Exemplo n.º 1
	def save(self):
		if not self.plot is None:
			for filename in self.plotdict["output_filenames"]:
				log.info("Created plot \"%s\"." % filename)

			if not (self.plotdict["live"]==None):
				# if 'userpc', get the username and name of desktop machine
				if self.plotdict["userpc"]:
					userpc = ("%s@%s" % (tools.get_environment_variable("USER"), tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_USERPC"))).replace("\n", "")

				for output_filename in self.plotdict["output_filenames"]:
					if self.plotdict["userpc"]:
						extrafunctions.show_plot_userpc(output_filename, self.plotdict["live"], tools.get_environment_variable('USER'), userpc)
						extrafunctions.show_plot(output_filename, self.plotdict["live"])

			# web plotting
			# TODO: make this more configurable if users want to user other webspaces etc.
			if self.plotdict["www"] != None:
				             www = self.plotdict["www"],
				             output_dir = self.plotdict["output_dir"],
				             output_filenames = self.plotdict["output_filenames"],
				             www_text= self.plotdict["www_text"],
				             www_title = self.plotdict["www_title"],
				             additional_output_files = self.plotdict["additional_output_files"] if "additional_output_files" in self.plotdict else False,
				             save_legend = self.plotdict.get("save_legend", False),
				             export_json = self.plotdict["export_json"]

			return self.plotdict["output_filenames"]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def save(self):
        if not self.plot is None:
            for filename in self.plotdict["output_filenames"]:
                log.info('Created plot "%s".' % filename)

            if not (self.plotdict["live"] == None):
                # if 'userpc', get the username and name of desktop machine
                if self.plotdict["userpc"]:
                    userpc = (
                        % (tools.get_environment_variable("USER"), tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_USERPC"))
                    ).replace("\n", "")

                for output_filename in self.plotdict["output_filenames"]:
                    if self.plotdict["userpc"]:
                            output_filename, self.plotdict["live"], tools.get_environment_variable("USER"), userpc
                        extrafunctions.show_plot(output_filename, self.plotdict["live"])

                        # web plotting
                        # TODO: make this more configurable if users want to user other webspaces etc.
            if self.plotdict["www"] != None:
                # set some needed variables
                user = tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_REMOTE_USER")
                overview_filename = "overview.html"
                date = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
                remote_dir = tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_REMOTE_DIR") + "/%s/%s/" % (
                    (self.plotdict["www"] if type(self.plotdict["www"]) == str else ""),
                remote_path = tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_REMOTE_PATH") + "/%s" % remote_dir
                url = tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_URL") + "/%s/%s" % (remote_dir, overview_filename)
                plots_for_gallery = [
                    p for p in sorted(os.listdir(self.plotdict["output_dir"])) if ((".png" in p) or (".pdf" in p))
                plots_to_copy = [os.path.basename(filename), overview_filename]
                if self.plotdict.get("save_legend", False):
                    for f in self.plotdict["formats"]:
                        plots_to_copy.append(".".join([self.plotdict["save_legend"], f]))

                html_content = ""

                log.info("Copying plots to webspace...")
                # loop over plots, make gallery
                for plot in [p for p in plots_for_gallery if ((".png" in p) or (".pdf" in p))]:
                    # try to link to pdf file, if it exists
                    href = plot.replace(".png", ".pdf")
                    if href not in plots_for_gallery:
                        href = plot
                    title = plot.split("/")[-1][:-4].replace("_", " ")
                    html_content += htmlTemplatePlot % (title, href, title, plot)
                with open(self.plotdict["output_dir"] + "/" + overview_filename, "w") as f:
                    f.write(htmlTemplate % (url, html_content))

                    # create remote dir, copy plots and overview file
                create_dir_command = ["ssh", tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_SSHPC"), "mkdir -p", remote_path]
                log.debug("\nIssueing mkdir command: " + " ".join(create_dir_command))
                rsync_command = (
                    ["rsync", "-u"]
                    + [os.path.join(self.plotdict["output_dir"], p) for p in plots_to_copy]
                    + ["%s:%s" % (tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_SSHPC"), remote_path)]
                log.debug("\nIssueing rsync command: " + " ".join(rsync_command) + "\n")
                log.info("Copied {0}; see {1}".format(filename.split("/")[-1], url))

            return self.plotdict["output_filenames"]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def save(self):
        if not self.plot is None:
            for filename in self.plotdict["output_filenames"]:
                log.info('Created plot "%s".' % filename)

            if not (self.plotdict["live"] == None):
                # if 'userpc', get the username and name of desktop machine
                if self.plotdict["userpc"]:
                    userpc = (
                        % (tools.get_environment_variable("USER"), tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_USERPC"))
                    ).replace("\n", "")

                for output_filename in self.plotdict["output_filenames"]:
                    if self.plotdict["userpc"]:
                            output_filename, self.plotdict["live"], tools.get_environment_variable("USER"), userpc
                        extrafunctions.show_plot(output_filename, self.plotdict["live"])

                        # web plotting
                        # TODO: make this more configurable if users want to user other webspaces etc.
            if self.plotdict["www"] != None:
                # set some needed variables
                user = tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_REMOTE_USER")
                overview_filename = "overview.html"
                date = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
                remote_dir = os.path.expandvars(
                        "$HARRY_REMOTE_DIR", date, (self.plotdict["www"] if type(self.plotdict["www"]) == str else "")
                remote_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join("$HARRY_REMOTE_PATH", remote_dir))
                url = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join("$HARRY_URL", remote_dir, overview_filename))

                plots_for_gallery = [
                    for p in sorted(os.listdir(self.plotdict["output_dir"]))
                    if (
                        os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.plotdict["output_dir"], p))
                        and all([not p.endswith("." + ext) for ext in ["json", "html", "root"]])
                html_content = ""

                log.info("Copying plots to webspace...")
                # loop over plots, make gallery

                html_template = None
                with open(
                ) as html_template_file:
                    html_template = string.Template(html_template_file.read())

                html_template_plot = None
                with open(
                ) as html_template_plot_file:
                    html_template_plot = string.Template(html_template_plot_file.read())

                for plot in [p for p in plots_for_gallery]:
                    # try to link to pdf file, if it exists
                    href = plot.replace(".png", ".pdf")
                    if href not in plots_for_gallery:
                        href = plot
                    filename = os.path.splitext(plot)[0]
                    html_content += html_template_plot.substitute(
                        title=filename, href=href, plot=plot, json=filename + ".json"
                with open(os.path.join(self.plotdict["output_dir"], overview_filename), "w") as overview_file:
                    overview_file.write(html_template.substitute(url=url, html_content=html_content))

                    # create remote dir, copy plots and overview file
                sshpc = tools.get_environment_variable("HARRY_SSHPC")
                create_dir_command = ["ssh", user + "@" + sshpc, "mkdir -p", remote_path]
                log.debug("\nIssueing mkdir command: " + " ".join(create_dir_command))
                rsync_command = (
                    ["rsync", "-u"]
                    + glob.glob(os.path.join(self.plotdict["output_dir"], "*.*"))
                    + ["%s@%s:%s" % (user, sshpc, remote_path)]
                log.debug("\nIssueing rsync command: " + " ".join(rsync_command) + "\n")
                log.info("Copied {0}; see {1}".format(filename.split("/")[-1], url))

            return self.plotdict["output_filenames"]