Exemplo n.º 1
 def _manual_run(self):
     pthjoin = os.path.join
     (translation_model, translation_data, rotation_model, 
      rotation_data, measurement_model, measurement_data, beacons) = models.load_data(pthjoin('..','Data','001'))
     # Kluge fix --  need to fix the .mat file
     measurement_model = measurement_model[0]
     sm = Sensor.SensorManager()
     # Create Beacons
     # Need to add draw beacon functions
     total_beacons = beacons.shape[0]
     for i in range(total_beacons):
         sm.add_sensor(Sensor.BeaconSensor(measurement_model[0], measurement_model[1],
                                                   [0,10000], beacons[i][0], beacons[i][1]))
     sm.add_sensor(Sensor.CompassSensor(0, np.deg2rad(5), [0, np.deg2rad(359.9)]))
     sm.add_sensor(Sensor.Trilateration2DSensor(None, np.eye(2)*measurement_model[1], None))
     # Move Straight: Vector based on Motion Model measurements
     #translation_vec = [dist_hypot, dist_hypot, translation_model[2,0]]
     translation_vec = translation_model[:,0]
     translation_cov = np.cov(translation_data.T)
     #translation_mov = Movement.Movement(translation_vec, translation_cov)
     # Turn: Vector based on Motion Model measurements
     left_rotation_vec = rotation_model[:,0]
     right_rotation_vec = rotation_model[:,0] * -1
     # May want to change this. This is a guess to get it working.
     # Playing around with cov(rotation_data) may lead to better results.
     rotation_cov = np.zeros([3,3])
     rotation_cov[2,2] = rotation_model[2,1]
     #left_rot_mov = Movement.Movement(left_rotation_vec, rotation_cov)
     #right_rot_mov = Movement.Movement(right_rotation_vec, rotation_cov)
     #turn_leniency = np.deg2rad(10) # Used as an error judgement for deciding when to turn
     print 'D.TF.284'
     explorer_pos = self.fm.get_explorer_pos_mean()
     me = MoveExplorer(explorer_pos, [12, 12, np.deg2rad(6)], debug=True,
                       translation_moves=[Movement(translation_vec, translation_cov),
                                          Movement(np.array([10, 0.5, np.deg2rad(0.5)]), np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) * 0.0001),
                                          Movement(np.array([50, 1, np.deg2rad(0.7)]), np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) * 0.0003)],
                       rotation_moves=[Movement(right_rotation_vec, rotation_cov),
                                       Movement(left_rotation_vec, rotation_cov),
                                       Movement(np.array([0, 0, np.deg2rad(5)]), rotation_cov),
                                       Movement(np.array([0, 0, np.deg2rad(-5)]), rotation_cov)])      
     def draw_all_waypoints(cr):
         #cr.set_font_matrix(cairo.Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0))
         def draw_waypoints(cr, i, waypoints, rgba_color):
             for pnt in waypoints:
                 cr.arc(pnt[0], pnt[1], 6, 0, 2 * np.pi)
                 cr.move_to(pnt[0], pnt[1])
                 #i += 1
         waypoints = me.get_old_waypoints()[-2:]
         draw_waypoints(cr, -2, waypoints, (0.5, 0, 0, 0.8))
         waypoints = me.get_current_waypoints()
         draw_waypoints(cr, 1, waypoints[0:1], (0.4, 0.9, 0.8, 0.8))
         if len(waypoints) > 1:
             draw_waypoints(cr, 2, waypoints[1:], (0, 0, 0.5, 0.8))
     # Add Drawing Methods
     for beacon in sm.sensors_by_type['Beacon']:
     accumulate_distance = np.array([0, 0, 0], np.float32)
     while not self.quit:
         # Poll for any new user input.
         waypoints = tg.get_click_positions()
         for pnt in waypoints:
             me.move_to(pnt[0], pnt[1])
         transition_mov = me.get_next_move(explorer_pos)
         if transition_mov is not None:
             print 'D.TF.337'
             explorer_pos = self.fm.get_explorer_pos_mean()
             self.fm.move(transition_mov.vec, transition_mov.cov)
             accumulate_distance += np.abs(transition_mov.vec)
             # Only perform filter observation when enough translation has occurred.
             # Observations must be independent.
             if accumulate_distance[0] >= 20:
                 accumulate_distance[0] = 0
                 # Testing Trilateration
                 beacon_sensors = sm.sensors_by_type['Beacon']
                 print 'D.TF.351'
                 prob_pos = self.fm.get_explorer_pos_mean()
                 for j in range(total_beacons):
                     #prob_pos = self.fm.get_explorer_pos_mean()
                     obs_dis = np.sqrt((beacons[j][0] - prob_pos[0])**2 + (beacons[j,1] - prob_pos[1])**2) + (randn() * measurement_model[1]) + measurement_model[0]
                     #self.fm.observation(obs_dis, sm.sensors_by_type['Beacon'][j])
                     beacon_sensors[j].obs = obs_dis
                 self.fm.observation(beacon_sensors, sm.sensors_by_type['Trilateration2D'][0])
             if accumulate_distance[2] >= np.deg2rad(10):
                 print 'D.TF.364'
                 explorer_pos = self.fm.get_explorer_pos_mean()
                 #self.fm.observation(explorer_pos[2] + (randn() * sm.sensors_by_type['Compass'][0].variance), sm.sensors_by_type['Compass'][0])
                 accumulate_distance[2] = 0