Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_set_generator(self):
        # arrange
        a = AmplificationCircuit(0,[99])

        # act
        sets = a.GetPhaseSets()

        # assert
        self.assertEqual(len(sets), 120)    # should be n!/(n-r)! combinations
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_loopbacktruster_2(self):
        # arrange
        program = [3,52,1001,52,-5,52,3,53,1,52,56,54,1007,54,5,55,1005,55,26,1001,54,-5,54,1105,1,12,1,53,54,53,1008,54,0,55,1001,55,1,55,2,53,55,53,4,53,1001,56,-1,56,1005,56,6,99,0,0,0,0,10]
        phaseSequence = [9,7,8,5,6]
        a = AmplificationCircuit(0, program)

        # act
        result = a.RunLoopbackPhaseSet(phaseSequence)

        # assert
        self.assertEqual(result[0], 18216)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_loopbacktruster_1(self):
        # arrange
        program = [3,26,1001,26,-4,26,3,27,1002,27,2,27,1,27,26,27,4,27,1001,28,-1,28,1005,28,6,99,0,0,5]
        phaseSequence = [9,8,7,6,5]
        a = AmplificationCircuit(0, program)

        # act
        result = a.RunLoopbackPhaseSet(phaseSequence)

        # assert
        self.assertEqual(result[0], 139629729)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_truster_3(self):
        # arrange
        program = [3,31,3,32,1002,32,10,32,1001,31,-2,31,1007,31,0,33,1002,33,7,33,1,33,31,31,1,32,31,31,4,31,99,0,0,0]
        phaseSequence = [1,0,4,3,2]
        a = AmplificationCircuit(0, program)

        # act
        result = a.RunPhaseSet(phaseSequence)

        # assert
        self.assertEqual(result, 65210)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_truster_2(self):
        # arrange
        program = [3,23,3,24,1002,24,10,24,1002,23,-1,23,101,5,23,23,1,24,23,23,4,23,99,0,0]
        phaseSequence = [0,1,2,3,4]
        a = AmplificationCircuit(0, program)

        # act
        result = a.RunPhaseSet(phaseSequence)

        # assert
        self.assertEqual(result, 54321)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_get_truster_1(self):
        # arrange
        program = [3,15,3,16,1002,16,10,16,1,16,15,15,4,15,99,0,0]
        phaseSequence = [4,3,2,1,0]
        a = AmplificationCircuit(0, program)

        # act
        result = a.RunPhaseSet(phaseSequence)

        # assert
        self.assertEqual(result, 43210)
Exemplo n.º 7
# Advent of Code 2019: https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/7

from pprint import pprint
from AoC07_classes import AmplificationCircuit

infile = open('data/input_07.txt','r')
inputData1 = infile.readline().split(',')

w = AmplificationCircuit(0,inputData1)

# Part 1
result = w.GetMaxAmplification()
print("Part 1: ", result)

# Part 2
result = w.GetMaxLoopbackAmp()
print("Part 2: ", result)