Exemplo n.º 1
def test_TFSSvg():
    fiSvg = TFSSvg(backgroundColor=0xffff0000)
    fiSvg.addStrokePath(polygonWithPoints(TFSPoint(4, 5), TFSPoint(4, 15),
                                          TFSPoint(14, 15), TFSPoint(14, 5)),
    fiSvg.renderToFile('test.svg', margin=10, height=400, maxWidth=600)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def createArc(self, startAngle, endAngle):
        startAngle -= self.rotation
        endAngle -= self.rotation

        #        startPoint = TFSPoint(self.center.x + math.cos(startAngle) * self.hRadius,
        #                          self.center.y + math.sin(startAngle) * self.vRadius)
        #        endPoint = TFSPoint(self.center.x + math.cos(endAngle) * self.hRadius,
        #                          self.center.y + math.sin(endAngle) * self.vRadius)

        # normalize radians
        while endAngle < startAngle:
            endAngle += math.pi * 2
        angleDiff = endAngle - startAngle
        # No angle should be longer than a quarter of the circle, for precision purposes.
        segmentCount = max(1, int(math.ceil(angleDiff / (math.pi * 0.5))))

        # The bezier control point offsets have to be scaled down to reflect that each
        # segment is less than a "quarter circle".
        segmentAngle = angleDiff / segmentCount
        segmentFactor = segmentAngle / (math.pi * 0.5)

        #        print 'segmentAngle', segmentAngle
        #        print 'segmentFactor', segmentFactor
        #        print 'segmentCount', segmentCount, type(segmentCount)
        #        controls = []
        lastAngle = None
        lastPoint = None
        segments = []
        for index in xrange(segmentCount + 1):
            phase = index / float(segmentCount)
            angle = startAngle + phase * angleDiff
            point = TFSPoint(self.center.x + math.cos(angle) * self.hRadius,
                             self.center.y + math.sin(angle) * self.vRadius)
            if index > 0:
                controlPoint0 = TFSPoint(
                    lastPoint.x + math.cos(lastAngle + math.pi * 0.5) *
                    self.hRadius * CIRCLE_SPLINE_CONSTANT * segmentFactor,
                    lastPoint.y + math.sin(lastAngle + math.pi * 0.5) *
                    self.vRadius * CIRCLE_SPLINE_CONSTANT * segmentFactor)
                controlPoint1 = TFSPoint(
                    point.x - math.cos(angle + math.pi * 0.5) * self.hRadius *
                    CIRCLE_SPLINE_CONSTANT * segmentFactor,
                    point.y - math.sin(angle + math.pi * 0.5) * self.vRadius *
                    CIRCLE_SPLINE_CONSTANT * segmentFactor)
                #                controls.append( (angle, controlPoint0, ) )
                #                controls.append( (angle, controlPoint1, ) )
                points = [lastPoint, controlPoint0, controlPoint1, point]
                if self.rotation != 0:
                    points = [
                        self.rotatePointAroundCenter(point) for point in points
            lastAngle = angle
            lastPoint = point
#            controls.append( (angle, point, ) )
        return TFSPath(False, *segments)
def getIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4):
        denom = float((p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x - p4.x))
        x = ((p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x) * (p3.x - p4.x) - (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x)) / denom
        y = ((p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x)) / denom
    except ZeroDivisionError:
    return TFSPoint(x, y).roundWithDefaultPrecision()
Exemplo n.º 4
 def pointFunc(point):
     x, y = point.x, point.y
     x -= minmax.minX
     y -= minmax.minY
     x *= scaling
     y *= scaling
     x += math.floor((width - contentWidth) / 2)
     y += math.floor((height - contentHeight) / 2)
     return TFSPoint(x, y)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def renderToFile(self, filepath, margin, height, maxWidth):
        margin = round(margin)
        height = round(height)
        maxWidth = round(maxWidth)

#        print 'margin, height, maxWidth', margin, height, maxWidth

        minmax = None
        for item in self.items:
            if minmax is None:
                minmax = item.minmax()
                minmax = minmaxMerge(minmax, item.minmax())

        scalingY = (height - 2 * margin) / (minmax.maxY - minmax.minY)
        scalingX = (maxWidth - 2 * margin) / (minmax.maxX - minmax.minX)
        scaling = min(scalingX, scalingY)
        contentWidth = math.ceil((minmax.maxX - minmax.minX) * scaling)
        contentHeight = math.ceil((minmax.maxY - minmax.minY) * scaling)
        width = contentWidth + 2 * margin

#        print 'scaling, contentWidth, contentHeight', scaling, contentWidth, contentHeight

        svg_document = svgwrite.Drawing(filename = filepath,
                                        size = ( formatSvgPixels(width),
                                                 formatSvgPixels(height), ) )

        if self.backgroundColor is not None:
            fillSvgRect(svg_document, 0, 0, width, height, self.backgroundColor)

        for item in self.items:
                                  math.floor((height - contentHeight) / 2)))

        if self.borderColor is not None:
            drawSvgRect(svg_document, 0, 0, width, height, self.borderColor)

    if debugMode:
        print 'calculateIntersectPoint.2'
    return p

def intersectionWithTangents(p0, tangent0, p1, tangent1):
    p = getIntersectPoint(p0, p0.plus(tangent0),
                          p1, p1.plus(tangent1))
    return p

# Test script below...
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # line 1 and 2 cross, 1 and 3 don't but would if extended, 2 and 3 are parallel
    # line 5 is horizontal, line 4 is vertical
    p1 = TFSPoint(1,5)
    p2 = TFSPoint(4,7)

    p3 = TFSPoint(4,5)
    p4 = TFSPoint(3,7)

    p5 = TFSPoint(4,1)
    p6 = TFSPoint(3,3)

    p7 = TFSPoint(3,1)
    p8 = TFSPoint(3,10)

    p9 =  TFSPoint(0,6)
    p10 = TFSPoint(5,6)

    p11 = (472.0, 116.0)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def evaluate(self, angle):
     angle -= self.rotation
     point = TFSPoint(self.center.x + math.cos(angle) * self.hRadius,
                      self.center.y + math.sin(angle) * self.vRadius)
     point = self.rotatePointAroundCenter(point)
     return point
Exemplo n.º 8
 def rfPointToTFSPoint(rfpoint):
     fiPoint = TFSPoint(rfpoint.x, rfpoint.y)
     if setSelected:
         fiPoint.selected = rfpoint.selected
     return fiPoint
Exemplo n.º 9
 def rfPointToTFSPoint(rfpoint):
     fiPoint = TFSPoint(rfpoint.x, rfpoint.y)
     if setSelected:
         fiPoint.selected = rfpoint.selected
     return fiPoint