Exemplo n.º 1
bl.bed_files = ['BED00001.nc', 'BED00002.nc', 'BED00003.nc', 'BED00005.nc',
                'BED00006.nc', 'BED00008.nc', 'BED00014.nc', 'BED00015.nc',
                'BED00017.nc', 'BED00018.nc', 'BED00020.nc', 'BED00026.nc',
                'BED00038.nc', 'BED00039.nc', 'BED00040.nc', 'BED00041.nc',
                'BED00042.nc', 'BED00043.nc', 'BED00044.nc', 'BED00046.nc',
                'BED00047.nc', 'BED00048.nc', 'BED00049.nc', 'BED00062.nc',
                'BED00082.nc', 'BED00083.nc', 'BED00084.nc', 'BED00085.nc',
                'BED00086.nc', 'BED00087.nc', 'BED00088.nc', 'BED00089.nc',
                'BED00090.nc', 'BED00092.nc', 'BED00093.nc', 'BED00094.nc',
                'BED00095.nc', 'BED00096.nc', 'BED00097.nc', 'BED00098.nc',
                'BED00100.nc', 'BED00101.nc', 'BED00102.nc', 'BED00103.nc',
                'BED00104.nc', 'BED00106.nc', 'BED00107.nc', 'BED00108.nc',
                'BED00109.nc', 'BED00110.nc', 'BED00111.nc', 'BED00112.nc',
                'BED00113.nc', 'BED00114.nc', 'BED00115.nc', 'BED00116.nc',
                'BED00117.nc', 'BED00118.nc', 'BED00123.nc', 'BED00124.nc',
                'BED00125.nc', 'BED00126.nc', 'BED00127.nc', 'BED00129.nc',
                'BED00130.nc', 'BED00131.nc', 'BED00132.nc', 'BED00133.nc',
                'BED00136.nc', 'BED00137.nc', 'BED00138.nc', 'BED00139.nc',
                'BED00142.nc', 'BED00143.nc', 'BED00144.nc', 'BED00146.nc',
                'BED00148.nc', 'BED00149.nc', 'BED00151.nc', 'BED00152.nc',
                'BED00154.nc', 'BED00155.nc', 'BED00156.nc', 'BED00157.nc',
                'BED00158.nc', 'BED00159.nc', 'BED00160.nc', 'BED00161.nc',
                'BED00162.nc', 'BED00163.nc', 'BED00164.nc', 'BED00166.nc',
                'BED00167.nc', 'BED00169.nc', 'BED00170.nc', 'BED00172.nc',
                'BED00173.nc', 'BED00174.nc', 'BED00175.nc', 'BED00176.nc',
                'BED00177.nc', 'BED00178.nc', 'BED00179.nc', 'BED00180.nc',
                'BED00181.nc', 'BED00182.nc', 'BED00183.nc', 'BED00185.nc',
                'BED00186.nc', 'BED00197.nc', 'BED00198.nc', 'BED00200.nc',
                'BED00203.nc', 'BED00204.nc', 'BED00205.nc', 'BED00206.nc',
                'BED00207.nc', 'BED00211.nc', 'BED00212.nc', 'BED00213.nc',
                'BED00214.nc', 'BED00215.nc', 'BED00216.nc', 'BED00217.nc',
                'BED00218.nc', 'BED00219.nc', 'BED00220.nc', 'BED00221.nc',
                'BED00222.nc', 'BED00223.nc', 'BED00224.nc', 'BED00227.nc',
                'BED00229.nc', 'BED00230.nc', 'BED00231.nc']
Exemplo n.º 2
# Base OPeNDAP server
bl.tdsBase = 'http://odss-test.shore.mbari.org/thredds/'
bl.dodsBase = bl.tdsBase + 'dodsC/'       

# Files created by bed2netcdf.py from the BEDS SVN BEDS repository
bl.bed_base = bl.dodsBase + 'BEDS/'
# Copied from ProjectLibrary to Hyrax server on elvis with:
#   rsync -r /mbari/ProjectLibrary/901006.BEDS/BEDS.Data/CanyonEvents /var/www/dods_html/data/beds
bl.bed_base = 'http://elvis.shore.mbari.org/opendap/hyrax/data/beds/CanyonEvents/20130601/BED1/netcdf/'
##bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'ROT', 'PRESS', 'BED_DEPTH']   # For timeSeries
##bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'ROT']
bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT', 'ROTRATE']

bl.bed_files = ['BED01_1_June_2013.nc',
##                'bed03/30100046_partial_decimated10.nc',
bl.bed_platforms = [ 'BED01',
##                     'BED03',

bl.bed_depths = [ 303,

# Execute the load

if bl.args.test:
    bl.loadBEDS(stride=100, featureType='trajectory')
Exemplo n.º 3

# Base OPeNDAP server
bl.bed_base = 'http://elvis64.shore.mbari.org/opendap/data/beds/CanyonEvents/20130601/BED1/netcdf/'
# Copied from ProjectLibrary to Hyrax server on elvis with:
#   rsync -r /mbari/ProjectLibrary/901006.BEDS/BEDS.Data/CanyonEvents /var/www/dods_html/data/beds

##bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'ROT', 'PRESS', 'BED_DEPTH']   # For timeSeries
##bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ', 'ROT']
##bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT', 'ROTRATE']
bl.bed_parms = [
    'XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROTRATE', 'ROTCOUNT', 'P'

bl.bed_files = [
    ##                'bed03/30100046_partial_decimated10.nc',
bl.bed_platforms = [
    ##                     'BED03',

bl.bed_depths = [
bl.bed_framegrabs = [

# Execute the load
Exemplo n.º 4
# Copied from ProjectLibrary to BEDs SVN working dir for netCDF conversion, and then copied to elvis.
# See BEDs/BEDs/Visualization/py/makeBEDNetCDF_CCE.sh

bl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROTRATE', 'ROTCOUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED', 'DEPTH']

# Several BED files: 30200078 to 3020080
# bed_files, bed_platforms, bed_depths must have same number of items; they are zipped together in the load
##bl.bed_files = [('CanyonEvents/BED3/20151001_20160115/{}.nc').format(n) for n in range(30200078, 30200081)]
##bl.bed_platforms = ['BED03'] * len(bl.bed_files)
##bl.bed_depths = [201] * len(bl.bed_files)

# Just the event files for the CCE
bl.bed_files = [
bl.bed_platforms = ['BED05', 'BED03', 'BED06', 'BED03']
bl.bed_depths = [388, 201, 521, 289.3]
bl.bed_framegrabs = [

# Execute the load for trajectory representation