Exemplo n.º 1
def optimalAlphaAdaptive(dataset_path, ID, Color, optimal_rho):

    print 'Computing optimal alpha for ' + ID + ' dataset ...'

    Precision_vec = []
    Recall_vec = []
    fscore_vec = []
    alpha_vec = np.linspace(0, 30, 21)

    train_frames, test_frames, train_gts, test_gts = readDataset(
        dataset_path, ID, False)
    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])

    for alpha in alpha_vec:

        clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, optimal_rho, init_mu, init_std)
        clf = clf.fit(train_frames, train_gts)
        precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures(
            test_frames, test_gts)

        Precision_vec = np.append(Precision_vec, precision)
        Recall_vec = np.append(Recall_vec, recall)
        fscore_vec = np.append(fscore_vec, fscore)

    min, max, idxmin, idxmax = cv2.minMaxLoc(fscore_vec)
    print 'Maximum F1-Score with ', ID, ' dataset is ', max, ' with alpha = ', alpha_vec[
    print 'Precision selected with dataset ', ID, ' is ', Precision_vec[
    print 'Recall selected with dataset ', ID, ' is ', Recall_vec[idxmax[1]]

    return Precision_vec, Recall_vec, fscore_vec, alpha_vec
Exemplo n.º 2
def testAdaptiveClassifier(dataset_path, ID, alpha, rho, holeFilling,
                           areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph,

    print 'Reading dataset...'
    train_frames_bw, test_frames_bw, train_gts, test_gts, frame_size = readDataset(
        dataset_path, ID, False)
    if shadowRemoval:
        train_frames_c, test_frames_c, train_gts, test_gts, frame_size_c = readDataset(
            dataset_path, ID, True)
    print 'Dataset has been read!'

    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1]])
    init_mu_c = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1], 3])
    init_std_c = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1], 3])

    clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, rho, init_mu, init_std, init_mu_c,
    clf = clf.fit(train_frames_bw, train_gts)
    if shadowRemoval:
        precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures_shadowRemoval(
            train_frames_c, test_frames_bw, test_frames_c, test_gts,
            frame_size, holeFilling, areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph)
        precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures(
            test_frames_bw, test_gts, frame_size, holeFilling, areaFiltering,
            P, connectivity, Morph)
    print 'F-score:', fscore
    print 'Precision: ', precision
    print 'Recall: ', recall
Exemplo n.º 3
def testAdaptiveClassifier(alpha, rho, dataset_path, ID):

    train_frames, test_frames, train_gts, test_gts = readDataset(
        dataset_path, ID, False)
    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])
    clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, rho, init_mu, init_std)
    clf = clf.fit(train_frames, train_gts)
    precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures(test_frames, test_gts)
    print 'F-score:', fscore
    print 'Precision: ', precision
    print 'Recall: ', recall
Exemplo n.º 4
def optimalAlphaAdaptiveStabilized(dataset_path, ID, optimal_rho, holeFilling,
                                   areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph,

    print 'Computing optimal alpha for ' + ID + ' dataset ...'

    Precision_vec = []
    Recall_vec = []
    fscore_vec = []
    alpha_vec = np.arange(0, 30, 0.5)

    print 'Reading dataset...'
    train_frames_bw, test_frames_bw, train_gts, test_gts, frame_size = readDatasetStabilized(
        dataset_path, ID, False)
    if shadRemov:
        train_frames_c, test_frames_c, train_gts, test_gts, frame_size = readDataset(
            dataset_path, ID, True)
    print 'Dataset has been read!'

    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1]])
    init_mu_c = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1], 3])
    init_std_c = np.zeros([1, train_frames_bw.shape[1], 3])

    for alpha in alpha_vec:

        print 'Evaluating with alpha = ', alpha
        clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, optimal_rho, init_mu, init_std,
                                 init_mu_c, init_std_c)
        clf = clf.fit(train_frames_bw, train_gts)

        if shadRemov:
            precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures_shadowRemoval(
                train_frames_c, test_frames_bw, test_frames_c, test_gts,
                frame_size, holeFilling, areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph)
            precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures(
                test_frames_bw, test_gts, frame_size, holeFilling,
                areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph)

        Precision_vec = np.append(Precision_vec, precision)
        Recall_vec = np.append(Recall_vec, recall)
        fscore_vec = np.append(fscore_vec, fscore)

    min, max, idxmin, idxmax = cv2.minMaxLoc(fscore_vec)
    print 'Maximum F1-Score with ', ID, ' dataset is ', max, ' with alpha = ', alpha_vec[
    print 'Precision selected with dataset ', ID, ' is ', Precision_vec[
    print 'Recall selected with dataset ', ID, ' is ', Recall_vec[idxmax[1]]

    return Precision_vec, Recall_vec, fscore_vec, alpha_vec
Exemplo n.º 5
def optimizeAlphaRho(alpha_values, rho_values, dataset_path, ID, Color):

    train_frames, test_frames, train_gts, test_gts = readDataset(
        dataset_path, ID, Color)
    frames = np.vstack((train_frames, test_frames))
    labels = np.vstack((train_gts, test_gts))
    train_idx = [range(int(round(frames.shape[0] * 0.5)))]
    test_idx = [range(int(round(frames.shape[0] * 0.5)), frames.shape[0])]

    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])
    parameters = {'alpha': alpha_values, 'rho': rho_values}

    # perform grid search to optimize alpha and rho
    grid = GridSearchCV(AdaptiveClassifier(init_mu, init_std),
                        cv=zip(train_idx, test_idx))
    grid.fit(frames, labels)

    # save results to disk
    f = open('gridsearch_' + ID + '.pckl', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(grid, f)

    return grid
Exemplo n.º 6
def testKalmanTracking(dataset_path, ID, alpha, rho, holeFilling, areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph, GT_available, estimate_speed=False):

    # read dataset
    #train_rgb, test_rgb, train_gray, test_gray, train_gt, test_gt, frame_size  = readDatasetStabilized(dataset_path, ID, True, GT_available)
    train_rgb, test_rgb, train_gray, test_gray, train_gt, test_gt, frame_size = readDataset(dataset_path, ID, True, GT_available)

    # compute masks
    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1]])
    init_mu_c = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1], 3])
    init_std_c = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1], 3])
    clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, rho, init_mu, init_std, init_mu_c, init_std_c)
    clf = clf.fit(train_gray, train_gt)
    predictions = clf.predict(test_gray, test_gt)
    predictions = clf.postProcessing(predictions, frame_size, holeFilling, areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph)

    # tracking starts here
    distance_threshold = 40
    object_list = kalman.computeTrackingKalman(test_rgb, predictions, frame_size, distance_threshold, True,
Exemplo n.º 7
def optimalPAdaptive(dataset_path, ID, optimal_rho, holeFilling, areaFiltering,

    print 'Computing optimal P for ' + ID + ' dataset ...'
    alpha_vec = np.arange(1, 30, 1)
    P_vec = np.arange(0, 1001, 50)
    auc_vec = []

    print 'Reading dataset...'
    train_frames, test_frames, train_gts, test_gts, frame_size = readDataset(
        dataset_path, ID, False)
    print 'Dataset has been read!'

    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_frames.shape[1]])

    for p in P_vec:

        print 'Evaluating with P = ', p, ' pixels'

        Precision_vec = []
        Recall_vec = []
        fscore_vec = []

        for alpha in alpha_vec:

            clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, optimal_rho, init_mu, init_std)
            clf = clf.fit(train_frames, train_gts)
            precision, recall, fscore = clf.performance_measures(
                test_frames, test_gts, frame_size, holeFilling, areaFiltering,
                p, connectivity, False)

            Precision_vec = np.append(Precision_vec, precision)
            Recall_vec = np.append(Recall_vec, recall)
            fscore_vec = np.append(fscore_vec, fscore)

        AUC = auc(Recall_vec, Precision_vec)

        auc_vec = np.append(auc_vec, AUC)

    return auc_vec, P_vec
Exemplo n.º 8
def testMedianFlowTracking(dataset_path, ID, alpha, rho, holeFilling, areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph, GT_available):

    # read dataset
    train_rgb, test_rgb, train_gray, test_gray, train_gt, test_gt, frame_size = readDataset(dataset_path, ID, True, GT_available)

    # compute masks
    init_mu = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1]])
    init_std = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1]])
    init_mu_c = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1], 3])
    init_std_c = np.zeros([1, train_gray.shape[1], 3])
    clf = AdaptiveClassifier(alpha, rho, init_mu, init_std, init_mu_c, init_std_c)
    clf = clf.fit(train_gray, train_gt)
    predictions = clf.predict(test_gray, test_gt)
    predictions = clf.postProcessing(predictions, frame_size, holeFilling, areaFiltering, P, connectivity, Morph)

    n_frames, _, d = test_rgb.shape
    h, w = frame_size

    os.mkdir(dataset_path + '/' + ID + '/tmp')
    for frame_number in range(0, n_frames):
        frame = np.reshape(test_rgb[frame_number, :, :], (h, w, 3))
        cv2.imwrite(dataset_path + '/' + ID + '/tmp/tmp_'+('%03d' % frame_number)+'.png', frame)

    # tracking starts here
    frame_num = 0
    prev_bbox = []
    tracker_list = []
    perspective = True
    idx_removed = []
    num_trackers = 0
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(dataset_path+'/'+ID+'/tmp/tmp_%03d.png')

    start = time.time()

    for frame_number in range(0, n_frames):

        ok, frame = video.read()
        mask = np.reshape(predictions[frame_number, :], (h, w))

        # Initialize new trackers if necessary
        tracker_list, num_new_trackers = utils.initialize_trackers(frame, mask, tracker_list, prev_bbox, perspective)
        if num_new_trackers > 0:
            num_trackers = num_trackers + num_new_trackers

        # Update trackers
        bbox_list = []
        for i in range(np.shape(tracker_list)[0]):
            ok, bbox = tracker_list[i].update(frame)

        # Check if the predicted bboxes (bbox_list) overlap with a CC
        # if they do not overlap, then they must be removed
        idx_removed = utils.check_overlap_out(bbox_list, mask, perspective)
        tmp = np.shape(bbox_list)[0]
        idx = 0
        while idx < tmp:
            if idx in idx_removed:
                del tracker_list[idx]
                del bbox_list[idx]
                tmp = tmp - 1
            idx = idx + 1

        # update bboxes
        prev_bbox = bbox_list

        car_ID_list = range(1, num_trackers + 1)
        num_cars = utils.count_cars(bbox_list)  # currently on frame

        # Draw bounding boxes
        for i in range(np.shape(bbox_list)[0]):
            p1 = (int((bbox_list[i])[0]), int((bbox_list[i])[1]))
            p2 = (int((bbox_list[i])[0] + (bbox_list[i])[2]), int((bbox_list[i])[1] + (bbox_list[i])[3]))
            cv2.rectangle(frame, p1, p2, (255, 0, 0), 2, 1)
            cv2.rectangle(frame, (p2[0] + 2, p2[1] - 18), (p2[0] + 38, p2[1] - 2), (0, 0, 0), -1, 1)
            cv2.putText(frame, 'ID: ' + str(car_ID_list[i]), (p2[0] + 5, p2[1] - 6), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4,
                        (255, 255, 255), 1)

        # Display result
        cv2.putText(frame, 'Number of cars: ' + str(num_cars), (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (0, 255, 0), 1)
        # cv2.imshow('Tracking', frame)
        result = np.concatenate((frame, np.stack([mask * 255, mask * 255, mask * 255], axis=-1)), 1)
        cv2.imwrite("Results/ComboImage_" + str(frame_num) + '.png', result)
        frame_num = frame_num + 1


    end = time.time()
    fps = n_frames / (end - start)
    print ('FPS for tracking = %.2f' % fps)