Exemplo n.º 1
 def publish_email_semiauto(self):
     Create an AINewsSemiAutoEmail.html file for admin to click and semi-auto
     send it to the subscriber list.
     semiauto = """
     <h1>AI Alert - SemiAuto Sender</h1>
     <form action="http://aaai.org/cgi-dada/mail.cgi?flavor=send_email" method='post'>
     <!-- <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> -->
     <input type='hidden' name='f' value='send_email' />
     <input type='hidden' name='process' value='true' />
     <input type='hidden' name='admin_list' value='alert' />
     <input type='hidden' name='message_subject' value="%s" />
     <input type='hidden' name='email_format' value='HTML' />
     <textarea type='hidden' name="text_message_body">%s</textarea>
     <input type='submit' value='Submit Mailing List Message' />
     <h2>Please review the email below. If there are concerns, contact Bruce or Reid:</h2>
     """ % ("AI Alert - "+str(self.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")),
            self.semiauto_email_output, self.semiauto_email_output)
     savefile(paths['ainews.html'] + "semiauto_email.html", semiauto)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def generate_standard_output(self): 
     Generate the stanard output for debuging on screen.
     txt = LatestNewsTxt()
     txt.news = self.publishable_articles
     savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "std_output.txt", str(txt))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def generate_feed_import(self):
     Generate XML file for feed import on the Drupal site.
     xml = FeedImport()
     for article in self.articles.values():
         article['source'] = re.sub(r'&', '&amp;', article['source'])
     xml.news = self.articles.values()
     savefile(paths['ainews.output_xml'] + "news.xml", str(xml))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def generate_feed_import(self):
     Generate XML file for feed import on the Drupal site.
     xml = FeedImport()
     for article in self.articles.values():
         article["source"] = re.sub(r"&", "&amp;", article["source"])
     xml.news = self.articles.values()
     savefile(paths["ainews.output_xml"] + "news.xml", str(xml))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def generate_pmwiki_published_output(self):
     Genereate the output with PmWiki page format. It needs to be further
     processed by AINewsPmwiki.php.
     pmwiki = LatestNewsPmWiki()
     pmwiki.date = self.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
     pmwiki.year = self.today.strftime("%Y")
     pmwiki.news = self.publishable_articles
     pmwiki.rater = True
     savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "pmwiki_output.txt", str(pmwiki))
     pmwiki.rater = False
     savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "pmwiki_output_norater.txt", str(pmwiki))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generate_email_output(self):
        Generate the output for email format.
        email = LatestNewsEmail()
        email.date = self.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
        email.year = self.today.strftime("%Y")
        email.news = self.publishable_articles
        email.aitopic_urls = aitopic_urls
        email.topicids = self.topicids
        email_output = str(email)

        savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "email_output.txt", email_output)
        self.semiauto_email_output = email_output
Exemplo n.º 7
    def publish_email_semiauto(self):
        Create an AINewsSemiAutoEmail.html file for admin to click and semi-auto
        send it to the subscriber list.

        output = self.generate_email_output()

        semiauto = """
        <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
        <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">
        <h1>AI Alert - SemiAuto Sender</h1>
        <form action="http://aaai.org/cgi-dada/mail.cgi?flavor=send_email" method='post'>
        <!-- <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> -->
        <input type='hidden' name='f' value='send_email' />
        <input type='hidden' name='process' value='true' />
        <input type='hidden' name='admin_list' value='alert' />
        <input type='hidden' name='message_subject' value="%s" />
        <input type='hidden' name='email_format' value='HTML' />
        <textarea type='hidden' name="text_message_body">%s</textarea>
        <input type='submit' value='Submit Mailing List Message' />
        <h2>Please review the email below. If there are concerns, contact Bruce or Reid:</h2>
        <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
        <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">
        """ % ("AI Alert - " + str(self.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")), output,
        savefile(paths['ainews.html'] + "semiauto_email.html", semiauto)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def generate_pmwiki_all_output(self):
        pmwiki_all = AllNewsPmWiki()
        pmwiki_all.date = self.today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
        pmwiki_all.year = self.today.strftime("%Y")
        pmwiki_all.news = self.articles.values()
        savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "pmwiki_all.txt", str(pmwiki_all))

        # Generate wiki metadata page for each article
        urlids_output = ""
        for urlid in self.articles:
            urlids_output += str(urlid) + '\n'
            article_wiki = ArticlePmWiki()
            article_wiki.year = self.today.strftime("%Y")
            article_wiki.dupthreshold = float(config['duplicates.threshold'])
            article_wiki.n = self.articles[urlid]
            savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "aiarticles/%d" % urlid,
        savefile(paths['ainews.output'] + "urlids_output.txt", urlids_output)