Exemplo n.º 1
def Ransac(Matches, TYPE, N, Epsilon):
    # Random sample consensus(RANSAC) is an iterative method to estimate parameters
    # of a mathematical model from a set of observed data that contains outliers.
    # By iteratively fitting a model to the data we find the best model by its ability
    # to characterize a threshold of inlier points.

    # Input: Corresponding Image coordinates in the two images (Matches)
    #        Threshold number of inlier points (N)
    #        Threshold value for Sum of Squared differences (Epsilon)
    #        TYPE determines the model to compute (1=Affine, 2=Homography)
    # Outputs: Number of inlier points
    #          Affine or Homography transformation matrix

    # Inlier count
    In_count = 0

    # Inlier array
    Inlier_Data = []

    while (In_count < N):
        # Randomly pick out points from the matches
        r = np.round((len(Matches) - 1)*np.random.random(np.int(np.round(len(Matches)/2)) + 1)).astype(int)
        Subsample = Matches[r,:]

        # Keep track of the inliers
        if (In_count > 0):
            Subsample = np.concatenate((Subsample, np.asarray(Inlier_Data)), axis=0)

        # Isolate the matches
        Image_Coords_1 = np.asarray(Subsample)[:,0:2]
        Image_Coords_2 = np.asarray(Subsample)[:,2:4]

        # Homography
        if (TYPE == 2):

            # Compute the homography matrix
            H = Transformations.Homography(Image_Coords_1, Image_Coords_2)

            # Compute the transformation and the inverse transformation
            X2 = Transformations.HomographyTransformer(H, Matches[:, 0:2])
            X1 = Transformations.HomographyTransformer(np.linalg.inv(H), Matches[:, 2:4])

            # Compute the euclidean distance
            ssd = SumEucDistance(X1, Matches[:, 0:2], X2, Matches[:, 2:4])

        # Affine
        elif (TYPE == 1):

            # Compute the affine matrix
            A = Transformations.AffineTransformer(Image_Coords_1, Image_Coords_2)

            # Compute the transformation coordinates and inverse transformation coordinates
            X2 = np.matmul(A, np.transpose(np.hstack((np.asarray(Matches[:,0:2]), np.ones(shape=(len(Matches),1))))))
            X1 = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(A), np.transpose(np.hstack((np.asarray(Matches[:,2:4]), np.ones(shape=(len(Matches),1))))))

            # Compute the euclidean distance
            ssd = SumEucDistance(X1[0:2].T, Matches[:, 0:2], X2[0:2].T, Matches[:, 2:4])

            raise ValueError("Incorrect Type")

        # Extract the outliers
        for i in range(0, len(ssd)):
            if (ssd[i] < Epsilon):
                if [Matches[i,0],Matches[i,1],Matches[i,2],Matches[i,3]] not in np.asarray(Inlier_Data).tolist():
                    In_count += 1

    # Compute the transformation using the inliers
    Inlier_Data = np.asarray(Inlier_Data, dtype=float)

    if (TYPE == 1):
        return Inlier_Data, Transformations.AffineTransformer(Inlier_Data[:, 0:2], Inlier_Data[:, 2:4])
    elif (TYPE == 2):
        return Inlier_Data, Transformations.Homography(Inlier_Data[:, 0:2], Inlier_Data[:, 2:4])
Exemplo n.º 2
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)

# Plot the transformed points
ax2.plot(matches[:,2], matches[:,3], 'r+')
ax2.plot(Tr_coord2_R[0,:], Tr_coord2_R[1,:], 'b+')

ax1.plot(matches[:,0], matches[:,1], 'r+')
ax1.plot(Tr_coord1_R[0,:], Tr_coord1_R[1,:], 'b+')

### Homography Transformation ###
Homography_T = Transformations.Homography(Input_coord1, Input_coord2)

# Transformed coordinates
Tr_coord2_H = Transformations.HomographyTransformer(Homography_T, Input_coord1)
Tr_coord1_H = Transformations.HomographyTransformer(np.linalg.inv(Homography_T), Input_coord2)

# Display the image
fig = plt.figure('Homogrphy Transformation')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)

# Plot the transformed points
ax2.plot(matches[:,2], matches[:,3], 'r+')
ax2.plot(Tr_coord2_H[:,0], Tr_coord2_H[:,1], 'b+')