def StorageLifetime(ex):
  print('\nAnalyzing TCN' + ex['TCN'])
  if len(ex['start']) == 0:
    print('Found no cycles with run numbers {0}!'.format(ex['runs']))

  canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('c', 'c')
  pdf = 'TCN{0}.pdf'.format(ex['TCN'])

  # subtract background from Li6 counts and normalize to monitor counts
  y, yerr = UCN.SubtractBackgroundAndNormalize(ex['li6counts'], ex['countduration'], 'li6', ex['monitorcounts2'], [math.sqrt(m) for m in ex['monitorcounts2']])

  x = ex['storageduration']
  xerr = [0. for _ in ex['storageduration']]  

  # plot normalized, background corrected counts vs storage time
  graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x), numpy.array(x), numpy.array(y), numpy.array(xerr), numpy.array(yerr))
  graph.SetTitle('TCN{0} (single exponential fit, with background subtracted, normalized to monitor detector)'.format(ex['TCN']))
  graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Storage time (s)')
  graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('UCN-count-to-monitor ratio')


  #do single exponential fit with data point at 0 excluded
  f = graph.Fit(UCN.SingleExpo(), 'SQB', '', 1., 1000.)
  graph.SetTitle('TCN{0} (single exponential fit, with background subtracted, normalized to monitor detector, 0s excluded)'.format(ex['TCN']))
  canvas.Print(pdf + '(')
  ex['tau'] = f.GetParams()[1]
  ex['tauerr'] = f.GetErrors()[1]*max(math.sqrt(f.Chi2()/f.Ndf()), 1.0)

  # do double exponential fit
  graph.SetTitle('TCN{0} (double exponential fit, with background subtracted, normalized to monitor detector, 0s excluded)'.format(ex['TCN']))
  f = graph.Fit(UCN.DoubleExpo(), 'SQB', '', 1., 1000.)
  print('{0} +/- {1}, {2} +/- {3} (double exponential fit, with background subtracted, normalized to monitor detector, 0s excluded)'.format(f.GetParams()[1], f.GetErrors()[1], f.GetParams()[3], f.GetErrors()[3]))
  # plot uncorrected UCN counts
#  y = [float(c) for c in ex['li6counts']]
#  yerr = [math.sqrt(c) for c in ex['li6counts']]
#  graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x), numpy.array(x), numpy.array(y), numpy.array(xerr), numpy.array(yerr))
#  graph.SetTitle('TCN{0} (single exponential fit + background, unnormalized)'.format(ex['TCN']))
#  graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Storage time (s)')
#  graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('UCN count')
  # do single exponential fit with background
#  f = graph.Fit(UCN.SingleExpoWithBackground(), 'SQB')
#  graph.Draw('AP')
#  canvas.Print(pdf)
#  print('{0} +/- {1} (single exponential fit with {2} +/- {3} background, unnormalized)'.format(f.GetParams()[1], f.GetErrors()[1], f.GetParams()[2], f.GetErrors()[2]))

  # draw plot of temperature during each cycle
  UCN.PrintTemperatureVsCycle(ex, pdf)

  mtau = []
  mtauerr = []
  # fit single exponential to He3 count-rate histogram during storage period (pinhole method)
  for he3rate, m, s, c in zip(ex['he3rate'], ex['monitorduration'], ex['storageduration'], ex['countduration']):
    fitstart = m + 5
    fitend = m + s
#    if not ex['pinhole']:
#      fitend = fitend + c
    if fitend > fitstart + 10 and he3rate.Integral(he3rate.FindBin(fitstart), he3rate.FindBin(fitend)) > 0:
      f = he3rate.Fit(UCN.SingleExpo(), 'SQB', '', fitstart, fitend)
      he3rate.SetTitle('TCN{0} (He3 rate)'.format(ex['TCN']))
      canvas.Print(pdf) # print fitted He3 rate to pdf
      mtauerr.append(f.GetErrors()[1]*max(math.sqrt(f.Chi2()/f.Ndf()), 1.0))
  # print average storage lifetime from He3 fits to pdf
  canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('c','c')
  if len(mtau) > 0:
    he3tau = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(mtau), numpy.array(ex['cyclenumber']), numpy.array(mtau), numpy.array([0. for _ in mtau]), numpy.array(mtauerr))
    fit = he3tau.Fit('pol0', 'SQ')
    ex['pinholetau'] = fit.Parameter(0)
    ex['pinholetauerr'] = fit.ParError(0)*max(math.sqrt(f.Chi2()/f.Ndf()), 1.0)
    he3tau.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Pinhole storage lifetime (s)')
    print('{0} +/- {1} (single exponential fit to rate in monitor detector during storage period)'.format(fit.Parameter(0), fit.ParError(0)))
    ex['pinholetau'] = 0.
    ex['pinholetauerr'] = 0.

  # draw plot of Li6 background rate during each cycle
  ex['li6backgroundrate'], ex['li6backgroundrateerr'] = UCN.PrintBackgroundVsCycle(ex, pdf, 'li6')
  print('Li6 detector background rate: {0} +/- {1} 1/s'.format(ex['li6backgroundrate'], ex['li6backgroundrateerr']))
  beam = [numpy.mean(cur) for cur in ex['beamcurrent']], [numpy.std(cur) for cur in ex['beamcurrent']]
  # subtract background from Li6 counts during irradiation and normalize to beam current, draw plot for each cycle
  ex['li6irradiationrate'], ex['li6irradiationrateerr'] = UCN.SubtractBackgroundAndNormalizeRate(ex['li6irradiation'], ex['irradiationduration'], 'li6', beam[0], beam[1])
  UCN.PrintIrradiationBackgroundVsCycle(ex, pdf, 'li6')

  # report average monitor counts, range of beam current, range of He-II temperature
  monitoravg = numpy.average(ex['monitorcounts2'], None, [1./m for m in ex['monitorcounts2']], True)
  print('Monitor counts: {0} +/- {1}'.format(monitoravg[0], 1./math.sqrt(monitoravg[1])))
  print('Beam current from {0} to {1} uA'.format(min(min(c) for c in ex['beamcurrent']), max(max(c) for c in ex['beamcurrent'])))
  print('Temperatures from {0} to {1} K'.format(min(ex['mintemperature']), max(ex['maxtemperature'])))

  # draw Li6 channel histogram
  canvas.Print(pdf + ')')
Exemplo n.º 2
def StorageLifetime(ex, FitResult=None):
    print('\nAnalyzing TCN{0} in runs {1}'.format(ex['TCN'], ex['runs']))

    if len(ex['start']) == 0:
        print('Found no cycles with run numbers {0}!'.format(ex['runs']))

    # report start time

    # report range of beam current
    print('Beam current from {0:.3} to {1:.3} uA'.format(
        min(min(c) for c in ex['beamcurrent']),
        max(max(c) for c in ex['beamcurrent'])))

    # report range of temperature and vapor pressure
    print('Temperatures from {0:.3} to {1:.3} K'.format(
        min(ex['mintemperature']), max(ex['maxtemperature'])))
    print('Vapor pressure from {0:.3} to {1:.3} torr'.format(
        min(ex['minvaporpressure']), max(ex['maxvaporpressure'])))

    beam = [numpy.mean(cur) for cur in ex['beamcurrent']
            ], [numpy.std(cur) for cur in ex['beamcurrent']]
    canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('c1', 'c1')
    for det in ['li6', 'he3']:
        x = numpy.array(ex['storageduration'])
        xerr = numpy.array([0. for _ in x])
        # subtract background from UCN counts
        ex[det + 'counts_normalized'], ex[
            det +
            'counts_normalized_err'] = UCN.SubtractBackgroundAndNormalize(
                ex[det + 'counts'], ex['countduration'], det, beam[0], beam[1])
        y = numpy.array(ex[det + 'counts_normalized'])
        yerr = numpy.array(ex[det + 'counts_normalized_err'])

        # plot normalized Li6 counts vs storage time
        graph = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(x), x, y, xerr, yerr)
            'TCN{0} ({1} detector, single exponential fit, background subtracted, normalized to beam current)'
            .format(ex['TCN'], det))
        graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Storage time (s)')
        graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('UCN count (#muA^{-1})')
        #    graph.SetMarkerStyle(20)
        # do single exponential fit
        f = graph.Fit(UCN.SingleExpo(), 'SQB')
        if sum(y) > 0 and f.Error(1) < 5.:
            ex[det + 'tau'] = f.Parameter(1)
            ex[det +
               'tauerr'] = f.Error(1) * max(math.sqrt(f.Chi2() / f.Ndf()), 1.)
                'SKIPPING lifetime measurement from {0} detector in run(s) {1} because there were no counts detected or the error is larger than 5 s.'
                .format(det, ex['runs']))
            ex[det + 'tau'] = 0.
            ex[det + 'tauerr'] = 0.
            '{0:.4} +/- {1:.2} ({2} detector, single exponential fit, background subtracted, normalized to beam current)'
            .format(ex[det + 'tau'], ex[det + 'tauerr'], det))
        pdf = 'TCN{0}_{1}.pdf'.format(ex['TCN'], ex['runs'][0])
        if det == 'li6':
            canvas.Print(pdf + '(')

    if FitResult:
        r = DoCombinedFit([ex], pdf, FitResult)
        print('{0:.4} +/- {1:.2} (wall-storage lifetime from combined fit)'.
              format(ex['tau_wall'], ex['tau_wallerr']))


    UCN.PrintTemperatureVsCycle(ex, pdf)
    for det in ['li6', 'he3']:
        ex[det + 'backgroundrate'], ex[
            det + 'backgroundrateerr'] = UCN.PrintBackgroundVsCycle(
                ex, pdf, det)
        ex[det + 'irradiationrate'], ex[
            det +
            'irradiationrateerr'] = UCN.SubtractBackgroundAndNormalizeRate(
                ex[det + 'irradiation'], ex['irradiationduration'], det,
                beam[0], beam[1])
        UCN.PrintIrradiationBackgroundVsCycle(ex, pdf, det)
        print(det + ' detector background rate: {0:.4} +/- {1:.2} 1/s'.format(
            ex[det + 'backgroundrate'], ex[det + 'backgroundrateerr']))

    canvas.Print(pdf + ')')

    # return result from primary detector
    if max(ex['li6counts']) > max(ex['he3counts']):
        ex['tau'] = ex['li6tau']
        ex['tauerr'] = ex['li6tauerr']
        ex['tau'] = ex['he3tau']
        ex['tauerr'] = ex['he3tauerr']