def test_send_command():
    """ Test the serial send command """
    ser = SerialCommunication.start_serial()

    # Correct Statement
    ticket = SerialCommunication.send_command(
        ser, '{"id" : "Motor1", "enabled" : "0"}')
    assert ticket == 1

    # Corrupt Command
    # NOTE: send_command() does not process command and will send any statement
    ticket = SerialCommunication.send_command(
        ser, 'dsfvx{cvsddg#@sdflkj$b32r87)dfdgb')
    assert ticket == 1

    # Corrupt Serial
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        ticket = SerialCommunication.send_command(
            None, '{"id" : "Motor1", "enabled" : "0"}')
def test_start_serial():
    """ Test the serial inizalization """
    ser = SerialCommunication.start_serial()
    assert ser is not None