Exemplo n.º 1
    def _increment(self, txn, record, params):
        self.log.debug("increment called")

        targetPath = params.getValue("param[@name='target-path']")
        keyPath = params.getValue("param[@name='key-path']")

        # We get the key data that we should look for in the related documents.
        targetID = record.getValue(keyPath)
            self.log.debug("increment retrieving record " + targetID)
            target = XMLFragment(self.getRecord(txn, targetID))
            self.log.debug("increment record retrieved")

            result = target.getSingle(targetPath)
            # See whether we should update the count or add the element
            if result != None:
                count = int(result.getContent())
                result.setContent(str(count + 1))
                nodeName = targetPath.split("/")[-1]
                target.getRootElement().newChild(None, nodeName, "1")

            self.log.debug("increment saving modified record")
            self.updateRecord(txn, targetID, target.serialize())

        except NotFoundError:
            self.log.warn("increment called for non-existent target")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _prepareDocument(self, record):
        doc = record
        if isinstance(record, str):
            doc = XMLFragment(record)

        root = doc.getRootElement()

        # Add the date if it's not already there.
        if 0 == len(doc.xpathEval("//pubDate")):
            date = time.time()
            # ISO8601 Date
            # TODO this shouldn't really use localtime as the ISO8601 date should be GMT. Just not sure how to
            # convert the time using XSL-T otherwise.
            pubDate = root.newChild(
                None, "pubDate", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(date)) + "-07:00"

            pubDate.setProp("seconds", str(date))

        # Set the id for the post
        # TODO: maybe this would be better as meta-data or should at least
        # be in a namespace
        # This call will also mark the database as modified
        # TODO: see if there's a better way.
        recordID = self.getNextID()
        root.setProp("id", str(recordID))

        return (doc, recordID)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _cascadeDeletes(self, txn, record, params):
        targetRoot = params.getValue("param[@name='target-root']")
        fromKey = params.getValue("param[@name='from-key']")
        targetKey = params.getValue("param[@name='target-key']")

        # We get the key data that we should look for in the related documents.
        relation = record.getValue("/%s/%s" % (record.getRootElement().name, fromKey))

        if relation != "":
            # Now build the query to select the ids for the target documents
            query = "/%s[%s=%s]/@id" % (targetRoot, targetKey, relation)
            related = XMLFragment(self.xpathQuery(txn, query))
            content = related.getRootElement().content.strip()
            if content != "":
                for id in content.split("\n"):
                        self.deleteRecord(txn, id)
                    except NotFoundError:
                        self.log.warn("_cascadeDeletes: Deleting %s, but it's already gone" % id)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _applyTriggers(self, txn, action, record):
        if isinstance(record, str):
            record = XMLFragment(record)

        rootName = record.getRootElement().name

        self.log.debug("_applyTriggers: handling %s for type %s" % (action, rootName))

        # See if there are any reference triggers for this type of item and this
        # action
        query = "/datatypes/datatype/relation[@from-type = '%s']/trigger[on = '%s']"
        query = query % (rootName, action)
        self.log.debug("_applyTriggers: looking for triggers with query %s" % query)

        self._runTriggers(txn, query, record)

        # Handle any references for actions that should occur for the same
        # datatype
        query = "/datatypes/datatype[@root='%s']/trigger[on='%s']"
        query = query % (rootName, action)
        self.log.debug("_applyTriggers: looking for triggers with query %s" % query)

        self._runTriggers(txn, query, record)