Exemplo n.º 1
 def reconfigureCavernGeometry(self):
     Note that in this coordinate frame the y-axis points upward
     such that the cosmics arrive from upward to downward in y.
     newSize = max(self.BedrockDX(), self.BedrockDZ())
     if (newSize > 350000.):
         print("Resizing bedrock (mm) to fit cosmic generator:", newSize)
         from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
         if Configurable.allConfigurables.get('GeoModelSvc'):
             GeoModelSvc = Configurable.allConfigurables.get('GeoModelSvc')
             from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
             GeoModelSvc = theApp.service('GeoModelSvc')
         if (newSize <= 500000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock500'
         elif (newSize <= 1000000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock1000'
         elif (newSize <= 1500000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock1500'
         elif (newSize <= 2000000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock2000'
         elif (newSize <= 3000000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock3000'
         elif (newSize <= 4000000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock4000'
         elif (newSize <= 5000000):
             GeoModelSvc.CavernInfraVersionOverride = 'CavernInfra-03-Bedrock5000'
         print("No need to resize the bedrock for cosmic generation")
Exemplo n.º 2
def setupMessageSvc():
   import os
   from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
   from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
   from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG, WARNING

   svcMgr.MessageSvc = theApp.service( "MessageSvc" )     # already instantiated
   MessageSvc = svcMgr.MessageSvc
   MessageSvc.OutputLevel = theApp.OutputLevel

   MessageSvc.Format       = "% F%40W%S%4W%R%e%s%8W%R%T %0W%M"
   # Add timestamp when running in partition
   if os.environ.get('TDAQ_PARTITION','') != 'athenaHLT':
      MessageSvc.Format = "%t  " + MessageSvc.Format

   MessageSvc.ErsFormat    = "%S: %M"
   MessageSvc.printEventIDLevel = WARNING

   # Message suppression
   MessageSvc.enableSuppression    = False
   MessageSvc.suppressRunningOnly  = True

   # 0 = no suppression, negative = log-suppression, positive = normal suppression
   # Do not rely on the defaultLimit property, always set each limit separately
   MessageSvc.defaultLimit = -100
   MessageSvc.verboseLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
   MessageSvc.debugLimit   = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
   MessageSvc.infoLimit    = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
   MessageSvc.warningLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
   MessageSvc.errorLimit   = 0
   MessageSvc.fatalLimit   = 0

   # Message forwarding to ERS
   MessageSvc.useErsError = ['*']
   MessageSvc.useErsFatal = ['*']

   # set message limit to unlimited when general DEBUG is requested
   if MessageSvc.OutputLevel<=DEBUG :
      MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 0
      MessageSvc.enableSuppression = False

   # show summary statistics of messages in finalize
   MessageSvc.showStats = True
   MessageSvc.statLevel = WARNING
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _do_external(self):
        """ Place to handle the external services: GeoModel, CondDB, etc.
        AtlasG4Eng.G4Eng.log.info('SimSkeleton :: _do_external '+\

        #from LArH6Detectors import Det_Layouts
        from tbLArH6_calo import Det_Layouts

        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
        from Geo2G4.Geo2G4Conf import Geo2G4Svc
        Geo2G4Svc = Geo2G4Svc()
        theApp.CreateSvc += ["Geo2G4Svc"]
        ServiceMgr += Geo2G4Svc
        # We do not use top transforms for the CTB geometry
        Geo2G4Svc.GetTopTransform = False

        #--- GeoModel stuff ----------------------------------------------------
        from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
        from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit

        from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
        if Configurable.allConfigurables.get('GeoModelSvc'):
            GeoModelSvc = Configurable.allConfigurables.get('GeoModelSvc')
            GeoModelSvc = theApp.service('GeoModelSvc')
        GeoModelSvc.AlignCallbacks = False

        if (DetFlags.Calo_on()):
            # Common for the Calo

        ## Explicitly create DetectorGeometrySvc - temporary fix
        from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getService, getPublicTool
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
        ServiceMgr += getService('DetectorGeometrySvc')
        ServiceMgr.ToolSvc += getPublicTool('PhysicsListToolBase')
        AtlasG4Eng.G4Eng.log.info('SimSkeleton :: _do_external '+\
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging

log = logging.getLogger('TriggerUnixStandardSetup::setupCommonServices:')

# Do the default Atlas job configuration first
import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob

# Now do HLT specific configuration
from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc

# make the message service available
svcMgr.MessageSvc = theApp.service("MessageSvc")  # already instantiated
MessageSvc = svcMgr.MessageSvc
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 0
MessageSvc.enableSuppression = False
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG

# StoreGateSvc
svcMgr.StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = False

# ProxyProviderSvc services configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.ProxyProviderSvc()

# --- ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc()
svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.ProviderNames += ["ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc"]
theApp.CreateSvc += [svcMgr.ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc.getFullName()]
ServiceMgr.StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = False
ServiceMgr.StoreGateSvc.Dump            = False

# Read alignment constants, if desired

# TrackSelector defaults for beamspot work

ToolSvc = Service("ToolSvc")
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.IPd0Max = 25
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.d0significanceMax = -1
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.pTMin = 200
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.nHitBLayer = 0
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.nHitPix = 0
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.nHitSct = 0
ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool.nHitSi = 4
print ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool

# Event related parameters
theApp.EvtMax  = jobConfig['evtmax']

ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = jobConfig['inputfiles']
Exemplo n.º 6
def _setupConfig():
    rf = {}
    rf['readTAG'] = jp.Rec.readTAG()
    rf['readESD'] = jp.Rec.readESD()
    rf['readAOD'] = jp.Rec.readAOD()
    rf['readBS'] = jp.Rec.Trigger.readBS()
    rf['readRDO'] = jp.Rec.readRDO()
    rf['DataSource'] = jp.Global.DataSource()
    rf['readRDO'] = jp.Rec.readRDO()
    rf['doWriteESD'] = jp.Rec.doWriteESD()
    rf['doWriteAOD'] = jp.Rec.doWriteAOD()
    rf['doWriteTAG'] = jp.Rec.doWriteTAG()
    rf['TrigCoolSQLite'] = False

    global readRDO
    print "global readRDO=", readRDO
    varInit = globals().keys()
    print varInit
    print rf.keys()
    for o in [o for o in rf.keys() if o in varInit]:
        rf[o] = eval(o)

    #print "JJJJ DEBUG Print jobproperties"
    #print "JJJJ DEBUG Print rec.jobproperties"
    #print "JJJJ DEBUG Print rec.Trigger.jobproperties aka TriggerFlags"

    ## logging for this module
    msg = log.getLogger('TriggerConfig.py')

    ## the generic trigger configuration service needs to be set up
    from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcConfig import SetupTrigConfigSvc
    msg.info('Creating the trigger configuration service wrapper')
    svc = SetupTrigConfigSvc()

    ## ================================================================================
    ## the service depends on the condition we are running in
    ##     environment       ConfigSvc      Data input   Config input   Flags
    ##     ---------------   ------------   ----------   ------------   -----
    ## (1) data taking       HLTConfigSvc   BS           TriggerDB      DataSource='data',...
    ## (2) MC simulation     HTLConfigSvc   BS, RDO      XML            DataSource='geant3/4' and (readBS=True or readRDO=True) and doFEX=True and doHypo=True
    ##                       (to be replaced by DSConfigSvc later)
    ## (3) data processing   DSConfigSvc    BS, RDO      COOL/Oracle    readBS=True or readRDO=True
    ## (4) AOD processing    DSConfigSvc    ESD/AOD      ESD/AOD(run)   (readESD=True or readAOD=True) and doFEX=False and doHypo=False
    ##                       AODConfigSvc                ESD/AOD(ev)
    ## (5) Trigger ESD/AOD   HLTConfigSvc   ESD/AOD      XML            (readESD or readAOD)=True and doFEX=True and doHypo=True
    ## (6) Trigger rerun     HLTConfigSvc   ESD/AOD      XML            (readBS or readRDO or readESD or readAOD)=True and doFEX=False and doHypo=True
    ## (7) TAG reading       HLTConfigSvc   TAG          XML            readTAG=True
    ## ================================================================================
    ## In cases (2), (3) and (5) the configuration information needs to be written
    ## into the header of the AOD file. This is completely independent of the configuration
    ## service, but will depend on the flags readESD, readAOD, doWriteESD, doWriteAOD, doWriteTAG
    ## ================================================================================
    ## two flags are steering the execution of the trigger, if neither
    ## is True, no trigger is used
    ## - doTrigger: if True, "TriggerRelease/jobOfragment_forRecExCommon.py"
    ## is included
    ## - doTriggerConfigOnly: if True, no TrigDecision is build/used
    ## ================================================================================
    ## flags that control the setup of the trigger are
    ## boolean:
    ## readBS,  readAOD,    readESD,    readRDO,    readTAG
    ## writeBS, doWriteAOD, doWriteESD, doWriteRDO, doWriteTAG
    ## readLVL1configFromXML, readHLTconfigFromXML
    ## string:
    ## inputHLTconfigFile, inputLVL1configFile, outputHLTconfigFile, outputLVL1configFile
    ## on/offline:
    ## DataSource: ['data','geant3','geant4']
    ## ================================================================================

    svc.hltXmlFile = lv1_menu_file_name = jp.Rec.Trigger.inputHLTconfigFile()
    svc.l1XmlFile = jp.Rec.Trigger.inputLVL1configFile()

    myList = []
    scenario = 0
    if len(jp.Rec.Trigger.configurationSourceList()) > 0:
        # take the user-defined list of trigger configuration sources:
        myList = jp.Rec.Trigger.configurationSourceList()

        print jp.Rec
        if rf['readTAG']:  # TAG
            myList = ['xml']

        elif rf['readESD'] or rf['readAOD']:  # AOD/ESD
            myList = ['ds', 'aod', 'xml']

        elif rf['readBS'] or rf['readRDO']:  # RDO/BS
            if rf['DataSource'] == 'data':
                myList = ['ds', 'xml']
                myList = ['xml']

            msg.fatal('no reading of BS, RDO, AOD, ESD, or TAG specified')

    message = 'setup the following services in order: '
    for s in myList:
        message += s + " "

        msg.error('failed to set state of TrigConfigSvc ...')

        msg.error('failed to activate TrigConfigSvc ...')

    if rf['doWriteESD'] or rf['doWriteAOD'] or rf['doWriteTAG'] or ('ds'
                                                                    in myList):

        ## setup the copying of configuration data from input to output metadatastore
        if rf['doWriteESD'] or rf['doWriteAOD'] or rf['doWriteTAG']:
                'writing of ESD, AOD, or TAG requested, will setup IOVDbSvc to access configuration meta data'
                'DSConfigSvc enabled, will setup IOVDbSvc to access configuration meta data'

        # first we need a new algorithm that triggers the copying
        from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
        from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcConf import TrigConf__TrigConfDataIOVChanger as TrigConfDataIOVChanger
        topAlgs = AlgSequence()
        TrigConfDataIOVChanger = TrigConfDataIOVChanger(
        topAlgs += TrigConfDataIOVChanger

        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc

        if not hasattr(ToolSvc, 'IOVDbMetaDataTool'):
            from IOVDbMetaDataTools.IOVDbMetaDataToolsConf import IOVDbMetaDataTool
            ToolSvc += IOVDbMetaDataTool("IOVDbMetaDataTool")

        if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'MetaDataSvc'):
            from EventSelectorAthenaPool.EventSelectorAthenaPoolConf import MetaDataSvc
            svcMgr += MetaDataSvc("MetaDataSvc")
            svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataContainer = "MetaDataHdr"
            svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.MetaDataTools += ["IOVDbMetaDataTool"]

        # for debugging uncomment the following three lines
        from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE
        ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
        svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.OutputLevel = VERBOSE

        dbConnection = "<dbConnection>impl=cool;techno=oracle;schema=ATLAS_COOLONL_READER;devdb10:COOLTEST:atlas_trig_stelzer</dbConnection>"

        ### when moving to configurable IOVDbSvc use the ### lines and remove those with ## at the end
        ### import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
        ### IOVDbSvc = svcMgr.IOVDbSvc
        from AthenaCommon.Include import include  ##
        include("IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc_jobOptions.py")  ##
        IOVDbSvc = theApp.service("IOVDbSvc")  ##
        #from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE
        #IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel = VERBOSE

        ## if we process MC from an XML file the dbConnection needs to
        ## be set to a local SQlite file

        if (rf['readRDO'] or rf['readBS']) and (rf['DataSource'] == 'geant3'
                                                or rf['DataSource'] == 'geant4'
                                                or rf['TrigCoolSQLite']):
            from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConf2COOL import theConfCOOLWriter
            dbConnection = theConfCOOLWriter.dbConnection
            theConfCOOLWriter.isWritingNeeded = True
            TrigConfDataIOVChanger.AdjustIOV = True

        msg.info("COOL DBConnection: " + dbConnection)

        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/ItemDef <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>"]
        ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey <tag>HEAD</tag>"]

        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/LVL1/ItemDef <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##
        IOVDbSvc.Folders += [
            dbConnection + "/TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey <tag>HEAD</tag>"
        ]  ##

        # only in jobs that write AOD or ESD
        if rf['doWriteAOD'] or rf['doWriteESD']:
                'writing of ESD or AOD enabled, will setup IOVDbSvc to write configuration meta data'
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/HLT/Menu"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/LVL1/ItemDef"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/HLT/Prescales"]
            ### svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData+=["/TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey"]

            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/HLT/Menu"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/LVL1/ItemDef"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/HLT/Prescales"]  ##
            IOVDbSvc.FoldersToMetaData += ["/TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey"]  ##
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _do_external(self):
        """ Place to handle the external services: GeoModel, CondDB, etc.
        AtlasG4Eng.G4Eng.log.info('SimSkeleton :: _do_external '+\
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
        from Geo2G4.Geo2G4Conf import Geo2G4Svc
        Geo2G4Svc = Geo2G4Svc()
        theApp.CreateSvc += ["Geo2G4Svc"]
        ServiceMgr += Geo2G4Svc
        Geo2G4Svc.GetTopTransform = False

        from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
        from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
        if Configurable.allConfigurables.get('GeoModelSvc'):
            GeoModelSvc = Configurable.allConfigurables.get('GeoModelSvc')
            GeoModelSvc = theApp.service('GeoModelSvc')
        GeoModelSvc.AlignCallbacks = False

        from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import simFlags
        if (simFlags.SimLayout.get_Value() == 'tb_Tile2000_2003_2B2EB'):
            # 2 Barrels + 2 Extended Barrels
            GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = 'TileTB-2B2EB-00'
        elif (simFlags.SimLayout.get_Value() == 'tb_Tile2000_2003_2B1EB'):
            # 2 Barrels + 1 Extended Barrel
            GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = 'TileTB-2B1EB-00'
        elif (simFlags.SimLayout.get_Value() == 'tb_Tile2000_2003_3B'):
            # 3 Barrels
            GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = 'TileTB-3B-00'
        elif (simFlags.SimLayout.get_Value() == 'tb_Tile2000_2003_5B'):
            # 5 Barrels
            GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = 'TileTB-5B-00'

        from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
        if (DetFlags.Calo_on()):
            # Common for the Calo
        ##--- Persistency of test-beam layout ----------------------------------
        if jobproperties.AthenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput.statusOn:
            from TBDetDescrAlg.TBDetDescrAlgConf import TBDetDescrLoader
            from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
            job = AlgSequence()
            TBDetDescrLoader = TBDetDescrLoader()
            job += TBDetDescrLoader
            TBDetDescrLoader.TBElementContainer = "TBElementCnt"
            TBDetDescrLoader.TBDetDescrManager = "TBDetDescrMgr"
            # do not read anything from StoreGate
            TBDetDescrLoader.ReadAction = 0
            # and write TBDetDescrContainer to StoreGate every event
            TBDetDescrLoader.WriteAction = 2
            TBDetDescrLoader.OutputLevel = 5

        ## Explicitly create DetectorGeometrySvc - temporary fix
        from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getService, getPublicTool
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
        ServiceMgr += getService('DetectorGeometrySvc')
        ServiceMgr.ToolSvc += getPublicTool('PhysicsListToolBase')
        AtlasG4Eng.G4Eng.log.info('SimSkeleton :: _do_external '+\
# TrigServicesEventLoopMgr configuration file
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.Constants import *

# make the HltEventLoopMgr service available
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr = theApp.service( "HltEventLoopMgr" )     # already instantiated
HltEventLoopMgr = svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr

# configure here Level-1 CTP ROB identifier which is used in HLT
HltEventLoopMgr.Lvl1CTPROBid = 0x770001

# request that events with invalid or missing CTP ROBs are skipped by the HltEventLoopMgr
# (default: don't skip these events)
HltEventLoopMgr.Lvl1CTPROBcheck = TRUE

# name of the HLT Result object in StoreGate
HltEventLoopMgr.HltResultName = "HLTResult_HLT"

# handling of truncated HLT Results
# switch on saving of events with truncated HLT results to DEBUG stream (default FALSE)
#HltEventLoopMgr.WriteTruncatedHLTtoDebug = FALSE 
# name of DEBUG Stream (default "TruncatedHLTResult")
Exemplo n.º 9
# Parse option to specify output item list
ItemList = []
if 'OutputItemList' in globals().keys():
    ItemList = globals()['OutputItemList']

# Parse option to specify HLT result module ID for decoding
HLTModuleID = 0
if 'ModuleID' in globals().keys():
    HLTModuleID = globals()['ModuleID']

# Set message limit to unlimited when general DEBUG is requested
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.Constants import DEBUG

msgSvc = theApp.service("MessageSvc")
if msgSvc.OutputLevel <= DEBUG:
    msgSvc.defaultLimit = 0
    msgSvc.enableSuppression = False

# Define top sequence and output sequence
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence, AthSequencer

topSequence = AlgSequence()
outSequence = AthSequencer("AthOutSeq")

# Set input file to new-style flags
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags

ConfigFlags.Input.Files = athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput()