Exemplo n.º 1
def conf_rst(tar_name):
    if os.path.exists("/data/oper/confBak/%s" % tar_name):
        print blue(">>>>解包配置文件...")
        local("cd /data/oper/confBak && rm -rf apps && tar -xvf %s" % tar_name)
        for app in applist:
            instList = getConfPath(rulesPath, app)
            for inst in instList:
                inst_no = inst[0]
                ip = inst[1]
                port = inst[2]
                rmtPath = inst[3] + '../conf/'
                with settings(host_string=ip):
                    localPath = "%s/apps/%s/" % (confBakPath, app)
                    local_folder_name = "conf-%s-%s-%s" % (app, inst_no, port)
                    # 个性化各台机器配置 - 可选
                    mod_sigle_inst(app, ip, port, localPath + local_folder_name, "server.properties", inst_no)
                    mod_sigle_inst(app, ip, port, localPath + local_folder_name, "system.properties", inst_no)
                    # 建立远程路径
                    run("mkdir -p %s" % inst[3])
                    run("cd %s../ && mkdir -p ./conf/" % (inst[3]))
                    put(localPath + local_folder_name + "/*", rmtPath)
        local("cd /data/oper/confBak && rm -rf apps")
        print blue("还原完毕!")
        print "并没有找到包 %s" % tar_name
Exemplo n.º 2
def confByApp(app, fName):
    rules = getConfPath(rulesPath, app)
    # [('1', '', 8080, '/data/foundation/ver/'), ('2', '', 8080, '/data/foundation/ver/')]
    print rules
    for rule in rules:
        instId = rule[0]
        ip = rule[1]
        port = rule[2]
        toPath = rule[3] + '../conf/'
        confByInst(app, ip, port, confModPath, fName, toPath, instId)
Exemplo n.º 3
def conf_bak():
    print blue("开始备份所有配置文件...")
    for app in applist:
        instList = getConfPath(rulesPath, app)
        for inst in instList:
            inst_no = inst[0]
            ip = inst[1]
            port = inst[2]
            rmtPath = inst[3] + '../conf/*'
            with settings(host_string=ip):
                localPath = "%s/apps/%s/conf-%s-%s-%s" % (confBakPath, app, app, inst_no, port)
                local("mkdir -p %s" % localPath)
                get(rmtPath, localPath)
    backTarName = 'confs-' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%m%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
    local("cd %s&&tar -rf %s.tar ./apps/* && rm -rf ./apps" % (confBakPath, backTarName))
    print blue("备份完毕:\n %s.tar 保存在:%s 中" % (backTarName, confBakPath))
Exemplo n.º 4
def tomcat_xml_rst(tar_name):
    if os.path.exists("/data/oper/confBak/%s" % tar_name):
        print blue(">>>>解包配置文件...")
        local("cd /data/oper/confBak && rm -rf tomcats && tar -xvf %s" % tar_name)
        for app in applist:
            instList = getConfPath(rulesPath, app)
            for inst in instList:
                inst_no = inst[0]
                ip = inst[1]
                port = inst[2]
                rmtPath = inst[3] + '../tomcat/conf/'
                with settings(host_string=ip):
                    localPath = "%s/tomcats/%s/" % (confBakPath, app)
                    local_name = "server.xml-%s-%s-%s" % (app, inst_no, port)
                    # 建立远程路径
                    run("mkdir -p %s" % inst[3])
                    run("cd %s../ && mkdir -p ./tomcat/conf/" % (inst[3]))
                    put(localPath + local_name, rmtPath + "server.xml")
        local("cd /data/oper/confBak && rm -rf tomcats")
        print blue("还原完毕!")
        print "并没有找到包 %s" % tar_name
Exemplo n.º 5
def startAllHostOf(app):
    targets = getConfPath(rulesPath, app)
    if (targets and len(targets) >= 0):
        for target in targets: