Exemplo n.º 1
def paramBaseTypeCode(parameter, types = typesBasic):

  cType = paramCast(parameter)

  # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
  if cType:
    aType = findType(cType, types)
    pType = parameter.type.strip()
    aType = findType(pType, types)
  if not aType:
    return ''

  code = ''
  if aType.baseType and len(aType.baseType.strip()):
    # If Type has a baseType, use that as base type.
    code = aType.baseType.strip()
  elif cType:
    # If parameter has a cast, use that to derive a base type.
    code = typeStrip(cType)
    # Use parameter type to derive a base type.
    code = typeStrip(pType)

  # Special case for char **.
  if cType:
    if reCharPtrPtr.match(cType):
      return 'cgiArgs'
    if reCharPtrPtr.match(pType):
      return 'cgiArgs'

  return code
Exemplo n.º 2
def paramBaseTypeCode(parameter, types=typesBasic):

    cType = paramCast(parameter)

    # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
    if cType:
        aType = findType(cType, types)
        pType = parameter.type.strip()
        aType = findType(pType, types)
    if not aType:
        return ''

    code = ''
    if aType.baseType and len(aType.baseType.strip()):
        # If Type has a baseType, use that as base type.
        code = aType.baseType.strip()
    elif cType:
        # If parameter has a cast, use that to derive a base type.
        code = typeStrip(cType)
        # Use parameter type to derive a base type.
        code = typeStrip(pType)

    # Special case for char **.
    if cType:
        if reCharPtrPtr.match(cType):
            return 'cgiArgs'
        if reCharPtrPtr.match(pType):
            return 'cgiArgs'

    return code
Exemplo n.º 3
def paramProxyBaseTypeCode(parameter, types=typesBasic):

    cType = paramCast(parameter)

    # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
    if cType:
        aType = findType(cType, types)
        pType = parameter.type.strip()
        aType = findType(pType, types)
    if not aType:
        return ''

    code = ''
    if aType.proxyType and len(aType.proxyType.strip()):
        # If Type has a proxyType, use that proxyType.
        if cType:
            mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
            mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
        proxyType = findType(
            mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.proxyType.strip()), types)
        if proxyType:
            # If proxyType Type found, use that Type's baseType.
            code = proxyType.baseType.strip()
            # If proxyType Type not found, use proxyType to drive a base type.
            code = typeStrip(aType.proxyType)
    elif aType.baseType and len(aType.baseType.strip()):
        # If Type has a baseType, use that as a base type.
        code = aType.baseType.strip()
    elif cType:
        # If parameter has a cast, use that to derive a base type.
        code = typeStrip(cType)
        # Use parameter type to derive a base type.
        code = typeStrip(pType)

    # Special case for char **.
    if cType:
        if reCharPtrPtr.match(cType):
            return 'cgiArgs'
        if reCharPtrPtr.match(pType):
            return 'cgiArgs'

    # Special case for void *
    if cType:
        if reVoidPtr.match(cType):
            return cType
        if reVoidPtr.match(pType):
            return pType

    return code
Exemplo n.º 4
def paramProxyBaseTypeCode(parameter, types = typesBasic):

  cType = paramCast(parameter)

  # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
  if cType:
    aType = findType(cType, types)
    pType = parameter.type.strip()
    aType = findType(pType, types)
  if not aType:
    return ''

  code = ''
  if aType.proxyType and len(aType.proxyType.strip()):
    # If Type has a proxyType, use that proxyType.
    if cType:
      mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
      mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
    proxyType = findType(mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.proxyType.strip()), types)
    if proxyType:
      # If proxyType Type found, use that Type's baseType.
      code = proxyType.baseType.strip()
      # If proxyType Type not found, use proxyType to drive a base type.
      code = typeStrip(aType.proxyType)
  elif aType.baseType and len(aType.baseType.strip()):
    # If Type has a baseType, use that as a base type.
    code = aType.baseType.strip()
  elif cType:
    # If parameter has a cast, use that to derive a base type.
    code = typeStrip(cType)
    # Use parameter type to derive a base type.
    code = typeStrip(pType)

  # Special case for char **.
  if cType:
    if reCharPtrPtr.match(cType):
      return 'cgiArgs'
    if reCharPtrPtr.match(pType):
      return 'cgiArgs'

  # Special case for void *
  if cType:
    if reVoidPtr.match(cType):
      return cType
    if reVoidPtr.match(pType):
      return pType

  return code
Exemplo n.º 5
def paramProxyTypeCode(parameter, types = typesBasic):

  cType = paramCast(parameter)

  # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
  if cType:
    aType = findType(cType, types)
    pType = parameter.type.strip()
    aType = findType(pType, types)
  if not aType:
    return ''

  code = ''
  if aType.proxyType and len(aType.proxyType.strip()):
    # If Type has a proxyType, use that to derive a proxy type.
    if cType:
      mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
      mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
    code = mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.proxyType.strip())
  elif cType:
    # If parameter has a cast, use that as proxy type.
    code = cType

  return code
Exemplo n.º 6
def paramProxyFormatCode(parameter, types = typesBasic):

  cType = paramCast(parameter)

  # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
  if cType:
    aType = findType(cType, types)
    pType = parameter.type.strip()
    aType = findType(pType, types)
  if not aType:
    return None

  format = None
  if aType.proxyType and len(aType.proxyType.strip()):
    # If Type has a proxyType, use that proxyType's Type format.
    if cType:
      mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
      mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
    proxyType = findType(mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.proxyType.strip()), types)
    if proxyType and proxyType.format and len(proxyType.format.strip()):
      format = proxyType.format.strip()
    # Use Type format.
    if aType.format and len(aType.format.strip()):
      format = aType.format.strip()

  return format
Exemplo n.º 7
def paramProxyTypeCode(parameter, types=typesBasic):

    cType = paramCast(parameter)

    # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
    if cType:
        aType = findType(cType, types)
        pType = parameter.type.strip()
        aType = findType(pType, types)
    if not aType:
        return ''

    code = ''
    if aType.proxyType and len(aType.proxyType.strip()):
        # If Type has a proxyType, use that to derive a proxy type.
        if cType:
            mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
            mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
        code = mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.proxyType.strip())
    elif cType:
        # If parameter has a cast, use that as proxy type.
        code = cType

    return code
Exemplo n.º 8
def paramProxyFormatCode(parameter, types=typesBasic):

    cType = paramCast(parameter)

    # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
    if cType:
        aType = findType(cType, types)
        pType = parameter.type.strip()
        aType = findType(pType, types)
    if not aType:
        return None

    format = None
    if aType.proxyType and len(aType.proxyType.strip()):
        # If Type has a proxyType, use that proxyType's Type format.
        if cType:
            mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
            mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
        proxyType = findType(
            mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.proxyType.strip()), types)
        if proxyType and proxyType.format and len(proxyType.format.strip()):
            format = proxyType.format.strip()
        # Use Type format.
        if aType.format and len(aType.format.strip()):
            format = aType.format.strip()

    return format
Exemplo n.º 9
def paramTraceCastCode(parameter, types = typesBasic):

  cType = paramCast(parameter)

  # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
  if cType:
    aType = findType(cType, types)
    pType = parameter.type.strip()
    aType = findType(pType, types)
  if not aType:
    return ''

  code = ''
  if aType.cast and len(aType.cast.strip()):
    # If Type has a cast, use that to derive a cast.
    if cType:
      mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
      mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
    code = '(%s) ' % mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.cast.strip())
  elif cType:
    # If parameter has a cast, use that as cast.
    code = '(%s) ' % cType

  # Special handling for trace starts here.

  # Since trace uses format specification for casting, we do not need to explicitly cast.
  if cType:
    code = ''

  # Note: If we do not want to support a cast, set code to None.

  # Special handling for %c, %cs, %cu of non-pointer type.
  if aType.format and aType.format.find('%c') is not -1 and aType.dim == 0:
    if aType.format == '%cu':
      code = '(unsigned int) '
      code = '(int) '

  return code
Exemplo n.º 10
def paramTraceCastCode(parameter, types=typesBasic):

    cType = paramCast(parameter)

    # Find Type using parameter cast or parameter type.
    if cType:
        aType = findType(cType, types)
        pType = parameter.type.strip()
        aType = findType(pType, types)
    if not aType:
        return ''

    code = ''
    if aType.cast and len(aType.cast.strip()):
        # If Type has a cast, use that to derive a cast.
        if cType:
            mType = aType.regexc.match(cType).group(0)
            mType = aType.regexc.match(pType).group(0)
        code = '(%s) ' % mType.replace(typeStrip(mType), aType.cast.strip())
    elif cType:
        # If parameter has a cast, use that as cast.
        code = '(%s) ' % cType

    # Special handling for trace starts here.

    # Since trace uses format specification for casting, we do not need to explicitly cast.
    if cType:
        code = ''

    # Note: If we do not want to support a cast, set code to None.

    # Special handling for %c, %cs, %cu of non-pointer type.
    if aType.format and aType.format.find('%c') is not -1 and aType.dim == 0:
        if aType.format == '%cu':
            code = '(unsigned int) '
            code = '(int) '

    return code
Exemplo n.º 11
def generateDispatchCode(apis, args):

  code = ''

  for api in apis:
    if api.name=='gl':

      for function in api.functions:

        if not function.needsContext:

        if getattr(function,'regalOnly',False)==True:

	if function.name in exclude:

	f = deepcopy(function)

        name = f.name
        params = paramsDefaultCode(f.parameters, True)

        callParams = paramsNameCode(f.parameters)
        rType  = typeCode(f.ret.type)

        code += 'static %sREGAL_CALL %s%s(%s) \n{\n' % (rType, 'code_', name, params)

        code += '    RegalContext *_context = REGAL_GET_CONTEXT();\n'
        code += '    RegalAssert(_context);\n'
        code += '    DispatchTable *_next = _context->dispatcher.code._next;\n'
        code += '    RegalAssert(_next);\n'
        code += '    '

        if not typeIsVoid(rType):
          code += '%s _ret = '%(rType)
        code += '_next->call(&_next->%s)(%s);\n' % ( name, callParams )

        # comment-out calls to functions flagged as trace = False

        prefix = ''
        suffix = ''
        if not f.trace:
          prefix += '/* '
          suffix += ' */'

        h      = False	
        h1 =  '    std::string indent((_context->depthBeginEnd + _context->depthPushAttrib + 1)*2,\' \');\n'
        h2 =  ''
        body   =  ''

	ret = ''
        if not typeIsVoid(rType):
	  if   f.name in [ 'glCreateShader','glCreateShaderObjectARB' ]:
	    h2 += '    size_t _retIndex = _context->codeShaderNext++;\n'
	    ret = 'const %s shader\" << _retIndex << \" = '%typeStrip(rType)
	  elif f.name in [ 'glCreateProgram','glCreateProgramObjectARB']:
	    h2 += '    size_t _retIndex = _context->codeProgramNext++;\n'
	    ret = 'const %s program\" << _retIndex << \" = '%typeStrip(rType)
	    h2 += '    size_t _retIndex = _context->codeOutputNext++;\n'
	    ret = 'const %s o\" << _retIndex << \" = '%typeStrip(rType)

        if len(f.parameters)==0:
          body += '    %s_code << indent << "%s%s();%s\\n";\n'%(prefix,ret,f.name,suffix)
          body += '    %s_code << indent << "%s%s(";\n'%(prefix,ret,f.name)

          if f.name.startswith('glShaderSource'):
            h2 += '    std::string _delim = print_string("\\\\n\\"\\n",indent,"  \\"");\n'
            h2 += '    size_t _stringIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n'
            h2 += '    _code << indent << \"const char *i\" << _stringIndex << \" =\\n\";\n'
            h2 += '    _code << indent << "  \\\"" << string_list< ::std::string >(string_list< ::std::string >(count,string,length).str(),\'\\n\').join(_delim) << "\\";\\n";\n'
            body   += '    _code << %s << ",1,&i" <<_stringIndex << ",NULL);\\n";\n'%(f.parameters[0].name)

            delim = False
            for i in f.parameters:
              if delim:
                body += '    _code << ", "; '
              elif len(f.parameters)>1:
                body += '                   '
                body += '    '

#             p = cCodeParameter(f,i)
              p = logParameter(f,i)

              # For parameters not handled yet...

              if p==None:
                  body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n'%(i.name)

              # Special handling for input our output arrays

              elif p.startswith('boost::print::array'):
                  type = typeStrip(i.type)
                  size = i.size
                  if i.maxSize != None:
                    size = i.maxSize
                  if i.input:
                    if p.find('helper')==-1 and type!='GLchar' and type!='GLcharARB':
                      h2 += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n'%(i.name)
                      h2 += '    _code << indent << \"const %s i\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << (%s) << \"] = \" '%(type,i.name,size)
                      h2 += '<< array<%s,const char * const>(%s,%s,\"\",\"{ \",\" };\",\", \") '%(type,i.name,size)
                      h2 += '<< \"\\n\";\n'
                      body += '_code << \"i\" << _%sIndex;\n'%(i.name)
                      body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n'%(i.name)
                    if p.find('helper')==-1 and type!='GLchar' and type!='GLcharARB':
                      h2 += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeOutputNext++;\n'%(i.name)
                      h2 += '    _code << indent << \"%s o\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << (%s) << \"];\\n";\n'%(type,i.name,size)
                      body += '_code << \"o\" << _%sIndex;\n'%(i.name)
                      body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n'%(i.name)

              # glTexImage2D etc

              elif i.size != None and (isinstance(i.size, str) or isinstance(i.size, unicode)) and i.size.startswith('helperGLPixelImageSize'):
                h2 += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n'%(i.name)
                h2 += '    _header << indent << \"const GLubyte i\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << helper::size::pixelImage(%s << \"] = \" '%(i.name,i.size.split('(',1)[1])
                h2 += '<< array<GLubyte,const char * const>(static_cast<const GLubyte *>(%s),helper::size::pixelImage(%s,\"\",\"{ \",\" }\",\",\") '%(i.name,i.size.split('(',1)[1])
                h2 += '<< \";\\n\";\n'
                h = True
                body += '_code << \"i\" << _%sIndex;\n'%(i.name)

              elif p.startswith('boost::print::optional'):
                if i.cast != None:
                  body += '_code << reinterpret_cast<%s>(%s);\n'%(i.cast,i.name)
                  body += '_code << %s;\n'%(i.name)

              # 0x prefix for hex output

              elif p.startswith('boost::print::hex'):
                body += '_code << \"0x\" << %s;\n'%(p)

              elif p.startswith('boost::print::raw'):   # Buffer data needs better handling, revisit
                  body += '_code << "NULL";\n'

                  body += '_code << %s;\n'%(p)

              delim = True

            body += '    _code << ");%s\\n";\n'%(suffix)

        h1 += '    string_list< ::std::string > _code;\n'
        body += '    if (_context->codeSource)\n'
        body += '      fprintf(_context->codeSource,"%s",_code.str().c_str());\n'

	if h:
          h1 += '    string_list< ::std::string > _header;\n'
	  body += '    if (_context->codeHeader)\n'
	  body += '      fprintf(_context->codeHeader,"%s",_header.str().c_str());\n'

#        body += '    Internal("code_%s",_code);\n'%name

        code += h1 + h2 + body

        if not typeIsVoid(rType):
          code += '    return _ret;\n'
        code += '}\n\n'

    code += '\n'

  funcInit   = apiDispatchCodeInitCode( apis, args, 'code' )

  # Output

  substitute = {}
  substitute['LICENSE']         = args.license
  substitute['AUTOGENERATED']   = args.generated
  substitute['COPYRIGHT']       = args.copyright
  substitute['API_FUNC_DEFINE'] = code
  substitute['API_GLOBAL_DISPATCH_INIT'] = funcInit

  outputCode( '%s/RegalDispatchCode.cpp' % args.srcdir, dispatchCodeTemplate.substitute(substitute))
Exemplo n.º 12
def generateDispatchCode(apis, args):

  code = ''

  for api in apis:
    if api.name=='gl':

      for function in api.functions:

        if not function.needsContext:

        if getattr(function,'regalOnly',False)==True:

        f = deepcopy(function)

        name = f.name
        params = paramsDefaultCode(f.parameters, True)

        callParams = paramsNameCode(f.parameters)
        rType  = typeCode(f.ret.type)

        code += 'static %sREGAL_CALL %s%s(%s) \n{\n' % (rType, 'code_', name, params)
        code += '    RegalContext *_context = REGAL_GET_CONTEXT();\n'
        code += '    RegalAssert(_context);\n'

        code += '    DispatchTable *_next = _context->dispatcher.code._next;\n'
        code += '    RegalAssert(_next);\n'
        code += '    '
        if not typeIsVoid(rType):
          code += '%s _ret = '%(rType)
        code += '_next->call(&_next->%s)(%s);\n' % ( name, callParams )

        prefix = ''
        suffix = ''

        if not f.trace:
          prefix += '/* '
          suffix += ' */'

        header =  '    std::string indent((_context->depthBeginEnd + _context->depthPushAttrib)*2,\' \');\n'
        header += '    string_list< ::std::string > _code;\n'
        body   =  ''

        if len(f.parameters)==0:
          body += '    %s_code << indent << "%s();%s\\n";\n'%(prefix,f.name,suffix)
        if len(f.parameters)>0:
          body += '    %s_code << indent << "%s(";\n'%(prefix,f.name)

        if len(f.parameters)>0:
          delim = False
          for i in f.parameters:
            if delim:
              body += '    _code << ", "; '
              body += '                   '
#           p = cCodeParameter(f,i)
            p = logParameter(f,i)
            if p==None:
                body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n'%(i.name)
            elif p.startswith('boost::print::array'):
                type = typeStrip(i.type)
                size = i.size
                if i.maxSize != None:
                  size = i.maxSize
                if i.input:
                  if p.find('helper')==-1 and type!='GLchar' and type!='GLcharARB':
                    header += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n'%(i.name)
                    header += '    _code << indent << \"const %s i\" << _%sIndex << \"[%s] = \" '%(type,i.name,size)
                    header += '<< array<%s,const char * const>(%s,%s,\"\",\"{ \",\" };\\n\",\", \");\n'%(type,i.name,size)
                    body += '_code << \"i\" << _%sIndex;\n'%(i.name)
                    body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n'%(i.name)
                  if p.find('helper')==-1 and type!='GLchar' and type!='GLcharARB':
                    header += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeOutputNext++;\n'%(i.name)
                    header += '    _code << indent << \"%s o\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << (%s) << \"];\\n";\n'%(type,i.name,size)
                    body += '_code << \"o\" << _%sIndex;\n'%(i.name)
                    body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n'%(i.name)

            # glTexImage2D etc

            elif i.size != None and (isinstance(i.size, str) or isinstance(i.size, unicode)) and i.size.startswith('helperGLPixelImageSize'):
              header += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n'%(i.name)
              header += '    _code << indent << \"const GLubyte i\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << helper::size::pixelImage(%s << \"] = \" '%(i.name,i.size.split('(',1)[1])
              header += '<< array<GLubyte,const char * const>(static_cast<const GLubyte *>(%s),helper::size::pixelImage(%s,\"\",\"{ \",\" }\",\",\") '%(i.name,i.size.split('(',1)[1])
              header += '<< \";\\n\";\n'
              body += '_code << \"i\" << _%sIndex;\n'%(i.name)

            elif p.startswith('boost::print::optional'):
              if i.cast != None:
                body += '_code << reinterpret_cast<%s>(%s);\n'%(i.cast,i.name)
                body += '_code << %s;\n'%(i.name)
                body += '_code << %s;\n'%(p)
            delim = True

          body += '    _code << ");%s\\n";\n'%(suffix)

        body += '    printf("%s",_code.str().c_str());\n'

        code += header + body

        if not typeIsVoid(rType):
          code += '    return _ret;\n'
        code += '}\n\n'

    code += '\n'

  funcInit   = apiDispatchCodeInitCode( apis, args, 'code' )

  # Output

  substitute = {}
  substitute['LICENSE']         = args.license
  substitute['AUTOGENERATED']   = args.generated
  substitute['COPYRIGHT']       = args.copyright
  substitute['API_FUNC_DEFINE'] = code
  substitute['API_GLOBAL_DISPATCH_INIT'] = funcInit

  outputCode( '%s/RegalDispatchCode.cpp' % args.srcdir, dispatchCodeTemplate.substitute(substitute))
Exemplo n.º 13
def generateDispatchCode(apis, args):

    code = ''

    for api in apis:
        if api.name == 'gl':

            for function in api.functions:

                if not function.needsContext:

                if getattr(function, 'regalOnly', False) == True:

                if function.name in exclude:

                f = deepcopy(function)

                name = f.name
                params = paramsDefaultCode(f.parameters, True)

                callParams = paramsNameCode(f.parameters)
                rType = typeCode(f.ret.type)

                code += 'static %sREGAL_CALL %s%s(%s) \n{\n' % (rType, 'code_',
                                                                name, params)

                code += '    RegalContext *_context = REGAL_GET_CONTEXT();\n'
                code += '    RegalAssert(_context);\n'
                code += '    DispatchTableGL *_next = _context->dispatcher.code.next();\n'
                code += '    RegalAssert(_next);\n'
                code += '    '

                if not typeIsVoid(rType):
                    code += '%s _ret = ' % (rType)
                code += '_next->call(&_next->%s)(%s);\n' % (name, callParams)

                # comment-out calls to functions flagged as trace = False

                prefix = ''
                suffix = ''
                if not f.trace:
                    prefix += '/* '
                    suffix += ' */'

                h = False
                h1 = '    std::string indent((_context->depthBeginEnd + _context->depthPushAttrib + 1)*2,\' \');\n'
                h2 = ''
                body = ''

                ret = ''
                if not typeIsVoid(rType):
                    if f.name in ['glCreateShader', 'glCreateShaderObjectARB']:
                        h2 += '    size_t _retIndex = _context->codeShaderNext++;\n'
                        ret = 'const %s shader\" << _retIndex << \" = ' % typeStrip(
                    elif f.name in [
                            'glCreateProgram', 'glCreateProgramObjectARB'
                        h2 += '    size_t _retIndex = _context->codeProgramNext++;\n'
                        ret = 'const %s program\" << _retIndex << \" = ' % typeStrip(
                        h2 += '    size_t _retIndex = _context->codeOutputNext++;\n'
                        ret = 'const %s o\" << _retIndex << \" = ' % typeStrip(

                if len(f.parameters) == 0:
                    body += '    %s_code << indent << "%s%s();%s\\n";\n' % (
                        prefix, ret, f.name, suffix)
                    body += '    %s_code << indent << "%s%s(";\n' % (
                        prefix, ret, f.name)

                    if f.name.startswith('glShaderSource'):
                        h2 += '    std::string _delim = print_string("\\\\n\\"\\n",indent,"  \\"");\n'
                        h2 += '    size_t _stringIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n'
                        h2 += '    _code << indent << \"const char *i\" << _stringIndex << \" =\\n\";\n'
                        h2 += '    _code << indent << "  \\\"" << string_list< ::std::string >(string_list< ::std::string >(count,string,length).str(),\'\\n\').join(_delim) << "\\";\\n";\n'
                        body += '    _code << %s << ",1,&i" <<_stringIndex << ",NULL);\\n";\n' % (

                        delim = False
                        for i in f.parameters:
                            if delim:
                                body += '    _code << ", "; '
                            elif len(f.parameters) > 1:
                                body += '                   '
                                body += '    '

#             p = cCodeParameter(f,i)
                            p = logParameter(f, i)

                            # For parameters not handled yet...

                            if p == None:
                                body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n' % (

                            # Special handling for input or output arrays

                            elif p.startswith('boost::print::array'):
                                type = typeStrip(i.type)
                                size = i.size
                                if i.maxSize != None:
                                    size = i.maxSize
                                if i.input:
                                    if p.find(
                                    ) == -1 and type != 'GLchar' and type != 'GLcharARB':
                                        h2 += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeInputNext++;\n' % (
                                        h2 += '    _code << indent << \"const %s i\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << %s << \"] = \" ' % (
                                            type, i.name,
                                            expressionSimplify('(%s)' % size))
                                        h2 += '<< array<%s,const char * const>(%s,%s,\"\",\"{ \",\" };\",\", \") ' % (
                                            type, i.name, size)
                                        h2 += '<< \"\\n\";\n'
                                        body += '_code << \"i\" << _%sIndex;\n' % (
                                        body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n' % (
                                    if p.find(
                                    ) == -1 and type != 'GLchar' and type != 'GLcharARB':
                                        h2 += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeOutputNext++;\n' % (
                                        h2 += '    _code << indent << \"%s o\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << %s << \"];\\n";\n' % (
                                            type, i.name,
                                            expressionSimplify('(%s)' % size))
                                        body += '_code << \"o\" << _%sIndex;\n' % (
                                        body += '_code << "/* %s = ?? */";\n' % (

                            # glTexImage2D etc

                            elif i.input and i.size != None and (
                                    isinstance(i.size, str)
                                    or isinstance(i.size, unicode)
                            ) and i.size.startswith('helperGLPixelImageSize'):
                                h2 += '    size_t _%sIndex = _context->codeTextureNext++;\n' % (
                                h2 += '    _header << indent << \"const GLubyte texture\" << _%sIndex << \"[\" << helper::size::pixelImage(%s << \"] = \" ' % (
                                    i.name, i.size.split('(', 1)[1])
                                h2 += '<< array<GLubyte,const char * const>(static_cast<const GLubyte *>(%s),helper::size::pixelImage(%s,\"\",\"{ \",\" }\",\",\") ' % (
                                    i.name, i.size.split('(', 1)[1])
                                h2 += '<< \";\\n\";\n'
                                h = True
                                body += '_code << \"texture\" << _%sIndex;\n' % (

                            elif p.startswith('boost::print::optional'):
                                if i.cast != None:
                                    body += '_code << reinterpret_cast<%s>(%s);\n' % (
                                        i.cast, i.name)
                                    body += '_code << %s;\n' % (i.name)

                            # 0x prefix for hex output

                            elif p.startswith('boost::print::hex'):
                                body += '_code << \"0x\" << %s;\n' % (p)

                            elif p.startswith(
                            ):  # Buffer data needs better handling, revisit
                                body += '_code << "NULL";\n'

                                body += '_code << %s;\n' % (p)

                            delim = True

                        body += '    _code << ");%s\\n";\n' % (suffix)

                h1 += '    string_list< ::std::string > _code;\n'
                body += '    if (_context->codeSource)\n'
                body += '      fprintf(_context->codeSource,"%s",_code.str().c_str());\n'

                if h:
                    h1 += '    string_list< ::std::string > _header;\n'
                    body += '    if (_context->codeHeader)\n'
                    body += '      fprintf(_context->codeHeader,"%s",_header.str().c_str());\n'

#         body += '    Internal("code_%s",_code);\n'%name

                code += h1 + h2 + body

                if not typeIsVoid(rType):
                    code += '    return _ret;\n'
                code += '}\n\n'

        code += '\n'

    funcInit = apiDispatchCodeInitCode(apis, args, 'code')

    # Output

    substitute = {}
    substitute['LICENSE'] = args.license
    substitute['AUTOGENERATED'] = args.generated
    substitute['COPYRIGHT'] = args.copyright
    substitute['API_FUNC_DEFINE'] = code
    substitute['API_GLOBAL_DISPATCH_INIT'] = funcInit

    outputCode('%s/RegalDispatchCode.cpp' % args.srcdir,