Exemplo n.º 1
    def stage_input(self, input_ref, fasta_file_extension):
        Stage input based on an input data reference for CheckM

        input_ref can be a reference to an Assembly, BinnedContigs, or (not yet implemented) a Genome

        This method creates a directory in the scratch area with the set of Fasta files, names
        will have the fasta_file_extension parameter tacked on.


            staged_input = stage_input('124/15/1', 'fna')

            {"input_dir": '...'}
        # generate a folder in scratch to hold the input
        suffix = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
        input_dir = os.path.join(self.scratch, 'bins_' + suffix)
        all_seq_fasta = os.path.join(self.scratch, 'all_sequences_' + suffix + '.' + fasta_file_extension)

        # 2) based on type, download the files
        ws = Workspace(self.ws_url)
        input_info = ws.get_object_info3({'objects': [{'ref': input_ref}]})['infos'][0]
        # 0 obj_id objid - the numerical id of the object.
        # 1 obj_name name - the name of the object.
        # 2 type_string type - the type of the object.
        # 3 timestamp save_date - the save date of the object.
        # 4 obj_ver ver - the version of the object.
        # 5 username saved_by - the user that saved or copied the object.
        # 6 ws_id wsid - the workspace containing the object.
        # 7 ws_name workspace - the workspace containing the object.
        # 8 string chsum - the md5 checksum of the object.
        # 9 int size - the size of the object in bytes.
        # 10 usermeta meta - arbitrary user-supplied metadata about
        #     the object.
        obj_name = input_info[1]
        type_name = input_info[2].split('-')[0]
        if type_name in ['KBaseGenomeAnnotations.Assembly', 'KBaseGenomes.ContigSet']:
            au = AssemblyUtil(self.callback_url)
            filename = os.path.join(input_dir, obj_name + '.' + fasta_file_extension)
            au.get_assembly_as_fasta({'ref': input_ref, 'filename': filename})
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                raise ValueError('Error generating fasta file from an Assembly or ContigSet with AssemblyUtil')
        elif type_name == 'KBaseMetagenomes.BinnedContigs':
            # download the bins as fasta and set the input folder name
            au = MetagenomeUtils(self.callback_url)
            bin_file_dir = au.binned_contigs_to_file({'input_ref': input_ref, 'save_to_shock': 0})['bin_file_directory']
            os.rename(bin_file_dir, input_dir)
            self.set_fasta_file_extensions(input_dir, fasta_file_extension)
        elif type_name == 'KBaseGenomes.Genome':
            raise ValueError('Cannot yet stage fasta file input directory from KBaseGenomes.Genome')
            raise ValueError('Cannot stage fasta file input directory from type: ' + type_name)

        # create summary fasta file with all bins
        self.cat_fasta_files(input_dir, fasta_file_extension, all_seq_fasta)

        return {'input_dir': input_dir, 'folder_suffix': suffix, 'all_seq_fasta': all_seq_fasta}