Exemplo n.º 1
    def _prepare_text_document(self, option, index):
        # This logic must be shared between paint and sizeHint for consitency
        options = QStyleOptionViewItem(option)
        self.initStyleOption(options, index)

        doc = QTextDocument()
        icon_height = doc.size().height() - 2
        options.decorationSize = QSize(icon_height, icon_height)
        return options, doc
Exemplo n.º 2
def init_style_option(
        delegate: QStyledItemDelegate,
        option: QStyleOptionViewItem,
        index: QModelIndex,
        data: Mapping[int, Any],
        roles: Optional[Container[int]] = None,
) -> None:
    Like `QStyledItemDelegate.initStyleOption` but fill in the fields from
    `data` mapping. If `roles` is not `None` init the `option` for the
    specified `roles` only.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    option.styleObject = None
    option.index = index
    if roles is None:
        roles = data
    features = 0
    if Qt.DisplayRole in roles:
        value = data.get(Qt.DisplayRole)
        if value is not None:
            option.text = delegate.displayText(value, option.locale)
            features |= _QStyleOptionViewItem_HasDisplay
    if Qt.FontRole in roles:
        value = data.get(Qt.FontRole)
        font = cast_(QFont, value)
        if font is not None:
            font = font.resolve(option.font)
            option.font = font
            option.fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(option.font)
    if Qt.ForegroundRole in roles:
        value = data.get(Qt.ForegroundRole)
        foreground = cast_(QBrush, value)
        if foreground is not None:
            option.palette.setBrush(QPalette.Text, foreground)
    if Qt.BackgroundRole in roles:
        value = data.get(Qt.BackgroundRole)
        background = cast_(QBrush, value)
        if background is not None:
            option.backgroundBrush = background
    if Qt.TextAlignmentRole in roles:
        value = data.get(Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
        alignment = cast_(int, value)
        if alignment is not None:
            alignment = alignment & _AlignmentMask
            option.displayAlignment = _AlignmentCache[alignment]
    if Qt.CheckStateRole in roles:
        state = data.get(Qt.CheckStateRole)
        if state is not None:
            features |= _QStyleOptionViewItem_HasCheckIndicator
            state = cast_(int, state)
            if state is not None:
                option.checkState = state
    if Qt.DecorationRole in roles:
        value = data.get(Qt.DecorationRole)
        if value is not None:
            features |= _QStyleOptionViewItem_HasDecoration
        if isinstance(value, QIcon):
            option.icon = value
        elif isinstance(value, QColor):
            pix = QPixmap(option.decorationSize)
            option.icon = QIcon(pix)
        elif isinstance(value, QPixmap):
            option.icon = QIcon(value)
            option.decorationSize = (value.size() / value.devicePixelRatio()).toSize()
        elif isinstance(value, QImage):
            pix = QPixmap.fromImage(value)
            option.icon = QIcon(value)
            option.decorationSize = (pix.size() / pix.devicePixelRatio()).toSize()
    option.features |= features