Exemplo n.º 1
     patnt.name=input("Enter the patient name:")
     patnt.age=eval(input("Enter the age of a pateint:"))
     patnt.idnumber=input("Enter the id number of the patient:")
     patnt.adress=input("Enter the address of a patient:")
     patnt.visit=input("Enter the number of visit:")
 elif option==2:
     doc.name=input("Enter the doctor's name:")
     doc.address=input("Enter the address of the doctor:")
     doc.Id=input("Enter the Doctor's ID:")
 elif option==3:
     appoint.pid=input("Enter the patient's ID:")
     appoint.did=input("Enter the Doctor's ID:")
     appoint.memo=input("Enter the memo:")
     appoint.day=input("Enter the day of the appointment:")
 elif option==4:
     for i in patient:
 elif option==5:
     for i in doctor:
 elif option==6:
     for i in appointment:
 elif option==7:
     doc_id=input("Enter the doctor's ID:")
Exemplo n.º 2
     patnt.name = input("Enter the patient name:")  # name iherited from person
     patnt.age = eval(input("Enter the age of a pateint:"))  # age inherited from person
     patnt.idnumber = input("Enter the id number of the patient:")  # the patient is given the id number
     patnt.adress = input("Enter the address of a patient:")
     patnt.visit = input("Enter the number of visit:")
     patient.append(str(patnt))  # The whole patient class is appended into the list
 elif option == 2:
     doc = Doctor()
     doc.name = input("Enter the doctor's name:")  # The doctor is given the name,address and Id number
     doc.address = input("Enter the address of the doctor:")
     doc.Id = input("Enter the Doctor's ID:")
     doctor.append(str(doc))  # The whole doctor class is aasigned into the list
 elif option == 3:
     appoint = Appointment()
     appoint.pid = input(
         "Enter the patient's ID:"
     )  # The appointment is assigned doctor's id, when the appointment is and is also assigne the discription of the appointment
     appoint.did = input("Enter the Doctor's ID:")  # did=Doctor's id
     appoint.memo = input("Enter the memo:")
     appoint.day = input("Enter the day of the appointment:")
     appointment.append(str(appoint))  # The whole appointment class is assigned to the list
 elif option == 4:
     for i in patient:  # Going throught Patient list
 elif option == 5:
     for i in doctor:
 elif option == 6:
     for i in appointment:
 elif option == 7: