Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, rows, cols, empty, lions, antelopes, recording):
        """ A method to initiate the grid with lions and antelopes

        self.grid = []
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = cols

        # this is not a recording
        if not recording:
            # calculate the total number animals to be in the grid
            totrat = empty + lions + antelopes

            # iterate through the cells
            # +2 edge for emmigration
            for row in range(rows + 2):
                self.grid.append([0] * (cols + 2))
                for col in range(cols + 2):
                    # random number in the total range
                    num = random() * totrat
                    # check which item is assigned to the cell
                    if num > empty:
                        if num <= empty + lions:
                            self.grid[row][col] = lion()
                            self.grid[row][col] = antelope()
        # rebuild from a recording
            i = 0
            rw = [0]
            self.grid.append([0] * (cols + 1))
            # iterate through each char in the recorded line
            for a in recording:
                i += 1
                # at the end of a column go to next row
                if i == (cols - 1):
                    rw = [0]
                    i = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, rows, cols, empty, lions, antelopes, recording):
        """ A method to initiate the grid with lions and antelopes

        self.grid = []
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = cols

        # this is not a recording
        if not recording:
            # calculate the total number animals to be in the grid
            totrat = empty + lions + antelopes

            # iterate through the cells
            # +2 edge for emmigration
            for row in range(rows + 2):
                self.grid.append([0] * (cols + 2))
                for col in range(cols + 2):
                    # random number in the total range
                    num = random() * totrat
                    # check which item is assigned to the cell
                    if num > empty:
                        if num <= empty + lions:
                            self.grid[row][col] = lion()
                            self.grid[row][col] = antelope()
        # rebuild from a recording
            i = 0
            rw = [0]
            self.grid.append([0] * (cols + 1))
            # iterate through each char in the recorded line
            for a in recording:
                i += 1
                # at the end of a column go to next row
                if i == (cols - 1):
                    rw = [0]
                    i = 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def run(grid, features, recordgrid):
    """ Run a generation of animals in the grid
    for a in range(1, grid.rows + 1):
        for b in range(1, grid.columns + 1):
            cell = grid.get(a, b)
            # cell is an animal
            if cell != 0:
                # make each animal older
                grid.age(a, b)

                # old animals die
                if cell.getAge() < 0:
                    grid.set(a, b, 0)
                # if it is still young and a lion
                elif cell > 2:
                    #random deaths
                    # generate a random no, and if it equals 1 the lion dies
                    if int(random() * 32) == 1:
                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                        area = (grid.areaCounter(a, b))

                        if features:
                            # emmigration - if it is too overcrowded
                            # the lions move to the first empty place
                            # else if there is no space the lion dies
                            if ((area['3'] + area['4']) > 5) and (
                                (area['1'] + area['2']) == 0):
                                if (area['0'] > 0):
                                    x = -1
                                    while x < 2:
                                        y = -1
                                        while y < 2:
                                            if grid.get(a + x, b + y) == 0:
                                                    a + x, b + y,
                                                grid.set(a + 1, b + 1, 0)
                                                x = 4
                                                y = 4
                                            y += 1
                                        x += 1
                                    # since the lion has moved there is a chance
                                    # to die again
                                    if int(random() * 32) == 1:
                                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                                    grid.set(a, b, 0)
                            # overcrowding of lions
                            # if the conditions are met the lions dies
                            if ((area['3'] + area['4']) > 5) and (
                                (area['1'] + area['2']) == 0):
                                grid.set(a, b, 0)
                # if it is still young and an antelope
                    # get the area
                    area = grid.areaCounter(a, b)
                    # if the conditions are met the antelope is eaten
                    if (area['3'] + area['4']) > 4:
                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                    # if the conditions are met the antelope is overcrowded
                    elif (area['1'] + area['2']) == 8:
                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                    # running in feat mode
                    elif features:
                        # generate a random no, and if it equals 1 the antelope dies
                        # with a bigger chance than the lions, it seems more likely
                        if int(random() * 20) == 1:
                            grid.set(a, b, 0)
            # cell is empty - check for procreation
                # get the surrounding area
                area = grid.areaCounter(a, b)
                if features:
                    # check if conditions apply for antelopes in feature mode
                    if (area["2"] > 1 and (area["1"] + area["2"]) > 3
                            and (area["3"] + area["4"]) < 4):
                        grid.set(a, b, antelope())
                    # check if conditions apply for lions
                    elif (area["4"] > 2 and (area["3"] + area["4"]) > 3
                          and (area["1"] + area["2"]) < 4):
                        grid.set(a, b, lion())
                #in non feature mode
                    if (area["2"] > 1 and (area["1"] + area["2"]) > 3
                            and (area["3"] + area["4"]) < 4):
                        grid.set(a, b, antelope())
                    # check if conditions apply for lions
                    elif (area["4"] > 2 and (area["3"] + area["4"]) > 3
                          and (area["1"] + area["2"]) < 4):
                        grid.set(a, b, lion())

    # Emmigration - reset edges so they do not influence they rest of the grid
    for a in range(grid.rows + 2):
        grid.set(a, 0, 0)
        grid.set(a, -1, 0)
    for b in range(grid.columns + 2):
        grid.set(0, b, 0)
        grid.set(-1, b, 0)

    if recordgrid:

    # return the finished grid
    return grid
Exemplo n.º 4
def run(grid, features, recordgrid):
    """ Run a generation of animals in the grid
    for a in range(1, grid.rows+1):
        for b in range(1, grid.columns+1):
            cell = grid.get(a, b)
            # cell is an animal
            if cell != 0:
                # make each animal older
                grid.age(a, b)

                # old animals die
                if cell.getAge() <0 :
                    grid.set(a, b, 0)
                # if it is still young and a lion
                elif cell > 2:
                    #random deaths
                    # generate a random no, and if it equals 1 the lion dies
                    if int(random()*32) == 1:
                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                        area = (grid.areaCounter(a, b))

                        if features:
                            # emmigration - if it is too overcrowded
                            # the lions move to the first empty place
                            # else if there is no space the lion dies
                            if ((area['3'] + area['4'])>5) and ((area['1'] + area['2'])==0):
                                if (area['0']>0):
                                    x = -1
                                    while x<2:
                                        y = -1
                                        while y<2:
                                            if grid.get(a+x,b+y) == 0:
                                                grid.set(a+x,b+y, lion(cell.Age))
                                                grid.set(a+1,b+1, 0)
                                                x = 4
                                                y = 4
                                    # since the lion has moved there is a chance
                                    # to die again
                                    if int(random()*32) == 1:
                                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                                    grid.set(a, b, 0)
                            # overcrowding of lions
                            # if the conditions are met the lions dies
                            if ((area['3'] + area['4'])>5) and ((area['1'] + area['2'])==0):
                                grid.set(a, b, 0)
                # if it is still young and an antelope
                    # get the area
                    area = grid.areaCounter(a, b)
                    # if the conditions are met the antelope is eaten
                    if (area['3'] + area['4'])>4:
                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                    # if the conditions are met the antelope is overcrowded
                    elif (area['1'] + area['2']) == 8:
                        grid.set(a, b, 0)
                    # running in feat mode
                    elif features:
                        # generate a random no, and if it equals 1 the antelope dies
                        # with a bigger chance than the lions, it seems more likely
                        if int(random()*20) == 1:
                            grid.set(a, b, 0)
            # cell is empty - check for procreation
                # get the surrounding area
                area = grid.areaCounter(a, b)
                if features:
                    # check if conditions apply for antelopes in feature mode
                    if (area["2"]>1 and (area["1"]+area["2"])>3 and (area["3"]+area["4"])<4):
                        grid.set(a, b, antelope())
                    # check if conditions apply for lions
                    elif (area["4"]>2 and (area["3"]+area["4"])>3 and (area["1"]+area["2"])<4):
                        grid.set(a, b, lion())
                #in non feature mode
                    if (area["2"]>1 and (area["1"]+area["2"])>3 and (area["3"]+area["4"])<4):
                        grid.set(a, b, antelope())
                    # check if conditions apply for lions
                    elif (area["4"]>2 and (area["3"]+area["4"])>3 and (area["1"]+area["2"])<4):
                        grid.set(a, b, lion())

    # Emmigration - reset edges so they do not influence they rest of the grid
    for a in range(grid.rows+2):
        grid.set(a, 0, 0)
        grid.set(a, -1, 0)
    for b in range (grid.columns+2):
        grid.set(0, b, 0)
        grid.set(-1, b, 0)

    if recordgrid:

    # return the finished grid
    return grid