Exemplo n.º 1
    def init_run(self):
        Prints info message and performs application authentication with Twitter.

        :return:        None
        Helper.output("Spawning query thread [Q].")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def twitter_search(self, search_string):
         search_results = self.twitter_instance.search.tweets(q=search_string)
         output = search_results['statuses']
     except (TwitterHTTPError, URLError):
         Helper.output("[!] Problem connecting to twitter...")
         output = None  # If this bombs out, we have the option of at least spitting out a result.
     except Exception as e:
         Helper.output("[!] Unknown problem querying twitter:\n%s" % e)
         output = None  # If this bombs out, we have the option of at least spitting out a result.
     return output
Exemplo n.º 3
    def init_database(self):
        Prepares a sqlite3 database for data set storage. If the file specified in AvivoreConfig.database_path
        doesn't exist a new sqlite3 database with table 'Data' is created. Otherwise the existing database is used to
        store additional data sets.

        :return:    None
        if not Helper.is_string(self.database_path):
            raise AvivoreConfigException('Invalid database path specified!')

        table_data_exists = False

        if os.path.isfile(self.database_path):
            Helper.output('Using existing database to store results.')
                dbcon = lite.connect(self.database_path)
                dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
                dbcur.execute('SELECT Count(*) FROM Data')
                Helper.output(str(dbcur.fetchone()[0]) + ' entries in this database so far.')
                table_data_exists = True
            except lite.OperationalError:
                Helper.output('[W] Table \'Data\' not found in database!')

        if not table_data_exists:  # If the database doesn't exist, we'll create it.
            Helper.output('Creating new table \'Data\' in database \'%s\' to store data!' % self.database_path)
            dbcon = lite.connect(self.database_path)
            dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
                'CREATE TABLE Data (TimeRecv int, Type int, User text, UserId text, Value text, TID int, Message text)')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def init_database(self):
        Prepares a sqlite3 database for data set storage. If the file specified in AvivoreConfig.database_path
        doesn't exist a new sqlite3 database with table 'Data' is created. Otherwise the existing database is used to
        store additional data sets.

        :return:    None
        if not Helper.is_string(self.database_path):
            raise AvivoreConfigException('Invalid database path specified!')

        table_data_exists = False

        if os.path.isfile(self.database_path):
            Helper.output('Using existing database to store results.')
                dbcon = lite.connect(self.database_path)
                dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
                dbcur.execute('SELECT Count(*) FROM Data')
                    str(dbcur.fetchone()[0]) +
                    ' entries in this database so far.')
                table_data_exists = True
            except lite.OperationalError:
                Helper.output('[W] Table \'Data\' not found in database!')

        if not table_data_exists:  # If the database doesn't exist, we'll create it.
                'Creating new table \'Data\' in database \'%s\' to store data!'
                % self.database_path)
            dbcon = lite.connect(self.database_path)
            dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
                'CREATE TABLE Data (TimeRecv int, Type int, User text, UserId text, Value text, TID int, Message text)'
Exemplo n.º 5
    def extract_data_from_tweet(self, avivore, tweet):
        Scans data for extractable data sets (previously defined in the 'TypeDefs' section of the AvivoreXT
        configuration) and if found stores them in the result database.

        :param avivore: Previously initialized Avivore instance.
        :param tweet:   The tweet to analyzed that was returned from Twitter as a JSON object.
        :return:        None
        z = tweet['id'], tweet['created_at'], tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text'], tweet['user']['id_str']
        result = avivore.twitter_read_tweet(z[3])
        if result[0] >= 0:  # If something is found, then we'll process the tweet
            self.stored = self.stored, int(z[0])
            # result value, time, result itself, tweet ID, tweet itself, userId
            string = result[0], z[2], result[1], z[0], z[3], z[4]
            message = avivore.process_tweet(string)
            if message is not None:
                Helper.output("[Q] " + message)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def init_config_database(self, config_database_path):
        Prepares a sqlite3 database for use as a configuration database. Creates a database with the specified
        filename and creates empty 'Config' and 'TypeDefs' database tables that are going to hold all configuration

        :param config_database_path: Path to database file.
        :return:    Returns a cursor to the sqlite3 database connection that can be used for further database
        if not os.path.isfile(config_database_path):
            if not Helper.filepath_exists(config_database_path):
                raise AvivoreConfigException(
                    'Invalid path to configuration database file specified!')
            Helper.output('[W] Configuration database file not found!')
            Helper.output('[W] Creating a new configuration database.')
                '[W] Now please store your configuration in database file \'%s\', then try again!'
                % config_database_path)
        dbcon = lite.connect(config_database_path)
        dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
            'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Config (dbpath text, consumer_key text, consumer_secret text, \
            credentials_file text, stream_tracking_keyword text, csv_search_term, interval int)'
            'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TypeDefs (Id int, Regex text, Comment text)'
        return dbcur
Exemplo n.º 7
    def init_config_database(self, config_database_path):
        Prepares a sqlite3 database for use as a configuration database. Creates a database with the specified
        filename and creates empty 'Config' and 'TypeDefs' database tables that are going to hold all configuration

        :param config_database_path: Path to database file.
        :return:    Returns a cursor to the sqlite3 database connection that can be used for further database
        if not os.path.isfile(config_database_path):
            if not Helper.filepath_exists(config_database_path):
                raise AvivoreConfigException('Invalid path to configuration database file specified!')
            Helper.output('[W] Configuration database file not found!')
            Helper.output('[W] Creating a new configuration database.')
            Helper.output('[W] Now please store your configuration in database file \'%s\', then try again!'
                          % config_database_path)
        dbcon = lite.connect(config_database_path)
        dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
            'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Config (dbpath text, consumer_key text, consumer_secret text, \
            credentials_file text, stream_tracking_keyword text, csv_search_term, interval int)')
        dbcur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TypeDefs (Id int, Regex text, Comment text)')
        return dbcur
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_output(self):
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output("Test"))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output("\u2031\u203c\u2049"))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(self))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(None))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(True))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(Helper.output))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(3))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(3.14))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(['a1', 'b2', 'c3']))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(('it1', 'it2')))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(array('l', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(array('B', [0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45])))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(bytearray.fromhex("deadbeef")))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_output(self):
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output("Test"))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output("\u2031\u203c\u2049"))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(self))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(None))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(True))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(Helper.output))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(3))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(3.14))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(['a1', 'b2', 'c3']))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(('it1', 'it2')))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(array('l', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])))
         None == Helper.output(array('B', [0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45])))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(bytearray.fromhex("deadbeef")))
     self.assertTrue(None == Helper.output(dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def twitter_stream_main(self):
        Helper.output("Beginning stream processing [S].")
        stored = []
        twitter_stream_inst = self.twitter_stream_auth()

            iterator = twitter_stream_inst.statuses.filter(track=self.avivore_config.twitter_track_keywords)

            for y in iterator:
                # tweet may be a delete or data msg
                if y is None:
                # tweet may indicate a timeout
                elif y is Timeout:
                    Helper.output("[S] Stream timeout...")
                elif y is HeartbeatTimeout:
                    Helper.output("[S] Heartbeat timeout...")
                # tweet may indicate a hung up stream conn.
                elif y is Hangup:
                    Helper.output("[S] Stream hangup detected!")
                # ok, tweet seems to contain text, process it
                elif 'id' in y and 'created_at' in y and 'user' in y and 'text' in y:
                    # print y
                    z = y['id'], y['created_at'], y['user']['screen_name'], y['text'], y['user']['id_str']
                    result = self.twitter_read_tweet(z[3])
                    if result[0] < 0:
                    else:  # If something is found, then we'll process the tweet
                        stored = stored, int(z[0])
                        # result value, time, result itself, tweet ID, tweet itself, userId
                        string = result[0], z[2], result[1], z[0], z[3], z[4]
                        message = self.process_tweet(string)
                        if 0 != message:
                            Helper.output("[S] " + message)
        except (TwitterHTTPError, URLError):
            Helper.output("[!] Can't connect to twitter stream! Check your network connection!")
        except Exception as e:
            Helper.output("[!] Unknown stream processing error: %s\n" % (str(e)))
            Helper.output("[S] Stream processing stopped.")