Exemplo n.º 1
class AIMLBot:
  An AIML chat bot that attempts to use a Bayesian guesser to 
  reduce the amount of AIML that needs to be written, allowing
  us to just write very generic AIML and train the filter accordingly.
  Ideally the bot should ask for help whenever it cannot find a reponse.
  AIMLBot also intends to be highly extensible by allowing for callbacks
  to be inserted in the AIML using 'handler' predicates. You can extend 
  this class and supply your own AIML and callbacks which will execute
  once the bot is fully trained.
  Duncan Gough 13/03/04
  - Updated to switch from AIM to IRC, switching TocTalk for Twisted IRC.
  - Renamed on_IM_IN to on_MSG_IN since we don't handle IMs anymore
  - Removed all the AIM Buddy code
  - Also updated to fix a bug with the training mode whereby topics with
  an underscore were not being learnt. Since we used TRAINING_NICKNAME
  to teach the bot, learning was effectively disabled. AIMLBot now creates
  a training file with the topic of TRAININGNICKNAME which means that all
  the other pieces join up.
  Duncan Gough 11/01/09
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.blist = {}
        self.response = ''
        self.typerate = 0.05

        self._dir = dir(self)
        #print self._dir

        # Initialize the AIML interpreter
        self.kernel = aiml.Kernel()
        self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "yes")  # secure the global session
        #self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "no") # and unsecure it.
        self.kernel.setBotPredicate("name", name)

        # Initialise the Bayes parser
        self.bayes = AIMLBayes(name)

    def do_RESPONSE(self, sn, reply):
    Sends the AIML response back to the other user.
        Typing timeout code written by Michael Wakerly
        for sentence in reply.split("\n"):

            # Pretend we are typing with an artificial timeout
            slept = 0
            for char in sentence:
                slept += self.typerate
                if slept >= 5.0:

            self.response = sentence

    def fetch_aiml_response(self, line, sn):
    Returns the response from the AIML parser
            #print 'hear fetch aiml'
            return self.kernel.respond(line, sn)
            return None

    def guess(self, line):
    Guess the topic of conversation using a Bayesian filter
            topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
            print "[Guess] %s" % topic
            return topic
            return None

    def on_BAYES(self, sn, line, topic=""):
    Guess the topic and then try to find a reponse.
    If that fails, ask for help.
        if topic:
                print "[Topic] %s" % topic
                self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", topic, sn)
                reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
                #print '\nfetch aiml response: %s\n' % reply
                if reply:
                    self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
                    self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                #print 'reply 109'
                self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
                print "[Topic] %s" % topic
                self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", topic, sn)
                reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
                if reply:
                    #print 'reply 116'
                    self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
                    #print 'reply 118'
                    self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                print 'reply 121'
                self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)

    def on_FORGET(self, sn, line):
    Purposefully forget information stored in the Bayesian filter
        tmp = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning", sn)
        meaning, topic = tmp.split("means")
        self.bayes.untrain(topic.strip(), meaning.strip())

        # We don't want this topic to persist
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)

    def on_MSG_IN(self, sn, data):
    Main method called in reponse to an incoming message
        line, sn = self.parse_msg(data, sn)
        print 'line', line
        print 'sn', sn

        guess = self.guess(line)
        print 'guess', guess
        topic = self.kernel.getPredicate("topic", sn)
        print 'topic', topic
        handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler", sn)
        print 'handler', handler

        # Order of relevance:
        # 1. Handler set by AIML (mainly used for training)
        # 2. Bayesian guess (whether the topic agrees or not)
        # 3. Persistent topic
        # 4. Ask for help
        if ("on_%s" % handler) in self._dir:
            # Handle further implementations (borrowed from PyTOC in the old GrokItBot code)
            print "[Handler] %s" % handler
            exec("self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler)
        elif guess == topic:
            # Persistant topic, which Bayes agrees with
            self.on_TOPIC(sn, line)
        elif guess:
            # Lets try a guess
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line, guess)

        # We can support persistant topics here but that requires much more
        # training of the bot in the long run, as the topic of conversation
        # will only change once the bot is able to guess at a change of topic
        # from keywords in your input. Since this can take some time and doesn't
        # show off the Bayes guessing ability so well, I've disabled that.
        # If you want to try this out, just uncomment the following else statement.
        # You'll find the bot will stay on topic and that you'll need to make use of
        # the 'learn x' statement to train the bot accordingly.
        #elif topic:
        #  # Stay on topic
        #  self.on_TOPIC(sn,line)

            # Last resort.. another guess
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line)

        # Finally, check for and carry out any callbacks set in
        # the AIML (barring training, which requires one more input)
        handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler", sn)

        if ("on_%s" % handler) in self._dir:
            # Handle further implementations (just as PyTOC does)
            if handler != "TRAINING":
                print "[Callback] %s" % handler
                exec("self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler)
                self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)

        return self.response

    def on_NEVERMIND(self, sn, line):
    Just a get out clause that resets topics and handlers
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, forget it")

    def on_RELOAD(self, sn, line):
    Causes the bot to reload its' AIML files
        #print 'hear RELOAD?'
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)

    def on_SAVEBRAIN(self, sn, topic):
    Save the bayes file to disk
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, saved it")

    def on_TOPIC(self, sn, line):
    A topic is already set, try and find a reponse for it.
    If that fails, let the bayes filter try its' luck
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)

        if reply:
            self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line)

    def on_TRAINING(self, sn, line):
    Use the AIML response as a keyword, the users response as
    an explanation and train the bayesian filter accordingly
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "training" + sn, sn)
        topic = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        meaning = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning", sn)

        if topic == "NEVERMIND":
            self.on_NEVERMIND(sn, line)
                self.bayes.train(topic, meaning)
                self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, I grok that")
                self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "Sorry, that didn't work")

            # Reset the various training flags
            self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)
            self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)

    def on_UNKNOWN(self, sn, line):
    Ask the user for help. The AIML parser will generate a dynamic AIML
    file which it can learn, in anticipation of a meaningful reply
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "unknown", sn)
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)

    def parse_msg(self, msg, sn):
    Munge the input and hack any URLs so that they aren't split into 
    multiple sentences by the AIML parser
        self.kernel.setPredicate("player1", sn, sn)

        line = self.strip_tags(msg)
        line = line.strip()

        m = re.match(
            line, re.IGNORECASE)
            url = m.group(3).replace(".", "::").replace("?", "++")
            line = m.group(1) + url

        return line, sn

    def strip_tags(self, value):
        "Return the given HTML with all tags stripped. From http://xrl.us/beb7n7"
        return re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', value)
Exemplo n.º 2
class AIMLBot:

#  An AIML chat bot that attempts to use a Bayesian guesser to 
#  reduce the amount of AIML that needs to be written, allowing
#  us to just write very generic AIML and train the filter accordingly.
#  Ideally the bot should ask for help whenever it cannot find a reponse.
# AIMLBot also intends to be highly extensible by allowing for callbacks
#  to be inserted in the AIML using 'handler' predicates. You can extend 
#  this class and supply your own AIML and callbacks which will execute
#  once the bot is fully trained.
#  Duncan Gough 13/03/04
#  - Updated to switch from AIM to IRC, switching TocTalk for Twisted IRC.
#  - Renamed on_IM_IN to on_MSG_IN since we don't handle IMs anymore
#  - Removed all the AIM Buddy code
#  - Also updated to fix a bug with the training mode whereby topics with
#  an underscore were not being learnt. Since we used TRAINING_NICKNAME
#  to teach the bot, learning was effectively disabled. AIMLBot now creates
#  a training file with the topic of TRAININGNICKNAME which means that all
#  the other pieces join up.
#  Duncan Gough 11/01/09

	def __init__(self): # name
		self.blist = {}
		self.response = ''
		self.typerate = 0.05
		self._dir = dir(self)
		print("Initialize the back-ends.")
		# Fetch the configuration info
		config = lib.aiml.configFile.get()
		# Initialize the AIML interpreter
		self.kernel = aiml.Kernel()
		#extract config options
		try: verbose = config["general.verbose"] == "yes" or config["cla.verboseMode"] == "yes"
		except: verbose = False
		try: botName = config["general.botname"]
		except: botName = "Nameless"
		try: botMaster = config["general.botmaster"]
		except: botMaster = "The Master"
		try: sessionsPersist = config["general.sessionspersist"].lower() in ["yes", "y", "true"]
		except: sessionsPersist = False
		try: sessionsDir = config["general.sessionsdir"]
		except: sessionsDir = "var/sessions"
		self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "yes") # secure the global session
		self.kernel.bootstrap(learnFiles="lib/aiml/data/aiml/startup.xml", commands="bootstrap")
		self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "no") # and unsecure it.

		# Initialize bot predicates
		for k,v in config.items():
			if k[:8] != "botinfo.":
			kernel.setBotPredicate(k[8:], v)
		# Initialise the Bayes parser
		self.bayes = AIMLBayes(name)

		# Load persistent session data, if necessary
		if sessionsPersist:
				for session in os.listdir(sessionsDir):
					# Session files are named "*****@*****.**", where
					# user@protocol is also the internal name of the session.
					root, ext = os.path.splitext(session)
					if ext != ".ses":
						# This isn't a session file.
					# Load the contents of the session file (a single dictionary
					# containing all the predicates for this session).
					if verbose: print ("Loading session:"), root
					f = file("%s/%s" %(sessionsDir, session), "rb")
					d = marshal.load(f)
					# update the predicate values in the Kernel.
					for k,v in d.items():
			except OSError:
				print ("WARNING: Error loading session data from"), sessionsDir
		# Handle local mode: only start the tty backend
		if config['cla.localMode'].lower() in ["yes", "y", "true"]:
			try: _addBackEnd("tty", "BackEndTTY")
				print ("ERROR initializing backend class backends.tty.BackEndTTY")
			# Initialize the back-ends.  Pythonic black magic ensues...
			# First we iterate over all backend modules.
			for be in backends.__all__:
				# If this backend isn't activated in the configuration file,
				# ignore it.
				try: isActive = (config["%s.active" % be].lower() in ["yes", "y", "true"])
				except KeyError:
					print ("WARNING: no 'active' entry found for module %s in configuration file.") % be
					isActive = False
				if not isActive:
					if config['cla.verboseMode'] == 'yes':
						print ("Skipping inactive frontend: %s") % be

				# Attempt to extract the name of the back-end class defined in this module.
				# If no such class is defined, or if the class is not a subclass of IackEnd,
				# skip this module.
					cls = eval("backends.%s.backEndClass" % be)
					if not issubclass(eval("backends.%s.%s" % (be, cls)), backends.backend.IBackEnd):
				except AttributeError:
					# no valid back-end class defined in this file.
					print ("WARNING: could not find valid back-end class in module %s") % be

				# Create an instance of this class in the _backends dictionary
				try: _addBackEnd(be, cls)
					# raise # uncomment for details on error
					print ("ERROR initializing backend class backends.%s.%s") % (be,cls)

	def do_RESPONSE(self,sn,reply):

	#Sends the AIML response back to the other user.
	#Typing timeout code written by Michael Wakerly
		for sentence in reply.split("\n"):
			# Pretend we are typing with an artificial timeout
			slept = 0

		for char in sentence:
			slept += self.typerate
			if slept >= 5.0:

		self.response = sentence

	def fetch_aiml_response(self,line,sn):
		#Returns the response from the AIML parser

			return self.kernel.respond(line,sn)
			return None

	def guess(self,line):

	#Guess the topic of conversation using a Bayesian filter

			topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
			print "[Guess] %s" % topic
			return topic
			return None

	def on_BAYES(self,sn,line,topic=""):
		#Guess the topic and then try to find a reponse.
		#If that fails, ask for help.
		if topic:
				print ("[Topic] %s") % topic
				reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line,sn)
				if reply:
				topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
				print ("[Topic] %s") % topic
				reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line,sn)
				if reply:

	def on_FORGET(self,sn,line):
		#Purposefully forget information stored in the Bayesian filter
		tmp = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning",sn)
		meaning,topic = tmp.split("means")

		# We don't want this topic to persist

	def on_MSG_IN(self,sn,data):
		#Main method called in reponse to an incoming message
		line,sn = self.parse_msg(data,sn)

		guess = self.guess(line)
		topic = self.kernel.getPredicate("topic",sn)
		handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler",sn)

		# Order of relevance:
		# 1. Handler set by AIML (mainly used for training)
		# 2. Bayesian guess (whether the topic agrees or not)
		# 3. Persistent topic
		# 4. Ask for help

		if ("on_%s" % handler ) in self._dir:
			# Handle further implementations (borrowed from PyTOC in the old GrokItBot code)
			print ("[Handler] %s") % handler
			exec ( "self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler )
		elif guess == topic:
			# Persistant topic, which Bayes agrees with
		elif guess:
			# Lets try a guess

		# We can support persistant topics here but that requires much more 
		# training of the bot in the long run, as the topic of conversation 
		# will only change once the bot is able to guess at a change of topic
		# from keywords in your input. Since this can take some time and doesn't
		# show off the Bayes guessing ability so well, I've disabled that.
		# If you want to try this out, just uncomment the following else statement.
		# You'll find the bot will stay on topic and that you'll need to make use of
		# the 'learn x' statement to train the bot accordingly.
		elif topic:
			# Stay on topic

			# Last resort.. another guess

			# Finally, check for and carry out any callbacks set in
			# the AIML (barring training, which requires one more input)
			handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler",sn)

		if ("on_%s" % handler ) in self._dir:
			# Handle further implementations (just as PyTOC does)
			if handler != "TRAINING":
				print "[Callback] %s" % handler
				exec ( "self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler )

		return self.response

	def on_NEVERMIND(self,sn,line):

		#Just a get out clause that resets topics and handlers

		self.do_RESPONSE(sn,"OK, forget it")

	def on_RELOAD(self,sn,line):
		#Causes the bot to reload its' AIML files

		reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line,sn)

	def on_SAVEBRAIN(self,sn,topic):

		#Save the bayes file to disk

		self.do_RESPONSE(sn,"OK, saved it")

	def on_TOPIC(self,sn,line):

		#A topic is already set, try and find a reponse for it.
		#If that fails, let the bayes filter try its' luck

		reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line,sn)

		if reply:

	def on_TRAINING(self,sn,line):

		#Use the AIML response as a keyword, the users response as
		#an explanation and train the bayesian filter accordingly

		self.kernel.setPredicate("topic","training" + sn,sn)
		topic = self.fetch_aiml_response(line,sn)
		meaning = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning",sn)

		if topic == "NEVERMIND":
				self.do_RESPONSE(sn,"OK, I grok that")
				self.do_RESPONSE(sn,"Sorry, that didn't work")

		# Reset the various training flags

	def on_UNKNOWN(self,sn,line):

		#Ask the user for help. The AIML parser will generate a dynamic AIML
		#file which it can learn, in anticipation of a meaningful reply

		reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line,sn)

	def parse_msg(self,msg,sn):
		#Munge the input and hack any URLs so that they aren't split into 
		#multiple sentences by the AIML parser


		line = self.strip_tags(msg)
		line = line.strip()

		m = re.match('^(.*?)(http://)?((?:[a-z0-9-]+\.)?[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9]+(?:\.[a-z0-9\.]*)?.*$)',line,re.IGNORECASE)
			url = m.group(3).replace(".","::").replace("?","++")
			line = m.group(1) + url

		return line,sn

	def strip_tags(self,value):
		"Return the given HTML with all tags stripped. From http://xrl.us/beb7n7"
		return re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', value)
Exemplo n.º 3
class AIMLBot:
  An AIML chat bot that attempts to use a Bayesian guesser to 
  reduce the amount of AIML that needs to be written, allowing
  us to just write very generic AIML and train the filter accordingly.
  Ideally the bot should ask for help whenever it cannot find a reponse.
  AIMLBot also intends to be highly extensible by allowing for callbacks
  to be inserted in the AIML using 'handler' predicates. You can extend 
  this class and supply your own AIML and callbacks which will execute
  once the bot is fully trained.
  Duncan Gough 13/03/04
  - Updated to switch from AIM to IRC, switching TocTalk for Twisted IRC.
  - Renamed on_IM_IN to on_MSG_IN since we don't handle IMs anymore
  - Removed all the AIM Buddy code
  - Also updated to fix a bug with the training mode whereby topics with
  an underscore were not being learnt. Since we used TRAINING_NICKNAME
  to teach the bot, learning was effectively disabled. AIMLBot now creates
  a training file with the topic of TRAININGNICKNAME which means that all
  the other pieces join up.
  Duncan Gough 11/01/09

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.blist = {}
        self.response = ""
        self.typerate = 0.05

        self._dir = dir(self)
        # print self._dir

        # Initialize the AIML interpreter
        self.kernel = aiml.Kernel()
        self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "yes")  # secure the global session
        self.kernel.bootstrap(learnFiles="data/aiml/startup.xml", commands="bootstrap")
        # self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "no") # and unsecure it.
        self.kernel.setBotPredicate("name", name)

        # Initialise the Bayes parser
        self.bayes = AIMLBayes(name)

    def do_RESPONSE(self, sn, reply):
    Sends the AIML response back to the other user.
        Typing timeout code written by Michael Wakerly
        for sentence in reply.split("\n"):

            # Pretend we are typing with an artificial timeout
            slept = 0
            for char in sentence:
                slept += self.typerate
                if slept >= 5.0:

            self.response = sentence

    def fetch_aiml_response(self, line, sn):
    Returns the response from the AIML parser
            # print 'hear fetch aiml'
            return self.kernel.respond(line, sn)
            return None

    def guess(self, line):
    Guess the topic of conversation using a Bayesian filter
            topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
            print "[Guess] %s" % topic
            return topic
            return None

    def on_BAYES(self, sn, line, topic=""):
    Guess the topic and then try to find a reponse.
    If that fails, ask for help.
        if topic:
                print "[Topic] %s" % topic
                self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", topic, sn)
                reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
                # print '\nfetch aiml response: %s\n' % reply
                if reply:
                    self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
                    self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                # print 'reply 109'
                self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
                print "[Topic] %s" % topic
                self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", topic, sn)
                reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
                if reply:
                    # print 'reply 116'
                    self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
                    # print 'reply 118'
                    self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                print "reply 121"
                self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)

    def on_FORGET(self, sn, line):
    Purposefully forget information stored in the Bayesian filter
        tmp = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning", sn)
        meaning, topic = tmp.split("means")
        self.bayes.untrain(topic.strip(), meaning.strip())

        # We don't want this topic to persist
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)

    def on_MSG_IN(self, sn, data):
    Main method called in reponse to an incoming message
        line, sn = self.parse_msg(data, sn)
        print "line", line
        print "sn", sn

        guess = self.guess(line)
        print "guess", guess
        topic = self.kernel.getPredicate("topic", sn)
        print "topic", topic
        handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler", sn)
        print "handler", handler

        # Order of relevance:
        # 1. Handler set by AIML (mainly used for training)
        # 2. Bayesian guess (whether the topic agrees or not)
        # 3. Persistent topic
        # 4. Ask for help
        if ("on_%s" % handler) in self._dir:
            # Handle further implementations (borrowed from PyTOC in the old GrokItBot code)
            print "[Handler] %s" % handler
            exec ("self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler)
        elif guess == topic:
            # Persistant topic, which Bayes agrees with
            self.on_TOPIC(sn, line)
        elif guess:
            # Lets try a guess
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line, guess)

        # We can support persistant topics here but that requires much more
        # training of the bot in the long run, as the topic of conversation
        # will only change once the bot is able to guess at a change of topic
        # from keywords in your input. Since this can take some time and doesn't
        # show off the Bayes guessing ability so well, I've disabled that.
        # If you want to try this out, just uncomment the following else statement.
        # You'll find the bot will stay on topic and that you'll need to make use of
        # the 'learn x' statement to train the bot accordingly.
        # elif topic:
        #  # Stay on topic
        #  self.on_TOPIC(sn,line)

            # Last resort.. another guess
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line)

        # Finally, check for and carry out any callbacks set in
        # the AIML (barring training, which requires one more input)
        handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler", sn)

        if ("on_%s" % handler) in self._dir:
            # Handle further implementations (just as PyTOC does)
            if handler != "TRAINING":
                print "[Callback] %s" % handler
                exec ("self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler)
                self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)

        return self.response

    def on_NEVERMIND(self, sn, line):
    Just a get out clause that resets topics and handlers
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, forget it")

    def on_RELOAD(self, sn, line):
    Causes the bot to reload its' AIML files
        # print 'hear RELOAD?'
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)

    def on_SAVEBRAIN(self, sn, topic):
    Save the bayes file to disk
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, saved it")

    def on_TOPIC(self, sn, line):
    A topic is already set, try and find a reponse for it.
    If that fails, let the bayes filter try its' luck
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)

        if reply:
            self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line)

    def on_TRAINING(self, sn, line):
    Use the AIML response as a keyword, the users response as
    an explanation and train the bayesian filter accordingly
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "training" + sn, sn)
        topic = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        meaning = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning", sn)

        if topic == "NEVERMIND":
            self.on_NEVERMIND(sn, line)
                self.bayes.train(topic, meaning)
                self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, I grok that")
                self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "Sorry, that didn't work")

            # Reset the various training flags
            self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)
            self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)

    def on_UNKNOWN(self, sn, line):
    Ask the user for help. The AIML parser will generate a dynamic AIML
    file which it can learn, in anticipation of a meaningful reply
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "unknown", sn)
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)

    def parse_msg(self, msg, sn):
    Munge the input and hack any URLs so that they aren't split into 
    multiple sentences by the AIML parser
        self.kernel.setPredicate("player1", sn, sn)

        line = self.strip_tags(msg)
        line = line.strip()

        m = re.match(
            "^(.*?)(http://)?((?:[a-z0-9-]+\.)?[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9]+(?:\.[a-z0-9\.]*)?.*$)", line, re.IGNORECASE
            url = m.group(3).replace(".", "::").replace("?", "++")
            line = m.group(1) + url

        return line, sn

    def strip_tags(self, value):
        "Return the given HTML with all tags stripped. From http://xrl.us/beb7n7"
        return re.sub(r"<[^>]*?>", "", value)
Exemplo n.º 4
class AIMLBot:

    #  An AIML chat bot that attempts to use a Bayesian guesser to
    #  reduce the amount of AIML that needs to be written, allowing
    #  us to just write very generic AIML and train the filter accordingly.
    #  Ideally the bot should ask for help whenever it cannot find a reponse.
    # AIMLBot also intends to be highly extensible by allowing for callbacks
    #  to be inserted in the AIML using 'handler' predicates. You can extend
    #  this class and supply your own AIML and callbacks which will execute
    #  once the bot is fully trained.
    #  Duncan Gough 13/03/04
    #  - Updated to switch from AIM to IRC, switching TocTalk for Twisted IRC.
    #  - Renamed on_IM_IN to on_MSG_IN since we don't handle IMs anymore
    #  - Removed all the AIM Buddy code
    #  - Also updated to fix a bug with the training mode whereby topics with
    #  an underscore were not being learnt. Since we used TRAINING_NICKNAME
    #  to teach the bot, learning was effectively disabled. AIMLBot now creates
    #  a training file with the topic of TRAININGNICKNAME which means that all
    #  the other pieces join up.
    #  Duncan Gough 11/01/09

    def __init__(self):  # name
        self.blist = {}
        self.response = ''
        self.typerate = 0.05
        self._dir = dir(self)

        print("Initialize the back-ends.")
        # Fetch the configuration info
        config = lib.aiml.configFile.get()
        # Initialize the AIML interpreter
        self.kernel = aiml.Kernel()
        #extract config options
            verbose = config["general.verbose"] == "yes" or config[
                "cla.verboseMode"] == "yes"
            verbose = False
            botName = config["general.botname"]
            botName = "Nameless"
            botMaster = config["general.botmaster"]
            botMaster = "The Master"
            sessionsPersist = config["general.sessionspersist"].lower() in [
                "yes", "y", "true"
            sessionsPersist = False
            sessionsDir = config["general.sessionsdir"]
            sessionsDir = "var/sessions"
        self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "yes")  # secure the global session
        self.kernel.setPredicate("secure", "no")  # and unsecure it.
        self.kernel.setBotPredicate("name", name)

        # Initialize bot predicates
        for k, v in config.items():
            if k[:8] != "botinfo.":
            kernel.setBotPredicate(k[8:], v)

        # Initialise the Bayes parser
        self.bayes = AIMLBayes(name)

        # Load persistent session data, if necessary
        if sessionsPersist:
                for session in os.listdir(sessionsDir):
                    # Session files are named "*****@*****.**", where
                    # user@protocol is also the internal name of the session.
                    root, ext = os.path.splitext(session)
                    if ext != ".ses":
                        # This isn't a session file.
                    # Load the contents of the session file (a single dictionary
                    # containing all the predicates for this session).
                    if verbose: print("Loading session:"), root
                    f = file("%s/%s" % (sessionsDir, session), "rb")
                    d = marshal.load(f)
                    # update the predicate values in the Kernel.
                    for k, v in d.items():
                        kernel.setPredicate(k, v, root)
            except OSError:
                print("WARNING: Error loading session data from"), sessionsDir

        # Handle local mode: only start the tty backend
        if config['cla.localMode'].lower() in ["yes", "y", "true"]:
                _addBackEnd("tty", "BackEndTTY")
                    "ERROR initializing backend class backends.tty.BackEndTTY")
            # Initialize the back-ends.  Pythonic black magic ensues...
            # First we iterate over all backend modules.
            for be in backends.__all__:
                # If this backend isn't activated in the configuration file,
                # ignore it.
                    isActive = (config["%s.active" % be].lower()
                                in ["yes", "y", "true"])
                except KeyError:
                        "WARNING: no 'active' entry found for module %s in configuration file."
                    ) % be
                    isActive = False
                if not isActive:
                    if config['cla.verboseMode'] == 'yes':
                        print("Skipping inactive frontend: %s") % be

                # Attempt to extract the name of the back-end class defined in this module.
                # If no such class is defined, or if the class is not a subclass of IackEnd,
                # skip this module.
                    cls = eval("backends.%s.backEndClass" % be)
                    if not issubclass(eval("backends.%s.%s" % (be, cls)),
                except AttributeError:
                    # no valid back-end class defined in this file.
                        "WARNING: could not find valid back-end class in module %s"
                    ) % be

                # Create an instance of this class in the _backends dictionary
                    _addBackEnd(be, cls)
                    # raise # uncomment for details on error
                    print("ERROR initializing backend class backends.%s.%s"
                          ) % (be, cls)

    def do_RESPONSE(self, sn, reply):

        #Sends the AIML response back to the other user.
        #Typing timeout code written by Michael Wakerly
        for sentence in reply.split("\n"):
            # Pretend we are typing with an artificial timeout
            slept = 0

        for char in sentence:
            slept += self.typerate
            if slept >= 5.0:

        self.response = sentence

    def fetch_aiml_response(self, line, sn):
        #Returns the response from the AIML parser

            return self.kernel.respond(line, sn)
            return None

    def guess(self, line):

        #Guess the topic of conversation using a Bayesian filter

            topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
            print "[Guess] %s" % topic
            return topic
            return None

    def on_BAYES(self, sn, line, topic=""):
        #Guess the topic and then try to find a reponse.
        #If that fails, ask for help.
        if topic:
                print("[Topic] %s") % topic
                self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", topic, sn)
                reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
                if reply:
                    self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
                    self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                topic = self.bayes.guess(line)[0][0]
                print("[Topic] %s") % topic
                self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", topic, sn)
                reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
                if reply:
                    self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
                    self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)
                self.on_UNKNOWN(sn, line)

    def on_FORGET(self, sn, line):
        #Purposefully forget information stored in the Bayesian filter
        tmp = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning", sn)
        meaning, topic = tmp.split("means")
        self.bayes.untrain(topic.strip(), meaning.strip())

        # We don't want this topic to persist
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)

    def on_MSG_IN(self, sn, data):
        #Main method called in reponse to an incoming message
        line, sn = self.parse_msg(data, sn)

        guess = self.guess(line)
        topic = self.kernel.getPredicate("topic", sn)
        handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler", sn)

        # Order of relevance:
        # 1. Handler set by AIML (mainly used for training)
        # 2. Bayesian guess (whether the topic agrees or not)
        # 3. Persistent topic
        # 4. Ask for help

        if ("on_%s" % handler) in self._dir:
            # Handle further implementations (borrowed from PyTOC in the old GrokItBot code)
            print("[Handler] %s") % handler
            exec("self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler)
        elif guess == topic:
            # Persistant topic, which Bayes agrees with
            self.on_TOPIC(sn, line)
        elif guess:
            # Lets try a guess
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line, guess)

        # We can support persistant topics here but that requires much more
        # training of the bot in the long run, as the topic of conversation
        # will only change once the bot is able to guess at a change of topic
        # from keywords in your input. Since this can take some time and doesn't
        # show off the Bayes guessing ability so well, I've disabled that.
        # If you want to try this out, just uncomment the following else statement.
        # You'll find the bot will stay on topic and that you'll need to make use of
        # the 'learn x' statement to train the bot accordingly.
        elif topic:
            # Stay on topic
            self.on_TOPIC(sn, line)

            # Last resort.. another guess
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line)

            # Finally, check for and carry out any callbacks set in
            # the AIML (barring training, which requires one more input)
            handler = self.kernel.getPredicate("handler", sn)

        if ("on_%s" % handler) in self._dir:
            # Handle further implementations (just as PyTOC does)
            if handler != "TRAINING":
                print "[Callback] %s" % handler
                exec("self.on_%s(sn,line)" % handler)
                self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)

        return self.response

    def on_NEVERMIND(self, sn, line):

        #Just a get out clause that resets topics and handlers

        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, forget it")

    def on_RELOAD(self, sn, line):
        #Causes the bot to reload its' AIML files

        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)

    def on_SAVEBRAIN(self, sn, topic):

        #Save the bayes file to disk

        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, saved it")

    def on_TOPIC(self, sn, line):

        #A topic is already set, try and find a reponse for it.
        #If that fails, let the bayes filter try its' luck

        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)

        if reply:
            self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
            self.on_BAYES(sn, line)

    def on_TRAINING(self, sn, line):

        #Use the AIML response as a keyword, the users response as
        #an explanation and train the bayesian filter accordingly

        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "training" + sn, sn)
        topic = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        meaning = self.kernel.getPredicate("meaning", sn)

        if topic == "NEVERMIND":
            self.on_NEVERMIND(sn, line)
                self.bayes.train(topic, meaning)
                self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "OK, I grok that")
                self.do_RESPONSE(sn, "Sorry, that didn't work")

        # Reset the various training flags
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("handler", "", sn)

    def on_UNKNOWN(self, sn, line):

        #Ask the user for help. The AIML parser will generate a dynamic AIML
        #file which it can learn, in anticipation of a meaningful reply

        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "unknown", sn)
        reply = self.fetch_aiml_response(line, sn)
        self.do_RESPONSE(sn, reply)
        self.kernel.setPredicate("topic", "", sn)

    def parse_msg(self, msg, sn):

        #Munge the input and hack any URLs so that they aren't split into
        #multiple sentences by the AIML parser

        self.kernel.setPredicate("player1", sn, sn)

        line = self.strip_tags(msg)
        line = line.strip()

        m = re.match(
            line, re.IGNORECASE)
            url = m.group(3).replace(".", "::").replace("?", "++")
            line = m.group(1) + url

        return line, sn

    def strip_tags(self, value):
        "Return the given HTML with all tags stripped. From http://xrl.us/beb7n7"
        return re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', value)