = "City"
                sAltEmp = "City State"
                sEmp = "Federation"
                sAltEmp = "League"
                sPost = "City States"
            if bSlavery:
                sPost = "Slavers"
            if bForeignTrade:
                sPre = ""
                sEmp = "Confederation"
            elif bDecentralization:
                if iNumCities == 1:
                    sEmp = "Independent State"
                    sEmp = "Independent Alliance"
        elif (bGodKing):
            iMxc = 4
            if bReligion:
                sEmp = "Cult"
                sAltEmp = "Followers"
                bFof = True
            elif bPacifism:
                sPre = "Benevolent"
                sEmp = "Monarchy"
                sAltEmp = "Sovereignty"
            if (bClan):
                sEmp = "Clan"
                sAltEmp = "Clan"
        elif (bAristocracy):
            iMxc = 3
            if (bCalabim):
                sEmp = "Principalities"
                sAltEmp = "Kingdom"
            if bGuilds:
                sEmp = "Imperium"
            elif bSlavery:
                sEmp = "Dynasty"
                bFof = True
            elif bMilitaryState:
                sEmp = "Monarchy"
                sEmp = "Kingdom"
                sAltEmp = "Realm"
            if bConquest:
                sPre = "Imperial"
                sAltPre = "Majestic"
            elif bArete:
                sEmp = "Plutocracy"
                sPre = "Royal"
                sAltPre = "Noble"
        elif (bTheocracy):
            iMxc = 2
            sPre = "Divine"
            sAltPre = "Chosen"
#			sEmp = "Divinity"
        elif (bRepublic):
            iMxc = 1
            sAltPre = "Democratic"
            if (bEvil):
                sEmp = "Ochlocracy"
                sAltEmp = "Republic"
                sEmp = "Republic"

        if (bReligion):
            if sPre == "":
                sPre = "Sacred"
                sAltPre = "Holy"
            if (bGodKing and iNumCities <= iMxc):
                sPre = "Sacred"
                sEmp = "See"
            elif (bTheocracy):
                sEmp = "Caliphate"
                sAltPre = "Theocratic"
                if (bVeil):
                    if bHolyShrine:
                        return ["Chosen of Agares", sSrt, sAdj]
                    sPre = "The Ashen"
                elif (bEmpyrean):
                    sPre = "Illuminated"
                elif (bOrder):
                    sPre = "Righteous"
        elif (bPacifism):
            if (bCityStates and iNumCities > iMxc):
                sEmp = "Commune"
                bFof = True
        elif (bLiberty):
            sPre = "Free"
            sAltPre = "Liberated"
            if (bAristocracy):
                bNoShuffle = True
                sEmp = "Imperial Estates"
                bFof = True
        elif (bTribalism and bDespotism):
            sPre = "Tribal"
            # even if era not ancient
            sAltEmp = "Chiefdom"

        if bCrusade:
            sPre = "Righteous"
            sAltPre = "Righteous"
        elif bGuilds:
            sPre = "Technocratic"

        if bMilitaryState:
            if bConquest:
                if bAristocracy:
                    bEmp = "Dynasty"
                    sEmp = "Junta"
                    bFof = true
            elif bRepublic:
                sEmp = "Regime"

        if bPuppet:
            iMxc = 5  # TODO: puppet states have no capital
            sPre = ""
            sAltPre = ""
            sEmp = "Satrapy"
            sAltEmp = "Satrapy"
            if bMilitaryState:
                sEmp = "Prefecture"
                sAltEmp = "Prefecture"
            if bAristocracy:
                sEmp = "Province"
                sAltEmp = "Province"
            if bReligion or bTheocracy:
                sEmp = "Diocese"
                sAltEmp = "Diocese"
            return ["%s %s" % (sAdj, sEmp), sSrt, sAdj]

        if pCapital != -1:
            pCapitalPlot = pCapital.plot()
            pCapitalLatitude = pCapitalPlot.getLatitude()
            if pCapitalLatitude > 50:
                map = CyMap()
                iMapHeight = map.getGridHeight()
                if pCapitalPlot.getY() < (iMapHeight / 2):
                    sPre = "Southern"
                    sPre = "Northern"

        if (bArete and bHolyShrine):
            sPre = "Golden"
            sAltPre = "Golden"
        elif bGuardian:
            sEmp = "Fellowship"
            sAltEmp = "Fellowship"
        elif bSacrifice:
            sPre = "Demonic"
            sAltPre = "Demonic"

        if (sPost != ""):
            return ["%s %s of %s %s" % (sPre, sEmp, sAdj, sPost), sSrt, sAdj]
        if (sPre != ""):
            sPre += " "

        if (sAltPre != ""):
            sAltPre += " "

        sTheSrt = sSrt

        if (not bClan):
            sTheSrt = "the " + sTheSrt

#		if( not bNoShuffle ) :
#			if( game.getSorenRandNum( 100, "DCN Shuffle" ) >= 50 ) :
#				sTmp = sPre
#				sPre = sAltPre
#				sAltPre = sTmp
#			if( game.getSorenRandNum( 100, "DCN Shuffle" ) >= 50 ) :
#				sTmp = sEmp
#				sEmp = sAltEmp
#				sAltEmp = sEmp

        lsDescs = list()

        if (not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sEmp != "Clan"
                and sCpt != None):  # Sacred Empire of Golden Lane
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sPre, sEmp, sCpt)

        if (not bFof and sEmp != "Clan"):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s %s" % (sPre, sAdj, sEmp)  # Sacred Malakim Empire

        if (not bBof):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sPre, sEmp, sTheSrt
                                       )  # Sacred Empire of the Malakim

        if (bGodKing):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sPre, sEmp, sLeaderName
                                       )  # Holy Cult of Tholal

        # try alternate prefix

        if (not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sEmp != "Clan"
                and sCpt != None):  # Holy Empire of Golden Lane
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sAltPre, sEmp, sCpt)

        if (not bFof and sEmp != "Clan"):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s %s" % (sAltPre, sAdj, sEmp)  # Holy Malakim Empire

        if (not bBof):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sAltPre, sEmp, sTheSrt
                                       )  # Holy Empire of the Malakim

        if (bGodKing):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sAltPre, sEmp, sLeaderName
                                       )  # Sovereignty of Tholal

        # try alternate empire

        if (not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sAltEmp != "Clan"
                and sCpt != None):  # Sacred Realm of Golden Lane
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sPre, sAltEmp, sCpt)

        if (not bFof and sAltEmp != "Clan"):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s %s" % (sPre, sAdj, sAltEmp
                                    )  # Sacred Malakim Realm

        if (not bBof):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sPre, sAltEmp, sTheSrt
                                       )  # Sacred Realm of the Malakim

        if (bGodKing):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sPre, sAltEmp, sLeaderName
                                       )  # Sovereignty of Tholal

        # try alternate prefix and empire

        if (not bBof and iNumCities <= iMxc and sAltEmp != "Clan"
                and sCpt != None):  # Holy Realm of Golden Lane
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sAltPre, sAltEmp, sCpt)

        if (not bFof and sAltEmp != "Clan"):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s %s" % (sAltPre, sAdj, sAltEmp
                                    )  # Holy Malakim Realm

        if (not bBof):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sAltPre, sAltEmp, sTheSrt
                                       )  # Holy Realm of the Malakim

        if (bGodKing):
            sNewDesc = "%s%s of %s" % (sAltPre, sAltEmp, sLeaderName
                                       )  # Sovereignty of Tholal

        if (self.LOG_DEBUG):
                "  Names - WARNING: No unused Names for Player #%d!" %

        if (sDsc in lsDescs):
            print "MODIFIED DCN - Keeping name \"%s\"" % (sDsc)
            return [sDsc, sSrt, sAdj]

        )  # shuffle the name options so we dont end up all using the same style

        for sNewDesc in lsDescs:
            if (self.isUnused(iPlayer, sNewDesc)):
                print "MODIFIED DCN - Old name: \"%s\", New name: \"%s\"" % (
                    sDsc, sNewDesc)
                return [sNewDesc, sSrt, sAdj]
                print "MODIFIED DCN - Name \"%s\" already used!" % (sDsc)

        return ["%s%s %s" % (sPre, sAdj, sEmp), sSrt,
                sAdj]  # keep current name