Exemplo n.º 1
def gather_telemetry(bar: BMP085, accel: mpu6050):
    Gather data from the satellite's systems
    :return: string of telemetry data
    accel_data = accel.get_accel_data()
    gyro_data = accel.get_gyro_data()
    temp = bar.read_temperature()
    pressure = bar.read_pressure()
    alt = bar.read_altitude()
    accel_x = accel_data["x"]
    accel_y = accel_data["y"]
    accel_z = accel_data["z"]
    gyro_x = gyro_data["x"]
    gyro_y = gyro_data["y"]
    gyro_z = gyro_data["z"]
    payload_signal = GPIO.input(payload_in_pin)
    t = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()
    data = "{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format(t, temp, pressure, alt,
                                                     accel_x, accel_y, accel_z,
                                                     gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z,
    data += "\n"

    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    set("delayed", "0")
    set("mode", "servo")
    set("servo_max", "180")
    set("active", "1")

    delay_period = 0.01
    t = 0
    scale = 200

    # state launch conditions
    R = 287  # J/(kg*K)
    # h_o = 0  # m
    # P_o = 101300  # Pa
    # L = -0.0065  # K/m
    # T_o = 273  # K
    # g = 9.81  # m/s^2
    # state the gain of controller
    kp = 2
    ki = 0
    kd = 1
    # initialize fin position
    phi = 0  # degrees
    # state desired roll
    r = 10  # degrees/s

    while True:  # infinite loop
        # calculate time
        t_old = t
        t = current_milli_time()
        del_t = t - t_old
        # calcualte om_x, om_y, om_z angular velocities
        # read straight from MPU-6050 gyroscope (scaled)
        om_x = read_word_2c(0x43) / 131
        om_y = read_word_2c(0x45) / 131
        om_z = read_word_2c(0x47) / 131
        # calculate roll, pitch, yaw angular positions
        roll = om_x * del_t
        pitch = om_y * del_t
        yaw = om_z * del_t
        # calcualte al_x, al_y, al_z angular accelerations
        al_x = om_x / del_t
        al_y = om_y / del_t
        al_z = om_z / del_t
        # calcualte a_x, a_y, a_z accelerations
        # read straight from ADXL377 high-g accelerometer
        a_x = arduino_map(adc.read_adc(0), 0, 675, -scale, scale)
        a_y = arduino_map(adc.read_adc(1), 0, 675, -scale, scale)
        a_z = arduino_map(adc.read_adc(2), 0, 675, -scale, scale)
        # calculate x, y, z position
        x = a_x / (del_t) ^ 2
        y = a_y / (del_t) ^ 2
        z = a_z / (del_t) ^ 2
        # calculate u, v, w velocities
        u = a_x / del_t
        v = a_y / del_t
        w = a_z / del_t
        # calculate P, T, h, rho
        # read from BMP180 sensor
        P = BMP180.read_pressure()
        P_o = BMP180.read_sealevel_pressure()
        T = BMP180.read_temperature()
        rho = P / (R * T)
        h = BMP180.read_altitude()
        # h = (T/L)*((P_o/P)^(R*L/g)-1)+h_o
        # calculate error
        e = r - roll
        e_int = e * t
        e_der = e / del_t
        # apply the controlled gain to the servo based on the error
        phi = kp * e + ki * e_int + kd * e_der
        var = [
            t, del_t, roll, pitch, yaw, om_x, om_y, om_z, al_x, al_y, al_z, x,
            y, z, u, v, w, a_x, a_y, a_z, phi, e, P, T, rho, h
        # write out to .csv file
        # delay to protect code from breaking.
        time.sleep(0.010)  # seconds